Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 274 Snow Mountain

Time flies, spring passes and summer comes.

It was another full moon night, under the weeping willows and on the edge of the pond, Li Qingshan sat cross-legged, staring at the bright moon in the pond.

Luohu Xiaoming was lying on a round stone not far away with his arms on his pillow. The stone was not big, and his figure became smaller and smaller. He looked up at the stars in the sky, and the melancholy on his little face became lighter, as if It is the innocence of the newly enlightened mind, and it also seems to be the understanding of the dying person.

Li Qingshan guessed that he was practicing some kind of skill, similar to the nirvana of a phoenix. Because if you really keep rejuvenating yourself until you turn into a tadpole, why should you care so much about your own life?

Ever since Luohu Xiaoming came out of the Shura Field, he had been following him every step of the way. Finally, Gu Yanying no longer needed his protection, but now that he had such a little tail, he had no choice but to continue his work as a bodyguard.

Close your eyes, and your body will glow with colorful brilliance, illuminating the pond with brilliance.

Half a month ago, the wish power accumulated in the Dayan Talisman was enough, and I could only wait for this full moon night.

Pure spiritual power surged through his body, fully promoting the "Ape Demon Fishing for the Moon Technique". His heart was filled with joy, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his face. The ape demon made him feel happy at all times, and he could hardly help but dance and scream a few times, but he suppressed this impulse and continued to practice.

As his practice continued to deepen and there were no other changes to control him, he looked more and more like an ape, and his smile always looked a little funny.

Luo Hu Xiao Ming turned around to look, his eyes full of ridicule, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his mood was as good as ever.

He was also guessing about the skills that Li Qingshan practiced. Even though his cultivation was almost exhausted, his vision was still there. What Li Qingshan changed was not just his appearance, but also qualitative changes every day.

To him, this was not so surprising. What was strange was the aura exuded by the ape demon. Although it was only a bud, he clearly felt that this was no ordinary ape, but some kind of alien species of gods and demons. Even one of the four legendary apes. Once fully grown, the bloodline will never be inferior to one's own.

If that's all, maybe Li Qingshan was born with a trace of blood inheritance and continued to inspire it through practice, but he had seen with his own eyes that Li Qingshan had several auras, each aura symbolizing a bloodline, and each aura symbolized a bloodline. A kind of bloodline is almost supreme, but it can be perfectly blended together.

This could never be something he was born with, it could only be the influence of a certain technique, but he searched all his memories and couldn't think of any kind of technique that would have such an effect.

In other words, in these six realms of reincarnation and three thousand worlds, it is absolutely impossible for such a technique to exist!

Then there is only one possibility left...

He turned back to stare at the stars, his gaze becoming endless and distant, as if he had traveled across the galaxy and reached a higher place.

There is a clear understanding in my heart: this encounter may be fate!

"Haha, it's done!"

A burst of laughter suddenly broke the silence. Li Qingshan's ape-like eyes were round and full of joy.

Without the influence of other changes, the practice of the Ape Demon Transformation was extremely smooth. He encountered almost no obstacles and realized the first Ape Demon Magical Power.

Li Qingshan raised his right arm, flexed his fingers, and cast his gaze on the bright moon in the pool. He stretched his arm to fish out the moon in the pool, and held a bright moon in his hand.

The bright moon is in the sky, but the moon in my hand is still just an illusion, but it is finally a step forward.

One day, I will go up to the nine heavens to embrace the moon!

"Congratulations." Luohu Xiaoming said.

Li Qingshan was startled for a moment. The clear water flowed from his fingers and fell into the pool.

Although the two of them had been seeing each other day and night in the past few months, they had rarely communicated with each other. It was not because of the incident on the corpse mountain that they had any grudge. Since the suffering owner didn't take it to heart, he would not forget it.

It's just that Luohu Xiaoming is getting depressed and taciturn, and doesn't answer ten questions. Li Qingshan will not rush to flatter him. Taking the initiative to talk to him like today, the words he said were good, it was like the sun was shining in the west.


After a while of silence, Li Qingshan said: "Is there something I have wanted to ask you for a long time?"

"Just ask!"

"Can a person live without a care?"

"I'm not human."

"What's the difference between man and God?"

"There is no difference."

"I understand, it's your uncle! Let's go back and have a few drinks to celebrate!"

Li Qingshan crossed the pond in one step, lifted Luo Hu Xiaoming up, and walked towards the brightly lit mansion.

The wind is howling, the clouds are heavy, and the mountain rain suddenly comes.

A small town at the foot of the mountain was suddenly shrouded in wind and rain. It was already past the summer solstice, and the top of the mountain was still covered with snow. It was obvious that the height of the mountain was the location of the Snow Mountain Sect, one of the seven sects in the world.

It was windy and rainy, and as soon as we arrived at Shenshi, it became dark in the restaurant. There were no customers for a while, the shopkeeper was settling accounts behind the counter, and the boy was dozing off on the square table.

The rain had just fallen when several figures walked in, all dressed in white as snow and wearing long swords, looking heroic. The leader was a woman with a bamboo hat on her head and a white veil hanging down to cover her face.

The shopkeeper raised his head to see who was coming, and hurriedly walked out from behind the counter and saluted: "Miss, you are here!"

