Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1348: About to start

Immediately, Yuping Yila Yudong said while flying: "In fact, things are far from what you think is serious. The disciples who were called Feng Ying's 浣花派建基子 have been arranged by the husband to the skill nest, you know The Gongchao is the most important place for the San Francisco Palace. It is completely controlled by the lord with the silver tiger. Without Jindan and above, there is no special magical power, and it is impossible to escape from it!"

"Yes!" Although Yudong is stuttering, where may the monks who may be built into the foundation stupid? Yuping only disappeared a bit, he just understands that the panic on his face is also less, very replied to a word.

"Whether this Feng Ying has any mission to come! Since he came, I don’t want to go back! I used to be a disciple of the Huanjin Palace. Since they can make recommendations, why should I wait? "Yu Ping is gnawing his teeth." Moreover, when Feng Ying entered the Gongchao, the Sovereign Master also knew it! The old man also said that it was recommended by you. He did not say anything. You don’t have to say anything at this time. !"

"Yes!" Yudong nodded.

"You must be sure about this ri, no matter who comes to ask you, this Feng Ying is your recommendation! As for how to meet, how to recommend, only you know, you want to say, just say, don't want to say No one will force you! The old man can be sure that no one is questioning!" Yu Ping said, "Even if there is a bad pool at the end, the lord of the lord will be held up, you still need to bite it, you are on this Feng Ying. He is deliberately deceiving, and you are also obsessed with the command of the Sovereign Master, and it’s all right and wrong!”

"Yes!" Yudong nodded.

"Well, now that you have successfully completed the task, you still have to tell the old man that you are going to the jade ice master Shuan! If there is anything else in the future, the old man will also shoot!" Seeing Yudong is very obedient Yuping is also assured, smiling and flying to the Palace of the Golden God.

However, just flew for a moment, Yuping was again reaching out and said: "Donger, give me your original stone!"

"Yes!" Yudong explored the hand and took the stone order that Yuping had just returned to him.

Yuping took over, and a piece of mouth, a flying sword of silver se, was just hitting the jade, and the jade was crushed, and then a hand, a silvery white brilliance flashed, the whole jade fragments It is also turned into a powder, Yuping will raise his hand, all the debris will fall in the air, falling on the bare red vegetation on the ground, a few winds blowing, has long disappeared!

"Let's go!" At this time, Yu Ping was completely relieved, and he waved his hand and flew away first.

Yudong blinked his eyes and opened his mouth. It was half a word and he didn't say it. He was still thinking about it. If no one asked, how should he answer, or how he should complete this lie!

It’s no different from Yu Ping’s thoughts. No one really asks about Yudong. Even dozens of Yujia children who have met Yudong are just smiling nodding, or simply leave without watching. Because they know that only one word of Yudong is answered.

Seeing this situation, although the surface of Yuping is calm, it is still awkward, and it is finally calm. Even if it is a foundation-based monk who has done something wrong, there is always some anxiety in the mind.

"Go, Yushu Shishu is in his quiet room, you go see it!" After walking to the square, Yuping pointed his hand to another portal and told Yudong Road.

"Yes!" Yudong did not say much, nodded and left, and went to the portal.

Yu Ping was hesitant and he was in the direction of Xiao Hu’s detained lodge. He only looked at the room that was the same as other huts. Yu Ping’s eyes flashed a glimpse of 狠se, and he was not close. It took a few to leave!

Poor Xiao Hua, still left a trace of attention on the portal, want to wait for someone to come to see the application of the hidden, or directly use the invisible charm to escape unconsciously? I know that even if people find out, they will not disturb him at all, and let him be a blood sacrifice! Who is his self-sufficient self-investment?

Yuping has just turned a channel to the portal. A veteran old man in the late stage of the building is rushing over. It is the old man Yu Xiao who Xiaohua saw in the afternoon.

"Hey, Yu Bing brother!" Yu Ping said to the old man, that is, the urgency, "Donger is back, he went to worship the old one as soon as he entered the palace gate! Have you seen it?"

"Well, the rare Dong still thinks about the old man!" Yubing saw Yuping, nodded slightly, but he didn't stop at the foot. He said, "The old man just saw him, but the old man has important things at this time. Didn’t listen to him carefully, seeing that he has cultivated some gains, and he hasn’t experienced it in the past few years!”

"Yes, yes~" Yuping lost his smile. "This is the photo of the brothers and others!"

"Well, the old man is not taking care of you, but who can he take care of?" Yu Bing laughed. "You are not a fire boy..."

