Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1210: Come on, my brother, my brother can only help you.

"Let's come over often!" Xiao Hua cold and cold.

"Oh? The original three friends are ordinary brothers!" What makes Xiao Hua stunned is that when the disciple heard the name of Chang Hao, he immediately changed his face, and his smile was brighter than the sun in the sky. "Why don't you say Daoyou early? There are so many alchemy rooms in the room at this time. I don't know how many friends are there?"

As I said, I saw a rushing flight from the alchemy cave to a disciple of the Sky City, which was the usual affair seen by Xiao Hua.

"Chang Captain, how come you personally come? Small is giving you the old knowledge." The disciple saw Chang Hao and immediately said slyly.

"Well, Xiao Daoyou is a friend of Chang, Chang must not come in person, if you have nothing to do, let's go to rest!" Chang Hao smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Chang Captain!" said the disciple's respectful gift, "The captain has something to do, let me know!"

Immediately, the disciple was very interested in Xiao Xiaohua and other three people left after giving a gift.

Looking at the face of the disciple, the face is changing, Xiao Hua can not laugh, this is such a supernatural power, he is afraid that he will not learn all his life! But then, his heart was a glimpse, and he said: "Can you be a big man? Can you think that the poor roads were not the same when you were in the past? Why can't you pull the following?"

Of course, this is Xiaohua’s little emotions. The ear is the usual laughter: “Xiao Daoyou, I haven’t seen it for a few years! I used to see your awards in the past, thinking that you really fell. Quanshan Mountain, just received a surprise from your communication, Chang said it. With Xiao Daoyou’s cultivation, how could it fall?”

"Haha, regular friends talk and laugh!" Xiao Hua arched, "Xiao is just lucky!"

Then he came to the door and said: "This is Xiao's younger brother and sister, Xiaomou wants to use the alchemy hole, and also ask Changdao friends for a convenient!"

I saw that Xiao Hua did not introduce the names of the two people. Chang Hao was not interested in the interest. He smiled and said: "This is the duty of Chang, you are welcome!"

Say, Chang Hao took out the jade slip and looked at it. Said: "It is still the same as before. There are not a few people using the refinery hole of Yu Leizong, Xiao Daoyou please come in with Chang!"

With Xiao Hua and others entering the alchemy cave, Cui Hongjun and the dream are even more puzzled. If it is alchemy? Xiao Hua will? Even if it is. Why bother to pull them both? If there is anything important to say. You can say it in the quiet room. Why come to the alchemy cave?

"Xiao Daoyou, this is the last time the Taoist used it. I don't know if it is OK?" This time, Chang Hao personally opened the prohibition of the alchemy room. Asked with a smile.

"Oh, nature is ok!" Xiao Hua took a shot, took out some Lingshi and handed it to Chang Hao, and said to Cui Hongjun and Fu Meng, "You wait for the advanced to wait!"

"Yes, brother!" The two went in according to the words.

Xiao Hua looked around and whispered: "Xiao Mou asked something!"

"Oh? Xiao Daoyou please speak!" Chang Hao is not surprised. If Xiao Hua has nothing special, how can he be called out?

“Is there a female disciple in the alchemy cave?”

"This..." I often hesitated.

"Hey, that woman repair is Xiao's double repair partner!" Xiao Hua did not hide it. "It was Xiao who told her to come. If there is no accident, it should be the alchemy hole that entered before five days!"

"Ha ha ha ~" often laughed, "Xiao Daoyou, you really have a means! The red flower fairy of the Huanhua School is beautiful and close. Whenever you see it in the daily life, it is as shocking as heaven. It turned out to be Xiao Daoyou's companion. It’s a beautiful girl!”

“嘿嘿~” Xiao Hua’s hand, “Where is she now?”

"It is..." Chang Hao said, and took out a light red message. "This message is sent out in the doorway, she can receive it inside! Hehe~"

After that, Chang Hao also showed a sly smile on his face.

