Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 6 Hometown

Volume II Incarnation Demon] Chapter Six: Hometown


Chapter 6 Hometown

Li Qingshan said: "Are you here to send Li Long?"

Guanshi Liu said, "I'm here to see you as well. Second... Qingshan, you are really promising. Don't take it to heart." In his eyes, the current Li Qingshan has become unattainable. The big man, it's a little awkward to speak.

Other villagers also came forward to congratulate each other, each carrying local products and stuffing them into Li Qingshan's hands.

Looking at these familiar faces, Li Qingshan was filled with emotion for a while, but he didn't know where to start. The Woniu Village, which he always wanted to leave from childhood to adulthood, suddenly appeared in front of him very clearly. Every house, every plant and tree, is vividly visible.

The deep well that had been sleeping him for more than ten years and wanted to jump out of it all the time, the mud and moss that bored him, all became kinder at this moment. Village Chief Li hugged Li Long, crying with old tears, the scene was noisy and chaotic, and it was passed into Li Qingshan's ears, and suddenly there was no sound.

Li Qingshan even found Brother Li and Sister Li in the crowd. They flinched, avoiding the nobles in the city, looking at Li Qingshan, wanting to go forward but not dare. At this moment, they were extremely regretful. If they were different from Li Erlang, they would not know how much light they would get. Seeing Li Qingshan looking at them, the brilliance of hope burst out in his eyes.

But Li Qingshan immediately turned his eyes away, what should be broken has already been broken, the water can no longer be taken away, it is not that they cannot let go, but they are already in a completely different world, and they don't understand at all, being his relatives is better than being rich and big. Gui is more likely to die from misfortune.

Yan Song gave an order, everyone backed away from both sides, and a two-horse cart was driven over, and every horse was very steed.

Li Qingshan, Yan Hufa, Li Long, and the four children boarded the carriage together. The carriage walked slowly and stopped in front of the county government gate. Ye Dachuan and the master happily sat up, protected by these masters, There will never be any more danger on the road.

Li Qingshan saw the things in Ye Dachuan's hands, and his eyes lit up: "Cracked stone bow!" This bow was left in the courtyard of Qingyang City by him. When he came back, he went to take a look. The courtyard has been cleaned up and lived in. The new resident, Cracked Stone Bow, of course, did not know where he went, and he did not intend to find it, but he did not expect it to be in Ye Dachuan's hands. He pulled the bowstring lightly with his index finger, extremely relaxed, and with his current strength, even firing a hundred arrows would not be a problem.

A long pavilion ten miles outside the city, Li Qingshan once again saw the owner of this cracked crossbow.

Huang Binghu opened his mouth and said, "Congratulations to Qingshan, your skills have improved again." He found that he could no longer see the depth of this young man, but his information was well-informed, and the only one who could defeat an innate master head-on was another innate talent. Master, he really did what he said at the beginning, and it only took a few months.

Li Qingshan smiled and said, "Headhunter, you didn't waste your time." He saw that Huang Binghu was now infinitely close to the level of a first-class expert. After drinking a few glasses of farewell wine, he set off on the road again, and finally completely left Qingyang City behind, so he could never see it again.

Li Qingshan said silently in his heart: "Farewell, hometown!"

He had already figured out in his heart that no matter if he went to die or go straight to the sky, he would never come back. From today onwards, everywhere in this body is his hometown.

Walking all the way day and night, after walking in the mountains for three days, the field of vision suddenly widened, and a vast plain spread out in front of Li Qingshan.

The golden wheat field stretches as far as the eye can see, and layers of wheat waves are set off in the summer wind. The villages and towns are dotted in the middle, and the smoke rises, which is very different from the mountain village scene in Woniu Village.

Yan Song said: "This is out of the scope of Qingyang City. After another three or five days, you will be able to reach the Xiachuan Ferry, you can change boats, and go straight down to Jiaping City and even Qinghe Prefecture."

Li Qingshan took out the map that Gu Yanying had given him, and when he thought about it, a little light lit up, and he went down to the river ferry, which was only a few dozen miles away.

Yan Song said in astonishment: "A square inch map, and it's a square inch map of Qingzhou. This thing is very valuable. Where did you get Qingshan?"

Generally speaking, the larger the area covered by the map, the rougher it is, and the smaller the map, the more detailed This is a low-grade spiritual tool, but it is very precious, not to mention this kind of square-inch map that covers the entire Qingzhou.

Li Qingshan suddenly said: "Protect Yan, Lord Ye, let's part here!" About this arena, about this world, in the past few days, he has learned something from these two people, at least what they know. Message, going out is no longer a fog.

Ye Dachuan said: "What, you won't be with us?"

