Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: Brother

"Yes, this uncle of Kunlei Palace is still a matter of fact!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "It is also rare in Yu Leizong! Hey, you must let this goods apologize, and actually dare to delay the cultivation of Xiaoye!" How can Xiaoye be disturbed if they are noisy outside?"

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua still wants to be wrong, but see Cui Hongyi step forward and swear: "The younger generation of thunder palace Wan Leigu Cui Hongyi thanked Kun Shushu for presiding justice! However, this is a sin!"

"Oh? Why?" Kun Shuai said a little, "You said so much just now, isn't it necessary to let Kun Yuhe pay for the crime?"

"The uncle will miss the meaning of the younger generation!" Cui Hongyi said with a smile. "The younger generations have been bitter in these days, and it was the soft place that was poked by Kun Shi. This is a few words! In fact, the younger generation is clearly tight. Kun Shiyi and others are also good for the younger generation and others. The angry younger generation does not hate the younger generations. If the younger generation can do better, how can Kun Shijun and others face the face? Yes, the younger generation thinks that the teacher If you don't have to plead guilty, you don't have to admit your mistakes! It's a sword repair, not a monk of my Taoist priest!"

"Ha ha ha, great good!" Kun Shuai caressed, "Wan Leigu has such a disciple, you will be famous for my Royal Leizong sooner or later! So, my Kun Leigong disciple is a lot less!"

Kun Yuhe and others are also interested in watching Cui Hongyi. In the eyes, they are quite appreciative. The three people looked at each other and went forward. They said, "Cui Shidi, poor people and others are wrong. After listening to the others, I actually saw the Wei man as a coward, and the poor and other people were wrong. I also asked the younger brother to understand!"

"Don't dare. Don't dare!" Cui Hongqi hurriedly squatted. "The urging of the teachers is to let the younger brother break the heart. The younger brother must protect the nightmare and let her be bullied by others!"

"Well~" Kun Shuai is laughing again. "So, I really don't know each other. Good things have become bad things!, Hey, you wait a few people to see with Cui Shi, comfort. Against the nightmare. Don’t let her feel chilling!”

"Yes. Disciples know, please Kun Shushu rest assured!" Xi Mo and others are all ceremonial.

"Well~" Kun Shuai nodded slightly, and went to the sleeves. He didn't even look at Xiao Hua and others.

And Kun Yuhe and so on, with Cui Hongyi and others went to the retreat of the first team of Yu Leizong. Xiao Hua also returned the tokens he had rested to the two refining disciples. Followed by a few people.

Wait until the front of the ban. Several people are going in, and Zhen Minghui is going to greet Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua can see the near left. Whispered: "Ming Hui brother, you are going to go ahead, Xiaomou has something to go out!"

"Where is this younger brother?" Zhenming Huiji said, "Now the entire Sky City is unsteady, or it is better to move around!"

"Well, Xiaomou knows!" Xiao Hua nodded. "But Xiaomou has some tight things, can't help but go."

"Well, Xiao Shidi went early and went back early!" Zhen Minghui said with concern.

Xiao Hua’s passing the token was the resident of the Sky City, and he went to the auction of the Sky City.

There is an hour straight, the sky is dark, and Xiao Hua is out of it. Today is not the day of the bidding meeting. Although there are monks trading, it can be like the dried dan and Ling Leidan. Less, Xiao Hua hasn't had much to find for a long time. He wanted to take the tokens from Si Xinyu when he was holding the last bidding meeting. But he thought again, of course, he could give Si Xinyu all the spirits. It is difficult to ensure that the Sky City does not have a heart, and now it is necessary to cover up the traces. Waiting for the assassination of Tu Hong’s limelight, how can it be delivered to the door? Even, Xiao Hua thought for a moment, decisively destroyed the token, and left no chance to be discovered.

Xiao Hua went back to the station with some depression and entered the ban, but everyone was there. Xiao Hua looked at the dream of accompanying Cui Hongjun and smiled: "With the teacher, you are still in style!"

Cui Hongyi and others did not dare to neglect, they all stood up, and in the middle of the night, they gave a courtesy: "Thank you Xiao Shidi for praise!"

At this time, there was a smile on the face of the nightmare. Apparently, the arrival of Kun Yuhe and others gave her confidence.

"Oh? Three of the Kunlei Palace?" Xiao Hua smiled and asked, asked.

"They left before half an hour!" Cui Hongjun laughed. "If the brothers help each other, the younger brother is afraid to suffer!"

"Sister brother?" I heard that Cui Hong was called Xiaohua brother, not only for the nightmare, but also that Zhen Minghui and others were surprised! The two people started from Lei Zong, and they have a heartfelt heart. Until now, it has been more than six years. Isn’t this the name of this brother? Even if Xiao Hua shot Cui Hongyi several times, Cui Hongyi did not call Xiao Hua a brother, how is it suddenly called the brother now?