"Thank you, Changdaoyou!" Xiaohua was overjoyed. He took a hand and took out two flying swords into his hands. He smiled. "This is Xiaomou in the country, leaving a regular commemoration!" ”

"Xiao Daoyou is polite!" Chang Hao is going to quit, but when he reads it, he knows that this is the flying sword of the swordsman. Where is he still willing to push it out, reach out and take a look at the whisper, "Since So, Chang is not welcome! Xiao Daoyou is busy, if there is anything to call Chang a message!"

After that, the arched hand left, and even the Lingshi did not!

"Hey, the ancients cloud, some people in the middle of the country are good officials, this is really true!" Xiao Hua smiled and turned into the alchemy room.

In the alchemy room, Cui Hongjun and Qiu Meng dreamed of holding hands and looking at the furnishings inside. When they saw Xiao Hua coming in, they all came over and said: "Brother, why come here?"

"Oh, nightmare, just three people from Kun Lei Palace are coming. Do you think their attitude is sincere?" Xiao Hua did not answer, but asked the dream.

"Brother!" Cui Hongyi was shocked and hurried. "They have apologized, and the brothers are not hot!"

"Cut, I am as it is!" Xiao Hua grinned. "Is your brother so unreasonable?"

"Oh, their attitude is still sincere!" He smiled and said, "But, after all, they are disciples of Kunlei Palace. They want to say a sincere apology, they don't think it is necessary!"

"Well, the teacher said very well!" Xiao Hua nodded. "They are disciples of Kun Lei Palace, but because of the majesty of Master Jin Dan, this forced me to apologize. If they are based on their nature, it may not be!" ”

"This is also the amazing power of the brothers, they have to come!" Cui Hongyi said with emotion.

"How? You see it?" Xiao Hua smiled. "Xiao Mou let you come over today, that's the matter!"

"This matter? What?" Cui Hongjun and the nightmare look at each other, some puzzled.

Xiao Hua clap his hands and took the two jade slips out and handed them to them: "Let's wait and see!"

"Yes!" The two took it, and the gods immersed in it. Only after a moment of watching it was the color of surprise!

Especially against the nightmare, almost incredulously called: "This... is this true?"

"Oh, nature is real!" Cui Hongjun laughed. "This is the gift that my Thunder Valley wants to give you!"

Then Cui Hongyi turned his head and said: "Brother, what do you mean..."

"Yes, it is now!" Xiao Hua took a handful, and one of the heroes of the beast, Nei Dan, took it out. "This thing has been placed here for the brother. I wanted to wait for Wan Leigu to say it again." But now you have to wait, the master has experience, but may not be able to take care of you, or work hard for the brother!"

"Thank you brother!" Cui Hongyi smiled and opened his face.

It’s also a happy nightmare. The chest is fluctuating. It seems to be still anxious, but her face swiftly passed a hesitation, and then disappeared.

"Well, you should wait and see this secret!" Xiao Hua did not see it. It is a smile. "Give you time for your brother. If you can't, please ask me!"

Said, Xiao Hua turned and left. My heart is still secretly saying: "Hey, since the younger brother is so infatuated with this nightmare, watching the dreams also has some meaning to the younger brother. But the temptation in this world is really more, who knows from the Sky City back to Yu Lei How many more mistakes did Zong have? Even the Master of the Nightmare will change the previous decision because of Tu Hong’s affairs? Xiaoye first cooked this raw rice and cooked it, so that he could taste the sweetness of this Leidan. If this can't keep the heart of the nightmare, can't let her master let go, then... don't blame the little man after the heart! If you eat a little master, you must spit it out to the little master!!!"

"Brother, where are you going?" Cui Hongyi thought that Xiao Hua would stay in the cave.

"For the brothers, there is a good place to go!" Xiao Hua mysterious smile is gone.

"Xiao Shi brother is so strange!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to go for a moment, whispering against the nightmare, "What the **** is he doing?"

