Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1199: Kill blue dragonfly

But seeing this is a frosty space. The pale clouds that I saw earlier are all over the air. A little bit of ice is also scattered on the ground. In this cloud, a few pieces of Minghua stone are suspended on it. The brilliance of the brilliance illuminates the center of the space and is placed on the ground, a crystal clear crystal 棺! ! !

Needless to say, the crystal plaque lies in the cockroaches, the thick black eyelashes, seems to be shaking, the white skin is also flashing snow brilliance, let people look is a cold!

The blue dragon figure fell on the side of the crystal enamel. First, I looked at it. Then I was swept away by God. I saw no abnormalities and sighed: "The ancients are good, the hero is sad, the general is off, the general is such a person. It’s not a shame! It’s just for a woman who loves it so much!”

"Who!" Lan Hao suddenly felt a move, and noticed that the beads in his hand leaped slightly, and hurriedly looked up at the hole that he had just dropped. He really didn't believe it, someone would really invade the pagoda!

"Let the old man see... there are some treasures of Tu Hong!" Xiao Huayi formed Qin Jian, which flew down from the hole!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua's eyes fell on his face, and he was shocked when he was on the scene. He couldn't think of dreams and fell into such a realm!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua’s heart suddenly gave birth to a sigh, sighing that he was still wondering about the nightmare. Who knows that the nightmare has long been in the calculation of Tu Hong, and he has long been unable to help himself!

"Qin Jian!!! You...what did you come here?" Lan Lan saw the familiar face of Qin Jian, and was even more surprised than Xiao Hua.

"Ha ha ~" Xiao Hua will have a mouth. A flying red and green flying sword is flying out. In the middle of the air, a illusion is divided into four swords, and the blue dragonfly is stabbed!

Seeing this blue-red sword light turned into four, and each is still Jianguang, and there is no illusion with the ordinary sword repair, the blue dragonfly slightly glimpsed, it can be seen that Jianguang is actually fleeting. In front of his own eyes, his heart glimpsed, an inexplicable heart is born from the bottom of his heart, he did not dare to neglect. The rush of the beads in the hands. A white mist emerged from the beads and rapidly expanded. At the same time, the white mist that was originally in the space was also driven by the beads. In an instant, a thick mist is formed around the blue dragonfly. Hold him firmly!

"Silver" sounded for a while. The power of the flying sword is far more than what he thinks, and he does not feel the smoldering into the fog, and the heart of the monk is more intense. Let him have a feeling that he will be stabbed in the flying sword immediately!

"Sure enough, it is a magic sword swordsman!" Blue 沁 couldn't help but scream, knowing that he was afraid of being fierce and sorrowful, so he bite his teeth and squirt a blood, which falls on the beads.

"莽~~" was a muffled sound, the beads suddenly rose, and countless bloodshots spread like a stretched tentacles. Pieces of ice were born in thick fog, and life would block Xiaohua’s nightmare!

“Hey?” Xiao Hua brows and picks up, sneer, “I just want to block the old man’s flying sword by this?”

Said, Xiao Hua finger micro-bomb, a few Mars flew into the fog, immediately ignited that ice?

"Ah? Three real fires, you... how can you get three real fires?" Blue is different.

"Hey, this is the flames of the old man. How did it become a real fire?" Xiao Hua pretends to cover up.

However, he did not need to cover up, because then the blue-eyed hand has been dyed into a blood-colored bead suddenly flew up, straight up in the air, with the blue awkward some clumsy law, a **** rush to the space On top!

"Brush~" sounds like the sound of nine days of water rushing, the overwhelming snow is falling, the snowman above the snow, and the inexplicable light is mixed in it, the snow circling down, the light is also glaring. At the same time, the aura of the whole space is solidified! A suffocating and suffocating screaming Xiaohua!

"It's really trouble!" Xiao Hua perceives the power from the magic weapon, and does not feel sigh. The whole figure suddenly flies up, and he will explore his hand and expand the skills of his sleeves. !

"咔嚓嚓" bursts into a burst of sound, both strengths are broken, and Xiao Hua's body is a few points. At this time, I heard Xiao Hua scream again, "Minute!"

But seeing the four swords that made the blue heart stunned and instantly differentiated again, and four swords were separated, breaking through the clouds and puncturing the blue dragonfly.

"Spread!" The blue dragonfly's beads have been sacrificed. With the magic weapon inside the pagoda, attacking Xiao Hua, seeing it is four swords flying out, just take a shot, separate a **** and read it out. Instrument, Xiao Hua where can he struggle again? I saw that Xiao Hua’s figure suddenly swayed. In a moment, it was the left-handedness of the blue dragonfly. The big sleeves were smashed, and the force of the imprisonment that could not be resisted by the blue dragon was born from the sleeves, and the blue sky and the heaven and earth aura were Take away.

