Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1246: Tu Hong’s legacy

Wang Ye looked at some unhappy Jindan monks around him and smiled and said: "Tu Hong is a member of my parliamentary hall. This is the result of the enlisting of the enemy. It is the result of the crowds of the people in the forum. How did he become one? Good credit? Fortunately, Qin Jian killed him. Otherwise, my Daozong’s victory in this battle is not all his merits?”

"The old man has already said that the old man’s innocence is just a matter of fact!" The murderer whispered. "What the old man wants to say is that when I co-ordinate the disciples to kill the swords, I have to be more grateful. Tu Hong... Of course, this plan to lure the enemy, at this time..."

At this time, the fluctuations of the mana on the House of Representatives are the direction of the Xianle School!

"Hey?" Hey, a little bit stunned, look at Li Chengxu's empty futons and hesitate a little!

But seeing the mana fluctuations julie flashes and shows the face of a young woman with an angry face!

He was so shocked that he got up quickly and respectfully bowed: "I have seen Haoxia Fairy!"

"Well, you wait!" In the mirror is the head of Xianle School, Xia Xia Fairy, a monk in the middle of the Yuan Ying."

"Li Daoyou has been on leave for a few days..." He hurriedly explained, "I don't know..."

"Well, the old man knows!" Yan Xia fairy cold and cold, "Li Chengxu's life card has broken!"

"Ah?" I almost didn't dare to talk to each other. "Li... Li Chengxu's Taoist brand is really broken??"

"If not, why should the old man inform you to wait?" Xixia fairy said, "Why are you waiting for these disciples to eat? The war is more than a decade. So you have not seen any great achievements, but it is the Jindan monk. One after another, the fall! Then what Tu Hong has just been assassinated in the Sky City, Li Chengxu is dead! The snowy old man is still not in the Sky City!"

"Yes, yes!" He sweated his forehead and could only bow his head and say yes.

"Let's wait and see Li Chengxu's death, and report to the old body as soon as possible!" Xia Xia sent a temper, cold and cold, "I will discuss with them, it is not good, you will be ready to go to the battlefield!"

"Yes. Yes. Disciples know!" He still squats, "The disciple immediately sent someone to check! Send someone to check immediately!!"

"Hey!" Xiaoxia fairy snorted and waved his hand, his figure disappeared!

I waited for the sorrowful fairy to have a nose and no pain in my eyes. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I rushed to the disciplinary disciples. Take out the token of the House of the House, and want to tell them to go and check it out. But the stranger is a karate: "You are a friend. It is better for the disciples to find some embarrassment. Let’s go for something, take some with you. Disciples can also send the news back in time!"

“Do you know!” he reminded, “Li Chengxu has been on leave for a few days, and he has no movements when he is killed. It must have been out of the Sky City. You are going to go now... it’s still dangerous!”

"Hey, Li Chengxu is the value of my deliberation hall. His death must be the sword repair. He died for my Dao Zong war. Can I wait for the culprits? The old man is willing to take this risk!" Road.

"Good!" Peng Pei, the sect of the sect, said, "It’s still dangerous to be a stranger, so how about going out with your friends?"

"Big good!" smirked. "In this case, the two Taoist friends took the token of my House of Representatives and took 20 disciples of the House of Representatives to investigate!"

"Yes~" Gan Mo reached out and took the token and promised. However, just as he turned his head, he took another shot. He took out a jade and handed it to the road. Friends, just doing a certain word is only half said! This is the time when he talked with Tu Hong on the same day, what he wanted to say! It is the layout of this war and ... deductive, do not do, from Knowing that there is no great command of command, I can only carefully record it for me to wait for the discussion of the temple!"

"Oh?" Brows his head and hesitated. However, he still sighed and took a hand and took Jade Jane. After he saw it, he looked again and again, and he was shocked. "Tu Hong... This is really a big talent! The previous Lingmai war, although I fell into a downturn, now attacking the Lingshi vein, it is a sham shot, not only to attract the sword's gaze to the Lingshi vein again. It is even more between the Lingshi veins, and the back road of the sword repair is broken!"

After that, he swept the crowd and said: "Despite the death of Tu Hong, he actually estimated the situation at this time! Even... well, the poor road is not to say, let's wait and see! If Tu Hong is here today, this battle... I will win!"

"Yu Daoyou said that it is too much!" Zhou Qingping of Chiba Ridge is not happy. "Is it difficult for me to have a small hall of Tu Hong, can this war be impossible?"

