Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1197: Stealing

Said, the sword swordsman's sword light flow, gradually is the illusion, a giant sword of several feet slowly generated, the sword light is brilliant, like the bright moon of the fallen, the sound of "铿" Jian Ming, a sword is rushed to Jiuyi, Qin Jian and other people's flying swords are smashing, they are ringing!

"Predecessors..." Qin Jian and others were shocked. I don't know what the swordsman predecessors did.

At this time, a **** read from the direction of the Tiancheng City, it is the sweep of Qin Jian and others.

"Ah? Yuan Ying Shen Nian! Snowy real people!" Qin Jian and other people panic, did not dare to neglect, seeing the sword of the sword swordsman turned into a distant sword, several people are also eager to sword, followed by escape, However, the swordsman of the swordsman is soon disappeared, and several people still stay in the distant sky!

"Quirks~" After a long time, an iridescent color fell from the direction of the patrolling city. The iridescent is the body shape of the snowy realm. He swept it, it was a strange self-talk. "The swordsman is here." How many swordsmen are there? Oh, there seems to be a child named Qin Jian? It’s broken, it’s a transmission array...”

Waiting for the snowy real people to look carefully and smile: "The eyes and ears of these little scorpions are really spiritual, and you can find the secret transmission method!"

Said, the snowy real body fluttering, but also flew for a dozen miles, a hand, a pale brilliance fell into the ground, a moment, a Jindan monk respectfully came out, Shi Lidao: "Dr. I have seen the Lord of the City! I don’t know what the Lord of the City has to say?"

"Excited, you have been discovered by the sword repair, or change a place!" Snowy real people said with a smile.

"Oh? What?" It’s a slap in the face. “The disciple understands that the disciple will change this...”

"Oh, not good! The old man has a sword to repair the tiger from the mountain!" The real people in the snow suddenly felt a sense of heart, and the thoughts of the gods were swept to the Sky City, and they did not wait for what they said, and the body shape disappeared into the ground and disappeared. .

The excitement of stunned, waiting for him to sneak into the ground, the place where the secret transmission array is, it is the violent roar of the transmission array. Apparently, the snowy real people have returned to the Sky City through the transmission array.

"Where is the Sky City... What happened?" Commanded a disciple to send back to the Sky City to inquire, but he packed up the squad and prepared to move the transmission to another place.

It is said that Xiao Hua has hidden his body and emerged from the residence of Emperor Leizong, and smashed his direction and flew toward the street he saw in the day. Although Xiao Hua does not quite understand the direction. At this time, the most popular place in the Sky City is only the house of Tu Hong.

But see a spacious and bright street. Every minute or so, a huge lantern is hoisted. The lantern is red and bright, and the whole street is illuminated. The red brilliance is slightly swaying with the burning flame! This red glow is reflected on the faces of guests on the street. They are all beaming.

At this time, although it is already late at night, there are still many monks who come to the Tuhong House to pay a visit. Of course, Tu Hong will not stay here. At the entrance of the government, there are disciples from Tuhong’s house, as well as the Sky City. The disciples sent to greet, some monks were invited to enter the government, accompanied by special disciples, and some monks handed their own gift sheets or storage bags to the front, arched hands are leaving!

"This old dog... I don't know how much Lingshi received a double repair ceremony!" Xiaohua's figure flashed in the night sky, coldly watching the bustle of the government gate, and then thinking about the bleakness of Cui Hongjun, talking to himself Road.

Immediately after Xiao Hua’s gaze, I saw the huge Tuohong House, and secretly thought: “The house of Tu Hong is so big, the little man does not know where to find the nightmare. And... At this time, there are many guests in Tuhong’s house. Dan is also a lot of monks, how can Xiaoye easily start? Besides, the real people in the snowy area are still in the sky city, making a move... The little master kills Tu Hong, but he may have to give up his life! For the time being, I took the shackles and asked for a nightmare to ask. If she was still affectionate to Cui Hongyi, she said that she was deceived by Tu Hong, and the young man still fainted it and sent it to the space. Who can know? Is the hand of the young master? After the younger brother found an opportunity to kill Tu Hong, and then throw the nightmare to a place, let her turn the Royal Leizong, still can achieve the good things of Cui Hongjun! Grandma's, can not let him White is called Xiaoye brother! If it is... It’s really a change to a dream, then... It’s all right! Everyone has aspirations, and Tu Hong’s sorrow and sorrow is quite strong. It’s better than Cui Hongjun’s! After these choices, Tu Hong was killed by Xiao Ye. Some bitter are all her own choice! "

Xiao Hua thought, his body shape once again concealed away from the distance of the mansion, and when he came to the dark place, he carefully released the Buddha.

However, there is a vague ban on the periphery of this Tuhong House. The housework of the ban is a frequent tour of the monk with some refining disciples. It seems to be very alert, and it is not negligent because of the double ceremony.

