Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 245 The Backyard of the Villa (Congratulations to the New Alliance Leader)

Gu Yanying said: "Okay, you are still in charge of the backyard of the Villa, but I am not the owner's wife, but the deputy owner."

"I would like to thank the two village masters. I will serve them with all my heart in the future. If you need anything, please tell me. Don't forget that this is a bitter cold place in the north. When it comes to food and clothing, even the martial arts leader cannot compare with us. compared to."

Yuan Feifei was smiling all over her face. She didn't expect them to be so easy-going and not overbearing at all. They seemed to be easier to deal with than the old ape.

"Now I just want to take a comfortable bath and have a few drinks." Li Qingshan said.

"I wonder what kind of wine the owner wants to drink? There is Chiba Spring from the southern border, Jade Red from the western border..." Yuan Feifei casually listed more than ten kinds of wine, all of which are aged for hundreds of years.

"Want them all!"

"Villar Master Hailiang, where are you, Deputy Villa Master?"

"Let the kitchen cook the ape meat, I'll eat it later." Gu Yanying said.

Yuan Feifei's expression changed slightly, "Yes, I'll get ready right now!"

Then he hurriedly retreated, his steps were light and soundless, showing his good light skills, but he slipped on the snow at the corner of the corridor. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he used his hand to support himself, and almost hit his head on the pillar, whispering. After cursing a few words, he thought to himself: "I've really been a little too neglectful in martial arts lately."

Looking at this familiar scene, Li Qingshan and Gu Yanying looked at each other. Could their bad luck be contagious?

"It seems that anyone who stands on our side, even if they are just hypocritical, will be implicated." Gu Yanying said thoughtfully.

"Then if you are sincere, won't you be killed by us? Is this the legendary evil star?"

"Two village owners, Manager Yuan asked my servant to take you to the swimming pool."

While they were talking, a woman in red, holding a lantern, came to guide the way.

In the steaming heat, Li Qingshan held the sapphire wine glass, soaked in the pool made of white jade, and let out a long breath.

Four beautiful women with flowers in spring and autumn in their own way knelt behind him, holding wine bottles, fans and other objects in their hands. They filled the wine glasses as soon as they were empty and fanned them gently. Wearing a thin gauze dress. The graceful breasts are vaguely visible.

Li Qingshan has never been a gentle man who can sit back and relax.

In other words, as long as I have the opportunity to enjoy it, I will never miss it, but now I just drink one cup after another.

Because Gu Yanying was sitting on the other side of the pool. Soak a pair of bare feet in the pool water. Looking at him with a smile. "You can pretend I don't exist and do whatever you want."

She now has no power to protect herself, and even a fall could be fatal. Can't leave Li Qingshan's sight.

"I can pretend that you don't exist, but they can't pretend that you don't exist, especially if you are holding that damn thing, who would be interested!"

Li Qingshan burped, his eyes a little blurry. There is at least one advantage in this world, and that is that he gets drunk very quickly.

But the four beauties behind him looked frightened and moved stiffly, not daring to look in Gu Yanying's direction.

"This monkey brain tastes pretty good. Do you want to try it?"

Gu Yanying held the head of the White Ape King in his arms, holding a silver spoon in his hand, eating bite by bite, his movements still elegant and calm.

Monkey brains are the easiest to cook. This was the first dish that the villa's back chef brought to Gu Yanying. He seemed to think that there was something special in it and made it with special care.

The head has been processed and ground down to the white bones. The skull has also been opened. It seems to be a strangely shaped container. The monkey brain is as tender as tofu. After being simply cooked in hot oil, it exudes a strong aroma. , but the ferocious and vicious aura could not go away. Compared with her beautiful face, it created a strange and terrifying demon atmosphere, like a scene that can only be seen in nightmares.

"Okay!" Li Qingshan said with a smile, he has already killed, why don't he dare to eat?


The head of the White Ape King was thrown over, and several screams sounded from behind Li Qingshan. The four beauties retreated hastily, the wine bottles tipped over, and the fans fell to the ground. This was the "person" they had been serving, and now they became food for others. Is there anything more callous and cruel than this? One woman even lay on the ground retching, her face covered with snot and tears.

Li Qingshan caught the head, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and shook his head: "We have really become monsters."

If it's a cruel and sadistic mood, then that's it. They are just lunatics with distorted humanity and moral decay. But in fact, they don't regard this as a big deal. It's just an attempt to regain their strength. At most, they feel a little uncomfortable. .

"Haha, I'm gifted and I was born a monster. It's all thanks to your hard work." Gu Yanying supported the edge of the pool with both hands, raised her body, and her long hair reached the ground.

"Thank you for the compliment, it tastes really good." Li Qingshan laughed loudly, wiped away the monkey's brain, then picked up the poured wine flask, filled the skull with it, drank it all, and waved his hand: "Stay back!"

The four women ran away through the door as if they had been granted amnesty.

In a warm pavilion, Yuan Feifei asked about the situation, slapped them on the face four times, and cursed: "Bitch, how dare you disrespect the two village owners, where are the etiquette I usually teach you?"

The woman in red who led Li Qingshan said: "Excuse me, manager, we are really scared! Didn't you see, they ate... when they ate, it was like eating ordinary food, and I felt like they would take our food away at some point." Open your head and eat.”

Snapped! Another slap in the face made the woman in red have stars in her eyes.

"Call the village owner!" Yuan Feifei pondered for a moment, and her face softened: "Don't blame me for being too harsh, I'm doing this for your own good. It's getting late, you go and have a rest! Look at the pool again Direction, "Li Qingshan, Gu Yanying, where are you from? "

The four women covered their red and swollen faces with resentment and left Nuange far away.

The woman in red said: "You guys go to my room and wait for me first. I'll go outside to inquire about the situation!"

After a while, the woman in red returned to the room, carefully closed the door, took out a page of wet-ink paper, and said with excitement on her face: "Sister, I have something good for you!"

"Sister Feihong, what is this?" the girl in yellow asked.

"This is the first page of the White Ape Sword Codex. That ape spirit is boasting a lot."

"White Ape Sword Code!"

The three women exclaimed at the same time, "Martial arts are extremely popular in this world, and they all possess internal skills, but they are only here to maintain their beauty and seduce others. They are not allowed to learn any moves at all, let alone have the opportunity to come into contact with such advanced martial arts."

"Where did you get it?"

"You still don't know that something big has happened in the outer courtyard..." The woman in red narrated and suddenly laughed: "The old ape also said that he was invincible. Now not only has his home been confiscated and his entire family wiped out, but his brains have also been eaten. It’s really retribution!”

"Sister Feihong, please stop talking. I feel sick just thinking about it now."

"But, if the manager discovers..."

"Hmph, once we learn this peerless swordsmanship, will we still be afraid of that old witch?"

"Who are you calling the old witch?" Yuan Feifei's gloomy voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and the faces of the four women changed drastically. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to the generosity of the classmate "I really like grapes", he became the new leader of this book, and he was still ranked second. Yesterday I was just busy typing and didn't pay attention. Fortunately, I didn't interrupt the update, otherwise I would have interrupted the update for the new leader. Needless to say, there is another chapter today, it’s a good one!

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