Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2111: Savings and killing

"Listen to the two brothers, the passages in the spatial context are somewhat stable, some are not stable. The stable ones can safely lead to other interfaces, while the unstable ones are the internal forces and the rules of mutual influence. Since the Netherstorm is naturally caused by instability, is it possible to have it within a solid passage?"

"Xiao Mou is looking for a virtual storm to choose an unstable channel!"

As for which channel is stable, Xiao Hua can use the best effort to distinguish it. The space flashes the crack, which is not stable. In the stable passage, the void can naturally withstand the weight of the sturdy bar.

Therefore, Xiao Hua is very easy to pick the channel on the far left, and the golden brilliance within this channel is more intense.

"Heavenly Buddha!" ​​Xiao Hua prayed in his heart. "The disciple is also a Buddha disciple who wants to prove the Buddha and Buddha. Oh, you can see, the disciple's hair is gone now, for this Netherstorm, The disciple came to give up his life. Don’t let the disciples go empty again, look for the heart of the Netherstorm... I can’t afford it!”

Xiao Hua secretly groaned in his heart, while on the other hand, he was doubled and careful, and slowly flew into the passage. Not only that, but Xiao Hua also calculated the time. If he went deeper, he could not see any Netherstorm, he would The machine turned off steadily.

Xiao Hua’s choice is correct. The space within this passage is not stable. With the deepening of Xiao Hua, there is no inexplicable space crack, and even some small space collapses. Of course, the seemingly familiar fluctuations are also Increasingly dense, the winds of the road are also raging in the space. Waiting for a strong wind, unfortunately hit Xiao Hua's body. The birth of him is just a recovery of the flesh and cut a trace of not too small, Xiao Hua stunned: "No, no! This emptiness of the storm... Isn't it directly smashing Xiao's body? Just the invisible brilliance is even more powerful. How can it smash the earthen smashed milk? It’s hard to be... not only the smashed milk, but also the flesh?”

"No, is it impossible? If so, how can the bright cub survive? The bright beast is not a phoenix, and can't be reborn with blood?"

"Moreover, even if the bright beast can reborn with blood, Xiaomou can't! The bright beast has no reason to know these?"

"But it..." The volatility in front of the head was even more fierce. A few strong winds gave birth to a painful face. Xiao Hua felt that the future was not good, and immediately knocked on something called a retreat. However, just as his thoughts were born, a chaotic volatility rushed over the leaves. This fluctuation is extremely irregular. There is no sign of any more. All of a sudden through the body of Xiao Hua.

"Brush..." Xiao Hua was empty, and the fluctuations disappeared. At the same time, some of the soil crystals were instantly transformed into pure heaven and earth.

"Fluctuation! Fluctuation!!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He finally understood, "This void storm is not a real storm, but a chaotic turmoil. Only chaotic fluctuations can penetrate through the body, shattering the earth and crystal milk that condenses the heavens and the earth! Xiaomou just flies inside, The more fluctuations in chaos, the more it can shake the soil of Xiaomou in the body!"

So Xiao Hua didn't want to rush out, but he stepped forward and wanted to encounter more chaotic fluctuations. However, waiting for Xiao Hua to encounter a few chaotic fluctuations, an ominous feeling once again born from his heart.

"Oops... What is going on here?" Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly opened his eyes. "Not good!!!"

Waiting for Xiao Hua to see the front of the passage, a golden smoke like a wolf smoke is born in the void, where does not know that he really encountered a void storm?

"Grandma's, although Xiaomou needs a Netherstorm, but... don't need such a big fandom? This kind of Netherstorm is afraid that the entire channel can be drowned, how does Xiaomou live?"

"Is the channel flooded? Then... Doesn't that mean that the passage is completely collapsed??" I thought of it here, Xiao Hua once again stunned, looking at the passage of the passage with an incredible gaze, and surely the passage of the blue-green color. A lot of filaments have been cracked.

"Escape ~~" Where does Xiaohua not know that he is falling into another danger? If you stop talking about your hand, you have to escape!

Xiao Hua’s mind is extremely fast, but where can he get through Tianwei? He just stopped, a kind of overwhelming vibration spread throughout the passage, but in an instant more than Xiao Hua rushed to the three mouths just entered Xiaohua.

"Not good! This shocked to the end of the passage, and must be turned back. This passage is not stable. At this time, it must be collapsed from the end of the passage!"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts were correct. He had just turned his head and flew a few feet, a kind of scent that ruined the earth, a kind of “banging” sound, which was born in his mind! In the eyes of the law, in front of Xiao Hua, the beginning of the passage was also the dust that set off the smoke, which was thrown toward Xiao Hua.