"Haha, of course not!" He handed Jade to the monks around him and smiled. "After all, I am still a monk who waited for the Tao. But with this idea, I will have a grasp and even die." Tens of thousands of disciples!"

Say, everyone looked at the jade one by one, and everyone looked different, some were horrified, some were thoughtful, and even more disdain!

"Well, this is the idea of ​​Tu Hong, and it is also the idea of ​​doing something!" After seeing Yu Jian, he returned to the hands of Yan, and he said, "I hope that I can benefit my battle for Taoism!"

After that, the dry hand is just going away, just... just a few feet away, and it’s stopped, and the face is extremely hesitant.

"Hey? Good friends, is there anything else?" asked 珩洺qiguai.

"Hey ~" dry strange travel around, look at the Jin Dan who just viewed Yu Jian, the look is a bit complicated. However, this complexity is only a moment, and the dryness is also a voice. "You are a friend of the Tao. In fact, I just gave it to some of my friends. It’s just part of Tu Hong’s saying. Tu Hong still has some care. Gan seems to be extremely ridiculous, but... If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense! But even if you try to do some brain work, you still can't think of it! This is perhaps the difference between mediocrity and handsome talent! ”

"What is this for the Taoist friends?" He admired Tu Hong's arrangement, and he said that he was so surprised at the moment. "Why can't you say it in person?"

"Hey!" The dry stranger glanced at the crowd. "Did you not look at their faces? They are dissatisfied with this arrangement. If the last part is taken out, it will not be turned over? If so, do it. It’s better not to take it out! In addition, even if Gan took it out, he could never be in the face of arguments of all the monks in the House of Deputies~ because... some don’t trust some of them!!!”

"This..." Hehe hesitated, look at the jade in his hand, and he really wants to see what other arrangements are in Tu Hong. "The Taoist friends, other Jindan monks are fine, but the road to repairing the Three Kingdoms Friends, can't you not let them participate?"

"Well, in addition to the rotating friends, others... a word can not let them know!" Dry face flashed a grim look.

"As you wish!" He took out the token and put his hand a little, but saw a cluster of blue brilliance flying above the token. Guanghua rushed into the air like a fountain, and then "brushed" a drop, It is the Jindan monks who sit on the futon in the first row and are covered in it!

"What is this?" Taiqing’s demon brow wrinkled and whispered, "All the friends in my house are yiti, and all the affairs should be discussed. When you come to Sky City, head The adults have already said that this prohibition is not to be used as a last resort, otherwise it will create a gap between me and other friends!"

"Gangdaoyou, you can say it at this time!" 珩洺 Ignore the ethics, first said to the dry stranger, but also to see the crowd, sighed, "Li Chengxu Taoyou has been quietly ignorant of me, I am waiting for it! Maybe... this is a last resort!"

"Oh? Is there Li Chengxu's news?" Xiong Huasong said, "Why didn't you just say that you didn't say it?"

"Oh, Xiong Daoyou thinks a lot!" Gan Mo Gong, "After a certain period of ban, all the friends can use the news of Li Chengxu's friends as a perfunctory, but at this time, what you have to say is another absolute of Tu Hong. Let me wait for the feelings of incredible...plan!"

Said, the dry stranger is a clap, take out another jade and hand it to the martyr: "Hey, you look at..."

You are almost unwilling to wait, and you will grab your hand, and the jade slip is in his hands! Waiting for his **** to immerse, the expression on his face... it’s wonderful! A horror? I don’t understand, and even some of my smiles are revealed in the face of you!

Seeing everyone is inexplicable, they really can't think of it, inside this jade... What arrangement of Tu Hong can actually make a Jindan monk so amazing!

Look at this jade Jane's time is a few times more than the previous one! It seems...is reading word by word! This is extremely rare for the Jindan monks who used to be acquainted with God.

Looking at the sternness of such a serious, De Xun and other people's eyes did not fall on the face of the dry stranger, although they did not say anything, but that some eager eyes are not just to let the stranger say?

"Cough cough~" dry cough and two cries, very sorry for the loss of laughter, "It is the clearest to say that this thing, but this strategic arrangement... are all copied from Tu Hong, do not say Good, please let your friends know!"

"When" Wang Ye sees that he can't see Yu Jian for a while, and some of them smile and say, "Since this jade slip is recorded in the strategy of the Daojian War, why should the Daoyou take the hand of Tu Hong? What if you only think that you are thinking about it?" (To be continued...

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