Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 267 Great Victory

The hustle and bustle of the crowd also fell silent. The old man in brocade robes had round eyes. He was obviously always on guard, so why couldn't he dodge? !

The guardians on the left and right looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. The blow just now was so powerful that even they might not be able to dodge it. They couldn't help but think of Hou Hongtao's death.

This man's strength is always so unfathomable. He may not be very strong at ordinary times, but at a critical moment, he can easily crush all enemies.

Li Qingshan lowered his right hand, dispersed the colorful brilliance, and shouted: "The murderer, Li Qingshan!"

Suddenly, cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami sounded from behind.

Although he no longer had a weapon in his hand, when he stepped forward again, the Ma family guards backed away one after another, their faces full of fear. They actually walked to him step by step in front of the old man in brocade robes and said, "Okay, don't hold on. , don’t force me to take a last hit!”

The old man in the golden robe raised his hand and pointed at Li Qingshan, and opened his mouth to say something, but blood immediately poured out. He died without closing his eyes, and the golden knife in his hand fell.

Li Qingshan stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, waved it casually, and said with a smile: "Although it is a little lighter, it is still easy to use!" Then he shook off the broken heavy armor, and his momentum changed again, revealing his sharp edge and murderous intent.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! You can't die!"

A beautiful woman rushed up desperately, threw herself under the old man in brocade robes, and let out a mournful cry. She was one of the "Top Ten Beauties in the World". She was so heartbroken that she couldn't help smelling the sadness and making everyone cry when she saw it. .

Suddenly looking back, her beautiful eyes were full of hatred, and she rushed towards Li Qingshan with a knife: "Give my grandpa his life!"

The golden light flashed, and a beautiful head flew up. There was still confusion on his face, as if he couldn't believe that someone could actually attack him. Several feet of blood spurted out from his neck, and the headless body ran for a few more steps before falling to the ground. .

"Hey, your knife skills are terrible!"

Li Qingshan had a joking look on his face. If he wanted to kill someone, he would have to be prepared to be killed. Besides, he was immersed in the long-lost pleasure of wielding a knife and didn't pay attention to whether the woman was beautiful or ugly.

"You beast! Let's all come together and kill this devil!"

The woman was obviously extremely favored in the Ma family;

There were countless admirers. Seeing her being beheaded with a knife, everyone was enraged.

"Then the question becomes, am I a beast or a devil?"

Li Qingshan reached out and grabbed the long knife that the woman was spinning down. Since the quality is lacking, let's make up for it with quantity!

With a wild laugh, he held the two swords in his hands, stretched his long arms, and spun around. The layers of sword light turned into a tornado, rushing through the crowd. Wherever he went, the remaining limbs were dancing wildly, and the big head was rolling all over the ground.

This is the unique barbaric dance of the tiger demon, roaring and leaping, grinding its teeth to suck blood, and devouring life with big mouthfuls.

"This... what kind of sword technique is this? Compared with the Ma family's sword technique, it is simply not worth mentioning. Even my father's "Seven Killing Sword Technique" is probably far behind! I have never heard of it before." With the name Li Qingshan, could it be that he also obtained the power from the demon star?"

In a tall attic in the distance, a pale and thin boy lay lying on his back, staring at this scene in stunned silence. Behind him was a long package, which looked like a sword or something, but he didn't know why he refused to do so. Showing people, the package behind him was shaking slightly.

Suddenly he stood up and shouted: "Prince Xia, let me help you!" and jumped down from the building.

Li Qingshan glanced at him strangely. With his sarcasm, someone he didn't know actually came to help.

Although this young man is young, he has also broken through the innate realm. The package behind him spread out, and he pulled out a long knife. The blade was as black as ink, without a trace of light, but it projected several feet of light, and killed three Ma family masters with one knife. , his pale face was filled with hysterical and crazy killing intent.

"The knife is not bad!" Li Qingshan said. As far as this world is concerned, the two knives in his hands can be considered precious swords, and they are already full of scars.

"Seven Kills Demon Sword, that kid is the descendant of Seven Kills Demon Lord!?"

There are many martial arts figures in the city who are watching the battle here from a distance. They are frightened and dazzled by the sight. So many famous masters are killed so easily, and some even die at the hands of soldiers with mediocre martial arts skills. .

As soon as they saw the knife, many people immediately recognized it. Compared to Li Qingshan, the chivalrous king, the Seven Kills Demon King is more famous. He also rose up after the demon star came to the world, causing a bloody storm in the martial arts world.

The demon star came to the world and the world was in chaos. It turned out to be true!

He couldn't help but have the same guess as the skinny boy. This man named Li Qingshan must have obtained the power from the demon star to have such violent murderous intent.

The Ma family was leaderless, and the innate masters suffered heavy casualties. The guardians on the left and right no longer had to attack and rush into the formation. Instead, they used a superb swordsmanship to turn into two sword lights that turned in the sea of ​​​​people, specifically looking for the enemy masters to assassinate.

Although the army commanded by Gu Yanying suffered many casualties, its morale was getting stronger and stronger. The long snake in mid-air stared more and more, its cold snake eyes scanning below, swallowing bright red snake letters, as if it wanted to choose people to devour.

The setting sun fell below the horizon, and blood dyed the earth red instead of the setting sun.

The white horse under Gu Yanying was almost dyed bright red and was panting heavily.

The tenacity of the Ma family was beyond expectation, as if everyone was going crazy because of this unprecedented battle. She raised her head and glanced at the cold sky. Was it God's will again?

Inadvertently controlling people's hearts, it played a huge role in this moment of confusion, otherwise the enemy would have been defeated long ago.

But this is actually a good thing. If these people all fled back to the city to fight in the streets, the city would not be able to form a large-scale military formation. In that case, ten armored soldiers would not be the opponent of one warrior. I don’t know how much trouble it would take to clean up. Might as well wipe it all out in one battle.

She is not worried at all that this battle will be lost. Li Qingshan and the left and right guardians are constantly reducing the quality gap between the two sides. If they are just competing for quantity, more soldiers are pouring into the city behind them. These are all soldiers recruited later. Although there are many soldiers , but on the one hand, it had not undergone much training, and on the other hand, there was no armor on her body, so she put it at the back at first. Although it could not exert much combat power at this time, it was enough to strengthen the army. The big snake transformed by the billowing military energy It becomes more and more solid until it is completely formed.

Seeing that Li Qingshan and the left and right guardians had almost eliminated the backbone of the Ma family, Gu Yanying waved his iron fan, and the big snake shrank and swooped down, swallowing dozens of Ma family guards.

"No...it's not a phantom!" "It's a snake demon, such a big snake demon!"

Faced with unimaginable means, the Ma family's morale suddenly collapsed and they turned around and fled.

The battle turned into a chase, and Li Qingshan still charged forward, not caring about the moral principles of the world at all, killing everyone he saw without mercy, and turned into a bloody man. The flash of the sword was accompanied by wild laughter, making those who heard it tremble and those who saw it frightened.

At this time, the last trace of red glow disappeared from the west, and darkness fell completely.

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