Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1240: Prison dragon

Upon seeing it, Xiao Hua also hurriedly told Kun Peng and other people: "You will also go with the celebs disciples, and many people are always good! Xiaomou goes to the Seven Ridges!"

"Xiao Shixiong is careful!" Kun Peng knows that Xiao Hua said that he is reasonable. He recorded the general position of the Seven Ridges in Yu Jian and handed it to Xiao Hua. With seven Yu Leizong disciples, he followed the chasing bliss disciples!

Xiao Hua knew that things were urgent, and did not dare to neglect. God read the immersion into the jade slip to see, urging the Royal Thunder, and the thunder of the whole body is flying away in the distance!

After flying for several days, they also encountered several sword repairs, but Xiao Hua only whizzed past and ignored them. The swordsmen were also awkward, and several experienced people saw Xiaohua’s fleeting body. Shape, as well as the thunder of swaying in midair, has long been a discoloration, and even shrinking the neck, hurried to other places, and then dare not approach in the direction of Xiao Hua.

At noon on this day, I saw a few peaks rising in the snow from the snowy terrain. If the mountain is placed in other parts of the country, it is common, but after seeing the horses in the snowy plateau, I see it now. Naturally, it is abrupt.

"Oh? Is it the Seven Ridges here?" Xiao Hua’s heart was moving out of the jade.

At this time, just behind him, the gods swept over.

"Who?" Xiao Hua was shocked. The speed of Fei Fei immediately slowed down, and the gods swept the same. However, when he read the words over ten miles, he suddenly realized that he immediately stopped and took a hand. The Yang fan took it out, and the mana swayed and made a warning!

And that **** thought sweeps over Xiao Hua, and immediately locks Xiao Hua!

The practice of half a meal. In the distance of God's mind, a monk in the middle of Jindan is also rushing in, and this monk Xiao Hua is also known!

"Hey? Isn't this the Kun Shuai Shi Shu of Kun Lei Palace?" Xiao Hua Shen read it, recognized that Kun Shuai immediately received it back, respectfully waiting in the air, as early as when the Tiancheng City Royal Leizong resident Kun Shuai’s impression of Xiao Hua is excellent, and Xiao Hua’s attitude is humility.

"Xiao Hua? How are you here?" Kun Shuai flew near, very strangely asked, "You didn't go back to Lei Feng with Cui Hongjun and others?"

"Good teacher Kun Shushu knows that the younger generation now listens to Li Zongbao's brother Li. It is with the team of Master Li!"

"Oh? Li Zongbao?" Kun Shuai. "Isn't that a bliss disciple?"

"Yes, the younger generation was transferred to his men by Li Zongbao with the ruling order of the House of Representatives!" Xiao Hua said in a long story, "The younger generation just killed the brothers with Li Zongbao and went to the side, but met Kun Peng of Kun Lei Palace. He The disciples who went to Qijieling were ambushed by the swordsmen of the Shu State. The younger generations only came to help!"

Kun Shuai saw it. Even more frowning, yelling: "Noisy, you only built the foundation in the mid-term less than repair. How can you run freely to the seven mountains? You follow Li Zongbao, maybe some grievances, but after all, life has a guarantee. You wait However, the hero of my Royal Leizong, I will return to the Lei Fengfeng to get the award of the lord, but I can't be too careless about myself!"

"Yes, the younger generation missed the teachers and brothers at that time, didn't think so much!" Xiao Hua felt warm and lost his smile.

"What about Li Zongbao?" Kun Shuai said. "You are all here. Didn't he come? If he came, my Royal Leizong got a good helper!"

"Kun Shishu, the bliss of the family was also ambushed by the sword repair, and the brother Li Zongbao was busy with the rescue of the disciples of the people." Xiao Hua lost his smile. "Right, is the teacher Shu received the help of Kun Peng?"

"Oh, the old man did not touch Kun Peng, is another disciple!" Kun Shuai looked at the front, and it was a strange road, "Xiao Hua, you are not going to the Seven Hills, how come here?"

Xiao Hua, the sweat, slap a hand, take out the jade and hand it to Kun Shuai to lose the smile: "The younger generation is holding the jade of Kun Peng, flying, afraid... is it afraid of flying?"

“Oh?” Kun Shuai took over Yu Jian and looked at the smile. “You are not wrong. It’s Kun Peng’s kid’s mistake! He is a road idiot. You listen to him, but you are not flying back. Patrol City!"

"Yes, the younger generation understands!" Hearing is not his own flight, Xiaohua is greatly relieved.

"Let's go, the old man is going to go to the seven mountains to solve the problem, you go with the old man!" Kun Shuai laughed. "However, you have to be closer to the old man, no more than ten feet, otherwise the old man is afraid that he can't care for you." !"

"Yes, the younger generation knows!" Xiao Hua rarely met an enthusiastic senior of this ancestor, very happy to answer.

Kun Shuai’s thoughts were swept away, and he pointed his hand: “The front is the prisoner’s ridge. It’s not the Seventh Ridge. However, it’s not far from the prisoner’s ridge. Kun’s kid’s road is slightly off the mark!”

