Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 276 Mountain Travel (Part 1)


Shopkeeper Hong and the boy stood up in a hurry, and several disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect were also stunned.

Li Qingshan was chewing at the desk. He glanced at her and said vaguely: "Sit down!" He took a few sips of wine and said to shopkeeper Hong and the boy: "What are you doing standing here?"

Xue Bingying sat down and said: "You guys should sit down too!"

The two of them sat down carefully.

Li Qingshan shook his head: "When men drink, women are spoiled for fun!"

Xue Bing took off her bamboo hat and revealed her true face. Her skin was as raw as snow and her hair was as black as ink. She was indeed a beauty.

He patted the wine jar, and a wisp of wine fell into the bowl. He opened his red lips lightly, drank it all in one gulp, and revealed the bottom of the bowl: "I came uninvited, this bowl of wine is my apology!"

"Junior sister!" "Senior sister!"

The disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect were dumbfounded. She had never drank alcohol, but they had never seen her drinking like this before. They stood up one after another.

"Everyone, sit down!"

Xue Bing gave a sweet scolding, and two blush flowers flew up from her pink and white face, which made her look even more gorgeous, making the boy on the side dare not look directly at her.

The disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect also vaguely felt that something was wrong. They slowly sat down and pressed their hands on the hilt of their swords.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "He is indeed a hero among women, but we have agreed not to turn his true energy into wine!"

"Of course." Xue Bing felt like there was a burning sensation in his stomach, and he felt a rush of alcohol. He gritted his teeth and endured it, but gained a little more courage, and asked bluntly: "I wonder why you are here?"

"Lightning protection."

"A manly man is afraid of thunder?"

"Nothing. I have done too many good things, and God cannot tolerate me." Li Qingshan shrugged.

"I've only ever heard that thunder can kill evildoers."

Xue Bing felt his alcoholism dissipate, and he forgot his fear in his drunkenness. He gradually realized the benefits of the wine, and drank another bowl of wine.

"Which evil person in the world was struck to death by lightning? It was always a gold belt for murder and arson.

Repairing bridges and repairing roads leaves no corpses! "

"Then do you want to be a person who kills people and sets fires, or are you a person who builds bridges and roads?"

"Don't even do it! Heaven is unfair, I will do it for Heaven!"

While talking. Li Qingshan drank several bowls of wine. He drank all the wine from the jar and said, "Go get more wine!"

"Your Majesty, you have such a strong tone!"

Xue Bing's mood was agitated, and he no longer had any doubt that anyone except the King of Heroes could say such wild words. Who else could it be?

Li Qingshan suddenly smiled: "But these are all trivial matters!"

Is this still a small thing? Xue Bingqi said: "Then what is the big deal?"

"Looking for cows."

Xue Bing couldn't laugh or cry. "Then you don't have to look for it. I can give you one!"

Li Qingshan said: "Little girl, even if you give me 10,000 cows, you can't compare with the one I have!"

Luohu Xiaoming is too drunk. He was taking a nap with his head propped up on his head. After hearing this, he suddenly glanced at him, thoughtfully.

"Little girl." Xue Bing showed a strange expression.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore, let's drink!" Li Qingshan asked shopkeeper Hong again: "There is one of the ten beauties in the world you mentioned just now. I wonder who the other nine are?"

"What do you want this person to do?" Shopkeeper Hong said warily.

"I just thought, wouldn't it be great if I could marry all these beauties!"

This is the dream of every man in the world, but no one has ever dared to say it, let alone in front of one of them.

"You're crazy!" Shopkeeper Hong shouted: "Miss, don't be like this drunkard!"

"Bold madman!" The Snow Mountain Sect disciples drew their swords one after another.

Xue Bing waved his hand to signal everyone to be silent: "Then you will be disappointed!"


"There are only nine of the so-called top ten beauties in the world left. No matter how talented you are, it's hard to marry them all."

"Hey, Miss, are you going to quit and stop being one of the top ten beauties? I don't think I need to have extraordinary skills for such a trivial matter."

"This is a false reputation imposed by the world. If I could quit, I would have quit long ago! It's just that one of the beauties has passed away, unless you can come back to life."

"That's a pity. Someone is willing to destroy flowers with such cruel hands. It's such a waste of natural resources. Let me toast her."

Li Qingshan drank heavily, and he said it casually, but he didn't actually feel it was a pity.

Xue Bingbing said coldly: "Your Excellency, do you still want to cover it up? The person who destroys flowers with ruthless hands is you!"

"Me? When?" Li Qingshan was surprised. He really didn't know how someone could come to talk to him specifically about such gossip?

"That beauty was born in the Ma family and died at the foot of Pegasus City. It is said that the hero king Li Qingshan killed her with his own hands!"


There was an exclamation in the restaurant. Shopkeeper Hong's eyes widened, he stood up and backed away, tripped over a bench, and sat down on the ground.

The disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect unsheathed their swords and laid them in front of them, but no one dared to step forward.

The shadow of a man's famous tree, the name of the hero king is in the sky in the north, no one is afraid of it.

This small restaurant suddenly became as terrifying as a demonic realm.

Li Qingshan tried to think back: "It seems that there is such a thing. I have no intention of killing people in my life. It is really difficult to distinguish between beauty and ugliness carefully, which makes Miss Xue laugh. But if I kill, I will kill. Come on, drink!"

"So, you admitted it!" Xue Bing asked. She mustered up all her courage to sit there.

