Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1262: Respect for the adversary

"Ji Laozi..." Xiao Hua smiled. "The soul of the soul repair is not very understanding. If the monk of my Taoist school can be repaired into Yuan Ying, the life limit is up to two thousand. You are all living near. Chitose, people can't do it without it!"

"The words are like this, but... How many people have this opportunity?" The voice of Ji Ye came from the seal of the sea. "The old man can live for so long, because the cover of the seal, the old man is gradually In the cover of the sea, the body and the device are combined, the life limit is long. If the old man cultivates the Taoist law, he is afraid that it will be turned into a white bone! Oh, when it comes to this [驮谀?ahref=\'/txt/665/331622/\'> Before the secret land, Zizi met the monk of Taibaizong, and the two men moved their hands. The monk of Taibaizong was holding the seal of the sea. However, Zizi was worse than the monk half-financed, almost died in the hands of the monk! And the old man saw this, almost bloody, simply ignore what, rushed forward, to block in the child In front of me, I just want to die for her!"

"Good!!" Xiao Hua couldn't help but screamed, thumbs up, praised

"Oh, unfortunately, the old man is still wrong!" The voice of Ji Ye came out, "What did the old man do on the day? How could he block the seal of the sea? Everything is nothing but the enemy of the enemy! The old man is self-made. Passionate!"

"The old man is not bad under this block. It is finally a chance!" Hearing that Ji Ye said that he had printed the seal, how could Xiao Hua not know the embarrassment, said with a smile

"Well, it's true!" Ji Ye did not deny, "If the old man is a blocker on the same day, and is seriously injured! Not only can this sea mark not fall to the hands of the old man, the old man is even less likely to get a secret of the soul repair! ”

"Oh?" Xiao Hua nodded slightly

"In fact, it is the secret of the integration of the gods and the magic weapon!" Ji Ye did not hide, said, "When the days are going to cover the seal of the sea and the secret professor, it is clear that the old man’s qualifications are too bad, and the gods are even more It is weak, it can't be cultivated at all, even if it is a repair, it will not be! If it is strong self-cultivation, at the end, the Yuanshen will surely dissipate within the magic weapon!"

"Ah? Father, you are this..." Xiao Hua suddenly understood that he had stopped the urging of the innate water, and said that with the field, Xiao Hua’s fight is also a lot smaller.

"Xiao Xiaoyou really is a kind person!" Ji Ye said with a smile. "But everything is already late. Before the old man was hesitant before the battle, the old man has already merged with Haiyin for a thousand years. Indifference affects the old man’s gods all the time. If the old man is war with you, the gods have already reached the end of the dissipate!!"

"The old man always said, 'Although there is no regrets," it means this!" Xiao Hua does not feel it.

"Yes, it is indeed the wish of the old man to fight with Xiao Xiaoyou, such a frank and unrestrained monk!" Ji Ye said, "Does the old man use the body to fight with the sky, fight with people? If you can't fight Why did the old man have to make those choices before the millennium? Since the old man chose this road, he must go to the end without hesitation!"

"Yes, Xiaozi understands!" Xiao Hua respected Jiye awkwardly. "The kid will also satisfy the wish of the old man!"

"I am afraid that there will be another half hour, the old man's **** will be dissipated, and the old man is quite emotional before he died. These are so many, I just want someone in the world to know what some old people think! Even if it is a repair, it is Beast repair, even if you can't see the side of the road in the eye, there is a sad story behind everyone, everyone has the blood and sweat behind them!"

"Well~" Xiao Hua whispered her lips and whispered, "The kid is actually a scholastic origin, and I feel it..."

"Haha, nothing! The old man has lived for a thousand years and struggles with the erosion of this magic weapon every day. Now it is the end of time, come, come, come, say no benefit, let the old man see your mana, if you can low-grade The last attack of the old man, the old man will give you a surprise!" After all, the flash of the brilliance of the seal on the sea, like the sound of the roar of the sea, will be over, and then, a stronger than before A few times the strength of the birth, resisting the power of the seven-star big array of imprisonment!

"Start!" Xiao Hua is not scornful, hurriedly display the Buddha's seal, will be the first natural water to provoke, while corroding and oppressing the brilliance of the seal of the sea, while trying to stabilize the seven-star array!

Seeing the water wave is a few times stronger than before, Xiao Hua will take a look at it, and the wishful stick is in his hand, and he will pull into the big seven-star array, and it will go to the sea-printing!

Xiao Hua understands the tightness. The best way now is that he will come up with all the means to fight with Haiyin and send it to Jiye!

"Booming and banging!" Xiaohua's wishful swing is random. Every time he touches the brilliance of the seal, it is a roaring sound. Although the sea-printing is slightly trembled every time, it can always stand still. The mainstay is also the pillar!

"啧啧~" Xiao Hua said with emotion. "This magic weapon is really a powerful use of the magic weapon! Unfortunately, this mystery can not be tried, even if the little master got this cover, I am afraid that there is no such power. !"

