Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1266: Three people are fierce

The celestial disciple thanked the disciples and flew to the swordsman's front, took the storage bag, took out his own remedy, took one, and stood in midair for a slight adjustment!

Seeing that the philanthropic disciple took the storage bag, Xiao Hua grinned, and some helplessly raised his brow and said: "The flies are small but meat..."

The second adversary of Li Zongbao, Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao is a swordsman with six swords, and he has just killed a monk. When he sees three people flying, he laughs and spurs Feijian!

In the same way, the swordsman’s mind was stinging! However, the swordsman suddenly realized that he had already spurred the secret law and resisted the soul of Xiao Hua!

"Go to hell!" Xiao Hua urged Ye Yang fan, a fire dragon rushed over, to the swordsman encircling the j hole to change the 崾 颓埽叨 颓埽叨 獬逑蚧鹆 獬逑蚧鹆 獬逑蚧鹆 牵艋 鹆骱Γ鸸馔 鹆骱Γ鸸馔  猓 猓 猓 猓 猓 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚 馍恚

The swordsman was shocked. It was to spur the Jianyuan to extinguish the fire again. He saw a pokemon whip, and a whip was attacked by one left and one right. The swordsman only had time to block the finch, and the whip was Puncture his throat...

Waiting for this swordsman to fall in the air, Xiao Mao is very flexible and rushed over, one is to put the storage bag in his hand! Then I will take a hand, and the flying sword that fell in the air is also flying!

"Ha ha ha! The fruit is not the name of Xiao!" Xiao Hua laughed.

The actions of Xiaohua’s three people were immediately seen by several swordsmen. These people looked at each other and mobilized the implements to fly toward the three people. Seeing that several monks were bright swords and six products. The left and right flying swords are extremely sharp, and the sword light is also in various shapes, or it is condensed into fine thorns, or gathered into raindrops, and even a swordsman's flying sword is turned into a column thickness, from several sides to three people!

Li Zongbao took a deep breath as usual, and he was going to wave the fairy whip. At this time, his ear, Xiao Hua smiled: "Master Li is in a hurry!"

Immediately, but see Xiao Hua will raise his hand, a few unremarkable Huang Fu hit out...

"Big brother is not mistaken!" Even Xiao Mao has extremely trust in Xiao Hua. It can be seen that Xiao Hua actually uses Huang Fu to defend the enemy.

However, seeing the number of yellow characters gradually turned into a ball of fireballs, the heaven and earth aura within a few dozen feet actually poured into the fire group like a hurricane, an indescribable horror atmosphere from the fire group Emitted! Do not say that Xiao Mao is that a few swordsmen are also greatly embarrassed!

Or one of the swordsmen woke up and shouted: "Go!"

Saying is to spur the flying sword that has penetrated into the fireball to prepare to escape!

"Booming!" The big fireballs that everyone has never seen before! ! ! Like the raging sun, it bursts around the swordsmen!

An incomparably arrogant rushed to Xiao Mao and Li Zongbao, and the two were pushed back by this arrogance and retreated more than ten feet! After the flames passed, Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao looked at the few formerly flying swords that had just been blown up, even if the slanting slant was inserted in the distant stone wall. It is seen that the quality of each flying sword is different, and some of them have many cracks on them, while others are Guanghua, the worst... even if it is broken!

Look at the few male swordsmen who are so arrogant and arrogant. Now they are also being blown up in the corner of the cave. The swords are swaying slightly, and the horror of the face is filled with the whiteness of the Yuanshen!

"Kill!" Li Zongbao and Xiao Maoqi shouted, each person flew to a swordsman, and Xiao Hua even waved his hand, and the fire aura that erupted in the fire was very much. A fire dragon was thrown at a monk. And he himself rushed to another injured monk with a wishful stick!

The sounds of these fires hidden under the yellow symbols are really big, and the crackling reverberations are rolling like a dragonfly in the cave. The swordsmen and monks in the caves don’t care. !

When they saw that Li Zongbao had a whip and a swordsman with a bright sword and five products, Xiao Mao even threw a circle of Qiang Kun, and gave birth to a swordsman with a sword of six swords, and that almost never The thin tall man Xiao Hua, who had seen it, collapsed the chest of a swordsman with five swords, and, next to the three swordsmen, there was a swordsman who was burned by the fire. In any case, the sword light on the body can't stop the flame like the bones. Where are they still not surprised?

The monks of the bliss, the Taibaizong and the Qingfeng Valley are all in great spirits, and many swordsmen are full of anger, and they all want to get out and kill these three extremely cruel monks!

Of course, they each have their own rivals, and only the swordsmen who are close to Xiao Hua and others can pull out some of them to attack them!

Seeing that there were nearly ten bright swordsmen surrounded, and Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao’s faces did not see any flaws at all. Xiao Hua’s means...it’s too much, nothing else, the fire is the first See it once, and it’s so powerful, how many more?

It is a pity that the fire symbol is the hidden thing of Xiao Hua. Just take a few of them just to try the power. There are so many monks and swordsmen here. Xiao Hua uses more, and definitely must show the stuffing!

So Xiao Hua, who was hiding behind Li Zongbao, took the dementor bell again!

