Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2171: Give up (first more)

"The ancestors have to keep their lives, so they have to fight..." Cihui was in the near right, and he saw the war arrogant, the stone wall was broken, and the solid body was wilting, and he hurriedly called, "The war is good at killing, I wait..."

"When I am waiting for the power of today!" Guzheng sneered, "If you are not exhausted, why should you do this? If you have the heart, why don't you give up your relic? You said very well before, to help the old man get it. The ancient Buddha is profitable, now is the time for your help, and your Bodhicitta will be sacrificed. After the old man has swallowed it, he will be able to use the Buddha's hand to kill this warlord!"

Cihui slightly bite his teeth, but he didn't hesitate, and his face showed a kind of solitude. Then he screamed: "Good teachers know that the disciples are not unwilling to offer relics, just..."

“What is it?” Gu Zhen said sarcastically, “I just want to get the ancient Buddha dividends?”

"Oh..." Cihui sighed, and stepped back a few steps. He shot his hand on his forehead and screamed at the Buddha. "South no Amitabha..."

But when the top door of Cihui was flashed, a human figure of relic flew out from the mud palace. Although this relic is humanoid, this human form is broken and incomparable. Not only the head is missing, but the limbs are also disappearing. The body is even more riddled with holes. It is nothing to do with the honeycomb. Look at the four-pin lotus platform under the relic. , the same broken, the same as broken. Even if the faint Buddha light forms a human form, it is impossible to see that this relic is a human form!

"Ah!!" Guzhen saw the human form relic, not surprised, cried, "Cihui, you...what is your relic... so disabled??"

Guzheng looked up slightly and looked at the incomplete Bodhidharma. He replied faintly: "Before the passage, the ancestors showed great power to kill the worms, and the disciples could do nothing. They can only attract strange insects with relics..."

"You...you..." The solid voice was a little trembling. He could not think that Cihui would make such a great sacrifice. After all, relic is the foundation of the cultivation of the Buddha, not to mention that the relic of mercy is Bodhisattva. It is the certificate of his present testimony! This kind of practice of Cihui is obviously to save the solid truth, and throws the evidence of this life into the clouds.

"Since the disciple has already promised his ancestors, today naturally he can send this relic to the ancestors to swallow!" Cihui is also looking at the flash of the blue light flashing, the fighter who is breaking away from the arm, said faintly, "and disciples Originally, this was also the intention! However, the ancestors are now lacking in energy, and even if the disciples send the relics, they are afraid that they will not be able to display the Buddha’s palm again..."

"Oh, after all, you still don't want to be..." Gu Zhen was sneer and laughed.

Cihui did not pay attention to the real ridicule, but said from his own self: "The disciple will block the warmates with his own strength today. Help the ancestors get the ancient Buddha's colorful. Of course, the master can get it, then it will be See the creation of the ancestors themselves!"

Say, Cihui waved his hand and sat down with the blue lion out of the air. Ci Hui said: "Yuzu, this young lion with his disciple practiced the New Year. If the ancestors can go out, take it to the ancestors!" ”

"Oh..." The blue lion roared and snarled, and gave birth to a cloud to the war.

"Idiot~" Cihui screamed, "You and I have done the fate, you have to be angry!"

"Oh..." The blue lion sighed, but did not dare not listen to Ci Hui’s words, and he was lying in the air. The tears are falling from the lion's eyes!

"Cihui, what do you want to do?" Gu Zhen frowned, asked inexplicably. Can not wait for the kindness to answer, "Silk..." A low-pitched voice rang again, "Oh..." The swaying again within the passage, the war singer has already broken free of the ban, and walked toward the two.

Ci Hui did not pay attention. With a wave of left hand, half of the roots of Qinglian fall in the hands, and the backhand is at the point of his own spirit. The mouth swears: "The green lotus burns the body. The relics help the longevity, the flesh waits for the lotus, and the golden body protects the Buddha!"

The voice of Cihui’s chanting did not fall, but after listening to the whole passage, the Sanskrit sounded up, and countless small small flowers were born out of thin air. Then, seeing the flesh of Cihui in the heavenly spirit touched by Qinglian, it collapsed immediately and turned into a blossoming flower. Tiny Lotus, and this Lotus is a flash of colorful Buddha light, rushing toward the Bodhidharma in the air...

"This..." Guzheng was puzzled first, but suddenly it was a big shock, and cried, "This is the secret of the meat of the Xiangzong! You...you don’t want the repair of the ninth? You ... you are not in reincarnation? You... don’t you prove the Buddha?”

Gu Zhen repeatedly asked three "no" characters, apparently extremely puzzled by Ci Hui's actions.

"Amitabha ~" Ci Hui's body has been more than half of the lotus, but his voice still came. "The ancestors for my Buddha's door to protect the law, a lot of life has been abandoned, and now the state of mind has been enchanted, and later fear is even more unsuccessful. This ancient Buddha The lottery is the need of the ancestors and the future. If it can make the ancestors get what they want, they will be able to kill the magic of the heart! Can you retain a useful law for my Buddhist temple, and how can the disciples not prove the Buddha?"

