Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1241: Six Ding Kaishan Forbidden Magic Array

I know, Xiao Hua just rushed a few feet, an unparalleled force is born out of the volatility, and it will be suppressed by death, like a million boulder on his shoulder, and he is taken to the ground. ! And when he "plops" and falls, the giant force is decreasing, and it is the same as before! ! !

What surprised Xiao Hua most was not this. He took a hand and the magic stick was taken out of the space. However, the magic stick that used to be like a wooden stick is now like a mountain, almost just met Xiao Hua. The finger immediately slipped from Xiao Hua’s hand, and fell along the rock with Xiao Hua’s figure!

"Ha ha ha ~" Seeing Xiao Hua's wolverine, Kun Shuai couldn't help but laugh. "I heard that your thunder is successful, but it is a natural power! How? In this circle, you... ...what is the use of it?"

Xiao Hua's face was gloomy. Looking at the bottle in the hands of Kun Shuai, the golden flame gradually solidified, and a horrible breath emanated from the flame! Even the monks in the middle of Jindan must be motivated, and anyone knows the power of this flame!

"What is this legal array? Why is it so weird?" Xiao Hua took a shot, and Ye Yang fan took it out, and within his body, the real yuan was rarely strangely protected from this ban!

"Hey~ let you know what you know!" Kun Shuai seems to be in a good mood. While urging the bottle, he still said with ease. "Don't you have heard of the Six Ding Mountain ban?"

"Forbidden magic array?" Xiao Hua listened to the name a bit stunned, sneer, "Isn't it because of the mountainous force of the mountain, a strong prohibition, the body of the devil's body is imprisoned?"

"Oh?" Kun Shuai's face flashed a different color, almost unbelievable. "You actually know this? You are really like her... I said that the fireworks are smashing. The stalking is very wide, and the mana is forced to build the base later. Plus the power of God is comparable to Jindan!"

"Who?" Xiao Hua sighed and asked.

"Who? Why should the old man tell you?" Kun Shuai sneered. "After you are dead. Go underground and ask!"

Said, Kun Shuai will wave his hand, but see the golden flame of the bottle of the law flying in the air, stunned, the whole valley is reflected in the golden color, the heaven and earth aura in the valley is like a waterfall upside down. Fill the flames from all directions!

"Division!" Kun Shuai's figure was stagnant in the air. A little finger, the loud sound of the flame "teng", separated from the middle, into six, hanging in the hexagon of the air! It seems to be in line with the entire legal array!

The breath of the flame itself is horror, waiting to mix the momentum of the law. The whole power is completely pressed against Xiao Hua from all directions!

This is where to treat a mid-term monk, that is, to kill the Jindan monk, this is enough!

"Go!" Xiao Hua’s magic weapon for the time being, he can only swing Ye Yang fan!

With the dancing of Ye Yang fan, six fire dragons rushed to the six groups of flames!

Seeing the huge fire dragon rushing out, Kun Shuai didn't even look at his eyes, even sneer: "Since you see the old man cast these spells. You still don't know if the old man is a fire attribute? This is the fire... oh..."

Sure enough, the six fire dragons rushed into the flames, the flames were only slightly swaying, all the flames were sucked in, and there was no more smashing!

"It seems that you have already pondered Xiaomou!" Xiaohua sighed and shot his hand, Ye Yang fan income space!

"Hey, what about your phoenix body?" Kun Shuai stood there quietly, and asked Xiaohua a dozen feet, smiling. "The old man still wants to see how to use this innate fire to burn your phoenix body into roast chicken!"

"Who is that person? You just tell Xiaomou, Xiaomou immediately released the body!" Xiao Hua estimated the distance of Kun Shuai, calmly answered.

"In fact, telling you is no problem~" Kun Shuai laughed. "As far as the old man knows, you can never escape from the six-footed banned magic line! However, the old man has always been careful not to wait for you to die. I won't tell you!"

Then Kun Shuai is a gimmick. "It’s hard... you think you can escape this battle?"

"Yes, Xiaoye is letting you know! You dare to play the abacus on Xiaoye, and have been talking to Xiaoye for so long, it is definitely the greatest sorrow in your life! Where is the strength of Laozi? Can you speculate?" Xiao Hua will wave his hand, and the wishful stick is in his hand. It is as he expected, and the wishful stick is not subject to the ban of this ruling!

"Hey? You are a bit strange!" Kun Shuai saw the wishful rod was held in the hands of Xiao Hua, strange and sneer, "Does the old man talk to you is not to delay the time? You look at these six lights! ”

Between the talks, Kun Shuai grabbed his hand and the six methods beat the flame. The flame suddenly turned into a illusion. Six lamp stands appeared in the air, and the same golden brilliance was emitted on each lampstand. Next, the lampstand draws a mysterious arc in the middle of the air, constantly rotating!