"When" sounded loudly, only two of the ten swordsmen swordsmen swayed, trying to resist a moment or fall from the air! The remaining eight swordsmen are slightly flashing on the sword, although each person's face is strange, but they are all resisting the soul of the dementor!

"Grandma's, this thing is getting more and more useless!" Xiao Hua is helpless, will be the soul of the soul and the 蟾蜍 蟾蜍 income space! Touch your hand and take the Ye Yang fan in your hand!

The eight swordsmen spurred the Jianguang, and they were hesitant. After all, the opponents actually had the Horcruxes. They had the experience of fighting with the souls. I fear that Xiaohua would have any more invincible souls or the inexplicable fire charms just now. !

Xiao Hua saw it, and he was happy, and hurriedly rushed to Xiao Mao and Li Zongbao.

Li Zongbao’s expressionless nod, the yellow brilliance of the fairy-winged cave in the hand, a row of whip shadows toward the front of the three swordsmen is smashing the past

Xiao Mao was hesitant, but it was extremely obedient to push the half-empty circle and set the two swordsmen in front of him! And Xiao Hua's own body swayed, actually rushed to the forefront for the first time, the left hand waved, still the sleeves in the sleeves, and the right hand Ye Yang fan is flashing...

"Looking for death!" The two swordsmen opposite Xiaohua are the six swords of the sword. Seeing that Xiao Hua didn't know how to pick them up first and foremost, they all sneered, and a sword light swayed, and instantly turned into three. The character stabbed Xiaohua, and the other figure flew up and kicked with both feet. Jianguang actually collapsed from the swordsman's feet, and set off a whirlwind to Xiaohua's fire dragon!

Seeing three swords light falling in Xiaohua's sleeve, but seeing the swordsman sneer, "explosion!" The three swords light collided together, like the fireworks in the sky, countless tiny swords light across the air, like Dandelion blooms!

In the eyes of the swordsman, it seems that Jianguang has passed through Xiaohua’s arm, through the robes, and even through the flesh!

However, reality is always more cruel than fantasy, but seeing the cover of Xiaohua’s robe, a powerful force is born, and it will be shrouded within a few square feet. An inexplicable force of imprisonment emerges from the space, for a moment, that The swordsman lost contact with his flying sword! ! !

The swordsman was as earthy. Although he did not know why the power of the imprisonment was so strong, he had an instinct in his heart. This power of imprisonment is different from what is seen in the ordinary! Seeing Xiao Hua’s arm swung out, like a firefly-like flying sword that proudly proud of himself, the monk’s figure did not hesitate, immediately turned and fled, trying to be able to lose before his own **** How far to escape!

"Hey?" Xiao Hua saw that this swordsman was so determined, and it was also a slight sigh. These swordsmen who could afford to put them down were not seen in the past. Which one is not stalked and lucky?

The next moment, Xiao Hua did not crush what Jianguang, directly is the income space! What kind of flying swords change how many Lingshi, Xiao Hua is afraid than anyone else! He is not willing to waste!

Xiao Hua’s two rivals ran one on the other and the other wanted to run, but he was unlucky and was trapped by Xiao Hua with Ye Yang. The fire dragon not only entangled his flying sword, but also Be a fire wall and live around him! The hot flame on the fire dragon gradually swallowed the sword light, let him constantly spur the Jian Yuan resistance, seeing Xiao Hua turned his head and looked at himself, the swordsman’s heart was a flicker, actually some tremble

I know, Xiao Hua just looked at him, his body shape fluttered, the Ye Yang fan in his hand disappeared, and a dark stick touched it. Shantou is an opponent who hit Xiao Mao!

"Hey?" Although Xiao Hua's popular technique is only primary, it can be extremely flexible within this cave. In the blink of an eye, it is floating beside the swordsman. The swordsman is urging Jianguang to deal with Xiao Mao. It’s quite a bit too late to prevent it. I can’t help but be surprised. I will put a mouth and a small sword across the sword mark. The door is facing the Xiaohua. The sharp wind on the tip of the sword will separate the air. general!

However, when the great head of the wishful stick is smashed, and the extremely precise squatting toward the little sword, the power on the head is like the serpent's snake letter, which makes the swordsman feel tremble! He refused to take control of Xiao Mao’s flying sword and rushed to spur the sword. Of course, he was also late, although the little sword was as flexible as a fish, although the sword was extraordinary in material, so good. It’s the hook, the wishful stick is the **** of thunder, and the sound of “啪” is on the little sword!

The crispness of the "咔嚓", the defensive sword light above the little sword was immediately annihilated with the arrival of the wishful stick, and the little sword was beaten!

Look at the swordsman, like a lightning strike, the whole body trembles violently, his face is white, and all his eyes are incomprehensible and fearful that Xiaohua swordsman has! And then, the black stick shadow flashed, the swordsman did not know anything! (To be continued...)

Ps: Today's tenth, celebrate the "floating ひ 仙 仙" promotion to the lord! I hope that there will be a third lord who enjoys the promotion of the tenth celebration and then considers it. After all, the ten big tricks are too fierce! Ha ha……

In addition, the previous 1158 chapter error, the flower has been modified, thank you Sichuan small fat reminder!

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