"Uncle Hong, you are still the same. Let's take shelter here from the rain." Xue Bing nodded in return.

The boy also woke up with a start, and hurriedly wiped the table and pulled up the chairs, "Miss, please come this way!" He couldn't help but raise his eyes and take a peek. Even though he couldn't see his face clearly through the veil, his eyes were as bright as autumn. Yes, my face turned red immediately.

Xue Bing turned a blind eye, and the swordsmen behind her were all accustomed to it. Who said she was one of the "Top Ten Beauties in the World", it was inevitable that she would have some wishful thinking.

The shopkeeper personally served several plates of exquisite snacks: "Miss, you came suddenly and didn't have time to prepare. My place is not as good as the mountain. You can try it as you like."

"You're welcome, I came here a lot to beg for food when I was a kid."

Although Xue Bing had no appetite, she still picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake out of politeness.

The shopkeeper immediately burst into laughter: "Yes, you were so young at that time, but in a blink of an eye you became one of the top ten beauties in the world."

Xue Bing paused as she brought the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to her lips. She had never liked this title, and now she least wanted to hear these words.

The so-called top ten beauties are just that among the four major aristocratic families and the seven major sects, excluding one from Pudu Temple, each aristocratic family and sect selects a woman with outstanding appearance. The first thing to consider is birth, and the last thing is martial arts.

Now there are only nine beauties left among the top ten beauties. The Ma family, the number one family in the North, can no longer produce beauties, but the Snow Mountain Sect happens to be the number one sect in the North.

After the Tianxiahui destroyed the Ma family, it swept through the large and small sects in the north. Now only the Snow Mountain Sect is left. The traditional sphere of influence has been compressed to less than a hundred miles. She led people to inspect the area and came back and found that the situation was not optimistic. .

Before the Tianxiahui called, the "The Great Biography of the White Ape King" which contains the supreme swordsmanship had already been circulated, and I believe it exists in this city. Because the head of the Snow Mountain Sect on the mountain, her biological father had collected a complete set. She also looked through it carefully and was amazed by the swordsmanship. What was even more amazing was that someone was willing to show such a unique skill to others so easily, and even Also spread vigorously.

At first I thought it was someone else's martial arts and I didn't feel bad about it, but my father asserted that the most exquisite parts were definitely not written by the White Ape King, because even he couldn't understand it, he just felt that it was profound and profound.

To put it more pessimistically, if this continues without the All Under Heaven coming to attack, the inheritance of the Snow Mountain Sect will be cut off.

Since there is a way to easily learn the peerless swordsmanship, who would want to learn the skills from a master and stay under someone else's side. The Snow Mountain Sect's supreme skill, "Blizzard Sword Technique", has always been learned by only a few people.

The disaster brought about by the demon star's arrival this time was far greater than the last time. The order of martial arts throughout the ages has been destroyed like never before. Even a sect like the Snow Mountain Sect, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, cannot be alone, and the top ten beauties are not worth mentioning.

She was lost in thought for a moment, and shopkeeper Hong panicked: "Miss, are the snacks not to your liking?"

"Old man Hong, what are you talking about here? Go back and settle your account!" A reckless young man waved his hand impatiently and said to Xue Bing with a diligent look: "Junior sister, don't worry, as long as I am here, no one can think of anything. It won’t hurt you at all.”

"You brat, you have only learned martial arts for a few years and you dare to say such nonsense. Besides, the eldest lady is such a kind and beautiful person, who would be willing to hurt her?"

Shopkeeper Hong was not happy. Although he only knew a little bit about martial arts, he was definitely no match for this young man. But this small town is closely related to the Snow Mountain Sect. For hundreds of years, many people have practiced martial arts on the mountain, and they have various connections with each other. Even the eldest lady of the Snow Mountain Sect was raised by him, so naturally he is not so afraid of the majesty of the warrior.

This is also the difference between a sect and an aristocratic family. A sect wants to recruit a wide range of disciples, not just one family and one surname. It pays more attention to reputation. Moreover, it will not continue to spread its branches and leaves like a noble family, and the mountain cannot accommodate too many people to live, so it does not need so many resources. The clothing, food, housing and transportation are all provided by disciples, as long as a certain sphere of influence is guaranteed.

"Who else can it be? Of course it's the big devil Li Qingshan!"

The arrogant young man obviously couldn't see Xue Bing's frown after hearing the name.

"Li Qingshan is not a devil, he is a knight!"

The boy who was waiting carefully on the side suddenly spoke, surprising everyone.

"You've lost your mind and gone crazy. You have no right to speak here, why don't you go down to work!" Shopkeeper Hong shouted.

"Okay, there is a spy from Tianxiahui here! I'll teach you a lesson, and then you will know whether Li Qingshan is a knight or a devil!" The arrogant young man rolled up his sleeves.

"Even if you beat me to death, Li Qingshan is also the King of Heroes and the great savior of our people!"

The man's face turned red, he pulled his neck and shouted.

"Okay, stop talking, we'll go back to the mountain when the rain stops!"

Before Xue Bing finished speaking, the restaurant was suddenly illuminated by lightning, casting a figure on the ground.


Thunder seemed to explode overhead, shaking the dishes and making everyone's ears ring.

A tall figure rushed in despite the wind and rain.

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