Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 244 Man can conquer nature

Hou Hongtao held a breath in his chest, his face turned red from holding it in, and he couldn't bear it any longer. "Are you listening to me? Or are you treating me like nothing?"

Li Qingshan laughed loudly, and the sound shook the hall. Although there was no breath filling it, there was still a kind of soaring heroic spirit.

"I just say this because I heard you say it. As the saying goes, 'There is no tiger in the mountain and a monkey is the king.' You guys only respect monkeys but don't know how to fear tigers. Isn't this ridiculous?"

Hou Hongtao's face suddenly changed. He had to admit this, but he still had an inexplicable emotion that he couldn't accept. He argued forcefully: "Maybe the White Ape King is just a monkey in your eyes, but his existence is beneficial to us. Your Excellency, What benefit do we have?" Pointing his hand back: "Do you know what price they paid for coming here to learn swordsmanship, and now they are all destroyed in your hands."

When the swordsmen heard this, they were greatly moved, "The Marquis is still speaking for us, how can we cower anymore!"

"This is the holy land for swordsmen in the world. It belongs to all swordsmen. If we want to replace the White Ape King as the master of the villa, we must all agree."

"I think Mr. Hou is the best candidate. I would like to recommend Mr. Hou as the new owner of the village. What do you think?"


"I support!"

"Since your Excellency is a tiger descending from the mountain, why not just go down the mountain and go back and forth from where you came?"

For a moment, the crowd was so excited that they ignored life and death. Even the swordsmen who were guarding outside the hall and whose strength had not reached the innate realm also poured in one after another. Each held their hands on the hilts of their swords, as if Li Qingshan would drive him down the mountain if he dared to say no.


Hou Hongtao just couldn't hold back his breath, but at this moment, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. If he could become the new owner of the village, his popularity would be enough to build the Shen Yuan Villa into the strongest sword sect in the north. No, it would not be the Shen Yuan Villa at that time. The Villa is the Excalibur Villa.

The White Ape King spent hundreds of years amassing wealth, beauties in the harem, and massive resources. It all belongs to him.

A man is born into the world. Is there anything else you want?

** gradually overwhelmed the fear.

But he didn't realize that he was not such a capricious person. Since he failed to draw his sword at the door, how could he be provoked by everyone. Have you changed your mind?

Right on this lonely peak shrouded in wind and snow.

In the magnificent palace. "God's will" is still everywhere, affecting everything invisibly.

"Damn it, I'll be polite to you. Do you dare to talk about democracy to me? Are you really shameless? Do you really think you are fierce and cannibalistic?"

Li Qingshan raised his thick eyebrows. When the White Ape King was here, I don't believe that these cheap guys dared to propose a new village owner. Could it be that I, Li Qingshan, was easy to bully? It was just a waste of my willpower.

Hou Hongtao's heart skipped a beat, and he almost didn't dare to look into those angry eyes. He felt a hint of regret, but at this time he was already riding a tiger and couldn't get off, and he also felt something in his heart:

"If these two people really have such strong strength, why have they been unwilling to show it? Maybe they had a fierce battle with the White Ape King and were seriously injured. They had no way to go in the snowstorm, so they came here to avoid the snow. If so If you give them a chance to recover from their injuries, you will miss this God-given opportunity!"

Li Qingshan stood up suddenly, held his right hand empty, and was about to kill these bastards with one strike.

Seeing that the hall was about to turn into a slaughterhouse again, Gu Yanying coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention, and patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder with a smile.

Li Qingshan curled his lips, and Gu Yanying spread his hands. Although it was almost a riddle, the meaning was very clear:

"You come again. These bastards can't communicate at all. Let's kill them all."

"It's easy to kill them, but I'm afraid it will affect the whole body and cause more trouble."

Li Qingshan sat down again, hoping that she could communicate successfully this time.

Gu Yanying looked back at the swordsmen and sighed: "What are you doing? We were injured when we killed the White Ape King, so we didn't want to do it again, so as not to affect the injury. But if we really do it, you guys Who can get out alive? Especially you, Liehuo Jianhou, if you draw your sword out of its sheath, we will definitely drive the formation to suppress you with all our strength and kill you first. No matter who the new village owner is, I'm afraid it won't be his turn. you."

Instead of bluffing, she lied about being injured.

Because although what Li Qingshan said is true, it is too beyond the imagination of these people, and it is difficult to win people's trust. To scare a group of mice, only one cat is enough, and tigers are superfluous.

"Who do you think is greedy for life and afraid of death?" "Yes, we will never be threatened by others."