"Where is he going to do it for the husband? I only know that the husband, you hurry to enlighten the secret technique, we only have one day's work, and when the brothers come back, they will take the mine beast! At that time, if you are No trouble, I have to have big problems!"

"And ~ not the brothers! What are you afraid of?"

But this is to say, do not dare to neglect against the nightmare, hurriedly immersed the gods in jade, and realized the secret technique.

Cui Hongjun and the dreams don't know, just in the alchemy cave not far from them, Xiao Hua and Hongxia Fairy have long been together, and the bumps and phoenixes are infinite!

I don't know how long it took, the red glow fairy with red Xia on her face stopped her, and Xiaohua clasped Xiaohua tightly in her limbs, whispering: "The husband... I missed you!" ”

"Me too!" Xiao Hua stunned the body of Hongxia Fairy, and answered it very comfortably.

Later, it was a pity: "It’s a pity that the phoenix law is gone, otherwise it will be even cooler..."

"You are too bad!" The red fist fairy's powder fists picked up, but the fingers are weak, let alone hit the chest of Xiao Hua!

However, Hongxia Fairy is still very curious to ask: "How can your body be lost? This is really strange!"

"Hey, the body of the husband may be different from yours! Don't say it! Lost and lost, what is the use?" Xiaohua got up, Hongxia fairy is also sorted out, but still soft bones The ribs are crisp and the look is lazy.

"Yangzi, you have a little rest here!" Xiao Hua estimated the time and smiled. "For the husband and go out!"

"What are you doing?" Hongxia Fairy said, "You said that you came over at night, but you can wait a few days, oh, yes, what do you do for a few empty storage bags?" It’s a joke for those younger brothers and sisters, and what kind of gift is it!”

“Ha ha ha!” Xiao Hua laughed. “There is a good thing! But it’s not in the storage bag!”

Said, Xiao Hua will take a shot, took out the Chao Mengzhu and jade Jane to the red Xia fairy: "This object is the innate water, you can see if it is useful! For the husband to see the younger brother and Shimei, hey, let them taste the taste of double repair!"

"You... what do you mean?" Hongxia Fairy was amazing.

"Wait for the husband to come back and say it!" Xiao Hua smiled. "You will take this dowry to get a good understanding!"

"Well, the husband will go back early!" Red Xia fairy lying on the stone plate of the best stone paving, very virtuous said.

After Xiaohua returned to Cui Hongjun and the alchemy cave where the dream was, the two had long waited. "Xiao Shixiong, all day and night, the younger brother thought that something went wrong!" Cui Hongjun saw Xiao Hua come in. Very happy to say.

"So long!" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, secretly. "It seems to be just a moment!"

However, he still smiled: "For the brothers afraid that you are not enough to enlighten, leave more time for you! How is the secret enlightenment?"

"Good teacher knows" and laughed at the nightmare. "This secret law is the secret technique of my Royal Leizong. Although there are some embarrassing places in it, since I can learn from my brother, I can also learn from Cui Lang." !"

Obviously, Cui Hongyi has already said things to the ceremony and to the nightmare.

"Good" Xiao Hua caressed, "Since the teacher has already known the things of the master, he must also know the consequences of using this beast. The brother is no longer tired!"

"Yes. I know all of them!" The face was blushing on the nightmare, and the chin had reached the white chest.

"Cui Shidi, do you have a double practice?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something, and asked abruptly.

"Ah? No... the younger brother didn't have that blame!" Cui Hongyi stunned. Said immediately. "When the younger brother is in Cui's family, the tribes never let the younger brother touch these. They only know that when they double-education, they will understand it! The younger brother went to Wanlei Valley and never thought about it!"

"Sorrow!" Xiao Hua grinned. Turning to look at the nightmare, against the nightmare is only a blushing face, a word does not say, it is obvious that this female disciple against the palace has no experience in this area.

"Hey, good guys do it all the time!" Xiaohua sighed and took a hand and took out two pink jade slips, one by one, and said, "The time for a cup of tea!"

