Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 4 10 layers of Qi refining

Chapter 4 Ten Layers of Qi Refining

Li Qingshan has a little more understanding of the establishment of the imperial court. This can be regarded as the separation of powers! Although it looks crude, it is also impossible to rule in a meticulous way because the area is too large. 4∴⑧㈥ Church

Among them, Yinglangwei is similar to the two factories and one guardian in the Ming Dynasty, and even has more power. He couldn't help saying: "It turns out that Yinglangwei is so good."

Ye Dachuan said: "Yes, so don't hesitate, a great future is waiting for you."

Yan Song said: "Eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, or not making money is a trivial matter. If you are an Eagle Guard, you still lack this amount of money. Looking at Qing Shan, you don't look like someone who loves power, but the Eagle Guard has many spiritual tools, spirit stones, Dan yào, cultivation technique, I am afraid that there is no qi cultivator who is not moved."

Li Qingshan said: "Qi refiner? What is the innate master?"

Li Qingshan humbly asked for advice, Yan Song calmed down and was willing to be a guiding light, and these things were just common sense.

It turns out that in this world, there are very few people who can cultivate true qi from the very beginning. They are the so-called qi cultivators, but to become a qi cultivator, the requirements for talent are extremely high, and most people cannot pass this one. road. But there is another way to go, which is to cultivate inner strength. Inner strength has almost no rigid requirements for talent. As long as you are not stupid or stupid, and you are willing to work hard, almost everyone can cultivate inner strength. :.

The internal skills cultivated by ordinary warriors are simply weakened versions of Qi Jue, which lowers the requirements for qualifications, makes it easier to enter mén, and allows almost everyone to practice, but the internal strength obtained by training is far less than the effect of infuriating qi. , Because there is no real penetrating meridian, the internal force is also bound by the meridian, unable to nourish the five internal organs, and even less able to be released outside the body.

But as long as you cultivate your inner strength to the extreme, and then make breakthroughs, you can transform into true qi and become a qi cultivator, also known as the "first".

The way of refining Qi is divided into ten layers.

And it is not as rough as the first-class and second-class divisions in the arena. Sometimes it is difficult to accurately say whether someone is a first-class or a second-class master, because the effects of martial arts are different, and the number of paths is also very different.

However, the way to refine Qi, no matter what kind of dharma is practiced, is all for the purpose of penetrating the eight extraordinary meridians, namely the Yang Qiao, yīn Qiao, Yang Wei, yīn Wei, Dao, Chong, Ren, and Du. .

These eight meridians neither directly belong to the lungs, nor do they have a relationship between the outside and the inside, so they are called odd meridians. Each one runs through the whole body and connects several major meridians. A boundary. The eight extraordinary meridians that are completely connected,

It has reached the ninth level of Qi refining.

It is even more difficult to reach the tenth level of yù. It is necessary to completely penetrate the twelve main meridians, namely, the three yīn meridians of the hand, the three yang meridians of the hand, the three yīn meridians of the foot, and the three yang meridians of the foot. These twelve meridians are crossed with each other. , connecting the hands, feet, and the five elements, and communicating with the five elements, it is very easy to go crazy and damage the lungs, but if you can break through this level, you can reach the great perfection of the tenth level of qi refining, and reach the peak of qi refiners.

Li Qingshan didn't even have a single meridian, because the way he walked, there was no such thing as a meridian. There are many kinds of monsters, and very few of them have similar constitutions to humans. Can you ask for a snake or a bamboo, with eight extraordinary meridians?

But thinking of this, another thought came into his mind. After suppressing the bull and the tiger with the "Ling Turtle Suppressing the Sea", he is now a real human being, and he has returned to his original state. Can't he really cultivate qi? It seems that he still has to find another method of refining qi to try it out. His thoughts are not too tight, and he embarks on a more strange and unique path.

Speaking of which, Yan Song also complained that the status of these martial arts practitioners was too low, because when he cultivated to the innate realm and could cultivate qi, he was already quite old. He opened up the Yang Qiao Meridian and broke through the second level of Qi Refining, but if he wanted to go further, he opened up the Yin Qiao Meridian and broke through the third level of Qi Refining, but he couldn't do it. (")

Everyone comforted, Yan Song said: "Although body training is powerful, it is not the right way after all. Qingshan, you are young, you will definitely be able to reach the third, or even the fourth and fifth layers. If you are in the sixth-layer realm, you are eligible to be promoted to the Red Wolf Guard and serve in the Qinghe Palace City. This life is worth it."

Yan Song's eyes were vicious, and he saw that Li Qingshan's infuriating qi couldn't have the second level of qi refining, but he could easily defeat himself, that is, he took the path of body refining. A simplified version of Body Art. But body training is the same as practicing hard gong in the rivers and lakes. Although the power in the early stage is strong, it has no future, and it is difficult to cultivate to a higher realm, so it is not taken seriously.

Li Qingshan said: "Thank you for the reminder from Protector Yan, I will pay attention to it in the future." But as a demon, it is impossible not to train.

But after listening to these words, his eyes became much clearer, and he guessed in his heart that his demon state could match that of a monk with several levels of Qi refining? Zhuo Zhibo of Jiaping City, as a leader of the mysterious eagle, is probably at the level of the low-level Red Wolf Guard.

