Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1263: I am gone, you continue

Waiting for the khaki brilliance to sway quickly, after several times of destruction, a sacred mind rushed into Xiaohua’s mind!

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was shocked. It was precisely to urge the gods to introduce the secret method. However, she realized that this was a faint sorrow, and hurriedly wrapped it in the mind, so the message inside reflected in Xiao Hua’s mind. in……

"This... is the surprise that Ji’s father said?" After a while, Xiao Hua frowned, and she couldn’t tell what it was!

"Receive ~" Xiao Hua will give a hand, that the sea-printed slowly shrinking camel fight 笮 ÷湓诹 ÷湓诹 ÷湓诹 ÷湓诹 氖      Γ艋 Γ艋 Γ艋 Γ艋 Γ艋 Γ艋 Γ艋 Γ艋 Apricot apologizes to the first good weapon of the 馑 馑 馑 跏莦 ji iji!

"Unfortunately, today's movement is really too big! Tens of thousands of swordsmen and monks have witnessed it. After that, the young man's heroic fear is not to spread all over the city. This is not a sea seal!" Smelly fart thought, then, Xiao Hua suddenly screamed again, " Loss, loss! Master Ji, your old storage bag? Why did the boy not see?"

No, Ji Ye turned into a device, all his things disappeared, and where did the storage bag go? Didn't you bring it when you came out? After thinking about it, Xiao Hua is really not sure if he saw the Jiye waist belt without a storage bag!

"But it! Presumably, the old man knows that he has not had much time. All the things are left to his disciples!" Xiao Hua will cover the seal of the sea, and the sword and the seven-sword flying sword will also be collected. Fly around the Seven Great Battles!

When the battle was over, Xiao Hua still turned into an unnamed look. A group of monks saw Xiao Hua coming back with joy and thunder! !

And if you think about it, it is like a death test!

Kan Sheng is naturally the first to come up, and said: "Candi Palace Kan Sheng has seen the unknown brother, I do not know the unnamed brother is the disciple of the dry thunder palace?"

Xiao Hua looked at him and waved his hand: "You don't ask me who I am, I just passed by! Who is my apprentice, you don't know!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Kan Sheng did not dare to speak.

“Thank you for the helplessness of the unnamed brothers!” The eyes of the moon are full of splendor and sacred

“When did I save your life?” Xiao Hua’s eyes didn’t make it clear. “It seems, I saved my own lady?”

However, Xiao Hua still waved his hand: "You don't have to, the old man is passing by, you continue!"

"Dare to ask the seniors..." Ruth in the distance did not dare to go forward, and asked "Jun Ye brother..."

"Where the old man came back, did you say where Ji Ye went?" Xiao Hua did not answer but said, "Some people have gone, but he still lives in this world; even if some people don't go, he may not live here. The same in the world!"

If I heard it is inexplicable, but she also understands the end of the field, thinking of Ji Ye and rhyme, not feeling stunned.

"Senior brother, I have already negotiated that the brothers are coming back now, but also ask the brothers to be the masters. Do you want to let them leave the swords of the seven mountains?" Kan Sheng asked again.

"According to what you have already said!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and knew that he did not agree. It must have been tens of thousands of lives buried here! Think about Ji Ye, maybe not every sword repair is so kind of hate to kill, the evil is extremely evil!

"Thank you for your predecessors!" If the heart of the mind is a sinking, then it is a rush to thank you.

"But, you kill me, I kill you, when is a head!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and flew up to the sky, squatting, "Oh, yes, when I didn't say anything, you continue!"

"Predecessor~" Suddenly, Gu Yu jumped out from the side of Lichun and called out.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua

"The younger generation will withdraw from the war and never get a blood!" Gu Yu called

"No, someone kills you, don't you fight back?" Xiao Hua certainly recognized Gu Yu and saw her talking to herself very seriously.

"The younger generation certainly can't help but back..." Gu Yu's face is a bit blushing.

"Well, you wait for the arbitrarily, feel free, just when the old man has not been here!" Xiao Hua said, his eyes swept in the faces of everyone, waiting to see if there were any laughs in the eyes of Hongxia Fairy, in the heart Amazed, "Grandma's, Xiaoye said, oh, no one can beat his own lady, Xiaoye is still going to go! It’s a trouble with Gu Yu, and Xiaoye can’t really tell it!"

"Where is this brother?" Kan Sheng hurriedly called.

"Crap, naturally is going to the place to go!" Xiao Hua did not answer, only snorted in the stomach, the whole body is thunder flashing, Yu Lei line rushed out!

Seeing that this supernatural "senior brother" has a very strong thunder and awe-inspiring, Kan Sheng still scratches his head: "This is the brother of the dry thunder palace, the poor road...how are you not impressed at all?"

However, Hongxia Fairy is really like Xiao Hua’s thoughts. Looking up and down the valley rain standing in the distance, some thoughtful! ! !

