Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1200: Expose

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua took a breath of cold, "Grandma's, this unmanned magic weapon is still so powerful! Get rich!!"

Xiao Hua thought, his figure flew in the air.

However, where the gods are, a piece of broken firefly is like a flying butterfly scattered on it, and the deep brilliance and the cold chill are revealed from the broken firefly! But the specific mirror is without any trace!

The ice mirror is so strange, Xiao Hua's growing joy is precisely when it is time to bully again, a brilliance in the firefly is flashing, and the cover is quickly to Xiaohua!

A bitter chill, as well as the strength of the stagnant mana, although it has not been with the body, has already hit a large piece of protective brilliance in front of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua's faint body care Guanghua actually began to collapse!

"Destroy!" Xiao Hua stretched his hand, and Ye Yang took it out, urging the mana, and a fire dragon rushed out and rushed to the Guanghua!

However, just like the cold current, the fire dragon that had not been unfavorable before hit the Huaguang immediately began to annihilate, and in the blink of an eye, it was extinguished by Huaguang with the wind and the clouds!

"嘎嘎" Xiao Hua shouted, his figure flashed, and the strange disappeared from the air, and the Huaguang lost was the stone wall that hit the space!

The "rumbling" sound, the prohibition on the stone wall is rapidly extinguished!

"Hit!" Xiao Hua's figure appeared again, and it has already reached the side of the broken firefly. The Ye Yang fan in his hand has changed his wishful stick. With Xiao Hua's big drink, the wishful stick is hitting the broken firefly!

"哗啦啦" is like a flowing water, broken shattered fire, and even Guanghua is scattered, but at the same time. A few brilliances are shot out!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua is as good as a chicken nod, not waiting for Guanghua to fly out is hit!

"This ice mirror is really powerful!" Xiao Hua brows slightly wrinkled, the left hand's eyes are opened, and sure enough, the ice mirror is not crushed by Xiao Hua, a crescent-like ice blue mirror like a fish. Swimming in the broken firefly!

"Receive!" Seeing that there is Guanghua in the firefly, Xiaohua does not dare to neglect, and the right hand stretches out his sleeve and is covered again!

"Hey ~" a series of sounds, Xiao Hua temporarily replaced the robes sleeves is how the butterfly fluttering broken! The brilliance of the ice mirror actually broke through the ban on the sleeves!

But at the moment when the ice mirror was shackled in the sleeves, Xiao Hua’s mind was also here. "Receive" Xiao Hua thought. The mind is wrapped around the ice mirror...

In an instant, the road is like an open door flashing out of the mirror, and a beautiful illusion appears after the gate, and a snowy plateau is also standing in the illusion!

Xiao Hua’s mind shook the portal above the mirror. There are endless temptations. If Xiaohua has already seen many illusions. Any carelessness is to lose one of them!

“乖乖~” Xiao Hua hurriedly urged to take the lead and keep the mind awake, and the ice mirror was included in the space. It’s another look at the empty space, and the darkness of the portal that appeared before. I’m not surprised. “Is this... a fantasy? Or... Is this really a gateway to the road?”

And said that Xiao Hua received the fragments of the ice mirror, and when he took the crystal to the space, and wanted to play the idea of ​​the defensive circle above the pagoda, he felt an anger of the gods, it is easy to Lock him! Xiao Hua was in the understanding that Tu Hong must have done the hands and feet on the ice mirror or the crystal enamel. He took the ice mirror and the crystal enamel. It was the heart of the baby, and he was shocked.

"Ha ha ha ~" Immediately, Xiao Hua had to drop the pagoda, and his body shape suddenly flew into the air, holding a blue flying sword in his hand.

"It turned out that the generals of Tu Hong, who was a stalwart, came!" Xiao Hua laughed and shouted, in the darkness, the voice spread all the way!

I know, Tu Hong did not speak at all. He waved his hand and flew the hands of the Mitsubishi-shaped magic weapon in the air. Under the magic weapon, the three-color clear light flew out from the three sides of the magic weapon, all shot to Xiao. China!

"Oh yeah~" Xiao Hua's figure is shaking, and the technique of the wind is displayed. The whole body seems to fly high in the feathers. It is extremely easy to escape the clear light, and it is shouting loudly. Hiro, Lao Tzu has rushed thousands of miles to give you a gift for the double ceremony. Why are you so incomprehensible? Your Taoist vocal ethics, how come to you, there is no half?"

Xiao Hua’s voice was quite loud, and he had already alerted the disciples in the neighborhood, and even the monks who came to congratulate in the distance also listened to their ears! The gods of Gan Mo, Qing Bi and others are also sweeping at this time, and the figure of several people's reinforcements is also faintly visible!

"Qin Jian!" Tu Hong's face was blue and green, biting his lips, his eyes almost spurting fire, and his angry voice said, "I am in the city of the Sky City, you are still in the city. You dare to come to my house. Trouble! If you want to live, hurry... leave the things of Tu’s own vision...”

"How? If Qin does not leave? If Qin can not escape?" Xiao Hua heard that Tu Hong actually voiced, sneer in the heart, coldly asked.

"That can only kill the fish and die!" Tu Hong will bite his teeth.

