Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3857: qualifications?

The ruthless look is still the kind of cold ice, but it is not lacking in courtesy. He hurriedly said: "It’s good to teach the predecessors that the disciples are not pregnant in the Lemo Mountains, but because the Thunder are far away, they are pregnant, so Did not affect your predecessors!"

"Jie Leidong?" Thunder really listened, didn't smile, and he was also aware of the thundering hole before the birth of the baby. Now the ruthless pregnant baby is also in the vicinity of the mine. It is really a fate to himself. Thinking of the fate, Thunder is a real person who thinks about Xiao Hua, who has almost forgotten.

Thunder real people are somewhat cranky, next to the palace masters followed by ruthlessness, after a lively, Hyun-Ban fairy smiled and said: "Relentless, you are now in the middle of the meta-infant, my Royal Lei Zongzhong can compare with you There are not many monks. You don't have to be so humble. You have to know that I have practiced in the three countries of the Three Kingdoms. After I stepped into the Yuan Ying, I didn't have to mention the previous ones. Yuan Yingsheng should be a new generation. Not to mention that the Thunder Master is your guiding master. If you are a senior, this seat will also call you a predecessor!"

"No need!" The ruthless face is not happy, and there is no flattering look. "The disciple is a younger generation or a younger generation. I don't want to overtake anything!"

"Haha, it's worth it!" Hyun Huan fairy smiled and will ruthlessly support, said, "If you want to call you a predecessor, how is your family called Thunder Palace, Thunder, how to call you? He is not good at this palace." !"

Hyun Hua fairy's words are extremely provocative, but unfortunately ruthlessly did not listen, looked up and looked at the near, asked: "The younger generation asked, the competition Lei Ping four yuan infant disciples are not to compete for the main position of the Thunder Palace. ”

"Not bad!" Hyun Hua Fairy nodded. "It is time for you to come back, and stay with you here to see who can sit in this dry thunder palace!"

"The younger generation let the head of the family down!" He listened ruthlessly, nodded slightly, and then said faintly, "The younger generation can't accompany the head of the family to watch the battle, the younger generation will also end, grab the position of the main thunder palace!"

"Ah?" Mo said that it was a dazzling fairy, but the Thunder real people were also shocked. The Thunder really looked at the ruthless, strange, "ruthless, you certainly got the guidance of the dry Leizi head, can After all, you are a disciple of my thundering palace. If you want to be a palace lord, the old man will give you this shocking palace, and you will be able to break through the life of the old man."

"The location of the Lord of the Thunder Palace is to the ceremony, and the younger generation does not dare to swear!" The ruthless wave of the arrangement of the Lei Leizi said, "The younger generation is only the embarrassment of the predecessors of the thunder, for his elderly Take control of the Thunder Palace!"

When the words are ruthless, everyone is even more shocked. What can Cui Hongyi think of, how can they not think of it?

"Relentless..." Seeing ruthlessness has jeopardized the position of his own head. Hyun Hyun Fairy is cold and cold. "This seat knows that you have cultivated it as a deep-smelling, but unfortunately you are a disciple of the Thunder Palace, and you have nothing to do with the Thunder Palace. What you said Everything, although I got the command of the head of the Lei Leizi, but these air outlets are not worthy, after all, you are not qualified to participate in this battle of the palace!"

Ruthless words are not stunned by the madness of the real people. He has previously returned from the depths of the Remo Mountain. It has already made the four lives on the competition Leiping out of crisis. However, seeing ruthlessness is a disciple of Wanleigu, and they are peace of mind. Waiting for this time, ruthlessly said that he had to rely on the dry thunder, and naturally with the Hyun-Ban fairy, I feel ruthless.

But ruthlessness does not refute, taking out a fist-sized, lightning-like purple seal from his arms, saying: "The younger generation has the testimony of the dry gonggonggong!"

"Damn!" Waiting for what Hyun Huan fairy said, the wild man is angry and screaming, "I am ruthless, you are a disciple of the thunder palace, and dare to steal me from the main palace of the palace, what crime should you sin?"

The mad **** is watching the ruthless hands in the prints, and the hearts are mixed! If there is no such thing as the main seal of the palace, he is afraid that he has already sat in the seat of the main throne palace a few decades ago. The madman is of course aware of the importance of the palace’s seal. After the fall of the thunder, the first step in the madness was to find the main seal of the palace. He rummaged through the entire dry thunder palace and never saw it. Many disciples of Lei Gong, but he never thought that the dry Lei Zi actually handed the palace to the disciples of a thunder! And still he did not look at the refining disciples! However, the dry thunder is not only given, but even the ruthlessness now has the possibility to surpass him. He became the dream of the dry thunder palace, and now it has gradually become embarrassing, and it is a luxury.

It is a pity that ruthlessness is not a dazzling fairy, and it is not a gift. It is ruthless and simply ignores the madness of the sky. It only looks at the bright fairy, and no one will say it.

"This..." Hyun Huan fairy looked at the ruthless hands of the dry gonggonggong, the main seal, some hesitant, she thought for a moment, asked, "ruthless, you dry thunder palace main seal 玺 ... said to be dry thunder Given by the son, what credentials can you have?"

