Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1196: Sneak attack on the Sky City?

At this time, it is already night, and the stars are scattered in the night sky. There are not many clouds in the sky, and the half moon is slanting in the sky.

The night sky city seems to be colder than the day. Although the monks are not afraid of the cold, there are few people on the street. Only the Guanghua Temple inside the tall and tall buildings reflects the night scene. It is the star with the sky. Fight for it. On the snowy plateau, there is also a sprinkling of silver, and the moonlight is combined with snow, giving off a shimmering glow. The entire plateau is almost the same as the spar that shines through the body.

Hundreds of miles away from the Sky City, several swords of different colors swayed and stopped at a mountain.

These swords are gradually dimmed, and the swordsmen above the Jianguang show their physique. It is just a few swordsmen, but the first one is the Qin sword in red!

But see the Qin Jianshen read the left, and said: "All the swordsmen, I will wait here for the time being!"

"But listen to Qin Jianyou!" Several magic swordsmen are replied with respect and respect.

"Good~" Qin Jian was quite satisfied with listening. He took a hand and took out a Jianjian. He saw a little frowning and asked a swordsman with a gray hair and a slightly fat body. "Zhu Jianyou, this is Ming. Is the position of the secret transmission array of the Sky City found by the Jianzong disciple? Can you be sure?"

"Good teaching Qin Jianyou knows that the transmission array here is also learned by my Ming Jianzong disciple killing several Taoist monks!" The swordsman was Zhu Chengye of Ming Jianzong, and he heard Qin Jian’s question, arching, " Although this place has not been seen in this sword, Ben Jian believes this message!"

"Well," Qin Jian nodded slightly, and said with awkwardness. "It’s not Qin who doesn’t believe it. It’s only three hundred miles away from the Sky City. If you go ahead, you will enter the range of the gods of the Sky City. I have to wait carefully to be careful!”

"Yes, Zhu also knows!" Zhu Chengye lost his smile. "But even if it was discovered by the real people in the snowy area, it is also on the edge of his mind. I can escape, and I can escape his palm! It is the reason, Zhu is this. Please Qin Jianyou and all the swordsmen help each other!"

"Zhu Jianyou!" Another middle-aged swordsman couldn't help but ask, "Yong Jianxuan's Zhong Shu Xuan Zhong Jianyou really fallen?"

Zhu Chengye sighed. He replied: "Hey. It is. The teacher’s sword in the Zong’s life is broken, and the lord immediately sent Zhu with his disciples to go to the yin and yang two springs to find. But I don’t want to be a swordsman, Zhu follows the bell brother. The route left finds two places where the Yin and Yang sword spirits can be sacrificed. Those places are all in a mess. There are traces of killing with the monks. There are even traces of the scorching sun. But there is no Zhongshidi and other Mingjian. The corpse of the disciple is the yin and yang sword that does not know whether the sacrifice is successful or not!"

"Oh, don't say it. This is what the Taoist monk did!" The middle-aged swordsman sneered. "They can send out dozens of Jindan monks to attack the Lingshi veins that I just got, and I can kill them." Go to the two springs to worship the swordsman of the sword spirit!"

"Yeah~" Zhu Chengye nodded. "Zhu is also such an idea. He heard Qin Jianyou ambush under the Lingshi mine. He led the Taoist monks into the ambush and killed 13 Jindan monks in one fell swoop. Among the stone veins, please ask your friends to help each other! If Qin Jianyou has such a big hand in the Lingshi vein, the damage of my Ming Jianzong disciple is so shameful to me!"

"Yes, Qin Jianyou is indeed far-sighted, Tianmou is also admire!" The middle-aged swordsman is Tian Simu of the Yanzhujian faction.

"惭愧~" Qin Jian’s face showed a hint of color, but then he laughed again. "The swordsmen will think that Qin is too powerful. To be honest, the Lingshi vein is really lucky. Qin Someone happened to take Tian Jianyou and others from the blast and snow, and happened to receive the communication from Guan Peng. Qin had temporarily changed his direction! And when Qin listened to Guan Jianyou, he felt that the monks would With some action, this is left in the Lingshi vein. I wanted to see it. As a result, they are really coming!"

"Of course, the monks are also blackmailed. Actually, they attacked the Lingshi veins on one side, and on the other hand, they stopped the Mingjian sects. This yin and yang sword spirit is difficult to do!"

"Yeah, Yin and Yang Jianling is the command of Lu Jianyou. My Mingjian Zongben is extremely sure, and at this time... Hey, I really don't know how to explain to Lu Jianyou!" Zhu Chengye said with a bitter smile, "And, according to Zhu Knowing that, in order not to let me wait for the swordsman to refine the yin and yang sword spirit, the monk not only takes away the yin and yang swords, but also destroys the roots of the yin and yang two springs. At this time, the swordsmen may not be able to detect it. Two Springs may not exist!"

"Ah?? So serious?" Qin Jian was also shocked. "Is this... Is it true that the snowy real shot?"

"This...Zhu is also unknown!" Zhu Chengye smiled bitterly. "But this is also a speculation of Zhu. I think that the real people in the snowfield may not be in the Sky City. Please ask the swordsmen to come over. I will wait for the opportunity to join the survey." The city, the transfer of its all-in-one is destroyed, killing some monks, so that the evil spirits out of the heart."