"Yes, I am Li Qingshan. Besides, when did I hide it? If you asked me, I would have told you long ago!"

Having said this, Li Qingshan suddenly stood up. Xue Bing felt a large shadow shrouded him, almost breathless, but saw him looking out the door: "The rain has stopped."

The summer rainstorms come and go quickly, the dark clouds disperse, and rays of light fall on the snow-capped mountains, glowing with divine brilliance.

"Old man, thank you for the wine. This is money to buy meat."

Li Qingshan threw down a piece of silver, mentioned Luohu Xiaoming and walked out the door.

Xue Bingfei stood in front of the door, "Where are you going?"

"Up the mountain, of course."

"Can't you let the Snow Mountain Sect go?"

"How can I allow others to snore on the side of the bed?"

"You are known as the King of Chivalrous People and you say you want to do justice for heaven. We know that the Snow Mountain Sect has never oppressed good people like the Ma family."

"If this were not the case, there would be no Snow Mountain Sect in the world. Don't worry, I won't kill anyone today. However, the general trend is that if we are either friends or enemies, we must put an end to it!"

"I have never done a single evil thing in my life. If I stop you, will you kill me?"

"Little girl, look what you are holding in your hand. If the one who wields the sword dies with the sword, what's the point of complaining! Get out of the way, you don't want me to form a deadly feud with the Snow Mountain Sect now!"

Li Qingshan was able to kill one. I don't care about killing the second one. The Ma family can be destroyed. He doesn’t care about destroying the Snow Mountain Sect. Even if you are innocent and kind, if you bear this sin, you don't have to worry about self-blame or blame yourself.

This determination to move forward will never change. Even if he is a good person for ten generations. Every family has Buddha. Anyone who stands in my way will die!

Xue Bing bit her lip, her expression changed, and sheathed her sword. Get out of the way. Although this man is called "King of Chivalry", he cannot be restrained by the word "chivalry".

"That's how you behave."

Li Qingshan passed by Xue Bing, stepped out of the door, took a deep breath, the kōngqì was filled with the fragrance of the soil after the rain, he stepped barefoot into the earth, took a step of ten feet, and walked towards the snow-capped mountains.

Xue Bing used his Qinggong skills and caught up: "I'll take you up the mountain!"

"Okay, let's continue drinking on the mountain. I hope someone will buy me a drink too!"

Li Qingshan smiled and smacked his lips, as if he was still savoring the taste of the wine.

"If others don't invite me, I will!"

Xue Bing heard the murderous intent in his words and knew that the survival of the Snow Mountain Sect depended on this day.

"Senior sister!" "Senior sister!"

The disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect hurried out the door. The two figures had turned into two small dots and climbed up the snow mountain.

It took a long time for shopkeeper Hong to come back to his senses. He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat on a hot day. It turned out to be Li Qingshan! How dare you look down on him? In front of so many people, I really don't know how to write the word "death".

The boy's face was flushed with excitement, "Shopkeeper, have you seen it? That's Prince Xia. Huh, if it weren't for his magnanimity, your mother would have already moved. Oops!"

Shopkeeper Hong jumped up, took out the martial arts that he had not used for many years, and kicked him in the butt, "You are just moving, and you still don't work for me!"

The young man touched his butt and said angrily: "Hmph, when I join the Tianxiahui and learn unparalleled martial arts, you still dare to kick me!"

Shopkeeper Hong smiled bitterly and murmured to himself: "The reputation is well-deserved, the reputation is well-deserved. Now the Snow Mountain Sect is in trouble."

Li Qingshan did not follow the right path, crossed the river when he encountered it, and climbed over ravines. He climbed straight up, crossing the snow line all the way, looking back at the low white clouds.

After stopping for a moment, Xue Bing followed up, already out of breath. She had just passed through the innate realm, and her true energy was not as strong as her original internal strength.

"Take a break?" Li Qingshan asked with a smile.

"No need." Xue Bing gritted her teeth and said, she now represents the Snow Mountain Sect.

Li Qingshan lay down and basked in the sun comfortably.

Xue Bing hurriedly sat down and adjusted her breath. He didn't want to embarrass her. He couldn't help but feel grateful in his heart. He felt weird again: "He came to fì the Snow Mountain Sect. Why should I be grateful to him?"

"King Xia, if you go up the mountain alone, aren't you afraid of getting stuck there?"

"Are you concerned about my safety?"

"I'm advising you to give up before you get into trouble!"

Li Qingshan laughed haha, the sound shook the clouds.

Xue Bing suddenly felt that it would be a pity for such a man to be in a desperate situation. He shook his head and felt that such an idea was ridiculous. There are countless people in the world who want to kill him. If there is a chance, I am afraid she will not let it go, but who can do anything to get him?

"I'm done, let's go!"

There was a conversation in the main hall of the Snow Mountain Sect. A man urged anxiously: "Master Xue, my disciple can testify that the big demon Li Qingshan has piled up corpses and is murderous. He will never let the Snow Mountain Sect go. Please Make a decision early and fight against Tianxiahui together!"

"Yes, Master, with the power of our Snow Mountain Sect alone, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the Tianxiahui. Only by uniting all our martial arts colleagues can we fight!"

All the elders in the hall gathered together. Everyone had a look of worry on their faces. The leader, Xue Hanfeng, was silent.

At this moment, a man and a woman entered the hall, and Xue Hanfeng was surprised: "Bing'er?"

The faces of the two people who were trying to persuade Xue Hanfeng turned pale, and they lost their voices: "Li Qingshan!" To be continued...)

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