Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 277 Mountain Travel (Part 2)

Li Qingshan saw that the two people talking were an old man and a young man. They had both met outside Pegasus City, surrounding the former alliance leader Yuntian's group of innate masters, and later they escaped while Gu Yanying was possessed.

The young man is a handsome young man, still dressed in white, and he is a disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect.

The old man was obviously here to be a lobbyist. It seemed that there were still people who were unwilling to fail and wanted to compete with him.

Everyone in the palace was shocked and there was a sound of drawing swords.

\u0026;Binger, come here quickly! \u0026;

As Xue Hanfeng spoke, he activated the sect formations. The temperature in the palace dropped sharply. It was the height of summer, but now his breath turned into mist. Li Qingshan felt the coldness was still heavy, and a piece of frost condensed under his feet, which quickly spread up.

Li Qingshan ignored him, pointed at the old man who was the lobbyist, and raised his thumb back.

As if he had received an amnesty, the old man rushed out of the door, which surprised everyone. This man who had been famous for many years actually ran away without even daring to say a harsh word. Little did they know that he had seen Li Qingshan kill people. After that, he still had the courage to confront the enemy head-on. He was not afraid of dying in a heroic battle, but he did not want to be casually crushed to death like a bug.

\u0026;stop! \u0026; Li Qingshan shouted.

The old man had just crossed the threshold. When he heard these words, he felt as if he had been nailed there and did not dare to move.

Li Qingshan said without looking back: "Hey, I spared your life twice, why didn't you even say thank you?"

The old man's face suddenly changed, and he lowered his head and handed over his hands: "Thank you for not killing me!" \u0026;

\u0026;Again and again, not again and again. If it happens again, you will just join Tianxiahui.\u0026;

The old man raised his head and took a deep look at Li Qingshan's back, and nodded heavily: "Okay!" "He then said to Xue Hanfeng: "Master Xue, I have known you for many years, and I know that you have always been kind and righteous. I can't bear to see the Snow Mountain Sect end up like the Ma family. You...you should surrender!" \u0026;

He sighed heavily again and left without looking back.

Everyone was stunned. Whose lobbyist is this?

Li Qingshan glanced at the young man in white again. He was like a mouse meeting a cat. He shivered, lowered his head and said nothing.

Xue Bing felt a pang of pain. Is this still the arrogant senior brother of the past?

Xue Hanfeng held his hands solemnly: "I am Xue Hanfeng, the 19th generation sect leader of the Snow Mountain Sect. The King of Heroes has come to visit me, but I am not welcomed from afar."

\u0026;Headmaster Xue, don’t talk nonsense, fight or surrender, it can be decided in one word! \u0026;

Li Qingshan took a step forward, and there was a loud bang, the hall trembled, and the frost shattered.

\u0026;I don’t know how to fight or how to surrender! \u0026;

\u0026;If we must fight, we can go together. It doesn’t matter so much. If we want to surrender, there will be no Snow Mountain Sect from now on, only the Snow Mountain Hall of the Tianxiahui, and you will still be the leader! \u0026;

Everyone's heart sank, they are trying to destroy our Snow Mountain Sect! If it hadn't been for the words left by the old man just now, I'm afraid someone would have shouted and cursed immediately. At this time, they all came forward with swords in hand to show that they would live and die with the Snow Mountain Sect.

Only the young man in white remained motionless, looking at the ground with empty eyes and muttering: "It's useless, it's useless!" \u0026;

Xue Bing no longer looked at him. The old senior brother was dead. He was not killed, but frightened to death. He distanced himself from Li Qingshan, returned to his father's side, and looked back.

Li Qingshan stood motionless in front of the palace door. The demonic aura he exuded filled the palace, like a black cloud pressing down on the snow-capped mountains. It was almost impossible to compare it with the man who broke into the restaurant in embarrassment and laughed even after being lectured by the shopkeeper. stand up.