Although Hou Hongtao's tone was tough, his heart began to beat, and the other swordsmen also hesitated.

Although what Gu Yanying said were all lies, they seemed reasonable. Two top ten innate masters, even if they were seriously injured, they could drag everyone here to be buried with them.

And her grace seemed to have greatly weakened these people's inexplicable dislike. If she stood still, no one would kill her.

"We must convince people with virtue and reason, rather than suppressing them with force. You are here to learn the sword, not to fight with others. What do you think this is?"

Gu Yanying took out a thick book from his sleeve and flipped through it casually. He didn't know what kind of leather it was made of. Each page was as thin as a cicada's wings. It was filled with writings in small regular script, and there were many appendices. Beautiful pictures, all showing white apes dancing with swords.

"White Ape Sword Code!" Yuan Hongtao opened his eyes wide.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on it, their eyes filled with heat, like a pervert seeing a beauty, a miser discovering a gold mine, a drunkard smelling the wine, and some people couldn't help but take two steps forward. Only then did he come back to his senses.

Over the past hundred years, while the White Ape King taught others swordsmanship, he also constantly learned from others' strengths, combined with his own understanding of the way of swordsmanship, to write this "White Ape Sword Codex".

He also boasted to everyone that the most exquisite swordsmanship in the world, like all rivers returning to the sea, are all gathered in this book. If this book is spread, all the sword manuals in the world can be burned.

If Shen Yuan Villa is the holy land for swordsmen in the world, then this "White Ape Sword Code" is the holy book for swordsmen all over the world.

certainly. No one would spread their secret knowledge at will, and even their close relatives would hide it. Therefore, everyone knew that there was such a book, but no one had seen it with their own eyes.

"Yes, it is the world-famous swordsmanship "White Ape Sword Canon."

Gu Yanying's face was solemn, but Li Qingshan noticed the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

Of course, they also found this in the White Ape King's secret room. After looking through it casually, they found it to be of little value, not even as good as the introductory swordsmanship from the Hidden Sword Palace.

Li Qingshan laughed at that time. "The monkey was dancing wildly with a tree branch. He dared to call himself the Sword Sect of the World, and he even wrote a long book about it, which made people laugh out loud!" Then he threw it aside casually, and was picked up by Gu Yanying without noticing.

"You...what do you mean? This is the property of our Shenyuan Villa. Please..."

Hou Hongtao has excellent eyesight. When Gu Yan was turning around. He saw clearly that many words and pictures were indeed exquisite and definitely not forged.

"Hi!" Gu Yanying twisted a page and tore it with all her strength.

"Ah!" "Stop!"

Almost everyone screamed, as if they had been struck by a knife.

"Since we have become the new owners here, we should shoulder the responsibilities of the old owners and teach everyone swordsmanship. Unfortunately, we are not practicing swordsmanship, so we have to let everyone study on their own." Gu Yanying smiled and tore the sword. The next page was thrown away casually, "Master Marquis, please identify the authenticity first, and then post it on the screen wall outside."

"Put it on the screen wall?"

Hou Hongtao held the thin page in both hands, wondering if he heard it wrong. This was the "White Ape Sword Code". Even if he became the new owner of the village, he would never show this book to anyone, let alone tear it up. Put it down and stick it on the wall. To people in the martial arts world, it means that they would rather sleep with someone else than hand over the secret book to others.

"Yes, we don't practice swordsmanship, so this book is of no use to us. Hiding it in a secret room is a waste, so I am going to teach you this "White Ape Sword Codex". What do you think?"

Everyone looked like they had been hit by a pie, and they were so happy that they couldn't believe it. How could anyone object?

There are too many life-and-death fights over a secret book in the martial arts world. Which secret book can be compared with this "White Ape Sword Codex"? Without taking a little risk, there is no such good thing in the world.

"You, you want to make the "White Ape Sword Code" public?" Hou Hongtao said.

"Yes, everyone, even the maids and servants, can watch at will. If anyone dares to obstruct it, anyone can kill him immediately. You will be responsible for this matter, but you have to watch it carefully. If you lose it, you will be responsible. It’s gone, it’s best to copy it to everyone first.”

Gu Yanying said very thoughtfully, in the eyes of the swordsmen, she was like a goddess descending.

Hou Hongtao felt that all eyes were focused on him, which was completely different from the look in his eyes when he had just elected him as the owner of the village. He was holding the thin page as if it was as heavy as a thousand pieces of paper.

He was still unwilling to accept it: "If it's just one page, I don't think it's anything special. You'd better take it back!"