"Yes, the predecessors lead the way, the younger generation goes with the predecessors!" Xiao Hua said respectfully.

"Well, you come with the old man!" Kun Shuai's big sleeves swayed, and the figure flew first, and the mountain peaks that flew to the sky were flying!

And Xiao Hua is smiling behind the Kun Shuai.

"Oh, Xiao Hua, how about the dream and Cui Hongyi? The old man just knew the news on that day, thinking... coughing, some old men said it was inappropriate!" Kun handsome asked.

“Good teacher Kun Shushu knows” Xiao Hua’s honest obituary, “The teacher’s sister and Cui Shidi have been reconciled. The two have experienced life and death after all, and there are already many things between the points. Obsessed, since the two can be together, some trivial things are nothing!"

"That's good!" Kun Shuai's flight speed is still very fast, more than the ordinary Jindan monk more than 20%, but he asked while flying, still easy, "In addition, this is just the beginning, the day I Kun Leigong three The words of a disciple are only what ordinary people have seen. The things of the nightmare and Tuohong will surely spread throughout the Xiaoyu continent with the end of the Kendo war. Well, even now the entire Royal Leizong knows them. Things to face in the future... there are many more!!!"

"Oh, yeah!" Xiao Hua sighed slightly. He took the inner dan of the male and female beasts to the two in the alchemy hole. Why didn't that mean? In particular, let Cui Hongjun and Fu Meng dream double repair at the time, which is also considered a gift from Xiao Hua to Cui Hongjun! ! !

If not, returning to Lei Leifeng, with the weakness of Wan Leigu, how can I face those rumors that are meaningless? Two mid-term monks in the foundation...may be able to make others less swear words!

Seeing Xiao Hua also replied himself while flying, and it was not too slower than himself. Kun Shuai’s face showed a surprised look. At the same time, his mana was forced to move, and he secretly increased the flying speed. He seems to want to see if Xiao Hua can catch up with himself.

At the moment, Xiao Hua was also worried. I don’t think how to treat this matter after the return of Wan Leigu, Master and Master...

Gradually the two have already flown into the mountains, and the figure disappeared between several towering peaks!

"Booming rumbling", a wave of shaking in the mountains, countless heaven and earth aura rushed out of the prisoner's ridge, several hurricanes rushed into the air, sweeping the snow between the mountains! The volatility of the road is also spreading to the perimeter of the prison dragon!

Just in the distance from the number of prisoners, between the air and the sky, was swept by the shock of the impact, a flash of light flashed slightly, and the rapid disappearance disappeared!

"Kun Shishu~ What do you mean?" But in the prison of Longling, between several towering mountains, on a hundred-foot-sized open space, Xiao Hua fell on the bare ground, facing the top of his head. Asked on the face with a happy face, Kun Shuai coldly.

"Haha~ At this time, what do you want for the old man? Are you stupid?" Kun Shuai screamed loudly, took a hand and took out a palm-sized gold-colored bottle from the storage bag. Mana urged Underneath, there is a fascinating flame of gold on the bottle of the law!

Xiao Hua slowly climbed from the ground, very calmly patted the dirt on his body, staring at Kun Shuai, his eyes narrow, just now, he flew into the prison with Long Peng, just came to this open space On the top, I saw Kun Peng’s full-fledged mana, and his hands and feet swayed incessantly. He thought that he encountered the ambush of the sword repair. He just released the gods and wanted to see the enemy. He felt that there were four places in the valley. Four mana fluctuations were born, and the fluctuations were intertwined in the air like a net, and the moment was to cover him from the top down. An unrivaled force drove him off from the air. Straight to the ground!

Fortunately, Xiao Hua's skin is thick and thick, and the rocks on the ground are smashed. I haven't suffered any injuries, just the robes are filthy!

I felt that in this inexplicable circle of law, a kind of giant force is like being in the air, pressing himself from top to bottom, like being solidified in the flesh, filling in countless rocks, and it’s difficult to raise his hands. Hua hastened to put out the Buddha’s knowledge. He first looked at his feet and waited to see the strong fluctuations in the rocks. He didn’t feel the snoring, knowing that the technique of bandits was not easy to use, then it was Looked at the left side of the valley.

The entire valley is full of strong fluctuations, it should be the scope of the law, and Kun Shuai's body is a faint brilliance to shield this wave!

Xiao Hua’s eyes are shrinking and cold and cold: “The younger generation did not know that the younger generation had offended the uncle, and actually let Shi Shu spend so much thought, sit down such a big hand and foot, and lure the younger generation to this place! That Kun Peng is probably What about the uncles of Uncle Kun?"

Kun Shuai ignored him. This slowly urged the mana. The fire in his hand became bigger and bigger, and the color of golden light was also revealed!

Xiao Hua knows that he can't get any message from Kun Shuai's mouth. He snorted: "Just rely on this shit, and want to trap the little man, Kun Shuai, you are too imaginative!"

Said, Xiao Hua's mana was swaying, and he gradually made a thunderous sound. His figure flew up and he rushed toward Kun Shuai. At the same time, Xiao Hua took a hand and wanted to take the magic wand out. ! (To be continued...)

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