Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 266 Breaking the City

The army was arrayed on the red plain, with Gu Yanying, a white horse in silver armor, commanding calmly in the center.

Li Qingshan walked at the front of everyone. The setting sun stretched his shadow very long, casting it in the direction of Pegasus City. Different from other warriors, he wore a black heavy armor, a horn helmet on his head, and in his hand The mixed-iron flagpole weighed more than a thousand kilograms with its outfit alone, standing there like an iron man.

Every step he took made a "bang" sound, leaving a deep footprint behind him. His movements seemed slow and clumsy, and others needed to slow down to follow.

Approaching the city gate, he gradually began to speed up, and the footsteps behind him became lighter and lighter. Every step seemed to be stepping on a spring, which immediately bounced up and became faster and faster. The thumping footsteps were like a gradually accelerating heartbeat, beating on the hearts of everyone in the city.

"If he wants to force his way through the city gate, shoot the arrow quickly!" "Hurry and collect the stones. When he comes over, crush him to death to avenge the dead tribesmen!"

There were constant shouts and shouts on the top of the city, and there was the sound of whizzing arrows piercing the air, most of them aimed at Li Qingshan. The heavy armor jingled and sparkled, but only left white traces.

The guardians on the left and right followed closely, swinging their swords to cut down most of the feather arrows.

"Ah!" There was a cry of pain, someone was still hit by an arrow, fǎn yīng quickly avoided the critical point, pulled out the arrow, gritted his teeth and followed. Then there were cries of pain again, but no one fell down. After all, they had martial arts skills and would not be killed by an arrow casually, and no one was left behind.

I couldn't tell what my mood was, but I knew that the man walking at the front had enveloped everyone and became part of his aura. Unknowingly. They are no longer just brave and fierce warriors.

Li Qingshan felt a surge of power pouring into his body. This is the meaning of the Red Tiger Flag in his hand. Like Gu Yanying, he is now the commander of this team, turning into a war machine. Under his leadership, a mere hundred people can Almost as good as the army behind him.

Ten feet away from the city gate, a shout came from the top of the city: "Throw stones quickly!"

The warriors couldn't help but look up. Different from the light arrows, if they were hit by big rocks. Even if the brain is not burst, the muscles and bones will be broken.

A buzzing sound. A black cloud passed over the top of the head and scattered on the top of the city, arousing screams and several figures covered with arrows fell down.

Gu Yanying sat high on the horse. The iron fan in his hand still maintained its forward posture. The former army officers and soldiers were all holding powerful crossbows. He easily suppressed the guards at the top of the city who didn't know how to defend the city, and then gave an order: "Change swords!"

Li Qingshan suddenly lowered the flagpole in his hand,

Like a big gun. Stepping deeply into the earth, he shouted loudly: "Broken!"

There was a loud bang, and the thick iron-clad city gate was penetrated, directly smashing the head of a guard.

As sawdust flew, the faces of the other guards showed shock. Before they could react, there was an even louder noise, and a human figure protruded from the city gate and shattered!

Li Qingshan crashed into the city without even looking. The flag swept across and crackled, sweeping away more than a dozen guards. He laughed loudly: "The one who broke the city, Li Qingshan!"

At the same time, sword marks intertwined on the distorted city gate behind him, and the guardians on the left and right took action at the same time, completely cutting the city gate into pieces.

An old man in brocade robes carrying a golden sword rushed down to the top of the city with a large group of people. The aura he exuded was also at the eighth level of innateness. At a glance, it was obvious that he was the second-largest figure in the Ma family after Ma Xingkong. When he saw the faces of the guardians on the left and right, he said in shock and anger : "It's you!?"

This world is not big, and there are not many strong people who can be called masters.

"My Ma family has no enmity with you. When you went to Shen Yuan Villa, you even gave us gold and silver. How can you repay kindness with enmity?"

The guardians on the left and right remained silent. Compared to the supreme swordsmanship and Shattering the Void, this small favor is nothing! This winter, they also benefited a lot and made great progress in their martial arts. Li Qingshan often just mentioned random points, which suddenly made them realize that compared to the pages of the "White Ape Sword Codex", this was the thing that was truly valuable to them.

After all, the White Ape King was only at the 10th level of innate talent. No matter how superb his sword skills were, they were limited, let alone what he had written. How could he compare with Li Qingshan, who had comprehended the "Heaven and Earth Hidden Sword Technique".

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Old man, I will return the gold and silver, but I will burn them for you. You can get as much as you want!"