But when I looked carefully, I found that he had not actually changed. His pair of shining round eyes seemed to always be smiling, but at this time, there was a sense of joking that he regarded everything as a game.

Xue Hanfeng took a deep breath: "The Snow Mountain Sect and the Tianxiahui are not in conflict with each other. I am willing to give up everything under the mountain. I swear to never be an enemy of the Tianxiahui!" \u0026;

Li Qingshan shook his head: "No, I have already said this to your wife. The general trend is that we are either enemies or friends, and we cannot tolerate people who look on with cold eyes!" \u0026;

Xue Hanfeng was also angered: "Your Majesty is pushing too hard. The Snow Mountain Sect has been passed down for hundreds of years, how can it be destroyed in the hands of my generation?"

\u0026;Headmaster Xue really couldn’t believe it. Birth, old age, illness, and death are inevitable for people. Formation, residence, destruction, and emptiness are all the same! You can take a longer-term view. When I unify the world, there will no longer be any sects in the world. This is a rolling trend. Those who follow it will prosper and those who go against it will perish. Turning the Snow Mountain Sect into the Snow Mountain Hall will make it more prosperous, but It’s like being reborn in your hands! \u0026;

Li Qingshan opened his arms and was filled with anger, but the expression on his face didn't seem like he was making any bold words, but rather like he was doing something as natural as eating and drinking.

Xue Hanfeng clenched his fists. He had never faced such a difficult decision in his life. Suddenly he let out a long sigh and waved his hand, and the temperature in the palace began to rise again.

\u0026;Master, you absolutely must not do this! \u0026;\u0026;I would rather die than join the Tianxiahui! \u0026;

The crowd in the palace was furious for a moment.

Xue Bing bit her lip, with tears in her eyes. Will this man who was as majestic as a snow-capped mountain in her heart also succumb to that man's shadow?

Li Qingshan smiled slightly: "This is a wise move."

Xue Hanfeng slowly drew out his sword again and pointed it directly at Li Qingshan.

\u0026;What does Master Xue mean by this?\u0026;

Xue Hanfeng said resolutely: "As the leader, if you surrender without a fight, how can you face your ancestors? I just want a fair fight and see the peerless martial arts of Prince Xia!" \u0026;

"Why bother?" Li Qingshan saw that he already wanted to die, and he felt a little admired.

\u0026;Father, no! \u0026;Xue Bing said in panic, she would rather he surrender than die in battle.

\u0026;Master, you don’t have to worry about the morality of the world when dealing with such a devil, let’s go together! \u0026;

.[,! ]\u0026;Binger, stand down! \u0026; \u0026;

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Master Xue, if I kill you, let alone others, your wife will hate me for the rest of her life. If she attacks me, I can only give her a happy life. It is really unbearable." ! That’s all, I respect you as a man who has done many chivalrous deeds in your life. If I lift a finger from you today or even take half a step back, I will be considered defeated. How about that?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Xue Bing's eyes, and his expression was a bit complicated. He didn't know whether to thank him or hate him!

Xue Hanfeng agreed immediately, "Okay, it's a deal!" \u0026;I thought:\u0026;Even if your martial arts skills are superb and you can't move a finger from me, how can you win! \u0026;

The long sword held a sword flower, and the bright blue sword flower condensed and never dispersed. The sword flowers bloomed in mid-air, layer upon layer, like holes piled up, getting thicker and thicker. As soon as the move was made, it was the Xueshan School's supreme secret skill "Ming Dynasty". "Snow Sword Technique"'s "Big Avalanche Style".

As expected, Li Qingshan remained motionless, allowing him to gather momentum.

Everyone was extremely nervous, but when they heard a yawn, Xiao Ming climbed onto his shoulder, held his head sleepily, and looked around lazily.

Xue Hanfeng frowned, how could I, the leader of the Snow Mountain Sect, take action against a young son? Could this be his conspiracy?

