Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 273 Advance

The blood-colored lines crisscrossing the air broke and disappeared together, like a broken heartstring.

Luohu Xiaoming pursed his lips and remained silent.

He was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, his appearance became more childish, and his melancholy became more intense.

Gu Yanying swayed and fell backwards. Li Qingshan came back through the air and helped her up: "Are you okay?" He asked Luo Huan Xiaoming sharply: "What's going on?!"

Gu Yanying shook his head and suddenly said: "It turns out that I am the sacrifice!"

Originally, like Li Qingshan, she had no intention of transforming into an Asura. Even if she really wanted to transform into an Asura, she would not adopt such a despicable method.

It was Luohu Xiaoming who asked her to stand on the top of this mountain of corpses, saying that it was to show her commanding status over this Shura army. And that was the focus of the entire ceremony. It turned out to be to attract the will of the pursuer to come to her. On the body.

This mountain of corpses was not useless, at least it had deceived her.

Luo Hu Xiaoming said: "I am connected by blood with her. If we can't cut off the clues and confuse the secrets, she will be able to find her no matter where she escapes."

Li Qingshan said angrily: "So you use us as bait? She should really let her find you and kill you!"

"Do you think she will come here specifically if she determines my location? She will directly destroy this world in Shura Dao, and no one will be able to escape." Luohu Xiaoming touched the ring named "Xiaoya" on his waist Slingshot looked a little dazed.

"Then why not let me kill you now and save you a lot of trouble!" Li Qingshan waved the Thelma and Louise knife.

"Qingshan." Gu Yanying grabbed his hand holding the knife, "I'm fine. It's a blessing in disguise."

It turns out that when the Kunpeng Feather cut off the coming thought, a trace of divinity contained in it merged into her soul. In this world, other benefits are not visible for the time being, but there is more to the inheritance of this Kunpeng Feather. Clearly enlightened.

"It's not a blessing in disguise, this is the reward in the plan." Luo Huan Xiaoming said.

"Do I still want to thank you?"

Gu Yanying raised his eyebrows. The feeling of being possessed by a god is not a wonderful experience.

"That's not necessary, this is what you deserve."

"Actually, if you had explained it to me earlier,

I will certainly be willing to cooperate. "She never lacked for adventure.

"Once you are prepared in your mind. And you don't know what kind of variables there will be, this man may not be willing to let you take risks."

Gu Yanying glanced at Li Qingshan, then suddenly looked away: "Forget it, the result is not bad."

Li Qingshan slowly put down the knife in his hand, hiding the anger on his face, and said to Luo Huan Xiaoming: "Although I have made a promise to you, if you find something like this again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Luohu Xiaoming reluctantly said "Yeah".

Apart from this "little" accident, the ceremony went very smoothly, except for Yin Qing. Others didn't even know what happened, and were completely immersed in the ceremony. When they opened their eyes again, their black eyes were faintly glowing with red light, already bearing some of the characteristics of Asura.

The auras of the guardians on the left and right rose. It directly breaks through the innate weight. Other warriors have also improved to some extent.

Martial arts and Shura's way of killing are inherently connected, or even the same.

But it was not them who gained the most, but the thousands of soldiers. They had missed the best age to practice martial arts and would never be able to become masters in their lifetime, but this time they were reborn and their bodies took on a new look. There is a possibility of going further.

With cheers like a tsunami, Li Qingshan looked across the river and saw that Zhang Yuntian and others had disappeared without a trace.

He didn't want to kill innocent people in vain, and planned to take this group of people as hostages so that he could dominate the world in the future with fewer obstacles. I didn't expect that such a change would happen. I wonder if it was influenced by God's will.

Going after them now, even if they kill one or two, is meaningless, it is a waste of the power of Thelma and Louise's sword.

"That's all, let them spread my reputation. I think the effect will be similar."

Afterwards, Gu Yanying ordered everyone to dig a big hole before burying the mountain of corpses. The stench lingered for months.

On the way back to the city, Gu Yanying asked Luo Huan Xiaoming for information: "Is that your mother? There is such a mother in the world!"

"This feather is called 'Feather of Hun Tian'. What does Hun Tian refer to?"

But from that day on, Luohu Xiaoming became silent and looked increasingly melancholy and decadent.

Li Qingshan felt a little pity for him. Being chased by his closest relatives was not the only reason why he lost his fighting spirit, but it probably had a profound impact on him. But such thoughts only passed by for a moment. He had many things to do every day.

Gu Yanying led the army to eradicate the Ma family's influence in the north. The martial arts of many soldiers in the army began to improve by leaps and bounds, causing qualitative changes in the entire army. Her strength also increased with the tide, and she no longer needed Li Qingshan's constant protection. .

Li Qingshan sat in the city and ordered people to copy "The Biography of the White Ape King". At the same time, he recruited and trained a large number of storytellers to spread not only his novels, but also his concept of "the world is unified and everyone is equal", so there is no need to worry about shortage of manpower.

They are not eager to expand externally, but are trying their best to digest the results of the victory. Wherever the world develops, "The Legend of the White Ape King" will be spread. The power of the Dayan Talisman is increasing tenfold and a hundredfold.

Li Qingshan discovered that although this world was much smaller than the state, it provided no less willing power than the state.

Although the state is large, his novels can only affect Qinghe Prefecture and even Ruyi County, and after all, they are just a form of entertainment. Later, with the war, mortal lives were still difficult to save, who was still in the mood for entertainment.

Since then, the gathering of Dayan Talisman's will power has stagnated, and its growth has been extremely slow. Li Qingshan no longer cared about it and focused on other things.

Although this world is small, almost everyone is eager for the martial arts secrets contained in "The Legend of the White Ape King". He also has the power to enforce it so that everyone can read and hear it, and the effect will naturally be different.

And as the rule of the Ma family was completely overthrown, and the land was distributed to ordinary people, the name of the Xia King was as popular as ever in the north, and many people worshiped him almost fanatically.

It is said that in a village north of Pegasus City, there was an old man who didn't know any martial arts and didn't know a single word, but he could memorize hundreds of thousands of words he wrote word for word.

Li Qingshan also specially summoned him. Let alone practicing martial arts, the old man simply died with half his body in the ground. It was not for the secret of martial arts at all. You can imagine the piety he had. In the end, Li Qingshan rewarded him with many belongings and ordered them to be sent back to the village as gifts, which triggered a wave of rebellion.

"If we can unify this world, we will definitely be able to elevate the power of the Dayan Talisman to an unprecedented level!"

While Li Qingshan was thinking, he transformed his wish power into billowing spiritual power, waiting for the first magical power of the ape demon transformation to appear.

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