Cui Hongjun and the nightmare were both somewhat shy and took a look.

After waiting for a cup of tea, I saw that both of them received the jade, and Xiao Hua handed the token to Cui Hongyi. It was very intriguing and said: "Well, this is the token of the alchemy room, you have taken it inside. Dan, go out for the brother, when you wait for a few moments to go out and decide for yourself!"

Even Cui Hongyi, his face is awkward, and he laughed and said: "Yes, the younger brother understands!"

However, his heart is really sweet, followed by this Xiao brother who looked extremely disrespectful before, the good thing is really a lot! ! !

If you haven't held a double repair ceremony yet, you can enjoy the taste of double repair, and the double repairs are all ready! What happened to the female repair of the Thunder Palace? I still don't let my disciple of Wan Leigu... cough... Even the Master who dreams of the nightmare can't do it even if he doesn't agree! ! !

Immediately, against the dream and Cui Hongyi sitting opposite, Xiao Hua will give a mine benelon to the two, and he will put a trace of Buddha's knowledge out!

Cui Hongyi took a look at the nightmare, and took a hand shot. The mine beast was shot on his chest, but when he saw a flash of lightning, the aura of the heavens and the earth was swarming, with Cui Hong’s chest. Before that, the flash was integrated into Cui Hongjun's body!

"From the beginning", Xiao Hua saw the thunder of the Thunder beast gradually becoming a group. When he was not in Cui Hongjun's body, he still had half of the inner Dan. He didn't feel tempted, and his hands were pulling, a big one. Lightning was born from the air, hitting the half of the inner Dan with accuracy.

The "stinging zipper" sounded for a while, and the lightning was inhaled by Nedan, and Nadine was completely turned into a thunder.

Waiting for the thumb-sized thunder to enter Cui Hongjun's body, Cui Hongyi's entire body is trembling, and the skin flashes a small amount of lightning from the inside and outside, and Cui Hongyi's face shows an extremely painful look!

Seeing this situation, Xiao Hua naturally knows that this lightning is in the quenching body, and it is not strange, but at this time his Buddhist knowledge is a trace of abnormality.

"Hey? Most of the Raytheon actually rushed into the blood!" Xiaohua's Buddhist knowledge is deep, but seeing the Rays of Light wrapped around the skin around the skin, quickly rushed into the body of Cui Hongjun, towards his heart is Convergence! And the light in the blood of the past, a faint red color is gradually overflowing along the blood!

Waiting until Lei Guang entered the heart of Cui Hongjun, the sound of "咔嚓", Cui Hongyi's heart suddenly burst into a thick Yinhong, this Yinhong quickly rushed to the bloodstream, and then overflowed the body!

"唧唧" a few whistling sounds, the color of Yin Hong is still illusory in the body of Cui Hongyi, gradually condensed into a three-foot-sized skylark body!

"Ha ha ha ~ great good!" Xiao Hua saw, where did not know the original? This inner beast of the beast actually inspired the true blood of Cui Hongjun and created the skylark body!

The next night's dreams are also happy, and the colorful eyes in the eyes are frequent.

After the appearance of the skylark body, from the heart of Cui Hongjun, a little more than the needle eye, a lot of lavender thunder is born. Slowly fell into the veins of Cui Hongjun. At this time, Cui Hongjun’s heart is still working. Every time the thunder passes through an inch of meridians, a small piece of ray from the meridian is poured into the thunder, with this The thunder is circulating in the meridians, and the thunder is growing stronger!

"Oh? This... This looks very similar to the avalanche of Quanji Mountain!" Xiao Hua observed with the Buddha's knowledge, and suddenly there was a snowfall in the mind, the snow flakes grew from small to large. Weak and strong. Even the formation of a large avalanche.

"If you want to condense the inner beast of the beast in the body. You still have to control the progress of this 'avalanche'!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly, but then he frowned again. "How do you control this progress? It’s like a secret surgery. No explanation!"