Relentlessly replied: "No!"

"Neither is it stolen!" The madman has already flown in and will scream, "Return this thing to me."

As the figure flew near, the mad **** really waved his hand and even caught the purple seal in the hands of ruthlessness.

Thunder is really impatient, and the hand, "Boom..." is born out of the madness and tyrannical power. It is in front of the madness, the force hits, the madness of the real person The hand was smashed, and the Thunder was cold and cold: "I haven't said anything after waiting for the palace. What is your qualification for a disciple of the dry thunder palace? With this character alone, the old man does not agree with you to do the dry thunder palace. Palace owner!"

The madness of the real person is not stable, flying hundreds of feet in midair, and then can stand still, he glanced at the Thunder real person, but also laughed and said: "Thunder is real, this is my dry thunder palace thing, with you If you are the head of my Royal Leizong, I naturally want to listen to you, but unfortunately you are just a treacherous palace, your words... oh, it’s really better than the head!"

The Thunder’s real people were rushed into the crowd by madness, and the anger rushed up, yelling, “Let’s go!”

"The head of the adult..." The madman did not pay attention to the thunder and lived, flying close to a thousand feet, and squatting on the dazzling fairy. "You must be the master of the thunder palace for me. Things are already very obvious, the earthquake palace The map is not small, they are not satisfied with their own strength, but also want to touch me to dry the thunder palace. When the dry Leizi head fell, the disciples searched for the dry thunder palace and did not see this seal, if it is ruthless to get the thunder of the head There must be a commander in the hand; even if there is no order, he should have taken out the seal in time after the fall of the head, and announced the will of the head. Why is it ruthless to take it out until today? I have to wait for the main lord of the Thunder Palace to come out. It is clear that there are ghosts in my heart, and I have been secretly smashing the opportunity! Moreover, if the Thunder Palace controls me, the Eight Thunder Palace will return to the court to resist the ritual, two Lei Gong must sigh on the throne of a certain thunder palace, the picture of the thunder palace owner... is it simple to see?"

The madness of the real person has been ruthless, and it is a sneak peek at the thunder, but it is also suggesting that the thunder is the real person, and the thunder is the position of the priest. Although it is a kind of provocation, it can be heard in the ears of the brilliant birch fairy, and it is born in the heart. A vague resonating.

Hyun Huan fairy looked ruthless, said faintly: "Relentless, you are not the main palace of the Thunder Palace, this seal you are not qualified to handle, and how to hand it to this custody?"

Reluctantly refused to want to refuse: "Sorry, this is the gift of the dry Leizi, the younger generation can not promise!"

A few Lei Zi, at this time said that they should not look around, laughing: "You, how do you think?"

It is a pity that this is a dazzling fairy. She listened to her words and was ruthlessly turned back. She immediately angered and whispered: "There is no ruthlessness. I don't think you are already in the middle of Yuan Ying. It is also a disciple who has personally directed by Lei Leizi. There is no way for you to take the seat. This seat is the head of Yu Leizong. If you have a seat, you will be in charge. Do you dare not follow?"

Ruthless is not moved by it, cold and cold: "The head of the order is a must-see for the younger generation, but the head wants to take the things of the younger generation, and the younger generation does not obey!"

"Cough..." Hurricane Fairy finally couldn't stand it anymore, with a low cough, and said, "I am a few people, I don't know if I should say it!"

Hyun Hua Fairy turned to look at the Hurricane Fairy and smiled: "Hurricane Shimei please..."

"When the dry Leizi brothers were at the Great Thunder Hall, they designated the poor road and the Lei Xiaoshi personally directed the Cui Yu and the tribute to Wan Leigu. His old man taught himself ruthlessly." Hurricane Fairy opened his mouth, "The ruthless and gracious What is the qualification, the poor road is not known. It is very clear that Cui Wei’s qualifications are poor, but it is rare for me, even if it is placed in the three countries, it is extremely rare! The facts also prove that the decision of the dry Leizi brother is correct. Cui Wei and Xiang Zhili are only a few hundred years to repair Yuan Ying, the world is rare. These qualifications fall in the eyes of everyone who likes it, if it is possible... the poor roads are willing to leave the throne of the thunder palace Give Cui Wei! Let's take a look at the ruthlessness, qualifications and temperament than Cui Wei and the tribute to it. The young age is already a mid-Yuan Ying monk. As early as today, the poor road is afraid to even think about it! He, it’s normal for Master Lei Lei’s brother to have a love heart!"

The main scorpion of Canre Palace is not pleasing: "The hurricane teacher, who wants to be the main priest of the thunder palace, is not solely based on cultivation, but also has the ability of the leader, if you leave the dynasty To Cui Wei, she must not blame the thundering palace!"

“莺莺 is not the best candidate for the palace!” Hurricane Fairy laughed. “This poor road has long been known, so it has never been considered. But according to the poor road, the ruthlessness is calm and the landslide is unchanged. These calm monks are not the best candidates for the main palace of the Thunder Palace?"

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