Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1267: "Three people become tigers"

Killing the second swordsman, Xiao Hua took his storage bag and flying sword away, and yelled: "Take it!" The wishful stick is the swordsman who fights with Xiao Mao!

The swordsman saw the power of Xiao Hua, and he was already scared. He saw Xiao Hua suddenly attacked himself again, hurriedly spurred Feijian, and wanted to resist Xiao Hua!

I know, Xiao Hua’s wishfulness is only a few feet in front of him, and once again, a strange body, actually rushing to the sword repair that just got out of his fire wall!

"Life-saving itch 蹦 薷崭 薷崭 薷崭 薷崭 薷崭 hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou hou

Although he yelled, Feijian is also trying hard to push, but Feijian is under the sorrow of Xiao Hua, and some are vulnerable!

"咔嚓" sounded crisp, the flying sword was cracked, and then followed by "噗", the sword's head was also cracked...

Following the landing of the sword repairing the corpse, the sword repair that Xiao Hua had just let... also fell from the air!

The sword revision is a sword that spurs the whole body to meet Xiao Hua. I know that Xiao Hua has gone without symptoms. When the swordsman is slightly stunned, Fei Jian has not retraced in time, or he has not What is the retracement of the mind! But his rival Xiao Mao did not know what to do, and the Qiankun Circle was shot in time, and when the sword was stunned by Xiao Hua, the sword was repaired! ! !

At this point, Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao completed the task!

As for Li Zongbao, in the face of two swordsmen with five swords, although it cost mana, there is still no problem.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mao and Li Zongbao were still in front of Xiao Hua, and the three men steadily advanced. After that, most of the swordsmen were all about the four swords. Under the soul of Xiao Hua, the swordsmen frequently Zhao, Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao easily took their lives! As for the few who are not afraid of Xiaohua's soul thorns, they are all turned into the ghosts of Xiao Hua's stick!

Of course, apart from Xiao Mao and Li Zongbao, other bliss, Taibaizong and Qingfenggu disciples did not know that it was Xiaohua’s soul thorn, but seeing Li Zongbaofei in front of them was cheering and shouting “Lee brothers good means!”

Even a few disciples who have come out of the fight are also next to Li Zongbao, killing Jian Xiu with the three!

When the three people came to the entrance of the cave, there was no surviving swordsman in this distance! And there are hundreds of monks around them!

Seeing the entrance to the cave, some disciples' eyes are involuntarily looking at the direction of the "life" direction with a hesitant look!

Yes, there was no chance to face the choice now, and they will inevitably have some trade-offs.

Xiao Hua saw it, and he sneered in his heart. He just had a casual finger, but he didn’t think so much. Who knows that when he came to the head, he found that his finger was really a mystery.

Li Zongbao naturally discovered that he would poke the fairy whip in his hand and said coldly: "A certain family will kill it again. Who still thinks that he is a literary disciple and wants to be worthy of the name of the bliss? After the war, you are all heroes, not to say something, even if you return to the bliss, you can enjoy the rewards of peace of mind! Naturally, whoever wants to be a disciple, you can leave at this time. A family never insists!"

The voice landed, Li Zongbao is currently flying, and the sword repair that has begun to gather in the distance will pass!

"Kill ~!!! is my Taoist monk, followed by Li Zongbao's brother to kill the enemy!" Xiao Mao is also screaming, one-handed whip in one hand and the circle circle mixed with Li Zongbao side by side!

Xiao Hua naturally said nothing, quietly behind them.

"Kill! Laozi and Li Zongbao are familiar with each other. Even if they die here today, Lao Tzu can explain in front of Master. If Laozi escapes, Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu can not reluctantly my fascinating sisters!" Short, triangular eyes, the wretched old man of the goatee smiled, and the figure fluttered out, and a magic weapon like a smoky gun in his hand was sacrificed.

"Yes, good!" Another middle-aged male with a tall figure and a good spirit, like a jade, will take a shot, a crystal flying sword in his hand to pull out a big sword, laughing, "Zou Mou's double repair The partner is still waiting for Zhuo’s news. If she listens to Zhuo’s deserter, what is the thought in her heart? Zhuo’s would rather die here and let the Iraqis suffer, and decided not to let her Look down on Zhuo!!"

"Go, go, go~ Xiaoye will try to compare Feijian with Jianshu..." An old man who is like an eagle claw holds a black iron sword, actually calling himself "Little Master" Chased the past

On time, nearly forty monks followed the three such as Li Zongbao and rushed to the battlefield again, killing the front of the blood and death!

Among the nearly 60 disciples, most of them are Qingfenggu and Changbaizong disciples. They hesitated for a moment and looked at each other. Nearly forty disciples waved their hands, bravely rushed in, and caught up with the tail. Li Zongbao and others, look at the last 20 disciples, the eyes are unwilling, at this time, a breeze-like breeze monk whispered: "Do you still remember the purpose of coming to the ice valley?"

