Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2172: Nan Wu Zhiwen Wenshu Shili Bodhisattva

I saw that the broken firefly touched the ancient Buddha's color, and immediately merged into it. It was like a finishing touch. The colorful brilliance of the Zhang Yang suddenly converges. The luster of the ancient Buddha's colorful body gradually turns into white, just like the ordinary body, special. On the head of the relic, the light gradually gathered behind the head, and the face turned into a red-toothed white shape. The relics were closed and the eyes suddenly opened. At that time, the two shackles were first confused, and then they were clear, and a kind of big and clear understanding flashed from the eyes.

At the same time, there was a loud loud sound in the entire passage, the Buddha's light and the Sanskrit, and the numerous small flowers were born out of thin air. They circled around the ancient Buddha's colorful, and countless heavenly girls danced in the void. Countless dragons are in the air. Void hovering! Between the dragon and the heavenly girl, there are countless Buddha lights, and the appearance of the phantom festivals of the one thousand worlds in the Buddha light, the Buddha light will illuminate these illusions, and the Buddha in the Sanskrit sings like: Dazhi Wenshu Shili Bodhisattva, if I smell: For a moment, the Buddha is only in the Shuwei country to the lonely garden, and the big bhikkhu 8,000 people, the elders, the relic, the big eyes, the capricorn, the capricorn, the capricorn If it is the first one in the crowd, there are sixteen people, such as the Bodhisattva, the Capricorn, and the Bodhisattva. The Maitreya is the first. There are thousands of other bodhisattvas, and Bodhisattva Guanshang is the first. In the night after night, he was divided into three gongs. His three names were all light, and the three scorpions had been put on the golden light. The light was beautiful and only the golden forest, the roundabout turned to the Wenshu room, turned into the seven golden platform, one by one. On the stage, there are five hundred Buddhist scriptures in the middle of the Buddhist scriptures. In the front of the Manjusri, the naturalization of the five hundred and seven treasures of lotus, the round of the wheel, the silver for the stem, the Amao code for its platform, the variegated beads for the flowers It must be lighted in the Buddha's house, from the fine house, and into the Manjushri house..."

"Amitabha..." The ancient Buddha can now be like a living person, and in the mouth of the Sanskrit, the Buddha said:

"The returning child is so wonderful and auspicious, I am talking about yoga."

The body is interested in King Kong. If you come deep, the three secret doors.

The practitioner should be convinced that the teacher should receive the martial arts ring.

Regardless of your life and compassion, you can get out of the wheel.

Today's merits have been completed, I can get the Buddha body,

When it is said that there is no great wisdom in the south, Manjushri Bodhisattva! ”

The sound of Manjushri did not fall, and the light and shadow that followed saw the splendid Buddha light, and the Buddha's light rose from the sky. Ignoring the roof of the Xuanshui Palace, I ignored the ancient law and rushed out of the saints! Straight into the void! !

"Booming ......" The world is shaking, the wind is changing, and the power of infinite faith flows from this Buddha's light, like a waterfall. The torrent of turbulence, the Manjushri's golden body became more and more full, and even gradually increased again, until it was about eight feet, it was able to stop! However, the power of faith did not stop, still like a crystal-like gathering, rushing into the light behind the minds of Manjushri.

It’s time to get there. How do the true monks do not know the cause and effect? There was a bitter smile on his face, his hands were close together, and he was struggling to fall to the ground, and his heart was even more mixed!

"Amitabha..." Manjushri is another Buddha, and his eyes are lifted up. The gaze reveals infinite wisdom. The Buddha looks at the solid truth that fell on the ground and lifts the Qinglian in the left hand. A Buddha's light falls, and it will cover the truth. Within the Buddha's light, the true wounds are healed by the naked eye. The disappearing mind is more turbulent than before! Then the bodhisattva waved his right hand again, and the sword's sword front flashed through the air. The brave and invincible warfare was instantly broken into pieces.

The young lion who was previously huddled in the true neighborhood. Nowadays, under the foot of the blue cloud flying in the air, Manjushri took the Qinglian and the sword, lifted his legs and set foot on the blue lion, sitting cross-legged. The blue lion roared in the air. As the Buddha's light grew more and more, the power of infinite faith continued to flow in the Buddha's light, but the Buddha's light gradually disappeared, and the vision of one should disappear in front of the real.

The Buddha's light disappeared, and the wisdom of the Buddha without the Great Wisdom Manjusri Bodhisattva was gone. The truth fell to the ground and waited for a meal. This slowly rose, and it was a bleak gaze. Sweeping through the messy passages, and then gazing at the broken war squad, is also staring at the work of half a cup of tea, as if recalling the days of fighting with Manjushri, and then looking up, watching the ancient Buddha The stone wall that rushed out, a little bleak self-speaking: "The Bodhidatt relics are really worth it. If you want to prove this life, you will not break into the reincarnation, you will not wait for the afterlife! This kind of wisdom... is really deliberate, since I know that this ancient Buddha's color is left behind by his predecessor, waiting to be here to make his ninth merits complete, and he keeps saying that he wants to give this ancient Buddha's greed to the old man! The old man ventures into this ancient law, and he is dead. The passage was originally made for the wedding of others! Since Ci Hui made the Buddha Buddha fruit, where is the merit of the old man? Is it because the old man is a Buddhist guardian, can he not achieve the merits of charity?"

