Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3858: Decide

Lei Leigong, the main thunder palace, shook his head and said: "If you give the ruthless millennium time, the old man must agree. But now he is too young, and it may not be appropriate to serve as the main court of the Thunder Palace."

The main fairy peak fairy of the palace is not too old. She laughed: "When the younger generation was in charge of the thunder palace, it seemed to be similar to the 笙云子. It was only the late Jindan, but in the head of the palace and the palace. The Lord’s love is also coming over?”

"It is also!" Xiaoyun Zi smiled. "The ruthless age is small, but it can be repaired as a high fear of people. This calmness... is far superior to that of the past!"

Hurricane Fairy smiled and said: "That is to say, I am talking about a half-dead, the focus of the discussion is whether it is ruthless to be the right person to do the Thunder Palace, is it not ruthless?"

"This..." Thunder and nephew have some lingering, whether they are qualified or not, it is obviously two different heights, and from their inner intuition...they don’t think that they are ruthless and not qualified to compete for this dry thunder palace. Palace owner!

Hurricane Fairy said again, "I think that the poor roads are like the poor roads. I feel that the brothers of the Lei Leizi like to be ruthless. But at that time, he was repaired as a shallow, or a disciple of Zhen Lei, but he did not rush. Let him take charge of the dry thunder palace, and then hand over the seal of the dry thunder palace to ruthless! Of course, this is only my guess, when it is not true. Therefore, the poor road gives the head two suggestions..."

"Please tell..." Hyun-Ban fairy nodded.

"The first suggestion is..." Hurricane Fairy laughed. "Because of the ruthlessness of the Thunder, the Thunder is also the earlier owner of the Thunder Palace. The head only asks the old man to come out and verify this. Whether the Yinlu is personally given to the ruthless brothers, if it is true, let the ruthless take over the thunder palace, if it is fake, please ruthless!"

Hyun Huan fairy frowned: "Thunder is a predecessor of the gods, even the whole family has not seen for many years, for this little thing to disturb the retreat of his old man, afraid it is not good!"

Hurricane Fairy also did not accidentally react to the reaction of the flower fairy. He said: "The second suggestion of the poor road is that since the head can't verify the widow of the dry Leizi brother, then I will take a step back and think that this is the seal. It’s just that the brothers of Lei Leizi are ruthless, but I will not give the ruthless lord of the palace to the ruthless, but let him participate in today’s battle of the main palace of the Thunder Palace!”

Next to the madness, the real person must be discouraged. The hurricane fairy said for half a day, and finally supported the ruthless participation in the main battle of the dry thunder palace, and if he did not agree to participate ruthlessly, he would be directly responsible for the dry thunder palace. He couldn't help but yell: "Hurricane Fairy, I don't agree with your two suggestions. Both of your suggestions are based on the predecessors of the dry Leizi who handed the seal to the ruthless foundation..."

"Hey..." Hurricane Fairy sneered, said, "Crazy, the brother of the dry Leizi is the late monk of Yuan Ying, the magical power is far from you and I know! The ruthless is a Jindan monk, he can be from the dry Leizi brother Where did you steal the seals? And, when the dry Leizi brothers fell, you are all in the dry thunder palace, you have seen the ruthless figure? Say, crazy, have the ability to steal a dry thunder palace The seal is over, and the old man does not say anything. The first one supports you to be the master of the dry palace. If you don’t have this ability, you have to blame others for taking the lead!"

"Well, I am waiting for the advice of the same hurricane teacher!" Yan Yunzi looked at Jingfeng Fairy. The two men made the statement first. "If you don't go to the Thunder to prove the true and false of this seal, you should let the ruthlessly compete for the thunder." Ping!"

Lei Zizi and Xunzi looked at each other and did not open their mouths. They already understood that there were the consent of the Thunder Palace and the Thunder Palace. Together with the Thunder Palace and the Thunder Palace, the Seven Thunder Palaces already had four thunders. The palace supports ruthlessness, and it is useless to say anything more by yourself and others!

"Okay!" Hyun Hua Fairy nodded. "Since all of you support the ruthless competition on Leiping, then this seat agrees to ruthlessly compete for Leiping, participate in the battle of the main battle of the Thunder Palace!"

"Thanks to the head of the adult!" Ruthlessly still faceless, the purple seal was collected, and the whole body was prayed.

Look at the madness of the sky, a cold scream, turn around and wind down.

Looking at the back of the madman, the faces of the seven thundering palace lords are either sneer, or with disdain, or with regret, and so on.

Hyun-Bei fairy looks at the darkness of the night, the moon shines high, the high heavens, the place where the seven competitors were located, seven huge thunders replaced them with the same kind of thunder, illuminating the Lemo mountain range, her heart suddenly A lot of relaxation, two Yuan Ying disciples pregnant baby success, a Yuan Ying mid-term disciple return, really let Yu Lei Zong's strength on a step, her face also brought the excitement of ordinary disciples, said: " The disciples of Yu Leizong, thank you for the blessing of the ancestors of the Emperor Lei Zong, and I have added three Yuan Ying masters to the Royal Leizong. This is rare in the Xiguo, in the Three Kingdoms! Special, ruthless is through the dry thunder The ear of the head, the guidance of the Thunder Master, today he came back at the right time, I am the vacant seat of the Thunder Palace, he has the heart to pay more for my Royal Leizong, this seat can not stop, therefore, This seat announced that it agreed to participate in the battle of the main battle of the Thunder Palace Palace..."