Just as I was thinking, Xiao Hua was also alert. The previous experience of Ji Ye, which was recovered from the fear of congenital water corrosion, is now issued. It is covered by a seven-star array and a congenital water cover on the sword sac! Want to defeat the seven-star array through the sword!

"Hey!" Xiaohua smiled at the corner of his mouth, and took the soul bell and the scorpion again. The soul shook, and the sound of "When" was loud, and the cold **** was like being bitten by a poisonous snake, suddenly retracting. Xiao Hua is also a triumphant pursuit, knocking twice again!

Out of Xiao Hua’s expectation, the gods are retracted, but the brilliance of the seal is even more splendid! Even with the increase in the power of the seal against the sea, the seven-star array has a tendency to be uncontrollable!

"吼~" suddenly roared, the innocent water was covered by dozens of feet, and the entire seven-star array was also out of control. The seal was free, and it was slightly circled in the air, and it was in the distance. Fly away!

"Bad!" Seeing that Haiyin is going to go, and there is no voice of Ji Ye, Xiao Hua Deng understands that the **** of the field is afraid that it has disappeared. Although it has been said for some time, it is because Your own strong attack, as well as the use of the Horcruxes to promote their early collapse! And this last blow should be the last resort of Ji Ye! ! !

"Where to go!" Xiao Hua's figure flew up, and he took a hand, and the big hand charm was taken out. Under the mana urging, the magical power of Xiao Hua's body was drawn into the charm!

"嗡~" is a loud noise, a large hand of a few feet is illusion in the air! And the aura of heaven and earth within the Baizhang is also swarming and melting into the big hands!

"You stay!" Xiao Hua slammed the law, the big hand was fishing in the air, and the powerful force will cover the sea seal firmly! The Haiyin, which had been flying a few feet, was like a goshawk that was flying wings. Although it sounded like a beep, it was still difficult to move half a foot!

Immediately, Xiao Hua urged the big hand, and the big hand slowly closed, and the seal of the sea would be in it! "呜~" Covered Haiyin suddenly narrowed down, rushing toward the big hand!

A loud bang of "Boom", the cover of Haiyin actually reached the big hand! ! !

"Bad!" Xiao Hua once again said that it is not good. This big hand is originally broken. Where can it be defeated by Haiyin?

However, Xiao Hua did not panic, driving the congenital water quickly wrapped up, and wrapped the big hand in it, the seven-star array that had just collapsed also rushed to the outside of the real water!

The bang of "Boom" again, the cover of Haiyin really took out the control of the big hand, and with the big hand it was turned into a magical character, and Haiyin himself rushed into the real water!

"Haha, Xiaoye sees where you still want to run!" Seeing that Haiyin, which has fallen into the true water, has no previous light, the space for opening up is getting smaller and smaller, Xiaohua laughs, but then there is A kind of compassion comes from my heart!

Ji Ye is like the spring flower of autumn. In order to pursue the ultimate practice, he burned his life at the last moment of this battle. He seems to be out of date, but it seems to be taken for granted. Of course he is a benevolent person. Ji Ye is not the first one, and definitely not the last one, maybe never the last one! ! The road to practice is long, and which one is not seeking in the loneliness?

This kind of adversary is respectable, it is difficult to meet, and it can also be kept in the heart!

"Fall ~ ~" Xiao Hua heart mournful, hands waving, countless large Tianlei descended from the sky, "咔嚓嚓" fell on the seal of the sea, as if only this sacred Tianlei can represent Xiao Hua Respect for Ji Ye! ! !

Sure enough, with the baptism of the thunder, the brilliance of the sea-printing is getting smaller and smaller, and even the fine lines and symbols on it are clearly visible!

"Yi Laozi!" Xiao Hua stared at Haiyin, whispered, "If you are old, you are proud, only when the kid is a repair of Jin Dan, but you are still wrong, you are just a magic sword. The strength of the three products, with your old repairs, although it can make the power of the sea cover, and even challenge the limit of the sea mark in the end, but the old sea of ​​the incarnation of the old is still not a rival of the kid! Of course, You are now an incarnation of the body. In the future, this is the magic weapon for the kid. The kid must be able to make this sea cover, and truly suppress the sea!"

Immediately after Xiao Hua, the real water was collected, and the Buddha relics spit out the truth to want to cross the field, knowing that there is no soul in the field!

"Hey, this seems to be similar to the situation of the twelve flying swords!" Xiao Hua was surprised and surprised. When the Buddha relics were collected, Xiao Huang was called out! Let him be there to watch!

Waiting for another piece of tea, the entire brilliance of the seal on the sea is full, Xiao Hua does not hesitate to fly into the big array, release the mind, a blood spray to the sea mark, according to Zhenyun The ritual of the seal is sacrificed!

With the rehearsal of Xiao Hua, the Guanghai printed on Guanghai began to flash, and the dragon body that was smashed and printed began to swim... (to be continued...)

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