"When I left the Black Wind Ridge yesterday, I didn't look at the Huang Li!" Xiao Hua repented. "I must have written something that is not appropriate, or is it bad?"

When complaining and complaining, Xiao Hua would not dare to stay in the space of the collapsed space. He quickly turned and rushed to the end of the passage.

"Oh..." Although there is no sound in the void, the winds of ghosts and sorrows are born in the heart of Xiao Hua, and I am suffering from Xiao Hua all the time.

"Brush..." is another kind of chaotic fluctuation of the storm. From the inside of Xiaohua's body, a part of the soil crystal milk instantly shattered and was absorbed again by Xiao Hua's body.

Then, the chaotic fluctuations of big and small are like the cool breeze blowing for a while. Although Xiaohua’s body-grained milk was shattered, Xiaohua’s face was not happy, because from this breezy chaos, Xiaohua had already felt that the rain was coming from the wind.

The difference is that Xiaohua wants to come faster! However, after a few interest, a violent shock was first born from Xiao Hua's body. Xiao Hua's internal organs seemed to be smashed by a pair of big hands. Then, the entire void passage began to vibrate. Xiao Hua was busy with his eyes open. Immediately, I saw that the blue-green brilliance is just like a collapsed wall. One section and one section collapsed. There are a few bright auras before the falling brilliance, which is faster than the streamer. Pounced over!

Xiao Hua wanted to fly forward. Seeing this situation, she knew that the void passage was collapsed from both ends. She had to find a chance from the middle of the passage, so she hurriedly urged the mana that had begun to recover gradually. I believe that it is possible to be safe and fly away!

Although Xiao Hua has flew a lot faster than he just did, how can he get through these fluctuations? However, it has just flown over a dozen feet, and Xiao Hua’s left hand, the volatility of thousands of messy waves is like a stormy wave. The momentum that can drown everything is not inferior to the torrent that Xiao Hua first saw!

"The void is dangerous!" Xiao Hua’s heart was trembled, but the mind was still clear, and the eyes of the eye were cast to the extreme, and the perception of the void was also played to the extreme, in order to gain a trace of vitality in this crisis.

"Hey..." It was like the tsunami storm in the Bohai Sea. The sky storm immediately took Xiaohua into the collapsed passage. The waves of the road seemed to be like the waves of the road hitting Xiaohua’s body. "Brushing brush..." Xiaohua's robe became a powder disappeared. The darkness of the darkness can still see the inexplicable brilliance in Xiaohua's body surface, and the wave hits Xiaohua's body surface. The volatility was blocked, and only 40% of the fluctuations penetrated into the body. It seemed to wash away the mud on Xiaohua's body. The soil of Xiaohua's body, the meridians and the upper and lower dantian's soil crystals were all turned into pure soil. Heaven and Earth Aura!

"Dashan~" Xiaohua perceives the softness of his body, and the heavy pressure of the mountain. He has no resistance, even the flesh has a broken, he can only laugh for himself. The bad luck is praised. Yes, the problem of soil crystal milk is about to be solved. However, the scale of this air storm is far beyond its own tolerance. Perhaps when the soil crystal milk is completely transformed into the heaven and earth aura, it is also the collapse of its own body, the flesh and blood melting. The beginning?

Although Xiao Hua has just resisted the nameless brilliance with a drop of blood, this emptiness storm is different from the previous one. This kind of raging raging is far from being just silent! Xiao Hua does not feel that his magical powers can resist anything.

"Brush..." is another wave-like wave that rushes into the body. This fluctuation is too strange, because this wave is comparable to the fluctuation of the peak between two fluctuations, almost between the movement and the static, if not Xiaohua Very sensitive and familiar with fluctuations, almost impossible to perceive. But this wave of volatility, the soil crystal milk does not have any movement at all, but when this wave rushed into Xiaohua's Xia Tiantian, Xiao Hua's huge invisible nebula suddenly shocked. The edge of the nebula began to flash a glimpse of the luster of the starlight, and the huge fluctuations rushed into Jindan after no movement, seems to be absorbed by the nebula Jindan! At the same time as the volatility disappeared, the entire vibrating nebula Jindan swayed violently during the shock. Numerous Jindan Centers, which were invisible to the naked eye, suddenly appeared similar to the previous fluctuations. This fluctuation condensed into a little, flashing brilliance. There are many tiny golden dragons in the nebula Jindan. The initial fluctuations are slightly chaotic. Between the counts and the interests, all the fluctuations are consistent, and the brilliance of these Jindan Centers immediately becomes an elliptical The aura blooms from the center of Jindan, and the fireworks are shining... (to be continued.)

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