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Master Xue doesn't have to worry about anything. If you kill this kid, it's mine."

\u0026;Look at the sword! \u0026;

Xue Hanfeng's heart skipped a beat, and his momentum surged. The true energy surged like a violent wave and swept away.

Li Qingshan then stretched out his hand, his fingers bluffing. All the billowing demonic energy was condensed in his hand, but it did not burst out.

Xue Hanfeng suddenly paused in mid-air, and the brilliant sword flowers condensed together. They seemed to be sealed in invisible amber. He spit out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, but they couldn't see what trick Li Qingshan used. It seemed that Xue Hanfeng was defeated just by stretching out his hand. Just as he said, he didn't move a finger.

\u0026;Father! \u0026;Xue Bing hurriedly went to help him.

Xue Hanfeng waved her hand away and stood up with support. His heart was full of unwillingness: "What kind of martial arts is this!" ?\u0026;

\u0026;It’s not martial arts, it’s magical power.\u0026;

The ape demon transforms into the first level of magical power.

\u0026;Supernatural power! Are you a demon?\u0026;

\u0026;Yes and no, no and no.\u0026;

\u0026;What is your relationship with the White Ape King?\u0026;

\u0026;It doesn't matter, I just chopped off his head.\u0026;

\u0026;you lose! \u0026;Xue Bing scolded Li Qingshan.

\u0026;How did I lose?\u0026;

"You said you couldn't move a finger from my father, but you seriously injured him. Doesn't it count as using magical powers?"

\u0026;Sigh. Women are born to be unreasonable. You might as well ask your father, have I ever hurt him?\u0026;

\u0026;Binger, there is no need to argue, I lost.\u0026;

Xue Hanfeng knew very well that all the injuries he suffered were caused by the backlash of his true energy.

Xue Bing lowered his head sadly, tears streaming down his face.

\u0026;Cheating! \u0026;

Luo Xiaoming curled his lips, Li Qingshan's magical power had no attack power at all, and could not even kill an ant. But the effect of this magical power shocked him when he first saw it. This is not a body-holding technique, but Directly seal the void.

\u0026;Xue Hanfeng, the master of the Snow Mountain Hall, pays homage to the King of Heroes.\u0026;

Xue Hanfeng stepped forward to salute, and the elders and disciples of the Snow Mountain Sect also came forward to salute regardless of their unwillingness.

In the martial arts world, the strong are always respected.

The young man in white, who was the senior brother of the Snow Mountain Sect, was also greatly relieved. He felt that such a result was the best, but he was also worried about whether what he just said in the palace would be heard by Li Qingshan and cause a grudge.

Li Qingshan said: "Hall Master Xue listens to the order!" \u0026;


Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Bring the wine!" \u0026;

Xue Hanfeng was startled, thinking it was some important order.

\u0026;I didn’t have a good drink at the foot of the mountain, so I just continued, as my wife had promised.\u0026;

Xue Bing thought of what he said at the foot of the mountain, and she really couldn't laugh or cry. A banquet was held in the palace that night, and Xue Hanfeng took the opportunity to ask: "What does the prince want from me at Snow Mountain Hall?"

Li Qingshan pondered for a long time and spread his hands: "I don't know either."

Xue Hanfeng was speechless. Did you destroy the Snow Mountain Sect just to have a drink? This is too unfair!

\u0026;I just got bored staying in Pegasus City, so I came out to play! I'm not the leader of the world, so I don't care about these trivial matters. When you get to Pegasus City, you can ask it yourself! "Li Qingshan said impatiently: "Drink, drink! \u0026;

Xue Hanfeng's eyes widened, unable to restrain his internal injuries, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

\u0026;Father! Father! \u0026;Xue Bing rushed forward.

\u0026;Your father is too drunk, send him back to rest quickly! \u0026;

Xue Bing raised his eyebrows. He is not overly drunk. He is clearly made angry by you!


Long time no see!

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