Speaking of this, a sharp tiger whistle came out of the air and resounded throughout the Vatican Palace.

"Okay, the old man doesn't tell you much! You hurry to turn the quiet room, the last time... it's about to start! See if you have any chances!" Yu Bing slammed his hand and stopped Yuping from following himself. Dao, "Donger, I have already hugged him back to the quiet room. This child is coming back today, it is a good luck!"

"Yes, yes, the younger brother knows!" Yu Ping sneaked in his heart and hurriedly stopped his footsteps. Looking behind the jade ice hurriedly, he looked back at the direction of Xiaohua’s hut, and then he turned to another place. .

However, for a moment, many Yujia children still walked back and forth in this square. Now they are quietly silent, and no one can see any figures.

Above the square, above the silver se sky, Yu Qingtian has stood up, with a hint of excitement on his face, the tiger-shaped implement holding the silver se in his hand, staring at the two silvers in front of him. Se light group.

At this time, the light group of the silver se has been several tens of feet in size, and the two red groups are boiling above the red and the blue, like the water-like swaying, from time to time there are red brilliance and brilliance Spilled from the light group, countless small flames and tiny ice **** fell in half! Even the blushing brilliance and the brilliance of the Qing dynasty collided together, and the bursting sound of "rumbling" occurred.

Previously, it was only a part of the red and the blue light of the blue light, and now it has been flooded with this red and seqing! The previous silver se Guanghua is now more like a body, or a bondage, completely limiting the redness and the blueness to the light ball of the silver se! ! !

As for the two crystal filaments that were previously connected to the cyan red se between the two light spheres, now they have the thickness of the hair, and the two light **** are firmly held together, and the green red se is among the crystal wires. Spilled from time to time!

However, although the two crystal filaments are entangled as before, it is not as simple as a thin line at this time, but it is extremely complicated and entangled together, as if it is a string of swords! ! ! This sword symbol is flashing luster under the brilliance of red and green se, almost to take out the crystal filament!

Above the entire cloud screen, within a few times larger than the square, it is filled with the atmosphere of these extreme yang and extreme yin, the whole space is unstable!

Yu Qingtian is naturally unable to get close to the two silver se light groups, and it is far-reaching by the extreme yang and the extreme yin, which is more than fifty feet!

Although Yu Qingtian held the silver tiger firmly in his hand, but the eyes still stared at the drums of the Zhanqing se, which was so loud, the silk of the blue from the silver light, until now Nearly half of it has been more than a decade, and he is also watching the growth of this **yin spirit little by little. At this time, at the last moment, with the repair of his early Jin Dan, he still couldn’t help it. I mentioned my heart to the eyes of the blind!

I know, this Guangqing se's brilliance is full of more than three ri, Zhan Qing's se is full of more than 30%, and there is no special movement on the light ball!

Yu Qingtian is looking at the light ball next to the red red se, although the reddish se of the light ball is slowly growing with the cyan se crystal on the two light balls, there is always no blue The rapid growth of se, now only grows more than enough!

Yu Qingtian’s face was thoughtful, and the silver tiger in his hand swayed slightly, and a few silver rays that had disappeared from the space were left in the space, so unfortunately covered in the light group of the Zhanqing se on! For a time, the silver light on the light group was strong, and the life would bind the brilliance of the blue! ! !

Immediately, it seems to be a complementary kind, and the brilliance of the red-red se aggravates the drumming and speeds up the growth...

After another ri, but listening to a loud and clear sound, the two light groups suddenly stagnate, all the red c, seqing se and silver se are suddenly stopped, even the brilliance of the brilliance is just strange The stagnation is in the air!

Yu Qingtian frowned, and the silver tiger in his hand shook a little. It seemed to have some action, but unfortunately he did not wait for him to push the mana. "嗡~~" sounded like a tiger whistle and it was like a tiger scream at the same time. On the top of the light group, the red-red se and the blue-green se of the two light groups are moving again and again!

However, this time it is not boiling, but it is spinning in the light group of silver se!

At the same time of rotation, countless swords are appearing above the light group. After each sword symbol appears, there is a sword light rushing into the air, and this sword symbol is sinking into the light group! Of course, this sword symbol does not appear irregularly, but appears on both light groups at the same time, but one is red red se, one is a blue se!

Even with the appearance of these swords, the light group of the red and the blue se is gradually separated from the light group of the silver se, and gradually sinks into the light group of the silver se!

Seeing these two light groups is to restore the bright silver se decades ago, Yu Qingtian’s heart gave birth to a bad feeling! (To be continued.

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