Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 25 The Demon's Resurrection

Volume II Incarnation of a Demon] Chapter 25: The Resurrection of the Demon


Chapter 25: The Rebirth of the Devil's Mind

When the Qi Condensation Pill entered the body, half of the medicinal power was directly converted into the Demon Qi by the Yaodan, and the remaining half was purified by the Xumi Ring, and what was left for him in the end was only one-tenth, which was equivalent to ten pills he ate. , I only ordered people to eat one, so I can swallow such a large amount.

Ordinary qi cultivators can take one pill every three days or even one pill a day if they want, but the medicinal power is wasted and cannot be converted into infuriating energy. If it remains in the body, it will be harmful.

Li Qingshan is neither afraid of waste nor harm, he just suddenly thought, is he too stingy with Yaodan?

At first, it was too difficult to refine Qi, so he suppressed the demon pill and made Qi refining faster, but now that there are so many Qi condensing pills, can he change his mind?

His root is still in the way of the demon, the three magical powers that Qingniu left him. Knowing that "The Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers" is not the real "Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers", he also automatically separates "The Bull Demon Strong Boxing" and "Tiger Demon Refining the Bone Fist".

This is the road that Qingniu has paved for him, leading to the nine heavens. If he blindly focuses on refining Qi, he will abandon the root and chase the end, and he chooses to return to the human world. The original purpose is to obtain resources that are not available in the mountains and fields. .

And now, the resources are in his hands, and it is time for these condensing pills to return to the original path.

He thought about this section, his heart was shocked, he got up overnight, brought Xiao An, like a big bird leaping among the treetops, he left the Eagle and Wolf Guard in a moment, and came to the other side of the mountain, where Jia can not be seen. Pingcheng, at the foot is a high cliff of Baizhang, and below is the rolling water of the Qinghe River.

When he first arrived in Jiaping City, he saw that this high cliff blocked the water flow. The water flow here was extremely fast. Over the years, he had dug out a deep cave under the cliff, which was suitable for cultivation.

Li Qingshan jumped off the high cliff and jumped into the water of the Qinghe River, causing waves several meters high, and the black water rushed up from all directions and engulfed his body. A small splash of water splashed next to it, and Xiao An also jumped down.

He swam in the water for a while, and sure enough, he found an extremely deep underwater cave. It was dark, like a giant beast opening its mouth. He was not afraid but rejoiced, and dived deeply until the bottom of the cave.

He took a deep breath, liberated the demon power, and showed his original shape.

Red eyes like fire,

The skin as dark as iron and the fangs as sharp as knives appeared one by one in the deep water.

In a sense, this is the real Li Qingshan.

The huge figure of two feet and two feet high forced the river water to drain away, but did not stir up a single undercurrent. The deep water can isolate the demon energy very well, he just manipulates the flowing water and tries his best to do better.

Xiao An waited silently on the side, making Li Qingshan's practice safer.

Although the demon qi has the absolute upper hand, the pure and extremely pure true qi is like a clear stream under the rolling Yellow River.

Li Qingshan stretched out his hand and waved, the water flowed apart on both sides, took out all the Qi condensing pills, thought about it for a while, and left ten for his daily practice.

Then he threw the remaining more than sixty Qi condensing pills into the big mouth of the blood basin with interlaced teeth, and swallowed them all at once.

It is not the practice of "Congenital Qi Refining Technique", but "Bull Demon Strong Boxing".

Under the dark and deep water, red hair fluttering, stepping on hooves, horns, and skin movement, every movement is extremely skilled, this is the magical power that opened his way of cultivation, and everything is so familiar.

The gas condensing pills entered the body, like dozens of mines, exploding in the water at the same time, the rolling demonic energy like the rushing Yellow River, running ten times faster, roaring, roaring, as if to tear his body apart .

Although the Qi Condensing Pill is the most peaceful and most applicable medicinal pill, swallowing so much at once will have devastating consequences for ordinary Qi refiners, but at this moment, he is not a Qi refiner, but a demon, a condensing demon. Dan's demon.

"Town!" Li Qingshan shouted in a low voice, like thunder from the bottom of the water.

The demon pill suppressed it, and it was faintly visible. A ghostly tortoise shadow appeared around the demon pill. It raised its head and let out a silent roar. The four huge pillar-like feet stepped into the rushing torrent of demon energy.

The almost out-of-control demonic energy instantly calmed down, and the torrent of demonic energy became tame, flowing under Li Qingshan's control, and blending into every body part of the body.

The medicinal power was transformed into demonic energy by "Spiritual Turtle Zhenhai Jue", and it was also transformed into a powerful force by "Buffalo Demon Power Fist". He is happy in his heart, yes, this is his root.

His movements kept on, and his body made a strange sound as if steel bars were being pulled. His muscles, like iron blocks, seemed to be filled with air, expanding their knots and making a series of small bang bangs.