The words of Cihui are not very loud, but they are extremely clear in the swaying Sanskrit. There is no tragic and strong, only a kind of faint calm. This calmness is combined with the smallpox scattered throughout the passage, even through the stone wall. .

"This...this..." As the solid guardian of Buddhism, it is obviously impossible to understand the actions of Cihui. He understands the drawbacks of Xiangzong’s flesh and blood, that is, Cihui will send the flesh into the relic. Although Bodhi relics have been completed, but the kindness of the flesh has disappeared, Cihui has no chance to enter the reincarnation. His body...and even the shackles of relics are completely settled in this life, even if there is a chance to re-enter the Buddhism. It is no longer a kindness. What's more... and how does Cihui not reincarnate, and how to be adult again?

In this matter, the fleshy body disappeared completely, and the Bodhidharma was gradually full, especially the four-pronged Lotus was complete, and the kind voice was born in Bodhi Relic. "Amitabha, the ancestors treasured! As long as there is good thoughts The law is also a Buddha!"

The voice did not fall, and the wise Bodhi relic flashed rapidly, turning a colorful lotus to the air of the approaching warrior!

"Silk..." The spear of the warlord slammed out, and the spear tip that could tear the void fell on the color lotus, and the lotus lotus was covered with no suspense.

"Call..." At the crucial moment, the battle suddenly flashed to the left, and when the lotus came down, it was on the right side of the warrior. "Brush..." compared to the sound of the poisonous water in the previous smashing To be slight, the colorful Lotus is turned into an iridescent rush into the body of the war...

"Boom..." It seems that a high wall has collapsed. The outer layer of the entire right half of the war is completely collapsed. In a moment, 60% of the body is peeled off from the war.

"Killing..." Seeing the wisdom of the hand, the solid is also urging the body shape, and the condensed mindfulness of both hands is printed on the head of the war couple again.

"Oh..." At the same time, the iridescent rushed out from the war couple, it was already faint, but this iridescence is like the unyielding soul of the war, a turn will once again rush to the war, but I know that the warrior will spear the left hand. With a shake, the entire spear is instantly turned into a big hand, and one is to cover this iridescent!

"Silk..." The battle screamed, and the big hand suddenly shrank, but when I saw the iridescent flash, it was actually condensed into a thumb-sized crystal ball. Then, the war singer took a hand and the crystal beads were half-emptied. Traces, hit the solid Buddha seal!

This warmate... actually understands that he can still give him the way! ! !

"Peng..." a loud noise, the crystal beads condensed by Ci Hui mana will defeat the solid Buddha seal, there is no stagnation at all, immediately rush into the stone wall behind the solid truth, the stone wall hit a huge crack, solid The real figure is even hit by the fly, hitting the stone wall and slipping down...

"Brush..." is still a stream of water, the colorful crystal beads that have not entered the stone wall rushed out again, and slammed into the face of the war. However, the war squad held the hand tightly and immediately smashed the crystal beads. This time, the war singer did not hesitate, but the war squad was a big hand, the sound of "咔嚓", the crystal beads were instantly crushed, the crystal beads When the colorful shatterets were scattered in the air, the previous sacred sounds stopped! ! !

Guzhen struggled, but he could never stand up. His eyes were on the colorful shattered firefly, and his heart was clear and tight, and Cihui... no longer exist in this world! !

"Boom..." At this time, the change suddenly occurred, and the distance from the solid is only about ten feet in front, and the blue wall above the water blue wall is extremely blue, which is like a bright moon. I can’t help but close my eyes...

In the moonlight, a figure came out with the light, and the huge stone wall collapsed in this light!

Guzhen was shocked, his body shape was involuntarily and he was squeezing toward the stone wall, as if he could protect himself, and his eyes were even more stunned, staring at the figure, wanting to see clearly.

But seeing this figure is only eight feet in size. The light and shadow are slightly closed, and the whole body flashes the brilliance of seven colors. From afar, the heavens are full of cabinets, and the robes of the colorful brilliance are put on the body. Thousands of Jin Yuwen flashed on it, and then looked at the top of the figure, the five hairpins are very eye-catching. However, Guzhen only swept the appearance of this figure, and the eyes fell on the hands of the figure! The hands of this figure did not coincide, but instead raised slightly, a green lotus was pinched in the left hand, and the right hand was lifted up. A sword was in the hands, and it was the same as the previous Cihui!

"This... this is the ancient Buddha's color!" Guzhen was first surprised, then awakened, watching the colorful screams above the light and shadow.

When you see the ancient Buddha, what can you really hold yourself? Struggling to fly from the ground, but unfortunately, not waiting for the station to get up, the broken firefly that was crushed by the battle of the crystal beads, like the milk swallow homing into the colorful ancient Buddha color...

Ps: Thanks for the reward of “flowing water and falling flowers e”, ​​and thanks to the support of other friends, today’s five. The other five are placed on the eleventh day.

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