Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 8 Night Attack

Chapter VIII Night Attack

So, the two appeared in front of Li Qingshan again. The man didn't talk nonsense, and threw a stack of silver bills in front of Li Qingshan: "Take the money and go down!"

Li Qingshan slapped the silver note on the man's hand: "You better ask others!"

The nvzi stopped the man who was about to get angry and introduced with a smile: "My name is Qian Rongzhi, this is my brother Qian Rong's name. Device: No ads, full text, more ""

The steward screamed and interrupted: "Are you two from the Qian family in Ancient Wind City?" Ancient Wind City is also a fairly large city. He is a man who runs boats and travels all over the world. How can he be a big family that can cultivate Qi refiners? Will not hear.

Qian Rongming snorted proudly, Qian Rongzhi nodded reservedly, and continued to say to Li Qingshan, "I advise you to accept it. If my brother gets angry, he will kill people." Since he is from a big family, he must pay attention to a little big family. She should not lose her demeanor at any time, she prefers to be subdued without fighting.

Li Qingshan folded his arms and said, "Really? Then I want to see and see." The second time he was bullied into mén, his tolerance was limited.

Qian Rongzhi changed slightly. She came from a big family and was born with the aptitude to refine qi, and her appearance was beautiful. She had the reputation of being the number one beauty in Ancient Wind City, and could be called the pride of heaven. From childhood to adulthood, as long as she opens her mouth, there is nothing she can't do, especially those stinky men, who are even more willing to be cattle and horses for him, how can they be rejected by others. Compared with the self-restraint on the surface, the arrogance in the bones is much stronger than her brother Qian Rongming, and said coldly: "It seems that you are toasting and not eating and drinking."

"I've been a good drinker in my life, and I can try it with toasts and fines!" Li Qingshan looked at her face seriously, watching how a young lady changed her face, like watching some kind of magical performance.

Qian Rongzhi took a deep breath, took a step back, and said indifferently: "A Jianghu person who has practiced some hard martial arts dares to play arrogant in front of a Qi cultivator, he really doesn't know whether to live or die. Such a fool can live in the world. It's superfluous, it's okay to kill it. (")"

Qian Rongming stepped forward with a grinning smile, and the steward sighed. He was ready to collect the corpse and confront the Qian family head-on.

"What is the Qian Family in Ancient Wind City, is it amazing?"

At this moment, a sudden voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a man in his thirties walking out of the room, not tall, with a pair of hanging eyes on his black face, looking at him contemptuously.

"What are you?" Qian Rongming stepped forward in a rage, but was pulled by Qian Rongzhi and looked over vigilantly: "Dare to ask who your Excellency is? What do you mean?"

Li Qingshan's heart moved,

He is also a qi refiner, and he is a master of the third level of qi refinement, so it is no wonder that he dare not take this pair of brothers and sisters who are on the second level of qi refinement in his eyes.

The black-faced man laughed and said, "Just the two of you, it's still a long way to be an Eagle and Wolf Guard? Why waste your time going to Jiaping City? Get off the boat and go home!"

Only then did Li Qingshan understand that this person did not want to stand out for himself, but also for the limited quota of Yinglangwei. Seeing the intention of Qian Rongming's brothers and sisters, he spoke out in advance to attack the opponent.

Qian Rongming and Qian Rongzhi looked at each other. Although they were one level inferior in strength to each other, they might not have a chance to join forces, but they would have to use those precious charms to lose the chance to compete for Eagle and Wolf Guard.

"You wait." After hesitating for a moment, he left a harsh sentence, and the two left in a hurry, but not only said to the thin man, but also gave Li Qingshan a fierce look.

Li Qingshan said: "Thank you for the relief, dare to ask Xiongtaizun's name?"

"Boy, don't think that you can mess around with a few dollars. There are too many people in this world that you can't afford to offend. I advise you to get off the boat quickly!" The man said indifferently, and slammed the room.

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders, this is the treatment of the weak. ("7*

The big boat started slowly, breaking through the layers of waves on the gentle river surface, and sailed down the river to Jiaping City.

On the top floor of the dragon boat, there are only a few rooms with the doors tightly closed. Only Li Qingshan walked around on the deck, admiring the open scenery on both sides of the strait.

As the boat sailed into the night, Li Qingshan was meditating in his room and practicing the exercises. He was currently practicing four types of exercises, including "The Bull Demon Strong Boxing", "Tiger Demon Refining the Bone Boxing", "Ling Turtle Zhen Hai Jue", and "Xiantian Qi Jue". In the ninth-level realm, he is the first-level cultivation base. The former belongs to the magical powers of demons.

On the contrary, it is the "Innate Qi Refinement Art", because it is of the lowest grade, it belongs to human beings, and the speed of progress is much faster. In order to obtain the things in the Xumi Ring, Li Qingshan also put a lot of effort into it. With a strong physique, the speed at which he practises jīng qi transformation is also astonishingly fast. After a few days of effort, he is not far from the second realm.