Guzheng became more and more puzzled, and his face showed a trace of embarrassment. He never forgot that Cihui was good to him. People’s kindness would have perceived the origin of this ancient Buddha’s color, but instead fulfilled him and took him. I am here again and again. Ci Hui abandoned the flesh at the last minute and saved him with the secret technique of Xiangzong. Cihui wants to achieve the solid protection of this law, but the Buddha's edge is the Buddha's edge. The ancient Buddha's color is similar to the Taoist's condensed treasure. It is the kindness of the civic, not the solid, even if it is solid. It is also impossible to get. There are thousands of miles to meet, even if it is, it is! In particular, Ci Hui gave birth to the flesh, and it was a secret harmony of Buddhism. He combined his own ingenuity with relics and finally completed his testimony in this world.

It is a pity that these living evidences, as well as the compassionate compassion, not only did not make Guzhen suddenly wake up, but stirred up the anger of his heart, but also poked his pain, and gave him endless irritability.

The ancient stone smashed out of the stone wall gap is very large, and the inside is a flash of light Buddha light, solid really looked at a moment, a little thought, urging the cloud head into the gap. Behind the stone wall is a larger temple. The hall is hollow, except for a tall stone pillar in the center of the temple, and a large oil lamp floating above the stone pillar. There is nothing else.

The solid path flies to the top of the stone pillar, and I can't help but see the strange look in my eyes.

This is an elliptical palace. The surrounding stone walls and the top cover above the head are the same as the stone walls inside the passage. They are huge bluestone blocks. Surprisingly, these bluestone blocks did not rise up with the general blue-blue brilliance in the channel. Instead, a layer of Buddha light overflows on it! Under the Buddha's light, there is a picture of the Buddha's magnificent scenery engraved on the blue stone block. There are a lot of Sanskrit in the gap between the Buddha's view, just like a bat is like a spell connecting these Buddha figures.

Looking at the top of the cover, it is a pair of thousands of Buddha pictures. However, in this picture of the Buddha, although the images of the Buddhas are different and their postures are different, each Buddha’s face is filled with The kind of dignity, a kind of compassion, is far from the tragic strength of the 10,000-buddha statue within the ruins of the Buddha on the mainland of Xiaoyu. In the center of Wanfotu, there is an image of an ancient temple. The ancient temple is sitting on the knees of the South. There is a Buddha in the south, and the left and right sides of the Buddha are the two samurai Buddhas. South without a burning lamp on the ancient Buddha. Under the three futures, the present and the past Buddhas, there are countless Bodhisattvas and Lohan standing, surrounded by ancient temples, flowers and flowers, Tianlong swims, the goddess dances, and the end is a treasure!

The solid vision was swept from the Buddha's figure and the ancient temple Buddha figure, and finally fell on a bodhisattva in front of the Buddha. This bodhisattva is the statue of the Buddha in the South, and the appearance of the golden body in the passage. .

"Ha ha ha..." Gu Zhen is inexplicably laughing in the sky, laughing and tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, and waiting for the real smile is a cry of sorrow, "pure and solid, follow the Buddha for more than 200 years Every day, I don’t think about the Buddha, but I’ve always put my life to the outside. Any evil demon in the eyes of my devil is the killing. Why is it that the Buddha’s Buddha is removed from the Buddha’s foot?

When I read it here, Gu Zhenfu fell on the stone pillar and tried to use his head to smash the ground. He said: "Buddha, Buddha, the disciple knows that this is the place where the Nanwu Dazhi Wenshu Shili Bodhisattva is worshipped, and is also the Buddha. The place where the discerning eye can be. The disciple is sincerely beheading here, and the Buddha is the disciple who points out the path under his feet. How can the disciples prove the evidence and how can they..."

At this time, before the words of the heart are finished, an old voice came from the oil lamp at the top of the head: "Little monk, do you want to be a Buddha?"

"Who??" Guzheng's body shape is stiff, almost blurted out, but then he has a panic on his face, and hurriedly shouted, "Buddha, forgive disciples..."

However, the solid truth did not finish, he jumped from the stone pillar, his hands were printed, his eyes fixed on his head, the oil lamp suspended in the air.

This oil lamp is different from what is seen in the ordinary. It is just a circular plate a few feet in size. There is no wick on the plate. Only a light yellow layer of flame burns on it. The brilliance is very uniform and shines in the hall. On the top, the Wanfo figure and the ancient temple Buddha figure are illuminated.

Gu Zhen knows that this is a long-lived lamp. It is used for the golden body of the Nanzhi Dazhi Manjusri. He had previously had some sorrows about Manjushri and did not look carefully. At this time, he had to watch again. I saw that the color of this longevity lamp was sky blue, and the bottom was still the golden body of the Nanzhi Wuzhi Manjusri Bodhisattva. Only on this golden body, Manjushri did not hold the sword and Qinglian, nor did it ride on the blue lion! But the hands are printed, and the sky is empty...

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