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly, "I plan to go on the road alone, take a walk, and let you all wait for me for three days, I'm really sorry." The reason why he chose to go on the road with them, in essence, may just be out of some kind of fear, a People who have not left the village for more than ten years, suddenly want to go to the outside world, to the so-called big city, there will always be a little timid in their hearts, and even rely on these two people who are not as strong as him, just for the sake of mutual understanding on the road. take care of.

Everyone is eager to roam and freedom, but when there is an incomparably vast free world in front of them, everyone will feel fear and at a loss, and Li Qingshan is the same.

But now, it's time to put that emotion aside. When he left the overlapping mountains and looked at this vast plain, the dazzling golden wheat fields and the clear water of the trickling river, the faint handwriting on the map reflected in front of him, so beautiful and real, but his footprints were even on the map. 1/10,000th of it was not reached.

Several people looked at each other, not knowing how to persuade him, suddenly Li Qingshan opened his arms and said to the vast plain: "I want to travel across the five lakes and four seas, all over the world, Kyushu, taste the world's delicacies, drink all the world's best wines, and cultivate the most powerful magical powers. Fight the strongest enemy, the most beautiful woman in the world, I am here, hahahaha!"

The voice went from low to high, the laughter was like thunder, and what was said was a silly declaration. Stupid? Maybe, the cow who heard him say these stupid things is gone, but he doesn't need to ask anyone again: "Can my dream come true?"

He doesn't need other people's answers, he doesn't need other people's approval, and of course he doesn't care about other people's eyes. The answer is already in his heart.

After meeting Jiaping City for goodbye, a few people on the hillside watched the tall figure leave, watching him merge into the golden field, rolling around in the wheat field like a big child, and soon disappeared.

It was a childish and ridiculous behavior, but in their hearts, they thought of a few words, "Dragon swims in the sea", "Tiger enters the deep mountain".

Li Qingshan did not follow the main road and ran all the way in the wilderness, and soon reached a small point on the map. It was a county town that was much more prosperous than Qingyang City. They did not bother to remember its name, but went straight to the largest one in the city. In the restaurant, I booked a location with the best view and ordered the best banquet. Every dish is a special dish here, many of which he has never eaten or even heard of. Every jar of wine is 20 years old. The aging wine, although not as good as spirit wine, has a different taste.

The shopkeeper looked at the big customer, came to entertain him in person, drank a few glasses with him, and suddenly smiled: "I don't have much wine, this young master needs a few beauties to accompany him!" Taking Li Qingshan as it, he managed to escape with great difficulty. The playboy of the family.

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, why not, I have money!" Like a vulgar nouveau riche.

He wanted to practice hard and go beyond those nine days, but he didn't plan to be an ascetic. He swore to marry a woman like Gu Yanying, but he didn't plan to be an ascetic before he actually made a white-headed pact with a certain woman.

Life is not a painful thing, otherwise it is better to die. Those distant dreams were the seeds of hope that were planted in his heart, rather than torturing himself in turn.

As a result, a dozen or so flamboyant, heavy makeup women sat beside him, grinning and chatting with him, talking endlessly about "uncle" and "master", and the bold even stretched their hands into his arms.

Li Qingshan was a little uncomfortable at first, and was teased by a few brothel women for a while, but he relaxed quickly, hugged left and right without caring, and his face was full of smiles, but his eyes were always as clear as water, like a child. It's like playing a very fresh game.

However, the child is also very easy to get bored. He didn't plan to do anything. It's not that he dislikes these brothel women, but he has seen Gu Yanying and even the Crescent Moon, which is almost the ultimate beauty. This kind of game has become extraordinarily beautiful. It's easy to get bored.

I didn't understand it before, but now I know what it means to "look back and smile, and the six palaces have no color."


Suddenly, someone slapped the door open and shouted, "Keep your voice down!" But it was a young man dressed in fancy clothes, wearing a sword and a crown, yelling at Li Qingshan. There is a saying that three women are in a show, drinking flowers. The wine table is bound to be extremely noisy.

Behind this son, stood a handsome woman, looking at Li Qingshan with disgust.

Li Qingshan put his index finger on his lips, let out a long "shh", then yawned and stood up, took out the banknotes on his body and put them on the table, the group of brothel women immediately ignored him and went Scramble for the banknotes.

Li Qingshan walked over to the young master and took a look. The young master put his hand on the hilt of the sword. Although he was arrogant, he had the capital to be arrogant. Li Qingshan could see that he was already a congenital master. No, he should be qualified. The same is true of the qi cultivator, and the woman behind him is the same. Of course, the two qi cultivators have the qualifications to be defiant. In their opinion, Li Qingshan is just an ordinary dude, and it may not be a big deal to kill him with one sword. .


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