Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2112: Suddenly pregnant baby

A lot of auras swayed within the nebula Jindan, and the whole nebula Jindan and Xiaohua’s virtual passages began to collapse! ! !

This collapse also caused fluctuations, and it resonated with the collapse of the void passage. The fluctuation of the round was also born from the body of Xiao Hua, and was integrated with the passage of the void. Of course, this small body flutters like a projectile in the collapse of the tunnels, and it is these two kinds of fluctuations that are combined to save Xiaohua’s body and escape the death of the commandment. .

At the same time that Xiao Hua’s flesh was born, Jin Dan began to collapse, and then collapsed at a rapid speed. The direction of collapse was exactly the black and white spot that was born in the center of the nebula Jindan! The light spots also produce turbulent fluctuations again. This wave is extremely slow, but it is extremely vast and powerful. It is full of traces of the heavens. When it comes out, it is like a thunderstorm in a storm. It will collapse into the inside of Jindan. All the fluctuations are attracted to the inside!

"Pregnant ... pregnant baby?" Xiao Hua dumbfounded, but he read a lot of classics, also learned a lot of exercises and understanding, and even thought about the abnormality of his pregnant baby. But... he did not expect that he would be pregnant in the void. However, if you think about it again, Xiao Hua feels the vastness of heaven in this strangeness. His own Jin Dan is invisible now. It is impossible to have a baby on the mainland of Tibet. In this void, The invisible Jindan is also showing the shape of the nebula. I am not pregnant in the void, where can I give birth to a baby?

"But..." Suddenly, Xiao Hua thought of a fatal flaw. "There is no heaven and earth aura in the void! Why is Laozi pregnant? Even if Laozi knows how to make dragons. How do you know how to fill the heavens? Use? These are all in the void, it doesn't work!"

"Right, there is no heaven and earth aura in the void. But Xiaomou has a huge amount of earthy crystal milk in the body! These are the most pure earthy auras." Xiao Hua naturally looks like a drowning person who has caught the branches. In general, I suddenly realized, "I just don't know if these soil crystal milk can support Xiaomou's successful pregnancy!"

That is, the short time that Xiao Hua turned to read, a powerful pressure was born from him, and it expanded toward the void. That **** also appeared with the pressure...

This kind of pressure is incomparably strong in Xiao Hua’s feelings, and God’s thoughts are also extremely powerful, but within this void passage, although the two have the power of heaven, they may seem so insignificant. However, it was just after the discovery of a few feet, it was suppressed by the chaotic fluctuations and the power of space, and it was forced to be compressed in Xiaohua’s body. Of course, this suppression is not only harm to Xiao Hua, but more beneficial. On the one hand, the mind and the pressure are the visions of the pregnant and the infant, with the power of heaven, and the coverage they should have been suppressed by the power of the void, and they themselves will grow with the help of the power of heaven. To reach your own coverage, while competing with the power of the void, the pressure and the thoughts will inevitably grow beyond the imagination of Xiaohua. These opportunities are not what all monks can think of and encounter; These pressures and thoughts were compressed around Xiaohua, forming an extremely powerful defense buffer. The destructive power of the collapse of the void channel is also not imaginable by Xiao Hua. It can kill Xiao Hua as much as the previous torrent, and under the protection of this layer of defense, Xiao Hua can escape safely. .

Xiao Hua temporarily can't think of this, and the pressure is born. He is inductive, knowing that he can be pregnant and pregnant. He almost waved his hand without thinking, and the pregnant baby Dan received from the golden stone tablet of the Seven Yangguan was sent to the entrance. The pregnant baby Dan immediately turned into aura with the entrance, and rushed into Xiaohua's Xiatiantian with a touch of undulation.

At this time, Xiaohua’s Xia Dantian, the collapsed nebula Jindan gathered to a half-foot size has stopped, the original thousand Jindan all disappeared now, together with the male and female two internalization of the small Jindan As a light-point fluctuation, as for the fluctuations in the nebula Jindan that contain traces of the heavens, the sweeping movements are still in an orderly manner, slowly sweeping through these fluctuations, revealing the nebula Jindan, and rushing out of Xiaohua's body!

A slight fluctuation of the pregnant baby Dan fell into the lower Dantian, attracted by the nascent fluctuations of the nebula Jindan, and did not fall into the golden dragon that collapsed into a half-foot. "Hey..." The silk wave has just entered Jindan. The whole Jindan immediately gave birth to vibration, and the black and white light spots began to expand, and the nebula Jindan began to collapse and shrink again. With the change of the nebula Jindan, the greater suction than the condensate from the invisible Jindan Born, not only the drug strength of pregnant infant Dan is inhaled into the golden dan, which is the intrinsic gas remaining in the meridian, which is inhaled along the meridians. What makes Xiaohua gratified is that this suction is as strong as it can not **** the soil crystal milk inside the meridians, but Xiaohua’s dantian nebula Jindan’s change, along with the invisible and silent fluctuations, is If the tide surges into Xiaohua's body, the soil crystals that have been washed over and over again become a world of aura. These heavens and auras are inhaled into Dantian for the use of nebula Jindan.

