Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3859: Dry Thunder Palace

"The disciples think that there is no such thing as a master!" The wind and the hurriedly rushed to the body. "Disciples and others should not be so praised!"

"Well, you wait to retire!" Hyun Huan fairy smiled and said, "A few Japanese seats will be rewarded!"

"Thank you at the door!" Dry wind and dry Qingzi retired after giving up.

Hyunhua Fairy looked up at the Jing Leiping. At this time, there were only three people on the Jing Lei Ping. The ruthlessness was first standing in the center of the competition. After waiting for the wind and the dry, the body went down to the corner, with the madness. People and the wind and the real person into a triangle!

"Listen to my order..." Hyun Huan fairy said here, paused a little, and saw no more strange births, then went on to say, "The battle of the main palace of the Thunder Palace, now begins..."

With the sound of Hyun Birch Fairy landing, "Booming and Booming..." The sound of the dull roaring sounded again. In the thunder that previously covered the Eight Thunder Palace, there were three thunders slowly turning. Leiping moved, but for a moment, it will be covered within a hundred miles of Jing Leiping.

Look at the fierce competition on the Lei Ping, ruthless, wild and real people only stand quietly, no one is the first to start.

"Damn..." The maddening gaze stared at the ruthless, and he knew in his heart that his biggest rival in this battle was ruthless. If there is no real person, he will definitely push his body and cast a supernatural power to ruthlessly. However, with the real wind, the madman can no longer agree. Although the real person of the blast is a monk in the early days of Yuan Ying, it is also a master of Yuan Ying. It is not difficult to be a fisherman!

"Crazy..." Suddenly, the voice of the real person came from the ears of the madman. "The old man was cooperating with the dry wind, but they never thought that they would escape. The two of them used to be vocal." To the old man, I want the old man to follow them and advance and retreat. The old man’s strength is not to be ruthless, but the old man thinks that the dry thunder palace master should have my dry thigh disciples to take responsibility, and the other seven thunder palace disciples are not qualified! I am not able to defy the head of the adult, so the old man chooses to stay and help you fight back!"

The wilderness is really happy, but he dare not believe too much in the wind, because the madness is not particularly understanding of the real people! It’s just that after the hurricane’s real people participated in the dispute between the main officials of the dry thunder palace, the mad innocent talents focused on the details of the real people. Before the blast, the real person was pregnant and the baby was a disciple of Yu Leihai! Yu Leizong has three places of landmines, Qianlei Mountain, Wanlei Valley and Yu Leihai. The former Yu Leihai returned to the Thunder Palace, and later because of its important assignment to the Dry Thunder Palace, Cognac was born in Yu Leihai. Yu Leihai is similar to Wanlei Valley. It is an absolute chore, and the disciples of Yu Leihai simply cannot fall into the eyes of the real people. Similarly, Yu Lei Hai Cognac was also a very low-key disciple before the pregnancy, and it did not appear in the dry thunder palace. Because of the unique geographical location, the Royal Thunder Sea is also a good place for cultivating the monks. In this difficult situation, although the progress is slow, it can be solid and tight. After the change of Wanlei Valley, Yu Leizong increased the defense of Qianlei Mountain and Yu Leihai, and mobilized more disciples to guard these two. Heavy ground. At this time, Cognac had the opportunity to leave Yu Leihai.

The cognac that left Yu Leihai was only crouched for ten years, and immediately there was a tendency to skyrocket. The cultivation and the realm grew very fast, and even went to the Yuan Ying master in the 20 years before the fall of Lei Leizi. However, the blast after the pregnant baby is still low-key, in addition to recruiting some disciples, not too much involved in the affairs of the dry thunder palace, so before that, the madman only heard the name of the real person, no special care . In particular, before the ruthless appearance, the madman faced the disciples of the three Yuan Ying early days. Where did he not know that the three had already negotiated well? At this point, I will hear some doubts about the sound of the real person.

Although the temperament of the mad temper is not good, it is also a good thing to do things. He asked directly: "What benefits do you want?"

"It's very simple..." The wind stunned and laughed. "Before the Qingzi promised the old man to be the master of the Ming Lei Temple. Since he gave in, let's go to the thunder!"

"Too!" said the madman, who replied, "You want you to help me. I don't know that it is the thunder hall. It is the thunder hall. The old man can give you the same!"

"Good!" The blast is also a big joy, said, "Although the old man did not want to let the brothers of Zhen Leigong touch me to do the work of the Thunder Palace, since the adult master is so generous, the old man is not as respectful as the life!"

After that, the blast is a real whistle, and the figure is turned into a streamer. When it first rushes to ruthlessness, and as the streamer approaches, "铿铿铿..." bursts of swords and sounds rise to the sky, a ray of lightning The sword flew out of the real body, and the fierce and fierce thorns were ruthless.