Other disciples heard, the face was full of ecstasy, a woman with a big forehead on the forehead said: "Yes, yes, I am waiting to flow the ice valley is to spy on the strength of the swordsman in the ice valley, not necessarily just want Conquering the Ice Valley!"

"Li Zongbao is not in the ranks of me waiting for this action!" The white monk was cold and cold. "He is a high-level person who can freely enter and exit in the Ice Valley, but I can't wait! And he is so happy, for his Jindanzhi. The name of the first person, like to do the killing sword repair, his move is not the same as my purpose today!"

"Yes, yes, Li Zongbao simply doesn't know the purpose here! He joined later!" The woman repaired in a hurry. "I will wait for this to return to the Sky City and report the strength of the Ice Valley sword repair to the House of Representatives. I completed the task! In addition, I can find other helpers on the way..."

"Go!" Waiting for the female repair to finish, another male repair suddenly flew up, and it was lasing outside the cave. The mouth was still cold and cold: "I am coming to contribute to my Tao. It’s not for the reputation of Li Zongbao’s reputation! Laozi only listened to the order of the House of Representatives. Li Zongbao was not the leader of me, and Laozi did not come to listen to him...”

Then the more than 20 people will not say more, and they will fly away with great peace of mind!

Of course, can they fly out of the ice valley, can fly back to the Sky City, can they complete their tasks as they say, fear... no one can know

Xiao Hua didn’t pay attention to it here. Everyone has their own origins. Everyone has their own choices. Just like the Qingfenggu monks who met before, Xiao Hua doesn’t care at all. He is paying attention now. Swordsman in front!

There are a lot of swordsmen in the cave space, and there are absolutely tens of thousands of people. Xiaohua is like a drop in the ocean! Even with the dozens of people who followed, it is far from threatening others! What Xiao Hua has to do is to kill the enemy as soon as possible, and let these swordsmen form fear in their hearts. Just like the fierce name of his horror phoenix before, let the swordsman retreat without fighting!

Only in a few moments, Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao met the swordsmen in front of them. As before, Xiao Hua secretly started from the inside. After the successful attack, Li Zongbao shot again. If it touched the hot hand, or Li Zongbao urged the mana, perhaps Xiao Hua stormed, Xiao Mao's mana was weaker, only to pick up the sure opponent!

The outstanding performance of these three people naturally inspired the dozens of people who followed, as well as the three behind them, forming a sharp knife shape, which was inserted into the tens of thousands of sword repairs and entanglements of the monks! Xiao Hua hides behind Li Zongbao, seeing a crowd of people and other morale, and his heart is also happy, seeing other monks facing the swordsman, the soul thorns are also displayed, and many times are meritorious! However, these monks do not know that Xiao Hua’s merits are all grateful to Li Zongbao!

Gradually, more and more monks and swordsmen noticed this situation. Almost all the places where Xiao Hua and others passed, the swordsmen were killed by them, and the monks also joined their torrents!

Just like the river in the ice valley, Xiaohua is the snowdrop of the snowy mountain. It gradually flows through the ice sheet, and it is a little bit of snow water. This snow is getting more and more, and it becomes more Awkward streams! The snow water before the stream is unparalleledly hot, the unparalleled red heart, the coldness of the response, the ice layer of one should not block its edge, and all the ice is turned into water under its mana!

As a result, the stream is even bigger, and it has become a torrent!

Of course, Xiao Hua is forbearing,

Of course, Xiao Mao’s cultivation is relatively shallow,

Of course, the scenery of Li Zongbao is always there!

However, at this time, no one will regard Li Zongbao as a person, no one will ignore Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao!

Because the three of them are a small team, Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao are fighting together from beginning to end! Li Zongbao is not alone at this time, he is three people! ! !

Perhaps before Li Zongbao claimed to be the first person of Jindan monk, then from today, after the Battle of the Ice Valley, the name of the charter squad of the House of Representatives... also replaced the previous reputation of Li Zongbao! ! !

"Kill ~" Li Zongbao screamed and pokeed the fairy whip again. Although he did not bring too many whip shadows, he did not seem to worry about the power of the poke, and the sound of "啪" was loud, and the whip hit That huge sword light, this sword is like a mountain!

"Boom!" Then followed by a flash of fire, Xiaohua's Ye Yang fan rushed up, the fire is hot, it will be stamped with the whipping of a missing piece of Jianguang, crazy devouring!

"呜~" Xiaohua’s fire just stopped some time. Xiaomao’s Qiankun circle flew again, and it fell flat. The serrated teeth in the circle made strange noises, and the huge sword light was crushed into pieces! (To be continued...)

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