Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 7 Demons come to the door

Chapter 7 Demons on the mén

Li Qingshan said: "Please let me go!" Then he squeezed past the young master, looked deeply at the scholar, shook his head slightly, she was a beauty, if it was left in a previous life, he would have tried his best, and it would be rare to find a beautiful woman. A smile, but now, his goals are much higher. With the little happiness of his secret dreams, he walked past her and sniffed the fragrance by the way. Dreams make people happy.

The nvzi frowned closer, not knowing whether it was because of the smell of rouge on Li Qingshan's body, or because of Li Qingshan's unbridled gaze, maybe the last shake of his head made her the most annoyed.

After the young master took out his sword, he shook his head and let Li Qingshan go downstairs with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Li Qingshan didn't jump up and fight back like a cat whose tail was stepped on, although he definitely has the strength. He found that in fact, as long as he could endure the anger for a while, he could save a lot of trouble. Of course, he was not angry.

However, this person who avoided trouble now has to take the initiative to find trouble with others. He walked downstairs, shook off his rouge, and wanted to experience it. After experiencing it, he didn't care about it at all, and knocked on the waist. The porcelain altar between them: "Xiao An, let's kill some bad guys!" The reason why he chose to separate from Protector Yan and the others was not just for the sake of drinking a meal of wine.

There was also a "dong dong" response sound in the porcelain jar, Li Qingshan smiled, and strode away, heading towards the dark alley, until he was submerged into the darkness, he felt that the eyes behind him completely disappeared.

"Rong Zhi, is there a problem?"

The scholar named "Rong Zhi" said, "I see him walking steadily, as if he had practiced martial arts."

"At most, it's just some martial arts practiced by foreigners. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have taught him a lesson."

"It's just a little guy, even if you kill him, it's just dirty hands, so why bother? We should hurry up to eat, hurry up tomorrow, and hurry to Jiaping City. ("7*"

"Yes, it is rare for Yingyang Guard to recruit new guards, and this opportunity must not be missed." The man's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, as long as he joined Yinglang Guard, even if he completely separated the boundaries from this arena and became a superior person, this kind of yòuhuò , no one can resist, for this position, he is even more determined to win.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. This time, within a thousand miles near Jiaping City, all the masters will be attracted, and there will even be masters on the third and fourth levels of Qi refining, but the number of places is limited, and a fight is indispensable. Shumí Qun 2"

"Don't worry, there are those few magic talismans that are the trump card, even if you meet a master,

You can also turn defeat into victory. "The man was full of confidence and quickly put Li Qingshan aside, yes, that's just a small person.

However, they didn't know that their conversation was clearly transmitted to Li Qingshan's ears. His hearing had already entered the level of a monster. If he paid attention, he could clearly hear voices from ten miles away.

The Eagle and Wolf Guards actually started recruiting people, maybe it was Feng Zhang's death, so even Wang Pushi could not have imagined that he would be able to escape and actually fill this place! As for whether his appearance will let these people's hopes fail, he certainly won't take it to heart, and he doesn't have much time to think about it for the time being.

Because of several dark shadows, he had been blocked in the alley, and they had gathered together in disbelief. Although the small town is more prosperous, there are not too many people from outside, and there are even fewer high-profile people like Li Qingshan. The news of a teenage boy carrying a lot of money quickly spread, and he actually dared to take the initiative. When he came to this dark world, it would be too unreasonable not to rob him.

Li Qingshan whispered: "Good luck!" Knocking on the porcelain altar: "It's dinner!"

"Bring out the money!" One person pulled out a bright dagger, but what responded to him was a brighter corpse burning blood flame, which was almost silent. Several people were engulfed by the flame, and their blood turned into pure energy. into the flame. (")

A little light burned in the darkness, illuminating a wonton stand guarded by an old man. Although there was no business, only moths lingered, but it was barely able to support it.

A young man strode over and said loudly, "Old man, come to a bowl of wontons!"

"Okay!" The old man moved quickly, and the wontons quickly floated up and down in the clear water.

"It's so late, why don't you rest? At your age, it's time to enjoy your old age." Li Qingshan started chatting, and the old man sighed and complained. dismal.

Li Qingshan was sitting by the stall, eating wontons while smiling comfortingly. Sitting alone in a dark corner eating the simplest diet, facing such a weathered old man, it feels so much better than drinking huā wine, which is really strange.

"Look, little brother, you're not a local. Let me persuade you to say something. Hurry back to the inn after eating. This place is not very peaceful at night."

Li Qingshan asked, "Could it be that there are some bad people?" Then I heard more complaints and complaints. There is no shortage of such things anywhere. The prostitute is a prostitute, the loan shark is a businessman, and the strong and weak Jianghu gangs .