However, it was only loose for a moment, and the fluctuations of the silk were assimilated by other fluctuations in Jindan, and disappeared. Although the heavens and the earth and the instinct were sent to Jindan, the whole nebula Jindan did not move.

Xiao Hua, who has been watching for a long time, understands that the pregnant baby in his hand is in the mouth of the two, and maintains the aura and fluctuations used by Jin Dan.

Nowadays, the emptiness of the void, the violent fluctuations, and the strange brilliance are one after another. The collapse not only destroys the empty passage where Xiao Hua is located, but also spreads continuously around it. It seems that the entire spatial context is affected by it. As for Xiao Hua, he and a sea of ​​water in the Bohai Sea, along with the waves, do not know where their future lies. Buddhism has a cloud: one flower and one world, one drop and one space. Xiao Hua is like this at this time. No matter how dangerous the outside world is, he only keeps his heart, and he becomes a baby. He does not care about the madness of the outside world.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Hua took enough of 1,440 pregnant baby Dan, and I saw that the black and white brilliance and the nebula Jindan's contours met together! At this time, the nebula Jindan is also about half a foot. The moment of contact between the two is like a thunder, which ignites the fire. It emits lightning like a dragonfly, and there is also the inner Dan of the male and female beasts inside the nebula. Lightning instantly filled the entire nebula Jindan. At the same time, the black and white color rushed into the nebula Jindan. The golden color of the nebula Jindan was full of black and white brilliance. The sound of the crackling of "咔咔咔..." was born in Xiaohua’s heart. The black and white brilliance and the nebula Jindan tortoise cracked apart. At the same time, a wave of stronger than before was rushed into Xiaohua’s body, and the remaining soil crystal milk was completely shattered and swarmed. After the pulse into the Dantian, rush into the broken Jindan! Surprisingly, these huge amounts of earth and earth aura poured into Jindan, and turned into a cluster of small fluctuations, like a bird nesting in the center of Jindan, with the increase of fluctuations, the previous black and white The fluctuations of the Guanghua Center suddenly slammed! Xiao Hua’s body suddenly stood still. Xiao Hua felt that his thoughts were also stagnant. When Xiao Hua’s thoughts were moving, the shadow of a half-foot-sized baby was born in the black and white brilliance! !

"Virtual baby!!" Xiao Hua’s ecstasy immediately realized that he had completed the key to pregnant infants. His own Yuan Ying has been born out of nothing. Nowadays, as long as he uses the aura of heaven and earth to enrich this virtual shadow, he can be pregnant. Baby success! The process of filling is naturally a process of becoming a baby. This is a simple process in Xiaoyu mainland, or in the mainland of Tibet. The place of the pressure, the scope of the mind, there will be countless heaven and earth aura condensed into crystal beads and rushed into Xiaohua. In the body, with Xiao Hua’s current cultivation, there will even be a large number of spiritual surges, which are swept from all sides. However, today's Xiao Hua is in the void, where is the heaven and earth aura? The soil crystal milk in the flesh has been completely exhausted, and the baby is born, and can not be used anymore. Xiao Hua can only rely on the almost infinite grass in the space.

"Oh..." An inexplicable cicada, Xiao Hua suddenly looked up, but seeing the top of his head, a few feet of the spirit of the body revealed, with his own shadow in the Dantian.

"Oh, this is in the void. There are so many repressive spirits and there are still a few feet. If it is in the Tibetan continent, how high is it!" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned and hurriedly took out some grass from the space. Send it to your mouth. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua’s small abacus is wrong! These spirits may be old for a long time, and there is not much apocalypse in the world. But in this way, the supply of virtual infants is confined and stretched. The aura contained in several spirit grasses will support Xiaohua’s meridians. If you show it, you can't let Xiaohua's virtual baby make a slight change.

"Not good!" Seeing this road is unreasonable, Xiao Hua's face has changed greatly. "Today's plan can only be taken out from this void, and what interface is it, as long as there is a heaven and earth aura, Xiaomou will succeed in the birth of a baby!"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts are very full, and this is a bone feeling in the void. It’s not that the void collapses at this time, the storm is fierce, even if it is a calm void, where is it coming, let’s go and leave?

"This... how can this be good?" Xiao Hua was anxious, but it was a dark road.

Xiao Hua was distracted, and the spirit grass sent to the entrance was slackened. The empty meridians were no longer inhaled into the virtual infant.

"Oops!" Xiao Hua was shocked. He knew in his heart that Yuan Ying is in need of a steady stream of aura filling. His own mistakes, the virtual baby that has already been condensed, must not collapse. ? ?

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