Although I don't know which one is more powerful, human beings cultivate the sea of ​​qi, or monsters make magic pills, but it must be the same, and if it doesn't help, they can escape, so I decided to go to Jiaping City, as the so-called "sixth" Fan mén likes to practice.” Those resources really moved his heart.

Li Qingshan asked again: "I don't know how to protect the law, but what is the method of refining Qi?"

Yan Song said in embarrassment: "The method of refining Qi is secretly spread among all mén factions."

Li Qingshan also knew that what he asked was a bit abrupt. He just settled with the man, and the method of refining his qi was a little inappropriate. He smiled and said, "It's me who was abrupt." After a glass of wine, he stopped talking.

Yan Song thought for a while in embarrassment: "However, if you really want Qingshan, the old man can only reluctantly - other book friends are reading:."

Li Qingshan was overjoyed and toasted Yan Song a few more glasses of wine. Ye Dachuan and Liu Hong also congratulated him. Li Long expressed an extremely envious look, thinking that this world is really respected by the strong, Li Qingshan slapped the old man a few times, but instead earned a set of Qi refining skills.

After dinner, in a quiet room for practice, Yan Song taught Li Qingshan a set of Qi-refining methods.

The name of this set of dharmas is "Innate Qi Refining Technique", and it is also divided into nine levels, but only after the ninth level can one reach the level of the third level of qi refining, which shows that it is not a great divine art.

This point, Yan Song also frankly told, "This "Innate Qi Refining Technique" is only used to lay the foundation. With your talent, Qingshan, you will definitely be able to find a better method to practice in the future."

The method of refining qi is said to be precious and very precious, and it can attract many people to throw their heads and shed their blood. But it is neither precious nor precious, especially this "Innate Qi Refining Technique". Among the Qi refiners, almost everyone knows it. Most of the people who don't know it are because they have been exposed to better and stronger weapon refining methods from the beginning. trick.

The most precious thing is not the Fajue, but the person who can practice the Fajutsu. Basically, as long as you have the aptitude for qi refining, there are countless people in the world who are willing to teach you this basic set of artifact refining methods. As long as Li Qingshan arrives at Yinglangwei, he will naturally be able to get it. Yan Song sees that Li Qingshan has a promising future, and he might as well do this kind of favor.

"Thank you for protecting the law!" Li Qingshan's biggest purpose is to try to see if he can refine his qi. The level of this set of magic is a trivial matter, and although the power of this basic magic is not very good, most of them have The characteristics of being easy to enter mén are the most suitable for his cultivation.

There are other conjectures in his mind, are all the magical powers mén in the ninth-level realm, and all the magical powers mén he is practicing now are all in the standard nine-level realm.

Yan Song left and continued to select disciples, leaving Li Qingshan to practice in the quiet room.

In the quiet room, with the incense of concentration and tranquility burning, Li Qingshan sat in a tuǐ tuǐ with his eyes slightly closed, silently comprehending the wonderful meaning of "Innate Qi Refining Technique"--a good-looking novel:.

He had the experience of refining qi, and even cultivated a very strong qi, but in the end, it was all to convert the qi into a monster, and the ultimate goal was to turn him into a monster, which is not a serious method of refining qi at all. trick.

Now, it is the first time that he has really come into contact with the cultivation methods of human qi cultivators. After some experience, he finds that it is much simpler than the mén supernatural powers that Qingniu taught him, especially the first three levels, which are not yet Involves any meridian, just teaches how to perceive and gather infuriating energy.

It's like a middle school student studying elementary school students' textbooks and completing elementary school students' physical education subjects. It's very simple. In less than an hour, Li Qingshan condensed a trace of true qi again, proving once again that his aptitude is extraordinary, at least he has the qualification to refine qi. If he had been born in Qinghe Mansion, he would have been accepted as a disciple long ago and embarked on the path of a Qi refiner.

However, before he had time to be happy, the demon pill was able to inhale that trace of true energy and turn it into demon energy.

Li Qingshan couldn't help stunned, could it be that his idea was wrong? After thinking about it again, he began to practice "Ling Turtle Zhenhai Jue", his mind was still, and he absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After three full hours, the demonic energy in the demon pill reached a state of near saturation. Of course, he was practicing for another 30 hours. It is also impossible to really saturate the demonic energy in the demon pill.

Li Qingshan rebuilt the "Innate Qi Refining Technique" again, and the condensed true energy was swallowed by the demon pill and turned into demonic energy, but he finally had a little bit left. But his heart was full of ecstasy, which proved that his guess and choice were correct, and that he could really practice Qi like an ordinary person.

As the sky gradually darkened, Li Qingshan practiced perseveringly, gathering his true energy little by little, just like working people were brutally exploited by big capitalists, hard work, and most of the fruits of labor were deprived.

Of course, in fact, this big capitalist is Li Qingshan himself, and it is not a làng fee.

During the period, Li Long came to knock on mén and invited him to dinner, but Li Qingshan was completely immersed in this self-abuse practice, and he didn't care about anything else.

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