Li Qingshan listened silently, remembered silently, casually inquired about the lives and addresses of these people, ate four or five bowls of wontons in a row, and dropped all the money he had just obtained from those few shearers, Li Qingshan got up and said goodbye.

"This...too much!" The old man was startled, but when he raised his head, Li Qingshan was nowhere to be seen. A gust of night wind blew. He remembered the stories of demons and ghosts he had heard, and he decided to close the stall now.

Tonight, there are demons on the mén, acting as chivalrous and righteous, eliminating violence and peace.

There are no evil magical powers in the world, only evil people. If I kill all the evil people in the world, I will be great benevolence and great goodness.

Before dawn, Li Qingshan left the small town, and in the wilderness, he played "Bull Demon Power Fist", killing more than a dozen people last night.

Xiao An refined the blood of the dozen or so people, and the burning corpse and blood flames rolled around him, turning into various shapes, beasts or poisonous snakes. He lifted up, soared on the wilderness, suddenly rising, suddenly falling, majestic, and wherever he passed, the dense weeds immediately withered and died, leaving a trail of death on the ground.

Xiao An wanted to kill a second-level qi master like Yan Song. Li Qingshan was both envious and admirable. His current strength was not weaker than Xiao An's, but he couldn't soar. However, Xiao An has not yet reached the level of heavy blood coagulation. "The Dao of Zhu Yan and White Bone" is powerful and terrifying, but it is difficult to train and requires more blood sacrifices.

Last night's slaughter, although there was no deliberate financial collection, Li Qingshan's wealth easily reached tens of thousands of taels. If those people are wolves that eat sheep, then he is a tiger that eats wolves. He suddenly discovered that for qi refiners, the world's currency has no great meaning, because they have power that is absolutely superior to ordinary people, so with this lowest level of plundering methods, it is easy to obtain ordinary people. Great wealth that is unattainable in a lifetime.

For qi refiners, the real treasures are those spiritual pills and spiritual stones that can improve their cultivation, but it is conceivable that these resources must be in the hands of powerful forces, and ordinary people may not even listen to them throughout their lives. However, if you want to get in touch with these things, joining the Eagle Wolf Guard is the best choice.

He greeted Xiao An and set off on the road again. The journey was free of day and night. He went as far as he could, and stopped when he stopped. After three days of effort, he finally came to a big river and stopped.

This river is the Qinghe River, and it is also the origin of Qinghe Prefecture. It stretches for thousands of miles and can reach Qinghe Prefecture City directly. The water surface of the big river spans ten or twenty miles, and I have never seen such a big river in my two lifetimes.

Li Qingshan went to a big town on the riverside, called Xiachuan Town. It was originally developed from Xiachuan Ferry. Although it was only a town, it was much more lively than Qingyang City. When riding on a horse, I saw that the market was crowded with people, and the sky was full of boiling. . He suddenly had a thought in his heart, if he killed all these people, would he be able to help Xiao An immediately re-purify his blood, and then shook his head, wouldn't that be a murderous maniac?

There are countless boats on the river bank, and the pier is very busy with people coming and going. Naturally, there are also passenger boats heading south. Li Qingshan actually saw a dragon boat with a height of several floors, with a carved gallery on the boat, like a luxury restaurant walking on the water. . Immediately put out the idea of ​​hiring a small boat and boarded a large dragon boat.

The rooms on the top floor of the Dragon Boat have the best views and are also the most expensive, costing thousands of taels of silver. Li Qingshan naturally had no shortage of money, and when he took out a few banknotes, he saw a smile on the face of the steward on the ship, and ordered shìnv to lead him to the uppermost room. , greet her as much as you can.

The room is extremely spacious, even if it accommodates dozens of people, it will not be crowded. The decoration is a bit more luxurious than the best inn that Li Qingshan has stayed in along the way. He opened the window and overlooked the port and Xiachuan Town, guessing when Yan Song and the others will be. Can only come, but saw two acquaintances on the pier. It was the pair of boys and girls whom they met in the restaurant three days ago.

"What, the rooms on the top floor are full, and we are asked to live below." The man said displeased.

Guan Shiwei: "There's really no way, this young man, the second floor is also very luxurious, you can take it!" People who can take a few thousand taels of silver on a boat, how can there be poor money, even if you give it to others Tens of thousands of taels, and people are not willing to lose face.

Nvzi said: "We don't have the habit of going forward in our life, so please think of a way, money is not a problem."

The man frowned, looked up and saw Li Qingshan.

The man smiled calmly: "I'll go up and talk to him in person." She hesitated for a while, then nodded, although she didn't want to cause trouble, she didn't want to live in a lower-class cabin, at the feet of others, hoping that the young man would find out One point, if you don’t know the fun, then you deserve to suffer a little loss and understand the dangers of the world.

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