Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: Sword ambush

I don’t seem to have heard the sarcasm in Wang Ye’s tone, saying: “Done has just said that the heart of a certain heart can be learned! This heart is open and can be seen in the sun and the moon! This credit is a human slaughter. Hong's, that is, Tu Hong's, will not be assassinated by the death of Qin Hong by the sword, and will not be ruined by some of Qin Jian's fault..."

"Hey~" Wang Ye still sneered, not much to say, while others looked at the stranger thoughtfully.

When I finished reading it, and when I handed Jade to Dexun, the Germans followed the hand: "Dangdaoyou, this is written inside the jade, if you say it, I will wait one by one. Finish, I don't know when?"

"Well, the poor road understands!" I thought about it for a moment, and still handed Jade to Dexun. "Let's take a look at it. This is a dry mob... With Tu Hong's credit, you can still see it." In addition, when you see the friends, the poor road will tell you the details inside!"

"Where is it?" De Nod's nod, took over Yu Jian, and God immersed himself. Sure enough, as soon as he saw the content inside, his face appeared strange!

This time, the people who were originally pushed out of the air and repeatedly said that they are more and more curious!

"Hey, Tu Hong, it really is a generation of heroes!" He sighed, simple and clear, "He wants to put a whistle in the sword, this whistle is bigger than the spring." I have to be a dozen times bigger! When the monks of my sects will repel the swords of the Shu Kingdom to the swords, I will introduce them into this squad and launch the big squad... Wan Jian’s sword is completely killed...”

"How...how is it possible?" Sure enough, this sentence will let everyone say it!

They didn't seem to have considered the sword at all. At the same time, I have never considered setting up a big battle in the sword!

At the same time that Wang Ye was surprised, he dismissed it: "There is no big strategy under the swordsmanship... It is not a special strategy. The previous war... is not used without it! It is not used for such horror! ”

"Wang Daoyou!" He looked up and down at him, faintly said, "To tell the truth, did Dao thought about this?"

Wang Yeyi, a little thought, shook his head and said: "I don't think about Daoyou, Wang did not think about it! After all, the sword has long been behind the sword repair, I have been fighting since the war. Forced to be in the Xi State and the Shu State. There is no possibility to force the sword to the sword!"

“Why is it impossible?” asked the interested person.

"The facts are here!" Wang Yeyi beats the hand. “Even now I am waiting to visit the strength of Jian Xiu and do the final battle, can... Do you think there is a certain chance of victory?”

"A few points of odds, I will not say it for the time being!" 珩洺 吟吟 , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连 连”

"They can't think of it!" Dessert's eyes also flashed admiration. Yu Jian has seen it in a hurry. He handed it to Xiong Huasong and said, "The sword is already behind them. And they now occupy a lot of Lingshi veins and push the front line into the three kingdoms of my Tao. How can they guard against swords?"

"Is it unintentional to attack it?" Xiong Huasong asked as he looked at Jade.

"It's just like this!" 珩洺 珩洺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在Going to the necessary passages of my country and the country! Although other places can pass, but need to bypass, even extremely dangerous, under the magic sword, I am afraid that I must attack the Taoist sect through the sword! It is all, the war They are all marked by swords and the swords are repelled to the swords, which is the victory of my Taoist !!!"

"Now the sword repair does not know how much it has crossed the sword!" Wang Ye asked some yin and yang sighs. "Where is there to use it?"

"The use is big!" He praised the channel. "First, I waited for the sword to set. If it can be completed at the same time as the final battle, then... is the two-headed attack! You can let the swords and heads I can't take care of it! Second, even if I can't wait for the final battle, I can't figure out the strength of the sword repair. If there is a set of swords, I can always cut off the passage of the sword repair, so that the sword repair can't be smooth, can't A large number of spheres of entry into the Three Kingdoms of my comprehension! Third, this is an ambush, a secret hand. If it can be used, it is a big use. If it can't be used, it is not a waste!"

"Actually... the old man still has some doubts!" ​​De Xun finished reading Yu Jian and said, "This screaming war is really powerful, but the law is extremely unstable. The sword is the place where the golden heaven and earth are extremely rich. It's not very suitable for this array! Besides, I don't have a map of this array. I have to think about the snowy real people in the Sky City!

"Why do you have to scream the whistle?" The dry singer opened up. "The screaming squad is a huge amount of heaven and earth aura. The big array is placed in the springs of the mountains. It is the support of the Lingshi veins! But in Swordsman? I’m afraid it’s not okay? The full amount of swordsmanship, the full amount of gold heaven and earth aura is more powerful for sword repair!”