"In fact, Lu Jianyou's arrangement can't be said to be rigorous, but... I can't reach the swordsmanship of Qin Jianyou with the thought of this sword. If Qin Jianyou directs me, I am afraid that it will not be so passive!~" A woman said faintly.

"Thank you for Muting Mu Jianyou of Jianyang Jianzong!" Qin Jian smiled and said, "Qin Mou can be regarded as a talent, but can not be regarded as a handsome talent. Lu Jianyou can be regarded as a swordsman, and there must be extraordinary." I don't want to mention this matter again!"

Immediately, Qin Jian turned his head and asked Zhu Chengye; "Zhu Jianyou, according to Qin, the wind of the poultry repair went to the blast and the snow to see the enemy, has not come back, his life and death is unknown; that rains? He is with this Zhong Yuxuan took the Taoist monk together to worship the sword spirit. He is a bird repair called flying, and he is a real person on the snowy area... or is there a chance to escape?"

"Good teaching Qin Jianyou knows that Zhu also listened to Guan Peng's words, only to know that Yuming also went to Yinquan and Liangquanshan. Zhu has sent his disciples to the Lushan School and the Qungu Valley to see the two feathers and swordsmen in the wind and rain. Whereabouts!"

"If it is really a snowy real shot, the two flying feather swordsmen are afraid of being too fierce!" Mu Ting said with emotion. "And, this sword also thinks that Zhu Jianyou is going to the Sky City... it is also wrong!"

"Oh, Mu Jianyou said very much!" Qin Jian glanced at Zhu Chengye's somewhat unpleasant face and smiled. "If it is unusual, Qin will definitely not answer, and will not pull the sword that you trust Qin." Friends come and take risks!"

"How does Qin Jianyou say this?" Mu Tingqi said.

Qin Jian glanced at the night sky and smiled. "According to what Qin knows, these days are the double repairs of the patrolling city of Tu Hong. It is said that the snowy real people still have to personally preside over! There are many Jindan monks in the city. ”

"Ah?" Mu Ting stunned. "Isn't this even more trouble? If I can kill Jin Dan, can I kill a few more? If they are surrounded by them... is it not bad?"

"Mu Jianyou is anxious!" Qin Jian said with confidence. "Isn't Zhu Jianyou said it before? I suspect that the snow and the real people are going to the Yin and Yang Liangquan Mountain. Then he may not be in the Sky City at that time, then he will preside over the Tu Hong double repair ceremony. The thing may be the confession! You think, Tu Hong is killing dozens of magic swordsmen in Quanshan, but he also buryed tens of thousands of disciples and thousands of Taoist monks. This is something that Taoist monks can't tolerate. According to Qin, the great merits of Tu Hong are rewarded only when the real people in the snow are forced to help, and the monks of Daozong have to follow the morale to encourage morale. These monks... ...How can a snowy real person preside over a double ceremony?"

"With the things Zhu Jianyou said, Qin can almost conclude that the snowy real people are definitely not in the Sky City at this time!" Qin Jian said with confidence. "And, there are so many people coming and going in the Sky City, it is my sword repair." The opportunity to take advantage of, I waited for the lightning speed to enter the transmission array, the inner monk was completely destroyed, and then the transmission line was destroyed, not only to Ming Jianzong, but also greatly detracted from the survey The face of the city, even if the Sky City wants to cover up, can not cover up! In front of many monks, there is no face, can the Sky City and Daozong have a gap? Their so-called joy is to become a mourning, it is Count the birds!"

"But the Taoist monk must also be very strict in preventing the defense, preventing me from going to the Sky City for trouble?" Tian Simu reminded.

"Yes! They are on the four sides of the Sky City, and they are on the four sides. But how do they think that I will pass the transmission array? Hahaha" Qin Jian laughed. "Is Zhu Jianyou's message not to help me?"

Everyone listened, they were all happy, I really felt that Qin Jian had no choice but to admire them.

"Well, the time is almost there!" Qin Jian waved his hand. "I will go to find this secret transmission array and kill the defending monk..."

At this time, a sharp sword gas swept through the sky, it is the direction of flying to the yin and yang two springs, although the sword is very faint, but the swords of Qin Jian and others are all sensed, all sounds, one The kind of ritual worship is sent out from the hearts of these swordsmen!

"Sword seniors?" Qin Jian and others are big brothers, looked at each other, hurriedly flew high, the respectful ceremonial there!

But for a moment, a green sword light flashed in the air, waiting for Jianguang to rise, a body-thinning skinny yellow sword swordsman is a sword!

"The younger generation has seen the swordsman predecessors!" The people did not dare to neglect, hurriedly respectful gift.

There was a trace of anger on the face of the swordsman, and the eyes swept through a few people like a sword. "This is already the scope of the Sky City. What are you doing here?"

"The younger generation of the virtual sword sent Qin Jian, this time wants to take advantage of the sky in the city of the Sky City, the real people are not in the city, stealing into the transmission of the Sky City, killing the Jindan monk, Yang my sword domain reputation!" Qin Jian rushed The public said.

"Oh? How could the snowy field not be in the Sky City?" The sword on the face was weird. He looked at Qin Jian. "It’s too bold to wait. If the old man passes by today, I am afraid that you will fall down! Within five hundred miles of this Sky City, I will not come later!" (To be continued...)

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