His body is getting bigger!

Two feet and three feet! Two feet and four feet! Two feet and five feet!

In a moment, his body increased by three feet, and a powerful force surged in his body. He punched out at will, squeezing the water waves, like a cannonball, blasting a large hole several meters in radius in the mud at the bottom of the water. .

Although he hasn't been able to achieve the second level of "Bull Demon Strong Fist", reaching the power of two bulls, his strength has increased significantly. Obviously, as the name suggests, the power of two bulls is not an ordinary two bulls, but the power of two demon bulls.

With the change of his body, his mind also changed quietly, less human beings' caution and more beast's violent self-confidence.

Such power, no one can kill! Even if you can fight against Zhuo Zhibo, you can't be afraid of a Zhao Liangqing, why don't you rush back to the ** building at night to crush him to death, and then get some medicine pills to practice!

Li Qingshan transported "Spiritual Turtle Zhenhai Jue", turned into a human form again, violently restored calm, but this idea lingered in his mind, he seriously considered the pros and cons.

His biggest worry is that the demon body is exposed, but there is a huge gap between the sixth and fifth layers of Qi refining. As long as you seize the opportunity, you may be able to kill with one hit, and it won't attract anyone's attention at all.

As long as his hands are clean enough, maybe people can think that this person has disappeared and escaped. Although it is inevitable that people will be suspected after the incident, but his strength on the bright side can only be refined. Who would have thought that he could kill a five-year-old. What about the qi refiners?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was worth a bet. It would be a waste if the hole card was not used all the time, and as long as everyone who had seen his hole card died, the hole card would still be the hole card!

Li Qingshan told Xiao An about the thoughts in his heart, and Xiao An would naturally not object, and then the two discussed in the deep water how to assassinate a fifth-level Qi cultivator, Zhao Liangqing.

Not only in order to get rid of an enemy, but also in order to obtain more resources, as soon as possible to cultivate the second level of "Bull Demon Power Fist".

Li Qingshan swam out of the cave, followed the water of the Qinghe River, and went down the river to Jiaping City, and quietly went ashore from a secluded place.

Traveling through the labyrinthine alleys, the seven-story high-rise building in the distance provided him with the most obvious guidance.

The moonlight is bright tonight, but he only walks in the shadows and darkness. All the auras in his body are restrained. Whether it is demonic or true, he is like a tiger walking in the jungle, and his feet are light and silent.

When he passed by a man who was walking, the man didn't even notice his existence. He only felt a night wind blowing beside him. On this sultry summer night, it brought a touch of coolness to the bones. The man shivered. , I can't tell the smell of murderousness.

Li Qingshan stood still in the alley behind the building. Outside the two-zhang-high wall was the backyard of the building. The guards patrolled back and forth inside and outside the wall, not like a brothel, but a fortress.

Naturally, it was hard for Li Qingshan, the so-called martial arts master was no longer in his eyes. He climbed over the high wall and hid in a small garden with lush vegetation. He raised his head slightly, his nose was slow and a lot of Inhale the air and collect various odor information in the air.

He didn't have a deep memory of the smell of Zhao Liangqing, but he was very impressed with the smell of the florist Hibiscus, which was a special scent of fascination.

In order to strengthen his sense of smell, he released a trace of demonic energy, and the black color quickly covered his entire body, his hair became longer and red, and there were two bumps on his forehead.

However, before there was a bigger change, he found what he wanted, and without rushing to restore his human form, he sneaked into the building. Tonight's deserted business in the building brought him a lot of convenience.

But he soon discovered that the smell of hibiscus came not from above, but from below. He sneaked into the cellar and saw hundreds of jars of fine wine on display, but he could not see hibiscus. In the deep underground palace, it is no wonder that during the search today, the girls who were taken captive were not found.

Following the trajectory of the smell, he came to a wall, where the smell was interrupted. Li Qingshan put his ear against the wall, and he heard a very soft voice. The underground palace was below, and he couldn't find a way to open the door. Worry about breaking in, hitting the grass and the golden snake, and leaving too many traces.

In the end, Xiao An was careful and found a wine jar firmly embedded in the ground, which was the mechanism for opening the door. But Li Qingshan has already understood that this is probably not just a careful question, but a certain understanding of the building structure, in order to master the key points every time.

Turning the wine jar, the wall opened a door. As soon as the two entered, the wall closed behind them. In front of them was a deep staircase extending downward. Li Qingshan walked down without hesitation.

Moans came and went, and the two bodies collided fiercely, Zhao Liangqing said viciously: "I must kill him." Furong responded indiscriminately.

Neither of them used meditation pills for double cultivation, but used this most primitive method to release the depression in their hearts.

Zhao Liangqing was exhausted, and he didn't want to look at Furong any more. If it wasn't for practice, he wouldn't want to have sex with this woman, and ordered: "Bring those women here!"


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