Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1349: Sword

But at this time, the bright silver ball of light suddenly appeared extremely red and red, and waited for Yu Qingtian to involuntarily close his eyes, once again blinking, but see the two bright silver colors are completely It turned into reddish and azure!

"呜呜~" The blue-green light group simply did not give Yu Qingtian a time to hesitate. With a strange sword-sounding voice, the light group made a brilliance above the light group, and the Guanghua actually condensed into a rainy rain in the air. Qian Ying.

"Yu Zongzhu~ Thank you for your old help!" Zhang Yuhe said faintly. "Now the yin spirit of this sword is ready. Your yang spirit is also ready for the last time. You can do it for the last time. Blood sacrifice! As long as the blood souls of these last souls are sent into the sword spirit, these two sword spirits can have the original intelligence! You and my cooperation will succeed!"

Then, Zhang Yuhe in the sword shadow raised his head slightly and looked at the silver sky above the top of his head. He said, "In addition, this sword can also help you to attract swords and swords to help you smash Jinshan jade. The disciples of the family are a stone of gold, which is a bit of sincerity of the sword!"

After that, the sword flashed and sprinkled, and if it fell into the ball of light with the flying flowers, it disappeared!

Yu Qing Tian Ben is barely smiling on his face, but when he waits until the last sentence, he appears to be embarrassed, even in the eyes!

Yuqing Tianshen God! The silver tiger in his hand moved, but did not send any signal!

"Gege ~~" seems to be a ringing bell, a smiley Zhang Yuhe's pretty face floats on the blue light ball. "Why is the jade lord hesitant? If you feel that it is not appropriate, you can ask your family's foundation. Little monk! This sword will pick up your ears!"

"Brush~" is also a dozen red-red swords flying out of the red-red ball of light. A looming jade figure is revealed. "The Sovereign!" Yutong has some helpless voices. "There is nothing at this time." I am so hesitant! Things are here now, I have to wait for the arrow to be on the string. The Sovereign is still launching the last blood sacrifice!"

"Well, you are careful!" Yu Qingtian's face showed a trace of bitterness, and looked at the blue-green brilliance. Zhang Yuhe really shook his hand with the image of the hand, and the silver tiger was placed on the silver tiger. Thousands of silver light spouted from the mouth of the silver tiger and rushed straight to the foot of Yu Qingtian. Through the silver clouds, fall into a large area!

Surprisingly, these places where the light falls. It is the cabin where Xiao Hua and others are located, and each light falls on a hut!

"嗡嗡~~~" A deafening sound was released from above these lights. With this sound, the light began to oscillate, and more than 10,000 huts separated from the silver hall with this shock. Each cottage has become an independent small silver lattice. This grid is very weird, angular and angular, and it is actually a hexahedron!

With these thousands of light, these silver lattices detached, and did not fly in the air, but slowly sinking down, the whole square became a huge hollow!

It is not a soil layer under the hollow. It is a large piece of silver brilliance. These tens of thousands of lattices move slowly in this silver brilliance, like the stars in the sky, gradually forming a mysterious circle, and then stop it!

Wait until all the squares stop, the sound of "brushing", all the silver light is recovered into the silver tiger of Yu Qingtian!

"呜~" Yu Qingtian took a break and was shocked. The silver tiger is shining all over the body, and the silver light of several fists is rushing down. It is the huge hollow around!

"嗖嗖嗖~~" The silver light falls on the portal around the hollow, and it is a rainbow, and it becomes a thumb-sized iridescent hit on the portal!

The portal also began to violently shake, and the iridescents swept through the room behind the portal, and the silver room was slowly floating...

It took a while. There are about nine large silver houses that are suspended from the huge hollows. The silver brilliance also covers these houses, but the tens of thousands of plaids are at the bottom of these silver brilliance. And these nine houses are on these plaids, surrounded by those plaids!

After all the things have been done, Yu Qingtian sat down on the knee and took a hand and took out a medicinal medicine to send it to the entrance.

"Yu Zongzhu, your old repairs should still be improved!" Zhang Yuhe "jumping" will come out, a shadow like a sword flying on the blue light ball, "Would you like this sword to help you in a while?"

"Hey, in order to cooperate with you, the old man has been exhausted for decades. Where is the time to retreat?" Yu Qingtian snorted and squinted, "You don't help the old man, but ridicule the old man, but the old man. I doubt the sincerity of your cooperation!"

"Oh, this sword is not to help you with your strength?" Zhang Yuhe "Gege" smiled, apparently because the sword spirit will be formed, the mood is very happy!