"Hey?" The ruthlessness is similar to that of a madman. He almost never sees the hurricane in his eyes. He only pays attention to the movements of the madman. When he sees the blast, he is the first to take the shot. Where does he know the plan of the real person? However, ruthlessly still faintly surprised, there is no special change in the look, a big hand wave, "hey..." A fist of a few feet in size, and then flew out, like a meteor-like welcoming Feijian.

"Is this child too underestimated?" Seeing ruthlessly, he used his fist to meet the thunder of the real person. The Thunder was the first to frown, and the heart was dark. "The blast is really a master of Yuan Ying!"

However, it was only a moment, and the face of Thunder’s real person was shocked. Because with the flying out of the fist, the hurricane immediately produced in the immediate vicinity, numerous small vortices were born with the hurricane, and then it was twisted and elongated, and the crystal of the heavens and the earth became a shining crystal. In the shadow, waiting for a few hundred feet to fly, the fist virtual shadow actually rose to a few feet!

Not only that, the fists are on the virtual shadow, and the clear traces of the thunder are more clear with the rise of the fist, the thunder is revealed, and the ray is born with the thunder falling in, and the thunder of the condensate is not like the thunder. The roaring grows vaguely in the fist!

"This... What is this mystery?" Strong as a Thunder is also a stunned person. He has already discovered two flaws. First, the ruthlessness of the world is very fast, much faster than the ordinary monk. I can't compare myself with ruthlessness. Second, the thunder on the fist is like a natural, if there is no secret, it is the ability to control the Thunder naturally! The Thunder can't help but scream. "It's hard... ruthless, courtesy, and the power of Leidan in their bodies is far more than the old man's thoughts? Or, what do the three people have?"

Seeing a thunder like a shuttle, one is a fist shadow like a star will hit together. At this time, "Boom..." is another sound of tremor, and the madman shot, but see him take a mouth, a spear The magic weapon is in the air, and the magic weapon is several inches long. It has a rune in it, and a layer of water is shining in the thunder. The madness of the real person raises his hand, a breath of instinct, the thunder and spear shines between the glare, the left and the void are vibrating, compared to the real sword of the hurricane, and the ruthless fists must be arrogantly rushed toward ruthless.

"Hey..." Hurricane Fairy snorted and said, "The two of them even joined hands to deal with ruthlessness, but it was really unexpected!"

"The teacher thinks more!" Thunder laughed. "Now, there are three people on the Leiping. How to fight is also two-on-one. It is impossible to be fair! Besides, the two disciples of the Thunder Palace do not join hands. It’s a weird thing!”

Yun Yunzi means profoundly: "It seems that the exit of the dry and dry winds is also profound!"

The nephew said faintly: "It’s just a deep meaning, it’s a wonderful hand! The dry thunder palace really has talents. These two masters are not allowed. On the one hand, they have won praises from the head of the family. On the one hand, they have won praises from the disciples. On the one hand... I also took off the dry thunder palace and joined hands to resist the ruthless reputation!"

"Damn..." Mo said that the seven major thunder palaces are ruthlessly worried, and the Wan Leigu disciples are even more worried. Even Cui Wei is also holding hands together and snoring. "Master, we are Also, right?"

On the other hand, the lazy answer is: "This is not a small fight with other disciples of the earthquake hall. How can you say it? You can rest assured, ruthless is the way, you don't know, his The deepest mind?"

"Yes..." Cui Wei still wants to talk, "Hey..." Hearing the ruthless left hand where the whimpering sounds suddenly, seeing a group of fist-sized black shadows flying out of ruthless hands, with ruthless hands raised One finger, a piece of light shines like a flower-like cut, an eight-faced hammer flies out of the light, but see this hammer with a hammer handle, this hammer handle like lightning, the hammer is engraved on eight sides Thunder, the thunder on each side is condensed into a unique rune, the rune emits brilliance of different colors, and the ray in the void falls into the rune, so the eight clear shadows of the ancient text From the top of the hammer, it is "the Qiankunkan is separated from the shock"! When the eight runes are out, the nameless power is born from the hammer and flies toward the madman!

"Oh..." The wind slammed into a cold voice, "There is no wonder that the sword that does not dare to provoke the magic weapon to resist the poor road is originally afraid of madness and natural attacks. However, by this fist alone, how can you be the enemy of the poor road? ?"

During the speech, the sharp sword of the real wind has stabbed the ruthless fist. The loud bang of the "Boom...", the ruthless fist stunned suddenly, and the sound of the gongs and drums that had been brewed before was mixed with the thunder like a river. The water plunged into the Thunder Sword, and in an instant, hundreds of lightnings annihilated, and the sword of the Thunder Sword collapsed, revealing the quaint thunder sword! In the same way, the thunder of the ruthless fist was also defeated by Jianguang, revealing the black fist inside.

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Thanks for the "semi-sentence" award, for you to add more, \ (^o^) / (to be continued.)

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