"Hehe" looked at the confusing and delightful eyes of the nightmare, Cui Hongxi laughed. "In fact, as early as returning from the spring mountain, Cui is thinking, there is a feeling between life and death, Cui has a resurrection and has seen it clearly. What fame and fortune, what is repaired, what is the struggle for victory, no love between the brothers and the brothers is really true, I don’t have many disciples of Wan Leigu, there is still a gap between Cui and the brothers. What is this? Xiao Shixiong Originally, I had to go down to Master under Cui, and Cui Mou should have called a brother. Of course, just because he was building a foundation earlier, he was complacent, thinking that he could cover a brother, but now think about it... the real bottom frog. Fortunately, Meng brother did not abandon, saved Cui's life several times, just shot in front of everyone, did not let Cui Mou shame, if Cui did not call a brother, how is Cui, how to return? Wan Leigu!"

"Ha ha ha ~ Cui Shidi, since you say this, then the brothers have nothing to say!" Xiao Hua eyes are also a big laugh, "wait for the brothers to take advantage of you!"

"Xiao Shi brother!" Zhen Minghui and Bai Sugu and others are also attached. "The brothers saved me and waited a few times. Now I am repairing as early as I am waiting. I am also waiting for my brother. Is this good? Also have me waiting?"

"Go ~~" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "You wait for these younger brothers Xiaomou to collect, but the benefits are not, wait until you all worship my Wanlei Valley!"

"Xiao Shishu, can't be thicker than this!" The name of the earthquake and Baisu Valley remained unchanged, and there was no pressure in the mouth.

"But it!" Xiao Hua scratched his head and waved his hand to take out dozens of flying swords. "This flying sword, wait for you to pick it..."

"Ha ha" shocks and other people are swept away by ecstasy. "This is the flying sword of the sword monk, Xiao Shishu, are you really willing?"

"Choose it, two people each!" Xiao Hua is very rare and bold, waving his hand and laughing.

"Oh, that younger brother is not polite!" Cui Hongyi said with joy. "The last time the younger brother wanted to take it, but he couldn’t pull his face, and then he regretted it!"

"Hey~" Xiao Hua just smiled and didn't talk. Since Cui Hongyi is convinced, can the disciples of Wan Leigu be able to marry him?

Waiting for Zhen Minghui and others to pick He Yifei Jian, Xiao Hua thought about it again, took out a Jian Jian, copied a copy to Zhen Minghui, said: "Jian Xiu's flying sword is really If you are embarrassed, you may wish to check out..."

Zhen Minghui was more surprised to take over, it was to take out the blank jade copy, Xiao Hua said to Cui Hongyi and the nightmare: "If you both go out, Xiaomou has something to tell you!"

"Yes, but listen to Xiao Shi's brother!" The dream was also acquainted with Cui Hongyi.

Zhen Minghui knew that this was the matter of Wan Leigu, and he did not follow it. He only copied Yu Jian in the quiet room and waited for their return.

I know, this is another ten days!

And said that Xiao Hua took Cui Hongjun and the dreams, and went straight in the direction of the alchemy hole.

Cui Hongyi and the dreams are still puzzled, but they can still follow Xiaohua's back. When they get to the hole, Cui Hongjun whispers: "Brother, what are you doing with your younger brother?"

"Oh, naturally, it is good for you!" Xiao Hua pretend to be mysterious, "Can Feijian be good?"

"Yes!" Cui Hongyi looked at the nightmare, both of them are puzzled, and their eyes are full of doubts.

Xiao Hua took a shot and took out the message of the city guard Chang Yi. He took a hand to fly out. At this time, from the alchemy cave, a disciple from the Sky City was very impatient and shouted: "Would you like to find someone? Or do you want to use the alchemy room? How can you send a random message here? Don't you know the rules of this alchemy hole?"

Xiao Hua saw the disciple's face in this Sky City, exactly the same as Chang Hao, and ignored it.

"Tell you!" The disciple was a little angry. "This is the alchemy. If you are fine, don't stand here!"

"This Taoist friend!" Cui Hongyi could not help but talk, and hurriedly stepped forward. "I am a disciple of Yu Leizong. I want to... I am going to refine the Dandong to refine the medicinal herbs. I don't know how to handle it?"

Said, Cui Hongyi will take a shot and take out his own tokens.

"You? You will still be alchemy?" The disciples of the Sky City almost laughed. They looked at Cui Hongjun, who was only built in the early stage of the building, and even looked at Xiao Hua and the nightmare. How do you see three people? It’s not like the Dan teacher who can make alchemy.

"Oh," Cui Hongyi looked at Xiao Hua, who still didn't say anything. Some of them couldn't touch their minds, so they had to pay a smile. "Can you make alchemy a poor thing? Just ask the Taoist friend, how is the alchemy hole used?"

"The alchemy hole in my Sky City is a clean place. It is not the place where the pickles are done. If the Taoist friends have such plans, go to the side!" The disciple was unceremonious and refused.

"You..." Cui Hongjun is also a little angry, "Cui will still use the alchemy hole today! This is Lingshi!!!"

"Morra he!" Xiao Hua is also a bit awkward in his heart. He should have talked with the discerning disciples of this Sky City, but he had not had a very happy experience with Chang Hao. He did not have much to the disciples of the Sky City. The good feelings, and he does not put Jin Dan’s monk in his eyes now, where can he still be a low-profile and younger disciple with the early stage of the foundation? Can be biased, this disciple is actually often disgusting! (To be continued...)

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