The old man in brocade robes was furious and waved his golden sword: "The fate of the Ma family depends on this battle. Children, follow me to kill!"

The Ma family guards, plus the tribesmen who were temporarily summoned to defend the city, totaling ten thousand people, roared together, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, rushing towards them.

Even great swordsmen like the Guardians can't help but feel trembling at this moment. Normal fights in the rivers and lakes only involve a hundred people at most, and more often there are only three or five people or even fighting alone. I have never seen such a big scene!

boom! With the sound of heavy footsteps, they suddenly realized that Li Qingshan had rushed into the enemy's formation, and they quickly chased after him.

Li Qingshan charged forward with a banner like a dragon. The guardians on the left and right guard the left and right, and the sword light is like cutting. Other warriors followed behind, like a sharp knife piercing the enemy's formation, killing figures flying and their remaining limbs dancing wildly.

Even though there are ten thousand people in the Ma family, there are only a dozen or so people who can get close to the three of them. They have not been trained in battle formations, and they are even more disorganized. There is no room for moving around, and it is difficult for them to even display their martial arts.

The old man in brocade robes held the golden sword, and tried to hold it back several times. He was afraid that if he got close now, he would not be able to stop the three of them from attacking together, and his life would be in danger immediately. He could only shout loudly, and beheaded several of them. The guards retreated in panic, blood dripping down their swords.

Li Qingshan was already covered in blood. With the help of the power of the earth, he not only did not feel tired, but became more and more courageous as he fought. There was almost no time to recover. The iron flag in his hand, which weighed three to four hundred kilograms, could cause damage with just a casual wave. Huge damage, taking advantage of strength to the extreme, and thanks to this thickened and heavier special armor, otherwise he would have been stabbed countless times.

He didn't take a step back, stepped on the corpse and opened a bloody path, pointing directly at the old man in brocade robes.

The guardians on the left and right felt huge pressure. Even the most exquisite sword skills could not be used in such a battle. Several knives were slashing at them every moment. They could only use their true energy to the extreme. Simplify the sword moves to the extreme and swing the sword desperately, leaving behind the demeanor of those peerless masters and the principle of killing with one sword.

However, this consumes a lot of true energy. After a while, nearly half of the true energy is consumed, and then they can be slaughtered. Although no one can stop them if they want to escape, but looking at Li Qingshan in front, perhaps the true meaning of swordsmanship Just when he was about to realize it, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to killing.

The way of sword is the way of killing!

As soon as the horse roared, Gu Yanying took the lead and led his army into the city. The battle array advanced layer by layer, like a meat grinder, twisting the flesh and blood of both the enemy and ourselves, and kept advancing. A looming long snake actually formed in mid-air, twisting its body and moving forward. This was the military strategist's long snake formation.

The enemy troops were all panicked, raising their heads and retreating one after another.

The old man in brocade robes killed more than ten people in a row and roared: "Don't be afraid, it's just an illusion. Anyone who dares to take a step back is a traitor to the Ma family!"

I was also confused in my heart. Except for these hundred people, the other party was obviously just a rough guy who didn't understand martial arts. How could they get together and have such power? They could almost crush them head-on. I just understood that if this continues, this battle Must lose.

After crossing the turbulent sea of ​​people, he saw Gu Yanying riding a white horse, and ordered a group of Ma family masters beside him: "Kill the man riding the white horse!"

More than a dozen innate masters jumped out and, relying on their light skills, stepped on the turbulent sea of ​​people and attacked Gu Yanying directly.

Under the silver eagle mask, Gu Yanying smiled slightly. Sure enough, military spirit was most condensed during the battle. Although this long snake had no lethality, it made her stronger. And she dressed up so conspicuously just for this moment.

Li Qingshan waved the big flag fiercely, crushed out a clearing, and shouted: "The guardians of the left and right, ù shì now!"

Two sword lights pierced the air, and the guardians on the left and right rose up with their swords, slashing at the brocade-robed old man.

Gu Yanying waved the iron fan in his hand, and a dozen innate masters fell into the sea of ​​people like dumplings. They were killed by random swords and trampled into pulp.

The old man in brocade robes suddenly opened his eyes wide, "How is this possible? What did she do?"

Without thinking too much, he waved the golden sword to meet the sword light. He was waiting for work at leisure, and there were still a large number of guards around him, so he did not fall behind in the slightest.


Li Qingshan held the flag high with his right hand, tried his best to throw the ball with all his strength!

The flag roared through the chest of the brocade-robed old man, flying him up and nailing him to the stone wall. To be continued...)

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