Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 5 The Ring of Sumeru

Chapter 5 The Ring of Sumeru

Liu Hongdao: "Qingshan is practicing, don't disturb -- other book friends are reading:!"

Yan Song said: "Xiaolong, you have to practice hard, although you do not have the qualifications to directly cultivate qi, but as long as you break through the innate realm, your internal strength can be transformed into true qi, and you can easily break through the second level of qi refining, and you may not be inferior to others. --Other book friends are reading:.~~"

Then the head of Wu was killed by Li Qingshan, and Liu Hong begged Yan Song to take Li Long to Qinghe Palace City, to go to the helm of Iron Fist Mén to practice martial arts. If it weren't for this, Liu Hong wouldn't have paid such a large price to curry favor with Yan Song.

Li Long said respectfully: "Yes, Dharma protector!"

The three of them looked at mén in the quiet room with different thoughts in their hearts.

Xiong jī sang the world, and the whole night passed before Li Qingshan opened his eyes, silently feeling the infuriating energy flowing in his body, and his heart was full of joy, and he finally refined the first stage of the "Innate Qi Refinement Art".

This does not mean that he can simply refine this mén technique, any technique will become more difficult the higher it goes up, and the time and effort spent on it also increases geometrically.

It's a pity that the unknown elixir that Xianyue gave him has already been eaten up. Otherwise, if he only needs one, he will have the confidence to complete the first three levels of the "Innate Qi Refinement Technique", and even penetrate the Yang Qiao Meridian and break through the second level of Qi training.

The way of practice is still inseparable from those four words, "Cai Companion Dharma Land", wealth comes first, but the wealth here is not gold and silver, but elixir and fairy grass. No matter what kind of magic mén you cultivate, it is essentially a process of gathering spiritual energy. If you want to practice martial arts, you have to eat a full stomach. If you want to practice, you have to be convinced by bait, and Waidan is an indispensable help.

Although a person's aptitude and enlightenment are also very important, it is impossible for one to become enlightened and immediately improve his skills unless he has accumulated deeply before.

However, even a weak infuriating qi was very important to him. He took out the cursive sword script and injected the infuriating into it. Sure enough, the infuriating spirit was accepted by the cursive sword script, although not even a single stroke was able to be drawn in the end. The jī sent out, but it was a great encouragement to him.

This means that the few magic talismans on his body can be used by spirits. The biggest difference between humans and animals is the manufacture and use of tools. Demons strengthen themselves, and humans rely on foreign objects. If you can't directly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you can make alchemy and make yào. If you don't have a strong body, you can make a spiritual tool talisman--a good-looking novel:.

This is the strength of human beings. Li Qingshan will try his best to take advantage of this advantage, and if he wants to open the Xumi ring of the flying dragon elder, this kind of strength is indispensable. 3∴ He meditated for a while,

Restores the consumed qi.

Mō took out the ring, put it on the middle finger, and injected the infuriating energy into it. Although he knew that it was probably impossible to open it, he had to give it a try.

The infuriating energy was injected into the ring like flowing water, swirled around the ring, and then flowed back into Li Qingshan's body. Of course, the ring showed no sign of opening, but what made him stunned was that the innate innate energy he had worked so hard to cultivate, in a blink of an eye. Just less than half. This is not consumed by injecting the cursive sword book, and it can be restored, but the loss of skill.

He was forcibly kicked out of the first realm of "Innate Qi Refining Art", but the remaining true qi became very pure, like a turbid river turning into a clear stream, although the amount decreased. , but the quality has been greatly improved, and the speed of operation has suddenly accelerated.

Moreover, the more infuriating qi is, the more difficult it is to break through the realm, and it is easy to get stuck in the bottleneck. Many qi refiners have to be patient in order to break through. However, the ring of Xumi directly helped him to smelt the miscellaneous iron into steel, and it did not require him to spend a little time and effort.

Li Qingshan also did not expect that the Xumi Ring would have such a function in addition to storage.

This is a good thing! Li Qingshan had a wry smile on his face, was it easy for him to cultivate a little bit of true energy? To be exploited by the demon pill, and then to be tempered by the ring, is simply life-threatening. It is a lot of hard work for decades, and it feels like returning to the pre-liberation overnight.

Li Qingshan sighed heavily, knowing that this is the right choice. It takes more time now, but it can save a lot of time in the future. Most people don't spend their time on cultivation, but are stuck on the bottleneck. Can't get in.

Just like Protector Yan, he reached the second level of Qi training early, but he couldn't break through the third level. He was stuck at this level. For so many years, although he wanted to polish and refine his true qi, he was completely powerless. It's really too complicated--Other book friends are reading: .

Li Qingshan closed his eyes and began to practice again, but this time, he did not take off the ring.

Yan Song had already selected his disciples and was about to set off, but until late at night, Li Qingshan did not come out, and no one answered when he knocked on mén several times.

Liu Hong said: "Is there something wrong?" But he thought to himself, could it be that Protector Yan deliberately gave him a questionable set of qi-refining tactics, in order to make Li Qingshan's misfortune go crazy.