However, Xiao An did not practice any more, but squatted in the corner of the room, holding a book and reading. There are two bookcases in the room, and there are many leisure books such as poetry and songs, as well as some common Taoist Buddhist scriptures. Xiao An is reading a Buddhist scripture.

That eminent monk who attained the status of a bodhisattva, although he has entered the devil's way, "The Way of Zhu Yan and White Bone" is also a magical power of the devil's way, but it is still an evolution from Buddhism in essence. The flames of blood in his eye sockets illuminated the words on the book, and the scene was a little weird. Suddenly, he raised his head.

Li Qingshan also opened his eyes and looked at Fang mén. They all felt it. One was based on the perception of living beings, and the other was based on the powerful six senses like demons.

A figure quietly boarded the top floor of the dragon boat and came to Li Qingshan's mén with murderous intent in his eyes.

Qian Rongming was sure that he didn't make a sound, and let out a breath of air, of course not worried about Li Qingshan, but to guard against the Qi refiner next door. Tonight, he just wanted to kill Li Qingshan. He thought fiercely in his heart that he should kill him when they met for the first time.

As for the qi refiner next door, he also has a plan in his heart. When the Eagle and Wolf Guards compete, he must come up with his trump card to make him look good, or become the Eagle and Wolf Guard, and it will not be too late to report.

Next door to Li Qingshan, the black-faced man felt a move in his heart, but he had no intention of taking action. In his eyes, Li Qingshan was just a trivial person, and he was ignorant against the Qi cultivator and did not listen to him. Advice, even if you die, you deserve it.

He was thinking about whether he could write some articles on this matter, take advantage of Qian Rong's name to kill him alone, there should be some good things in the Qian family in Ancient Wind City, and then go down and kill that Qian Rongzhi, his confidence in this trip is even greater, his horns slightly twitched, and he quietly got up.

Fang mén opened a gap, Qian Rongming flashed in, looked at Li Qingshan, raised his right hand, mobilized his true energy, and slapped it down with a palm. With a muffled bang, Qian Rongming smiled happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

Qian Rongming was terrified, his muscles were tensed, and he was about to launch a continuous attack, but his body relaxed again.

He couldn't believe that he was attacked by someone, and what was even more terrifying was that until now, he didn't feel the existence of someone behind him, unless the mouth and nose were not breathing and the heart was not beating, so that there was no breath at all, and then turned back with difficulty, Seeing the last scene of this life, a skeleton with flames burning in its pupils, the burning corpse blood inflammation spread to his whole body, turning him into a part of the blood flames.

It's not that Qian Rongming is too weak or too careless, but Xiao An's current strength, at least the strength of the third or fourth level of Qi refining. Under the absolute strength, it is a sneak attack, and it is strange that he cannot kill with one blow.

Li Qingshan sighed slightly: "It's just a disagreement, why did you get to the point of killing someone? Are you too arrogant, or am I too low-key?" In the restaurant that day, Li Qingshan had the strength to kill him, but he didn't. Doing it is not for fear of trouble, but not to kill indiscriminately. If there is a disagreement, that is, the one who kills is just an ordinary man. If he wants to kill, he needs to kill in a reasonable and disciplined manner. However, others may not think that way. Maybe in their eyes, all beings are really like ants, and of course they want to step on them.

I checked the loot at random, but I didn't find the talisman or dan yào I imagined, but found a black bag, which looked a little familiar, worn and worn out, dull, and even many positions were disconnected, appearing in Qian Rong It's a little out of tune for such a young man.

With a move in Li Qingshan's heart, he poured the meager spiritual energy in his body into the bag. Suddenly, a wonderful space opened up in his consciousness, and he seemed to see a small virtual box containing various things.

Silver notes are naturally indispensable, as well as a few small bottles and a few magic talismans. As soon as he thought about it, the contents inside appeared in his hands.

Li Qingshan was overjoyed. It turned out to be the legendary treasure bag. These days, he asked Yan Song about the common sense of many Qi refiners, and he knew that the Xumi Ring was something that only truly powerful practitioners could have. The space is extremely vast. As for how big it is, I have only heard that I have never seen it before. It is rare for an ordinary qi cultivator to have a treasure bag.

The reason why he looked at this treasure bag was because he had seen it on the body of Wang Pushi, the leader of the red eagle, but Wang Pushi's treasure bag was much more beautiful than this one, and it must have a much larger storage space. It didn't take much thinking to know that this one on Qian Rongming's body was a standard defective product, and even longer weapons could not be put in it.

But even the inferior treasure bag is extremely rare. At least Yan Song, a cultivator of the second level of Qi training, does not have it. It is indeed a so-called family background, which is a bit unexpected.

Li Qingshan checked the things in the treasure bag. On the bottles, there was a bottle of healing yào and three bottles of condensing qi pills. They were not the kind of miscellaneous pills yào refined by ordinary Jianghu people, but real spiritual pills. Of course, compared with the kind of elixir that Xianyue gave him, it was one heaven and one underground, but it was also real, the elixir that Li Qingshan needed the most right now.

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