Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: Ruyi stick

However, He Fangyuan saw it clearly. In the extremely short gap between the disappearance of Jinguang and the long stick, Xiao Hua’s detective took away the two poultry repair bags in the waist! !

"When ~~~" a deafening loud noise! The strong volatility was born from the match between the long stick and the mace, just like the fireball that was previously sown by Xiao Hua, and all the snow and other things within the square were washed away! Immediately, the volatility is like the turbulent waves of the sea, and it is the impact of the four sides!

In midair, both the Taoist monks and the poultry repairs that are being guarded are all unstable by this sound wave! Even Yu Leizong's several refining disciples, as well as two bird repair figures are shaking a few times, falling from the air! ! !

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua's laughter sounds again after the sound of the sound. "Good strength, good strength! You can eat a little master again!"

During the speech, Xiao Hua’s figure flew again. The long stick crossed the sky and made a “sore” sound. He stood there in the stupid position, his arms were completely numb, and the mace was hit in the middle. The twisted giants go!

Look at the giant's feet, the big feet have not entered the underground, turned out to be the intrusion of Xiao Hua!

"When ~" is another sound, this voice is obviously not the first fierce, but it is still the sound of the sounds of the people who are lingering in the sound!

This time, the giant's mace has been completely bent and can't be formed at all! Even the giant's arms are squatting, the power is hanging down, the face is pale, and the eyes are full of fear!

"I will eat a little master again!" Xiao Hua is not forgiving. The long stick is lifted with weightlifting. The horrifying thing happened. Not waiting for Xiao Hua’s long stick to lift up, the giant actually pulled his foot out of the ground, and without saying anything, dragging the mace was going away in the distance. The big foot squatting on the ground will shake the ground!

"Don't run~ eat a little grandfather!" Xiaohua's figure flew up, seemingly chasing toward the giant, but his body was slightly shaking, actually came to another recent giant, the long stick girl Just lay it down!

The giant seems to be in the heart of Nahan. I don’t know what it means to escape the giant. Xiao Hua’s long stick is hitting his forehead!

Needless to say, the giant lifted the mace to welcome it!

It was just a remake of the previous one, and it was a huge earthquake. Once again, the waves were slammed, and everyone was turned over in the air! What is different from the previous one is that this giant does not wait for Xiao Hua to pick up the long stick again, and he will drag the mace to the top and turn around. It is also catching up with the giant who escaped before, the romantic flow that turned around... Hey. It’s so wonderful!

This giant does not hurry, just like the disciples who first ran the Tao. The thought of running away immediately grew from the hearts of all the giants. They waited for Xiao Hua to fly to themselves. They all took the initiative and did not hesitate. The stick slammed on his shoulder and spread the big foot scorpion that Xiaoyu was on the top of the mainland, and escaped!

"This..." The poultry repaired in the air! They are also waking up like a dream, just waking up from the destruction of two poultry repairs!

"嘎~" A bird screams in the mouth, and the body shape does not hesitate. The sky is flying, straight to the clouds!

Other poultry repairs, as well as long sounds, fluttering wings, it is necessary to fly away with the bird repair!

"You will stay!" Xiao Hua flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, and his body shape also flew, even more than the poultry repair. Towards the opposite side of him, the bird that had just killed the Taiqing sects was attacked!

"嘎~~~~~" The bird was shocked and did not hesitate to rush to Xiaohua. The sharp and abnormal bird was also explored.

but. He just stretched out the bird's beak, it seems that he was awake, his wings were agitated, his body shape turned sharply, and he crossed an arc and wanted to escape again! And Xiao Hua’s figure at this time has been a little too much with him, so how close is Xiao Hua to escape? I saw the long stick in his hand dancing again, like a stalwart jade straight to the abdomen of the bird repair! Seeing is to hit the poultry repair, the poultry repairs the body to emit three colors of brilliance, the flight speed of the poultry repair suddenly increased, and the distance will be opened!

"Grandma's, if it is half a foot long, it will stop!" When Xiao Hua roared, it was to push the thunder, a weird thing happened, and only two long sticks suddenly It is half a foot! ! !

"Hey, this..." Xiao Hua was shocked! Of course, the long stick is still more than half a foot still can not hit the poultry repair, this suddenly more than half a foot, no one can see!

"Hit ~" rush between Xiao Hua can not see, urging 蛰 thunder suddenly accelerated, the long stick suddenly hit, it is playing in the abdomen repaired abdomen!

A sip of blood was spit out, and the poultry repaired a scream. When the wings were curled up, they fell from the side of Xiao Hua! And Xiao Hua took the storage bag of the poultry repair, and then ignored it. The body of the poultry repaired by the long sticks, how can it still live?

"Mo walk! Leave a few more!!" Xiao Hua shouted, but the figure was slowed down, no need to smash Thunder.

The poultry repair was scared by Xiao Hua. These screams actually caused a few birds to repair their bodies, and I thought Xiao Hua caught up with them! When they saw that Xiao Hua was standing still in the same place, and did not catch up, this was relieved, and the head did not dare to go straight to the sky, and when he couldn’t see it, he was far away!

"Grandma's, isn't the young man too... is it too hot?" Xiao Hua thought it over, but he saw the dozens of people standing there standing there, all looking at themselves with an incredible look. Even the people of Yu Leizong are the same!

Yes, this time, Xiao Hua did not use any phoenix law for the enemy. Even so, it is so fierce that one or more of the giants will be killed by one person. It is also killing three birds and repairing them. The snakes and the bird repairs that have no means of killing are also driven away!

This... Is this still a foundation monk?

"But it~" Xiaohua sighed and closed his eyes. The real element in the body also stopped flowing. The body shape of a fallen onion was dropped from the air!

"Xiao Hua~" Ming Hao and Hui Ling have already been ready, almost heart-shaped Qi Qifei in the air, want to catch Xiao Hua!

"Okay, Cui Hongyi, Laozi remembers you!" Xiaohua was angry. "I saved you again. You still don't hurry to catch up? If two female practitioners catch Laozi, how can Lao Xue deal with Xue Xue? what!"

"哎哟~" Kankan was in the first step of the Ming dynasty, Xiao Hua "finally" wake up, barely stood in the air, and smiled and said to Ming Hao and Ling Ling, "Thank you two, Xiaomou... ...cough cough..." Immediately after Xiao Hua’s cough, his face was red!

Ps: At 20:00 on Sunday night, see yy channel 13784840, Khan, or use this large instrument for the first time...

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