Yan Rong frowned, not knowing why. If he hadn't heard Li Qingshan's very gentle and long breathing in the training room, he would have suspected that Li Qingshan had gone into a daze and died.

Qi refining is the same as doing other things. It also pays attention to the combination of work and rest. There is a degree of relaxation.

He didn't remind Li Qingshan of this, because in the process of cultivation, he could realize this. As time goes on, the effect of qi refining will become worse and worse, and the spirit will become more and more tired and anxious. Moreover, infuriating qi is also extracted from the source of the body, and needs to be supplemented by diet, otherwise it will be water without a source and a tree without roots.

Li Qingshan did encounter such a problem, but instead he practiced "Spiritual Turtle Zhenhai Technique". The tortoise sank into the deep sea and slept for thousands of years, but it was breathing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth all the time. For Li Qingshan, meditating is not something that makes him feel tired, but rather like a sleep training.

He had an idea and started the "Innate Qi Refining Technique" again. It was very difficult at first. He accidentally got out of the state of meditation. The practice of "Spiritual Turtle Zhenhai Technique" came to a standstill, but gradually, he got the hang of it. mén, turning "Ling Turtle Zhenhai Jue" into an instinct, it is like a person who is asleep and can still breathe continuously. This is not how smart Li Qingshan is, but this magical power of mén is too mysterious. beyond his imagination.

Then, in a state like waking up from a dream, he activated the "Innate Qi Refining Technique", two magical powers that belonged to demons and humans, running simultaneously in his body.

Li Qingshan found that in this state, Yao Dan became less greedy for infuriating energy, and could give him more fruits of his labor - other book friends are reading: .

In this state, the cultivation speed of "Innate Qi Refining Technique" has also reached an unprecedented peak. How powerful his body is, and not eating or drinking for a few days is not a big problem for him at all.

For three days and three nights, Li Qingshan did not sleep or rest, did not eat or drink, and was completely immersed in his practice. Finally, he opened his eyes again and forcibly repaired the "Innate Qi Refining Technique" back to the first level.

He let out a long sigh, feeling very hungry, and then took out the "Cao Character Sword Book" and poured pure incomparable True Qi into it. When the True Qi was not exhausted, a stroke lit up Fei shè released a sword energy.

Just now, he seemed to throw wet logs into the furnace, and it was difficult to ignite the flame, but what he is using now is high-quality charcoal, which is easily ignited and provides a lot of heat.

The two Iron Fist mén disciples were guarding outside the mén. Suddenly, they both felt a chill behind them. They looked at each other and said, "Do you feel a little cold?"

Li Qingshan put away the sword book with cursive characters, took off the Xumi ring, and hung it in front of the ōng again, then stood up and opened the room, the sunlight was dazzling.

"Li Shaoxia, you finally came out!" One Iron Fist disciple said, while the other rushed to pass the message.

After a while, Yan Song and Liu Hong rushed over.

Liu Hongdao: "Qingshan, have you come out? I thought something happened to you, and you have to break in several times."

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "I'm sorry, the mén method given by the law is too mysterious, I forgot the time when I was enlightened."

Protector Yan said, "Are you really refining qi? How high is it?"

Li Qingshan said: "Just reached the first level."

Yan Song said: "It's not too slow." But it's definitely not fast. The first step of "Innate Qi Refining Art" is the easiest. He has seen children with extraordinary talents with his own eyes. It was time to make the first level, Li Qingshan was certainly not fast,

But for the first time, it took three days to refine Qi, which is unheard of.

Li Qingshan said: "I've made you wait for a long time, now you can go!"

Liu Hong took out a stack of bank notes and gave them to Li Qingshan, who originally went to mén to collect debts.

Li Qingshan said: "Liu Zhangmén is underestimating me. Protector Yan is so generous, how can I be a stingy person, don't mention money matters again." Can be calm. Although the set of "Innate Qi Refining Technique" is not an incredible concentration of supernatural powers, it is extremely important to him, and it is good to get it a day earlier.

Liu Hong rejoiced in his heart, of course he couldn't let Yan Song give away the money he sent, these were all his pension money.

Yan Song also admired it, and he ignored the ten thousand taels of silver while talking and laughing. If it was a noble son, it would be nothing, but such a young man who came out of the mountains would be too rare. This son has extraordinary spirit, no wonder he is appreciated by others.

After several pushes, Li Qingshan only accepted 2,000 taels of silver bills as entanglements.

When Li Qingshan came to the iron fist mén, he saw the iron fist mén, which had always been deserted. At this time, gongs and drums were blaring and firecrackers were blaring. There was even a team of dragon and lion dancers, which blocked the water surrounding the iron fist mén. Of course, it was not to send off Li Qingshan.

The four children with red eyes were sent to Yan Song. They were the selected children. They had the opportunity to leave this small Qingyang city and reach a wider world, but at the same time, they had to leave their hometown and stay away from them. relatives.

Li Qingshan folded his arms and watched, suddenly heard someone call his name, turned his head and saw that Li village chief and Liu steward were also in the crowd, next to Li Hu and Li Bao brothers, and behind them there were several villagers from Woniu Village. villagers.


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