"Of course it's more than one page, but "White Ape Sword Codex" is extensive and profound. In order to prevent everyone from going crazy, I will release it slowly. I will make sure to update it every day. Tomorrow will be the second page, and the day after tomorrow will be the third page. Until the complete copy is released, how about it? "

"Your Excellency is so scheming that you want to use such a book to control all of us!" Hou Hongtao said coldly.

Gu Yanying let out a long sigh: "Oh, I have such good intentions, but I still have to be accused like this. In this case, we are willing to abdicate and give up the position of the owner of the village to your Majesty. This "White Ape Sword Code" is also yours Yes, you can learn from whoever you want to learn from! Qingshan, let’s go!”

"You two, please stay. I would like to accept you two as the owners of the village!" "Yes, we are in need of two such generous and kind owners."

The two innate masters looked at each other and changed their minds. If this "White Ape Sword Manual" falls into the hands of Hou Hongtao, it will not be easy for even his own father to take a look in the future, let alone outsiders like them.

Especially the weak swordsmen screamed with joy. Hou Hongtao didn't care about this page, but they did. Regardless of what the future holds, they should eat this piece of meat first.

Gu Yanying winked at Li Qingshan and stared at Hou Hongtao, "What else do you have to say? If you still object, we will leave now and never stop!"

Hou Hongtao felt a chill in his heart. Now that people's hearts have dispersed, the opponent only needs to activate the magic circle to suppress him, and then take a random attack, which will be a dead end. Even if the other party really leaves, I'm afraid no one will stop them. Everyone is just staring at the "White Ape Sword Codex". There will definitely be a brutal and bloody battle in this hall.

Because no matter who gets this "White Ape Sword Codex", they will never share it with anyone else. Only one person can walk out of this hall in the end, and the other person only needs to go around in a circle and come back...

"In this case, I would also like to accept you as the new owner of the village. I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise we will never give up!"

"That's of course, but I also hope that you all will keep to yourselves, supervise each other, and wait for updates honestly. If someone has bad intentions and intends to monopolize this "White Ape Sword Codex..."

"Then the first one will not let him go!"

"Alright, we have to go back to recover from our injuries. Please study the first page of the sword manual slowly!"

Gu Yanying pulled Li Qingshan out of the hall and returned to the villa. The young swordsmen reluctantly watched her leave, and they felt deep jealousy towards Li Qingshan.

But soon, their attention was attracted by that page of sword manual.

"Master Marquis, please let us see this "White Ape Sword Code" quickly."

"Why are you in a hurry? I will verify the authenticity for you first." Hou Hongtao looked at it carefully and studied it carefully.

Everyone was slandering, "Don't you take this page of sword manual seriously?"

A gust of cold wind covered with snowflakes hit his face. Gu Yanying sneezed, rubbed his nose, and said with a smile: "God's will is the will of the people, it's really interesting!"

"Hey, we are simply ridiculing ourselves now. These people have not noticed that they are being driven by God's will."

"Who can't be affected by the environment? Now try to solve it in a gentle way! These are your future readers."

"Ha, that's true."

"Master, Mrs. Master, you have come out now. You are worried about your death." A middle-aged woman walked up to her with a quick step, her face that still had a bit of charm was full of worry and concern, and she was holding two items in her hands. Great cloak.

"Who are you?" Li Qingshan asked in surprise. He didn't know this woman at all. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have met her once when he broke into the rear master's house and took control of the formation.

"My family, Yuan Feifei, is responsible for taking charge of this villa. The owner and his wife will be responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation. I will definitely satisfy you."

Yuan Feifei carefully observed her words. She was originally the concubine of the White Ape King. Later, she became old and beautiful, and she became a housekeeper through her scheming. She and Yuan Hongtao were in charge of the inside and outside of the villa respectively.

However, although she also has martial arts, her strength is much inferior. She will reach the innate realm and can secure this position almost entirely by pleasing the White Ape King. Now that the White Ape King is dead, she is naturally eager to join in and protect her own. status.

"Ha, who said that God's will can control people's hearts? As the saying goes, 'man can conquer nature', isn't this a real example!" Li Qingshan smiled and took the cloak and put it on Gu Yanying.

Gu Yanying also laughed: "After all, it is just an influence, and it cannot be completely distorted, otherwise it will be regarded as the Shura Dao."

Yuan Feifei looked confused and didn't know what they were talking about. To be continued. . )

ps: Four thousand words are gorgeous. I will work hard to update it this month. Whether you believe it or not, I will always believe it. Hope is disappointing, but if you lose hope, you lose everything.

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