Xiao Hua came, and the battle of the Seven Ridges changed;

Xiao Hua left, and the victory of the Seven Hills was also laid.

The Royal Leizong and the Huanhua School were to explore the strength of the swords of the Seven Mountains. I couldn’t think of the seven ridges in one fell swoop. It’s ecstatic and imaginable, but I don’t know the battle and the Temple of the Sky. Is the purpose the same?

Of course, this is not what Xiao Hua can know!

This is now flying in the direction of the ice-cold valley, while taking out the very serious town cloud prints that have been damaged, thinking about how to melt the seals into the town cloud seal! Is such a powerful magic weapon not too wasteful if it is not used? However, if this object is hidden in the town of Yunyun, the idea is a unique way, but this path is too small! People can't figure it out!

"But it, nothing!" Xiao Hua was a little bit bored. "Just be a little white today!"

"Hey, there is this royal thunder. You can't make the voice smaller? How big the voice, playing the far-off has been heard! How can Cancan of Canre Palace not distinguish it from Yu Leixing? I don't know if he would be so obsessed with it! Grandma's! The black and ugly sword was really dead. If she didn't attack her lady, how could the young master provoke the thunder! Oh, she is fine. It was eroded by the innocent water, and if it was not dead, Xiaoye let her taste the taste of five thunders!"

In short, Xiao Hua’s heart is depressed, although he saved the red xia fairy, but he really has the possibility to expose it, Yu Leixing, but there is no thunder that even the dry thunder has not been trained, how can a Jindan disciple Practice? If it is known by the dry Leizi, don't... even if it is known by the dry stranger, it will be the search for the full Sky City! There is no wall that can't be ventilated in this world. Once it is discovered, top yourself, even if the secret of space is not discovered, then what is the Buddha's cultivation? It’s hard to say!

"And, how can Gu Yu's little girl recognize Xiao Ye?" Xiao Hua was puzzled. "It's hard to be able to control the thunder in the Royal Thunder, only one of the young masters is not successful?"

"Hey, the phoenix body of the left and right little masters has disappeared. Even if it is killed, Xiaoye will not admit it!"

However, the monk needs a truth, need to kill you?

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua is almost crying!

"It's a discount! The old man of the field, where is your storage bag? How can you not disclose it within the mind?"

"It's still Li Zongbao's loyalty!" Xiao Hua did not feel the decision. "From now on, Xiaoye will never enter the Sky City, but the little man will look at it, and there is another Yuanying monk who dares to come to the trouble of the little man!"

The icy valley and the seven ridges are not in one direction. Even though Xiao Hua is showing the thunder, the rolling thunder rang through the sky and arrived near in a dozen days! In the past ten days, Xiao Hua did not do anything else, just tangled! It feels that the deeper the war is, the more likely it is to expose yourself. There is a feeling of being in a quagmire!

The Ice Valley is a thousand miles away, much larger than the Seven Ridges. There is a river in this area! The source is naturally a few very high snow mountains in China. First, the snow above the snowy mountains melts a few drops under the sun. These drops are slowly flowing, and they are turned into dozens of drops. Gradually, these ten The drops are collected again, and they become hundreds of drops, thousands of drops, and finally they become the trickle of the dragonfly. This trickle is left from the different snow-capped mountains, and once again gathered together under the magical work of Tiandao, it became a small The stream water, the stream water from the snowy area of ​​Laos gradually reached the border between the country and the country. During the period, there were other streams of water, and finally a dozens of rivers!

The river rushes through the rugged valleys, the ice from the valleys, and the ice in the valleys. There is a lot of ice in the river, so the ice valley is famous!

The river in the icy valley is still flowing into the brook country, and even enters the country. As for whether it is injected into the Bohai Sea, Xiao Hua is not known, but when he sees the raging river in the valley, he does not feel it. I feel the beauty of heaven!

"The snowy plateau is extremely cold, and the flowing water is formed into ice. Even if it can flow, it is under the ice. Here, the mountains are vertical and horizontal, and there are thousands of miles. The cold wind cannot be directly blown in. The temperature in the valley is high, so the river does not have to be completely frozen, so that it can become a river of flowing ice! If I don’t see it with my own eyes, how can I believe that this extremely cold plateau has this wonder?” Seeing the rivers and waves of this ice valley, Almost can compare with the cold river of Tianmen Mountain, Xiao Hua can not help feeling!

Immediately, Xiao Hua released the Buddha's knowledge, and he saw it within a hundred miles. He did not see the traces of Li Zongbao and others, and he flew to the depths of the ice-cold valley and took his own token. Out, always look at the movements inside

Another time I flew forward for a little half an hour, I saw that I had reached the depths of the ice-cold valley. The temperature was warmer, the drifting ice in the river was reduced, and the rivers were more and more sloppy. Can you still see the traces of Li Zongbao and others? (To be continued...)

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