"Hey..." Hyun Hua Fairy said this, if the same water was poured into the hot oil pan, all the Royal Leizong disciples were all fried, or shouted, or whispered, some were excited. Some are dissatisfied. After all, the heads of the various thunder palaces are all from their respective thunder palaces. There have been no exceptions since the Royal Lei Zongli faction. Everyone can't accept it at once. Even some of the disciples of the dry thunder palace shouted and wanted to fly out to protest.

The mad God himself showed a sneer, only a faint look.

“Hey...” Thunder’s real person preached, “The earthquake hall belongs... calm down!”

The disciples of Zhenlei Palace are naturally excited. They listened to the real orders of the Thunder, and immediately shut up and watched quietly.

"Beyond the Thunder Palace..." Hurricane Fairy is even worse, but it is five words, and no more dare to make a sound from the Thunder Palace.

However, for a moment, the seven thunder palaces were quiet. The disciples who supported the madness in the dry thunder palace, even if they wanted to toss anything, could look at the quiet disciples around them and shrink their necks and fall.

"The disciples..." Hyun Hua Fairy traveled around and looked at the road. "All the thunder palaces are the disciples of their respective thunder palaces. This is the custom! It is not impossible to break, just like the temples stand, it is also Common sense, it is not impossible to clean up. Looking at the three countries of the truth, based on the Xi State, after the Kendo War, the sword repairing forces infiltrated into the inverted road repair, the Tian Mo Zong inserted the entire Xiaoyu mainland, and the whole world has undergone great changes. The strength of my Royal Leizong It has gradually subsided. If it is still self-sufficient, it will still be old-fashioned. It is afraid that it will be eliminated by Taoist repairs sooner or later, and it will become a second-rate small school. The ancestors will be annihilated for thousands of years. Therefore, today’s Baidian competition is the first. The revolution, the battle of the main battle of the Thunder Palace is the second change. I hope that my Royal Leizong can keep the new place under the change of mind, Yonglixi Country Lemo Mountain!"

"Oh?" After listening to the words of Hyun-Bei Fairy, the Thunder is a real person, and the brows are slightly raised. Looking at the Hyun-Birth Fairy, the Thunder really doesn’t know if this is the Hyun-Ban fairy from the heart, or the Hyun-Feng Fairy. Because it is impossible to step down, I will temporarily start to talk about the two things together.

"Is it wrong..." Looking at the flat look of Hyun Huan Fairy, Thunder really thought to himself, "Hyun Hyun Fairy is not the ignorance of the old man?"

Hyun Hua Fairy did not pay attention to others, look at the ruthlessness has already fallen into the Jing Lei Ping, opening the channel: "Competing disciples on the Lei Ping, listening to my order..."

It’s a pity that I don’t wait for the Hyunhua Fairy to give orders. On the Leiping, the two people flew at the same time and shouted: “The head of the family, I have something to say...”

"Damn!" Hyun Chau Fairy is a bad temper, seeing a battle of the main battle of the Thunder Palace, can not help but anger, "What do you mean by this?"

It’s the two who flew up and the dry wind and the dry wind. They flew to the front of the Hyunhua Fairy, and they said to them: "The younger generation has something to tell!"

If you can talk swearingly, Hyun Hyun Fairy doesn't mind saying "If you have something to say, you have a fart," she said, holding back her anger: "Speak..."

"Hey the door..." Gan Qingzi accompanied the laughter. "I am waiting for the disciples of the dry thunder palace. I know the importance of the main position of the dry thunder palace. The reason why the main throne palace is unresolved for decades. I don’t have a proper disciple at the Thunder Palace. I’m convinced that the real person is competing for the throne of the Thunder Palace. I agree with it, but he has no experience in dealing with the house, and his temper is a bit violent. I feel that if I don’t care for him. Sharp, with his arrogance, after the dry Thunder Palace is afraid that the dogs and cats are restless, so I waited for it to unite and wanted to compete with him on the Leiping. Now, the thundering palace is ruthless and also vie for the position of the dry thunder palace, I I don’t know anything about ruthlessness, but I believe that the eyes of dry Leizi’s head are even more convincing. If you can’t take the ruthlessness of the palace, he can give the madman a head and let him understand. It is impossible to convince people by strength! If I am on the competition, I will be biased towards ruthlessness or madness, so that no matter who is unfair, I will choose two people. drop out!"

Hyun Hyun Fairy has anger, can listen to the dry Qingzi two people said it is also a palm of the hand: "Good! You are waiting for the two people are Ming Lei Temple and Qin Lei Temple Lord, if the qualifications than the wild innocent people Deeper, if you are not limited in strength, you can afford to wait for this Thunder Palace. Previously, I thought that you would have to earn a head in the blood of the Thunder Palace, but you can’t think of it. You wait for such a difficult time to retreat, this retreat...not you are afraid, but you wait for the stability of the Thunder Palace, for the stability of my Royal Leizong, this step is good! Retreat is atmospheric!!"

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Thanks to "gu8547985", "falling flowers, flowing water", "cabbage" and other friends support, add for you, \(^o^)/(to be continued.)

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