Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 24: Wishes and Obsessions

First of all, the cultivation technique does not have a detailed grade like the spiritual weapon talisman, but its grade is more accurate and clear than the spiritual weapon talisman. The level of the cultivation technique determines the level of the cultivation technique.

For example, Li Qingshan is practicing the "Innate Qi Refinement Technique". He has reached the ninth level and is only a third-level Qi cultivator, which means that this practice is not very clever. After that, you have to find new exercises to practice.

There are many more advanced exercises that can help qi cultivators cultivate to the ninth level of qi refining, and even go through a catastrophe to reach the legendary foundation building.

As for whether there are more advanced exercises, the book he read was vague and vague. He only said that there must be, but he couldn't say why. Obviously, the author's knowledge is limited.

But there are indeed. "The Way of Zhu Yan and Bai Bone" is such a practice. What does it look like to cultivate to the highest level? Qingniu told Li Qingshan from the beginning, Bodhisattva.

The so-called bodhisattva is to generate bodhicitta, to make four great vows: the boundless sentient beings vow to save: the endless troubles vow to cut off: the immeasurable Buddhist vows to learn: the unsurpassed Buddha path vows to be fulfilled: finally to attain the Bodhisattva status.

This is the saying in the Buddhist scriptures. Xiao An saw it on the boat and wrote it word by word on Li Qingshan's palm. There are also four great vows in "The Way of Vermilion and White Bone": the boundless sentient beings vow to kill; the endless afflictions vow to compare: the immeasurable Buddhist vows to perish; the supreme Buddha and the Tao vow to end.

When Xiao An wrote these two diametrically opposite wishes on Li Qingshan's palm, although his face was expressionless, of course it was nonsense, but Li Qingshan could feel that he was extraordinarily serious.

I have to say that Li Qingshan didn't understand these two kinds of grand wishes. Of course, he didn't want to admit that he was illiterate, but he just thought that the Buddhist master must have suffered a lot of stings before he would be ideological. Such a big shift has taken place.

After thinking about it, Li Qingshan came up with a more direct explanation, that is, it is very good. As for how good it is, I don't know! Maybe no one in this world knows about it!

Even in this world where there are various great monks who can move mountains and reclaim the sea, the Bodhisattva still sits quietly on the throne of the lotus huā, overlooking the common people with compassionate or indifferent eyes.

Practitioners only dare to call themselves monks, but do not dare to call themselves immortals or Buddhas. Those are not things that exist in this world. Perhaps they can only be seen in the nine heavens mentioned by Qingniu. That is a more powerful cultivator, even more powerful than looking up.

The conclusion is also very simple. It is self-evident what level of supernatural power is a kind of supernatural power that can make people cultivate into a bodhisattva. If this matter leaked out, it would not be as simple as being killed by demons and demons, but it would cause a turmoil in the world's Kyushu.

Xiao An, who has cultivated such high-level supernatural powers as "The Way of Zhu Yan and Bai Bone\

,"It can be said that it has an absolute advantage over xìng cultivators of the same rank who practice low-level exercises. And Xiao An has only been practicing for a few months, and he is just getting started and has not even completed the first level. As the cultivation level deepens, this advantage will gradually expand and fully manifest.

These are all things Li Qingshan is thinking about. Usually at this time, Xiao An just silently looks at his profile and feels satisfied. He doesn't think about it much, he just wants to stay by his side, looking for flesh and blood for the sake of Stay by his side more aboveboard and become stronger to be his help rather than drag.

With his extraordinary spirit, he can understand the great horror contained in "The Dao of Zhu Yan and Bai Bone" better than Li Qingshan. He could feel that the great master of Buddhism experienced what kind of great despair to create such a magical power, and he did not hesitate to throw himself into the Avici Hell to make a lotus platform with bones, make food with flesh and blood, and feel ecstasy from despair. , and take the place of Elysium.

But for this goal, even if he really wanted to kill sentient beings, eradicate afflictions, eradicate Buddhism, and eradicate Buddhism, he would not hesitate to do so.

Li Qingshan took out a colorful treasure bag from his arms and said with a smile, "Look at what this is?"

If you want to ask where this treasure bag came from, of course it came from the old duck. How can you forget about killing people? The righteousness of the chivalrous and the robbing of the rich and the poor are linked, so he robbed the old man. The rich help the poor. It's a pity that Furong didn't bring a treasure bag, otherwise he could have one more treasure bag, but he can't be too greedy.

"How about it, do what you say!" The blood in Xiao An's eyes flashed happily.

Li Qingshan said: "Let's see how the harvest is this time." Injecting spiritual energy into the treasure bag, a new space opened in front of his "eyes", but the size was similar to the one on his body.

There are a lot of things in it. Those rouge gouache, clothes and handkerchiefs and other sundries were all swept by him one by one. What he saw in his eyes were only medicinal pills, talismans, spiritual tools, and exercises, which were directly related to cultivation. s things.