"This...this is..." Blue Dragonfly struggled hard, but he was only the late stage of the building, how can he host Xiaohua? The figure is almost impossible to move! And the four swords light flashed through the clouds at this time, and pierced the body of the blue dragonfly!

"You..." Blue 沁 seems to want to say something, but nothing can be said.

Look at the raging snow flakes that have already been used on Xiao Hua’s head. Xiao Hua’s words are not to be said. He will take a look at the hand, and the Ye Yang fan will be in his hand. “Hot”, a fire dragon will give birth, and the snow flakes that are close to him will be washed. Flying, Xiao Hua is flying, and the technique of the sleeves in the sleeves is not covered by the beads. It is very easy to be within the income space!

Without the beads, the snow flakes of the sky disappeared in the wind.

"Hey, on this blue dragonfly, Xiaoye will use his sleeves, this flying sword is still not used to it!" Xiao Hua is somewhat distressed. As a monk, spells are natural things, and they don't have to be used.

Xiao Hua will have a mouth and a nightmare flying into the entrance. His eyes fell on the crystal enamel, and the gods swept through the crystals to know that the people inside had no life.

"Hey, I’m a teacher!"! Xiao Hua sighed. "The younger brother also thought about bringing the first squad of Yu Leizong back to Yu Leizong. As a result, the teacher was the first one!"

Xiao Hua said, and it was a frown. "Isn’t that shame to be repaired with the teacher? But why did you take your life? Also put it in the crystal bowl? Look at the blue dragonfly, it seems to be viewing. I am going to double-education, and what does Tu Hong take to make him awake? What do you tell the lord of the sky and my royal priest? Could it be that the civic has never let Cui Hongjun see the nightmare, that is Because he also knows that the nightmare has died."

"This is... really weird!" Xiao Hua couldn't understand it.

"Ha ha ha ~ Xiaoye himself thinks about it! Isn't this ready-made?" Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the blue dragonfly still not cold body!

"Pro!" Xiao Hua immediately put the Buddha's relic out. Under the Buddha's relic of compassion for the boundless mana, the blue-eyed soul is so singularly anomalous that he knows everything he knows!

"Go!" Xiao Hua sighed, the Buddha's relic in the mouth of the "Lin" word Jinguang fell on the soul of the blue dragonfly, the humanoid soul is turned into a white smoke!

"It turns out!" Xiao Hua looked at the face of her body and showed a thoughtful look. "Tu Hong for his own love, this set up such a trick, and the teacher has been still In the drums. Even, until this time, I didn’t see the dream of Cui Hongjun’s corpse, and I never asked to find Cui Hongjun’s widow! Hey, Xiaoye is white and doubts her! Poor dreams, However, it is a chess piece of a transaction. When there is a suitable opportunity, she will become a beggar, and she will be so similar to a dream. Even if she is not able to distinguish clearly, the Sky City will be together with Tu Hong. Where can the disciples be clearly defined? Moreover, I am afraid that I will not return to Lei Zong afterwards. The tricks of Tu Hong are really seamless, and no one can see it! This is actually the first team of my Royal Leizong. When I went to the spring stone in the spring, I had these calculations. It was... really..."

At this time, Xiao Hua’s heart was another move: “Xiao Mou certainly cultivated in the Quanzhen Mountain Grand Array, and his heart was slightly causal. Is it also a piece? Hey, Tu Hong, Tu Hong, even if you find a million Mengshan How is the soul repair? Xiaoye will destroy this sturdy body at this time, so that you can't be safe in this life!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua took out the wishful stick in his hand, it was to destroy the crystal.

But at this time, he was somewhat intolerant: "Tu Hong is also a sturdy man. He can throw tens of thousands of disciples in Quanshan Mountain, and for this reason, he is also trying hard, not even afraid to count the real people in the snow. It’s also a kind of love. Besides, this is already a dead person... it’s disrespectful to ruin her body!”

"Ha ha ha ~ ~ Xiaoye is wrong, this is really a chance for God to be a young man!" Xiao Hua Xinci suddenly awakened, "Little Master will take this to Tu Hong's welcome hall, let everyone see Going to the corpse of this cockroach, and then telling his conspiracy, he... How can he double-repair with the nightmare? This will complete the Cui Hongyi's goods! Oh, don't he call him a brother! ”

Thinking, Xiao Hua looked up at the broken mirror facing the crystal cymbal. Xiao Hua knew from the blue sputum that the incomplete magic weapon was the ice mirror, the ice in this space, and the beads just now. The snow and the light that are excited are all sent out by this magic weapon. The crystal is here, and it is also related to this magic weapon. If the magic weapon is not broken, there will be an extremely powerful prohibition from the magic weapon!

Xiao Hua looked at the mirror, and if there was a glimmer of light, Xiao Hua’s eyes immediately screamed like a illusion in the innocent water! (To be continued...)

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