"What do you mean by the Taoist friends?" I know that the dry mob must be well thought out and whispered.

"Don't know how to arrange!" Xiaomo laughed. "But I don't have enough people in the hall to listen to their opinions, or listen to their opinions!"

The voice of Gan Mo’s voice landed. Everyone looked at Xiong Tianzong’s Xiong Huasong. Xuan Tianzong was known for his formation. Xiong Huasong was the most well-versed Jin Dan monk in the temple!

"Actually, when the Taoist friends talked about the whistling squad, Xiongmou was already thinking about it!" Xiong Huasong did not hide it. "There are only Tu Hong, etc.... The madman who dares to use tens of thousands of monks Life as a bait, spurt a big battle! I have to wait in the swords, you must not use the spirits of the big array! However, to use the sword and the sorrowful sword, it is the sword sword array is the most appropriate, Although the golden world of the swordsmanship is abundant, the bears can't really think of a particularly suitable array of methods at some time!"

Xiong Huasong's tone is very pertinent. Then everyone loves to listen. If he suddenly said a useful array of methods in this moment, maybe everyone can't believe it! After all, this is an era of lost law!

"Right, since Tu Hong can think of the swordsmanship method, the sword repair meeting is not the same as the bear Taoyou, will think of the sword array?" Laocheng's heavy German follow is also asked.

"You can't rule out this possibility!" It doesn't matter if you stumble. "However, according to the poor road, it is unlikely! After all, they have crossed the sword, and there is no point in it!"

"Oh, unless I wait to knock them back to the sword..." Wang Ye smiled. "However, if they want to hit the Sky City, they will not think of it!"

"Liu had watched the city guards in the Sky City a few years ago when he was close to the sword." Liu Xinwu of Shang Huazong said with certainty, "There is no trace of high-level sword repair activities there!"

"Hey, Liu Daoyou really manages to see far-reaching!" He said quite awkwardly. "Is it noticed in the early years?"

"Well, when Jian Jian crossed the sword, it was not too far. Liu was afraid of any changes. He made a temporary appeal and asked the Sky City to check it out!" Liu Xinwu said with a smile. "It’s just that the sword is too dangerous. There are a lot of sword repairs on the road, and the Sky City can't be checked frequently. There are some news from time to time, and nothing is too important!"

"So very good!" He said, "It seems that the sword repair has ignored the sword! It is really a good opportunity for me to plan!"

Li Jijie of Changbaizong said coldly: "All the things that you said are all on paper! If you don't kill the swords and retreat near the swords, this big battle is difficult to make a big effect! Simply block the sword repairs and go to the swords, Jian Xiu found that the big array is not going to be defeated?"

"How does Li Daoyou know that I can't beat the sword to retreat near the sword?" said a faint sigh. "Even if I use a large array to stop the swordsman in the sword, I can kill a lot of swordsmen. It can also resist the morale of the swordsman and the morale of my monk!"

"Really!" Gao Wei, who has never spoken, said, "Isn’t Qin Sword often ambushing? Isn’t the monk who often kills my sect? Now I’m waiting for a big ambush in the sword. Hit the face of their sword repair!"

Everyone knows that Yan Yan teaches more of Qin Jian’s loss, hate the ambush of Jian Xiu, and Gao Wei’s saying is precisely the shame of a snowy monk!

"The old man thinks... this is also a bit mad..." Cheng Ming of Shengxianmen is also an open channel. "The most important thing in this plan is to test the dependence of sword repair on swordsman! Actually On the other hand, the sword is far less important than the one mentioned in the jade. The swordsman is not necessarily completely passed by the sword. There are still many ways to choose! If it is like Tu Hong, I don’t have to be so passive. Just put a fortress in front of the sword, or even directly move the Sky City to the sword. It’s not a squad, but a sword to kill one, how can they invade my comprehension? Three Kingdoms? Why do I have to queue up in the Sky City?"

"Cheng Daoyou said that it is also reasonable! However, this matter is somewhat urgent, and I can't allow me to discuss it in detail! The poor road thinks this plan is feasible!" He raised his hand, "Which other friends agree?"

He did not hesitate to raise his hand. Sakamoto wanted to remind him that Yu Leizong was not a sect of rotation. He thought about it and shut up.

Hehe hesitated, raised his hand, and then Xiong Huasong was also raising his hand...

In the end, except for Li Jijie of Changbaizong, other Jindan monks agreed. Even Cheng Ming is hesitant to agree! (To be continued...)

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