Yu Qingtian stunned, and immediately found out the language of his own speech, so he closed his eyes and ignored Zhang Yuhe.

Zhang Yuhe’s figure fluttered on the blue-light ball of light, and suddenly it was turned into a flying sword. The sound of the crisp swords of the “铿~” rushed straight into the space. The sky!

And with the birth of this super-blue flying sword, the red-red light ball above the red-red light ball, a little red flying sword slightly smaller than this Zhanqing flying sword is also flying out! The same sound of "铿铿!"

These two flying swords rushed into the space, one after the other, one green and one red, the red-red flying sword rushed into the brilliance of the Zhanqing Feijian like the Swallows homing, the two entangled with each other, with that The sound of the high-pitched swords, the sharp thorns to the silver-white sky! A sharp and incomparable sword, a sword that has nothing to remind you, is swiftly overflowing in the entire space!

"Hey ~ this little girl's repair is ... and the life has improved a lot!" Yu Qingtian helplessly opened his eyes, it seems that Zhang Yuhe has been familiar with this hand, while he is still stunned, he still remembers The red-red light group, I saw the swords on the light group overflowing, similar to the blue-green light group, but there is no Zhang Yuhe's seemingly arrogant figure!

"Go ~" Yu Qingtian shakes the silver tiger, and the silver tiger emits a circle of faint silver light. This silver light is slightly swaying and shaking the weird fluctuations. This silver light does not catch up with the blue and red. The color of the sword light, but to the surrounding map, the fluctuations are falling under the body of Yu Qingtian!

The volatility has fallen on the silver sky under the sky, and immediately vibrates. This shock quickly fills the space, and soon it is beyond the flying sword, and reaches the sky behind the flying sword!

There is almost no sound. The sky above the sky can be cut open, like a sharp cut to cut the silk, revealing a clear night sky outside the sky, when the stars are sprinkled in the night sky, a round of crescent The boat hangs in the sky!

The flying red and blue flying swords crossed the sky and rushed into the night sky. Not only did the gorgeous Jianhua reflect the entire night sky, but the sound of the "squeaky" sword was also ringing for nine days!

"呜~~~~" This blue-red flying sword came out, and the remnant swords in the distance of nearly a hundred miles were all responding. Numerous sorrows were born out of the sword, as if crying and surrendering!

"Chemical ... the swordsman commander?" Far away from the sword, Lu Ruochang and other swordsmen of the magic sword are just "Cang Cang" fleeing toward the sword, suddenly seeing the sword Actually, there is a strong sword meaning to rush out, and their sword spirit is motivated. The swords in each body are not swaying, and the flying sword is also screaming to rush out of the body! They are not shocked.

Yeah, how can they not be shocked? According to their thoughts, at this time, hundreds of thousands of monks and dozens of monks and temples, Jin Dan, were led by the noses of them, and if they appeared in the plain, the swords, those How can the Taoist monks still enter? Isn’t the emergence of this sword a stunned snake?

Besides, the orientation of this sword is different from the direction of the sword array that Lu Ruochang has set up. Lu Ruo-chang’s entry into the sword is toward the direction of the sword. Or is it going in the direction of the sword?

Only in an instant, Lu Ruochang has a decision, and puts his hand on the road: "Go, first fly to the place where the swordsman appeared! Otherwise... those monks of the Taoist can see that I am not really defeated! I can find the enemy of me!"

"Yes~" The swordsmen around are also helpless, passing the orders, and rushing to find the route to fly toward the place where the Jinshan jade is!

But at this time, the breath of the sword disappeared, as if it never appeared!

"唉~" Lu Ruochang sighed, but she knew that this is the sword of the real price of the real sword, the majesty and the fresh anomaly, the broken sword is not the sword in the sword, even if she can not today The Taoist monk was completely introduced into the sword array he had placed, and she must not blame the predecessor of the sword that appeared out of thin air!

Since Lu Ruochang perceives this sword meaning, the Jindan monk who chased the discussion hall behind them is naturally aware!

The first of the high-dimensional Qiqiaomen’s high-dimensional is to stop and rush to the news of Liu Huawu of Shang Huazong, reminding them that there is a sword repair that is comparable to Yuan Ying’s monk!

Soon, hundreds of thousands of monks really like Lu Ruochang expected, stopped, thinking whether to catch up!

Various kinds of communication symbols flew around in midair, but for a long time, the Jindan monks of the House of the House were gathered together!

The first high-dimensionality that was discovered was not waiting for others to open up. It was called: "There is a sword swordsman in the sword. It can only explain one point. This is the helper of the swordsman of the Shu State. Gao proposed, I will chase. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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