"Ha ha ha ~ really ridiculous!" Xiao Hua laughed loudly. "I used to come to take your life. You actually want to break with the old fish, you don't look at it, you are a virtue, dare to break with the old man!"

"Qin Jian..." For a moment, Tu Hong’s eyes flashed a trace of humiliation, still whispering, "You just leave what you have left to Tu, or you hold it first, you will run away now." , Tu will certainly ... there will be a thick report, even if the **** of the city master is standing up, Tu can also cover you innocent!"

If Xiao Hua is Tu Hong, maybe he will compromise or even hesitate. Xiao Hua is not Tu Hong. Seeing that Tu Hong has to take the life of the Taoist monk and the sword to make a deal, Xiao Hua is a violent singer. The only sympathy of Hong Na has disappeared!

"Disease ~" Xiao Huakou read the sword, the blue flying sword turned into a streamer stab to Tu Hong, and at the same time, Xiao Hua is also called, "Tu Hong, Laozi is to take your life, you take Life is coming~"

"You..." The eyes of Xiao Hua are not afraid of the threat of real people in the snow, and they are going to compromise with him. Tu Hong is helpless. He has to shake the magic weapon. A khaki clear light flies above the magic weapon and blocks in the blue fly. Before the sword.

The sound of "Zi La La", the clear light is very easy to block the Jianguang, and even began to corrode Jianguang.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua's slight stunned eyes looked at Tuo Hong's magic weapon. The magic light of this magic weapon is similar to the clear light of the ice mirror.

And Tu Hong saw the magic weapon to easily block Qin Jian's flying sword, and his heart was overjoyed. He felt that Qin Jian did not want to be as powerful as the legend.

"Hit!" Tu Hong was mad, and he was shaking the magic weapon. He even gave six clear light to the three sides of the magic weapon, and shot it to Xiaohua from different angles!

"Receiving" Xiaohua helpless, had to wave his hand, the blue flying sword flew into his hands, and he himself was the urging of the wind, while avoiding the clear light, while flying to Tu Hong!

Where will Tu Hong let Xiao Hua be close? It is also a busy flight, the law is constantly changing, the mana is also flocking to the magic weapon, the brilliance of the road is in front of you, preventing Xiao Hua's attack!

Although Tu Hong’s magic weapon Guanghua is faint, it can be bright under the night sky. It has long evoked the attention of everyone. The stranger and other people flew to the left, and it seems to be already transmitting. It is necessary to surround Xiaohua from all sides!

Xiao Hua’s thoughts were swept away, and he saw a very nervous look against the nightmare. He didn’t feel the “squeaky” sound in his heart. He said: “No, is she having a relationship with Tu Hong?”

But immediately, Xiao Hua thought of the pain of Cui Hongjun. His eyes were slightly stunned: "Even if there is feelings? Xiaoye killed Tu Hong today and destroyed your thoughts, but I want to see where you are going!"

"Go!" Xiao Hua took a shot, and the blue flying sword was within the space of the space. The whole figure was like a real flying sword, and it swayed up and rushed into the high night sky.

"Fast, Qin Jian wants to escape!!" Cried a stranger. "This is today, I dare to rush into my Sky City. It is really the bottom line that provokes me. If I let him escape, my face will not exist." what!!!"

Tu Hong’s eyes, Xiao Hua, easily escaped from the battle group. He did not look at his magic weapon. He knew that he was not his opponent. He wondered why he didn’t lie on his own hands, and secretly doubted whether he was his own. I was moved by him, and at this time I heard the screaming of the dry mob, and almost one hand in the eyes would stretch out and die!

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Huafei in the air, will shoot a hand, the corpse of the cockroach floated in the air, "Tu Hong, although you killed tens of thousands of swordsmen in Quanshan, Qin has always regarded you as a big enemy, But the old man does not look down on you, even respecting you in your heart! Knowing that you are a strategizing general, it is similar to Qin! If the sword is different, the old man really wants to talk to you! The old man has heard you To carry out the double repair ceremony, today's old man has a flaw, this is to give you a big gift! However, inadvertently found your secret! Hahaha, this woman is yelling, is your former lover? You Let her rise again, actually holding the life of a royal woman who is innocent. In addition, how did the Taoist disciple who went to Quanshan Mountain offend you? But someone discovered this secret by chance, you... actually took them all It’s all killed in the springs..."

Speaking of this, Tu Hong, whose face is completely distorted, spurred the mana of the whole body to rush to the sky. At the same time, the trilateral magic weapon shot the sky and the defensive array was also flashing, and the dozens of Guanghua forced Xiaohua. Fly again!

"You are a friend of the Tao... I don’t know Qin Jian’s lying slang. I don’t know where he got the corpse. I want to pour this dirty water on Tu’s body...” Tu Hong naturally refuses to admit it. I am waiting for this group to kill, it is a great achievement! Even if you can't kill, you must trap him, the urban master will come soon!"

Everyone was listening to the fun, but Tu Hong’s shouting, everyone was awake, all flying, coming over, taking a handful of storage bags, preparing to throw up magic weapons and other things, trapping Xiao Hua! (To be continued...)

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