"Oh, but it's just a bunch of chickens and dogs. Just do it!" Xiao Hua was cold and cold, and the body shape was broken into the ground. The slight prohibition on the ground seemed to be unable to block his figure.

But when Xiao Hua’s figure broke through the ban, far away from the Chamber of the Governor’s Office, there were several Jindan monks sitting in front of the Qing Dan and Yun Chen, who were seen by Xiao Hua in the transmission array. The late monks were also present. It seems that Tu Hongzheng is accompanying these monks to say something. The red robe, the red-faced face is a little different from the day in the Yan Xifu House, and his eyes are filled with love and pity from time to time. Beside your own dreams!

There is also a blue dragonfly that Xiao Hua has only seen on several sides. He carefully stood at the door of the Chamber of Deputies and accompanied the people. He was the aide of Tu Hong’s war. He went to the Sky City, and he only accompanied Tu Hong, sometimes He can make suggestions, and the matter of the double ceremony is not necessary for him to work.

At this time, there was no special paleness on the face of the dream, and the net was a kind of blush on the side. Of course, there is still a complex look of hesitation, joy, incredible, and so on. In the eyes, I don’t hear anything from the crowd. I just look at the ground, and the ground is huge. The bluestone, the runes above the bluestone are looming.

Tu Hong’s eyes flashed with regret, and it seemed to be extremely distressing against nightmares. He said: “Dream, if you feel that something is wrong, you can go back and rest!”

"Oh, I'm afraid it's all right!" Waiting for the dream to open up, he laughed and said, "Where does my Royal Leizong disciple have such a pampering? It is estimated that because the best period is near, I feel that something is wrong?"

"Good teacher and uncle knows!" There was a strong smile in front of the face of the nightmare. "The disciples really have nothing, that is, they feel very uncomfortable..."

"Ha ha ha ~" Yun Chen Lang laughed. "Is it a shame to think against the Taoist friends? I can't believe the current happy event. I can love the Taoist friends at first sight. This is unimaginable in the poor road!"

"Well, it is true!" Qingbi nodded slightly. "According to the poor road, the female monk before the double ceremony is always wrong. This kind of emotion will gradually fade with time! If it is uncomfortable, let's rest before, I am a friend of Tu Hong, you don't have to be here!"

"How can it be done?" He nodded slightly to the nightmare and said, "The uncles come here, the younger generations have to accompany them. How can they be so rude?"

"Haha, also called Shishu!" He laughed. "After a few days, this name is going to be replaced!"

The face of the nightmare is extremely embarrassing, but there is a kind of excitement in the eyes, and even when the eye wave is flowing, you can still see a hint of joy.

"Oh, yes, nightmare, the old man has received a message from Zongmen. You have to go to the Palace of the Royal Palace and your Master in the last few days! You have to gather your spirits and welcome your elders!" "The dry smile, but turned to the head and said to Tu Hong, "I am a singer of the real thunder, because the affairs of the Zongmen are busy, can not come to participate in the double repair ceremony of the Tudaoyou, has been sent to the palace to bring gifts, Also ask the Tudaoyou to show the real snow!"

Tu Hong listened, did not dare to neglect, hurriedly got up, and said: "Thank you for being a real person, thank you for your friends! The predecessors of Lei Leizi are the ones of the school. Do not say that the affairs are busy, that is, nothing, the younger generation I dare not ask the old man to come to the Sky City for a long time! After the opportunity is available, the younger generation personally went to Yu Leizong to meet the real person!"

"Oh, isn't that easy? When the nightmare returns to me, Lei Feng, the Tudaoyou is with the past!" Gan Mo said that Tu Hong helped the smile.

"That is, that is ~" Tu Hong said, suddenly a brow wrinkled, his face is not good!

"Oh? What's wrong? Tudaoyou?" The dryness is very close to Tu Hong, and immediately it is not aware that it is wrong.

"Oh, nothing, Tumou...may be the same as a nightmare!" Tu Hong laughed and haunted that unnaturally concealed.

"Ha ha ha ~" All the people are laughing.

And the nightmare is even more blushing, and the flow of eyes stops on Tu Hong! It seems that in the body of Tu Hong... there is also the shadow of Cui Hongjun!

Just, when I think of Cui Hongjun, I feel a pain in my heart, and there is a hint of paleness in the blush again! The eyes are also somewhat blurred...

Hesitation, contradiction, regret, melancholy, joy, helplessness, fear... The feelings of one should be entangled at this moment!

However, at this time, Tu Hong did not pay attention to the nightmare, but arched his hand: "They of the Taoist friends later, Tu Mou has some things to order!"

"Oh ~" Gan Mo and others are slightly nodding, picking up the fine tea on the table, and Tu Hong hurried to the front of the blue dragon, rushed to him slightly, and told him to follow him! (To be continued...)

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