But there are no talismans and spiritual weapons in the treasure bag. Obviously, Lao Ai has been in the position for so many years, and she has long since stopped participating in the battle, so she is not prepared.

There are several bottles of medicinal pills, but two of them are aphrodisiacs and the like, named "Chun Qing Dan" Li Qingshan just took a sniff and felt a flame rising from his lower abdomen.

I don't know what medicine was used to make it, but it has such a strong effect on Qi refiners.

The other two bottles were just the opposite. They were called "Jingxin Pills." He took a sniff and his mind became clear, but the flame in his lower abdomen did not subside.

There is a book of exercises, called "Little ** Tactics", Li Qingshan browsed it, this exercise is a great success, can cultivate to the sixth level of qi refining, and open up the sea of ​​​​qi. It is much stronger than the "Innate Qi Refinement Art", but unfortunately it is a double cultivation method. It needs to be practiced in the male and female acacia, and the other party is regarded as a cauldron. Chunqing Pill and Jingxin Pill are used here. If Luding takes Chunqing Pill, they can absorb the energy of yīn yang, and if they take Jingxin Pill themselves, they can regulate yīn yang and practice this "Little ** Jue".

It's no wonder that the ** gate has to open the brothel, so that you can justifiably search for the furnace, making money is auxiliary, and refining qi is the main. Otherwise, he would have been killed by the Eagle and Wolf Guards by doing the thief's deeds.

Of course, Li Qingshan would not be able to practice such a troublesome exercise. Although the "Innate Qi Refinement Technique" is low-level, it is simple and easy to cultivate. This law will start.

Putting all these aside, I finally found two bottles of Qi Condensing Pills. It seems that no matter what sect of Qi refiners, this kind of basic medicine pill is indispensable. As a result, the number of Qi Condensation Pills on his body reached more than seventy, and he was considered a small rich man.

The other things that made Li Qingshan a little concerned were a bunch of inconspicuous accounts. He was confused and decided to leave it to Zhou Wenbin tomorrow.

Then there is money, a lot of money, Li Qingshan has never seen so much money in his life, a total of several hundred thousand taels of silver. Although it was folded into a thousand taels of silver notes, there were also thick stacks. Although the building is supplemented by making money, making money is as ruthless as robbing money, and there is no place safer than his own treasure bag, which ultimately makes Li Qingshan cheaper.

If Li Qingshan got so much money in the past, he would have to go crazy with joy, how much jins of meat he could buy, and how much ginseng he could buy. Now he is dressed in fine clothes and jade, and his medicinal pills are far better than ginseng, but there is nowhere to spend money.

But if he really wanted to practice "Little Cloud Face Art", he should be able to buy a lot of girls with these hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. in the sac.

Hand over the colorful treasure bag to Xiao An: "Do what you say, this is yours.

Xiao An put the wooden sign in the new treasure bag, and returned the old treasure bag to Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan looked at him and smiled slightly. He felt that his tense nerves gradually eased, and he felt a trace of peace at home. In any case, he was not alone.

A Qi condensing pill was thrown high and landed in Li Qingshan's mouth, and Li Qingshan began to meditate again.

At this moment, Zhuo Zhibo was furious, "***Li Qingshan! How dare you play Laozi like this..." Ge Jian and Qian Rongzhi were silent, not daring to speak.

"Commander, do you want us to keep doing it?" One of the mysterious wolf guards made a killing gesture. The mysterious wolf guards around him were all ruthless. They were Zhuo Zhibo's cronies. The master shared his worries. In their opinion, no matter how powerful Li Qingshan's body refinement was, he was besieged by five qi refiners on the third and fourth levels, and there was only one dead end.

"If I could kill him, I would have killed him with my own hands!" Zhuo Zhibo suppressed his anger, "I have already asked people to inquire in the Qinghe Mansion. It will not take long before there will be results. I will talk about it later. Now, don't touch him anymore. Now, Ge Jian, don't go to see him anymore, I will send other people there, Rong Zhi, you are both newcomers, and you have been together for a long time, you need to find out more about his truth." Ge Jian breathed a sigh of relief. , Qian Rongzhi changed slightly, her mind was poisonous, but she was frightened by Li Qingshan's fierceness tonight.

Ge Jian worried again: "If you really want to do it, Zhou Wenbin seems to value this kid, and the deputy commander..."

Zhuo Zhibo said: "If you really want to do it, no one can keep him in Jiaping City." Li Qingshan didn't know about these dark plots, and even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care. He was eating the gelatinous pills like a jelly bean, enhancing his own strength. As long as his fists were hard enough, he would fuck his mother Zhao Liangqing first, then his mother Zhuo Zhibo.

In just an hour, three Qi Condensation Pills had already taken their stomachs, and the slightest traces of them were transformed into True Qi and Demon Qi. Although he was able to rely on "Spiritual Turtle Suppressing the Sea" to keep his mind from getting tired, his ability to digest Qi Condensation Pills was actually not much better than that of other Qi refiners. ! .

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