At the same time, a flower-like flame flies out from the lampstand. This flame emits golden light. Although it absorbs the heaven and earth aura, it does not rise, and the hot temperature will burst into the void!

Xiao Hua felt the hot fire. It was supposed to release the Buddha relic and the water bottle, but look at the flames like the stars, and Kun Shuai, who is a dozen feet away from him, is a move in his heart. Get up, protect yourself from dripping!

"Ha ha ha ~ how do you think like the magic scorpion!" Kun Shuai's body steadily stopped there, it seems that he did not dare to move too much, and the mana between the mana is laughing, " If this innate fire can be hit by your magic weapon, can you still be innocent? Is it the latest chapter of the martial arts?

Many of Kun’s smiles are mocking, and more is still a kind of stability, a feeling of long breath!

I know, when a dozen fires fell in front of Xiao Hua, they were shot by Xiao Hua’s wishful sticks. If there were real things, Kun Shuai’s smile condensed on his face!

"This...this is impossible..." Kun Shuai muttered whispering, yeah, this is a natural fire, but all the artifacts, magic weapons, etc. that come across all of them are burnt, absolutely There are no exceptions, unless the opponent has a special means to prevent this innate fire!

"Disease ~" Kun Shuai is very puzzled, but his face shows a sneer, under the force of the force, from the six lampstands, there are a lot of lights like the flowers of the sky, "Old man I don't believe it, you can keep it in the fire!!

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua was very happy in his heart. "This is really a good name! I can really kill this flame! However, there are still some problems. After all, there is a magic weapon in the wishful bar. There are some small flames... And, this is the key to the smashing of the shackles! It is so powerful, I am afraid that it will not last long!"

Xiao Hua seems to be very easy to dance, but actually he only knows that every time he dances, the pressure on the body is a little bigger, as if within this big array, only static can eliminate this pressure. !

However, Xiao Hua did not have any method. He could only make great efforts to dance. Although there was no such kind of chicness, the flames of the sky were blocked from Xiaohua’s feet. Can't be close!

However, the time of a meal, Xiao Hua can not support, the entire valley has been completely covered by the flames, Xiao Hua's arm is also tired of abnormal, since the success of his cultivation, has never been so exhausted! It is obvious that the Tongtian stick method has already had flaws, and some flames are hit by Xiaohua's body through the wishful stick. Xiaohua's force flashes away, and the flame falls on the ground, and it immediately burns!

There is more fire through this, and Xiao Hua has no place to stand. It’s quite awkward!

Fortunately, during this time, Kun Shuai did not display other spells, but only ignited the innate fire, as if he did not come to freedom within this war!

"Ha ha ha ~" Seeing Xiao Hua's feet have been spread by the flames, there is nothing to move around, Kun Shuai laughed, "The old man should look at it, what is the specificity of your so-called hidden fire physique! ”

"Is it?" Xiao Hua's arm was really out of strength, his eyes glimpsed, and sneered. "The little man will let you see..."

Said, Xiao Hua will be a good bar, the flames of the sky are falling, waiting for the fire when the fire is close to the body, the body shape is disappearing!

"This...this...this..." Seeing that Xiao Hua actually disappeared in the innate fire, Kun Shuai’s eyes were to fall. "How is it possible? This is a congenital fire! Even... ..."

At this time, that has long been a wave of mana within the flames of his feet, Xiao Hua’s figure actually appeared in the flames, and the wishful sticks were again thrown out, it was strange to hit the legs of Kun Shuai. !

"Five lines of law? This is impossible!" Kun Shuai knows clearly that the five elements of the law can be said to be able to walk in the five elements, even within the flames, but the ordinary flame at that time. , congenital fire... Who dares to walk inside?

Xiao Hua waved this wishful stick, and there was only the last trace of strength between the arms. He forbears for so long, waiting for the real fire to flood the valley, and he has the opportunity to use the fire to rush into the air to have a chance. Close to Kun Shuai! Although, just in the real fire, his technique is not only very slow, but also because of the influence of the big array, and the brilliance of the body is also crumbling, and may be crushed by the characteristics of the real fire at any time, but After all, he still succeeded. This last bit of strength is afraid of being the last straw that can get rid of him!

Seeing that Kun Shuai is too late to defend, Xiao Hua is a great hit in the legs of Kun Shuai, Xiao Hua does not feel happy! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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