Seeing that the thunder is getting bigger and bigger, Cui Hongjun has no control at all. Xiao Hua has some Nahan: "If this is the case, Cui Hongjun's meridians and even the flesh can't support it! How do the masters control it?"

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua suddenly smiled. I hurriedly turned to the road, "Cash the sister, you can take it quickly!"

"Now?" But I dare not refute, but I will also take a shot, and my heart will silently recite the secret law. It is also a few thunders born, falling on the chest of the dream!

"Well!" Although Xiao Hua is not convenient to use the Buddha to observe, it can still be a tear, two thunders fall, and only the 40% of the beasts will be refining the nightmare. This turned around and looked at Cui Hongyu again.

But seeing Cui Hongyi at this time, the thunder of the whole body is lingering, and Reese keeps going from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, his face gradually shows a bright red color! The body of the skylark was also covered by lightning, and the appearance gradually became clear.

It’s been half an hour, and the thunder of Cui Hongjun’s body has been stable. The thunder in the meridian is also running for a week, falling in the place of the next Dantian. Within the dantian, there is also a set of lightning light slowly generated, gathered in the beginning of the stagnation of the thunder!

Upon seeing it, Xiao Hua’s eyes showed his gratification. He knew in his heart that although Cui Hongjun is only the beginning of the foundation, the Leiguang, which has the illusion of the beast, can be condensed in the next dantian, and it will definitely affect him in the future. If there is no accident, Jin Dan Xiu is absolutely foreseeable!

At this time, Cui Hongyi’s meridians sounded thunder, and a yang-like qi was born from the thunder beast, and quickly rushed into the meridians. Cui Hongjun’s body began to sway, and his face was red!

“Wait a moment!” Xiao Hua looked at Cui Hongqi’s scorpion, which was covered with red silk. He waved his hand, and a law was to hit him in his dantian, and he would ban the masculinity of the beast. !

"Well, a mine beast will lead the yin and yang because of the body of the beast. If the two male and female beasts are inside, even if it is the yin and yang, then the method of yin and yang in the alchemy is used. It can also be neutralized! Just like the previous poor road, the two males and the inner mothers will enter the phoenix law!" Xiao Hua thought while thinking secretly, "It seems like... except for the phoenix body, Xiaoye also did it before. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as the two components are the same!"

Just as Xiao Hua thought about it, he was born with a burst of screaming voice. Xiao Hua hurriedly turned his head and looked at it, but seeing the nightmare was also a tight red face, his teeth were biting his lips. But the eyes that almost flow out of the water also flashed a strong brilliance!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and put Cui Hongqi in the ban on Dantian. In addition to himself, he smacked on Cui Hongyi and took out the token. His body swayed and rushed to the door of Danfang, and opened the ban. It was also a backhand. The token was thrown in and laughed loudly. "The long drought is like a rain, the house is a candlelight night! Xiaomou retire, haha, don't give it away!!"

Xiao Hua withdrew from Danfang and saw the slowing down of the ban on Danfang. This was safely flying to other Danfangs. He smiled secretly: "Come on the younger brother, the brothers can do it for you, only these, The next step is to see yourself!"

The sound of "唧~", the voice of the lark's body is faintly audible in the alchemy cave, and it is also an anxious exception! It seems to be responding to Xiao Hua’s thoughts.

"Is it coming back so soon?" Waiting for Xiao Hua to turn himself into the alchemy cave of Hongxia Fairy, Hongxia Fairy has not yet refined the Chao Mengzhu, she was surprised to ask.

"Where is the lady, how can the husband wait for a long time?" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Hey, thank you very much!" Hongxia Fairy said with no anger, "Who has been waiting for a long time in these days?"

"That..." Xiao Hua scratched his head and looked around. He was very angry and shouted. "Who...who is this kind of pity?"

Ps: Thank you for your friends, I will add more today, and there will be one more in the evening. A total of 9000 words~ (to be continued...)

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