Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 27 Daughter of the Eagle God

Chapter 27 Daughter of the Eagle God

When the next morning came, there was a dense layer of fog floating between the mountains, open the window and look down, Jiaping City was submerged in a sea of ​​fog, only a few tall buildings like buildings, like an island in the sea, in the sea of ​​fog into ups and downs. [Very literary]. Press ctrl+d to quickly collect "Please read the novel network"

No one really realized what happened last night, except for Li Qingshan, he lowered his head and often his right hand, it was a hand full of calluses and thick knuckles, the mark of years of hard work, not with the practice, but simple It was this hand that crushed an opponent to death last night, and the feeling of bursting was still clearly left in the palm of his hand and engraved in his memory.

If it was an ordinary person, he would probably sigh that his hands were stained with blood, and he would be saddened by the spring and autumn. But he felt that it was very strange and very natural. It wasn't just the influence of demonic nature that made his heart become cruel. He could cry for Xiao An and cry bitterly for Xian Yue, but Zhao Liangqing was such a scumbag that he didn't even sigh. value.

You can choose not to accept the dark side of your heart and pretend that you are still an ordinary human being, or you can accept it calmly and let a few more scum like this come out and enjoy the thrill of squeezing them.

Between the two, Li Qingshan chose the latter without the slightest hesitation. In his words at the beginning, why should he suppress his interest? Isn't there a lot of people worth killing in this world?

On the first day of joining the Eagle and Wolf Guards, the newcomers were given a rest and familiarity with the environment. Today, the real training of the Eagle and Wolf Guards will begin, under the leadership of a senior.

Originally, this person would be Ge Jian, but it was the "rosacea" who took Li Qingshan as a bet. He patted Li Qingshan's shoulder and said with a smile: "Boy, you were amazing last night, even if it was me, Dare to do this."

Just based on this sentence, Li Qingshan knew that he was probably not Zhuo Zhibo's cronies, and even if he wanted to accept his cronies, he would not be able to accept such unscrupulous people.

Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi sat beside Li Qingshan, each with their own thoughts, without saying a word.

"Rose Nose" cleared his throat and started the first lesson of the Eagle Guard: telling the history of the Eagle Guard.

Li Qingshan listened attentively. For the first time, he knew exactly where he was. He was shocked by the magnificent story in the rich history, and murmured: "Is it the Great Xia Dynasty?"

What would a dynasty established by a practitioner look like? Even more surprised, one of the most powerful power institutions in the human dynasty, the commander is actually a monster clan, this is simply incredible!

But he can understand the feelings of the Emperor Taizu. His wife will compete for favor, his children will fight for the throne, and even loyal ministers and good generals will conflict with him for the ideas in their hearts. People's hearts are too complicated, only their loyalty, Eternal. .

Although Li Qingshan refused to admit that Xiao An was his pet, it was difficult to find another more accurate title. The reason why he could trust him so much was precisely because of his pure mind and unreserved reliance on himself.

"rosacea", like the most outstanding storyteller, spit all over the mouth, and told that history in a magnificent way. But when he said this, he suddenly stopped talking and looked at Li Qingshan with a smile: "Speaking of our president of the Eagle Wolf Guard, Lord Protector Eagle God, we can't help but mention his daughter..."

Li Qingshan, who was bowing his head in contemplation, suddenly raised his head, only to hear the rosacea say the name slowly, "Gu Yanying!"

Li Qingshan slowly closed his eyes, as if he had once again fallen into contemplation, and the dashing figure of the white-clothed Shengxue appeared again in his mind.

Yan Song mentioned Gu Yanying and said that she had an incredible backstage, but Li Qingshan did not expect that she would not be able to achieve this level.

The "rosacea" continued: "Of course, don't tell outsiders about this. Although this is an open secret within the Eagle Wolf Guard, it is also a taboo. The White Wolf Commander has specially explained it in a letter. Who dares to chew their tongues, I will Just watch him chew his tongue. Don't think it's just talking The big man is involved." Having said that, he glanced at Li Qingshan again.

Li Qingshan didn't make any response. After he was slightly shocked, he regained his composure. The goal that Qingniu gave him was too lofty and made his eyes not stop at this world from the beginning.

When your ultimate goal is to fly to the sky, others tell you how high Mount Everest is and how difficult it is to climb, you can agree, but you won't feel too much pressure, you may even feel that this goal Much simpler.

As for whether or not it can be related, it depends on the chance, but it must be done. He is not afraid of being called lecherous, because he admits that he is lecherous. Fortunately, good wine and good food are good for killing opponents and good spirit. Elixir.


Walking through the bustling streets, Li Qingshan came to the front of the county government office. The pair of tall stone lions in front of the gate, in Li Qingshan's opinion, were not just props used to scare the common people and show majesty. The aura they exuded told him, If someone invades, the pair of stone lions will immediately turn around and use their claws to shred the enemy.

Compared with them, the two guards were more like decorations. When they saw Li Qingshan in a black wolf suit, no one dared to stop him. After the yamen heard him report his home, he immediately brought him in.

There was a busy scene in the yamen, and people of all colors, under the guidance of the yamen, came and went in a hurry, and it seemed that they had their own things to do, not just complaining about grievances.

Zhou Wenbin met Li Qingshan in the garden behind the county government office. In the bright sunshine, Zhou Wenbin wore a green shirt, sat cross-legged on the futon, and watched the wind and moon under a big willow tree by the pond, unlike the county magistrate, Rather like a hermit living in the fields and forests, he is extremely leisurely, which is quite different from the busyness of the county office.

Li Qingshan cupped his hands and said, "Your lord is so handsome!"

As soon as Zhou Wenbin waved his hand, another futon fell in front of him, as well as several exquisite tea sets.

Li Qingshan sat down, only to see Zhou Wenbin move his hand, the water vapor rising from the pond seemed to condense into his palm, turning into a stream of water to turn the teapot, and then steaming hot steam, a tea fragrance spread, Fill up two tea cups.

Zhou Wenbin said leisurely: "We cultivators shouldn't have too many worldly affairs!"

Li Qingshan wondered: "Then why do you still want to be a magistrate, why don't you find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and practice well."

"You don't know anything about this. This is a method of Confucianism. It gathers the wishing power of all living beings and can also be used for cultivation. That's why I am the magistrate of this Jiaping City."

Zhou Wenbin explained it, and Li Qingshan knew that there was such a way, and it was a very efficient way of cultivation. It didn't take too much thought. In terms of government affairs, on weekdays, he only needs to drink tea and enjoy flowers in the backyard. The way of practice is really innumerable.

Li Qingshan said, "I don't know if your lord called me here, why would you do it?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "Do you know that your life is not long?"

Li Qingshan said: "I really don't know this."

Zhou Wenbin said: "You have deeply offended Zhuo Zhibo. Others are timid, so they choose to forbear. When you and I don't know very well, you don't have a decent backstage. The old king of Qinghe Mansion should be very It's right not to like you. Zhuo Zhibo will realize this sooner or later."

The expression on Li Qingshan's face did not change: "Then what advice does the lord have? Do you want me to switch to the lord?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "I would like to have a subordinate like you. I have also heard about what you did in Qingyang County, but you directly asked me to add an extra county captain and waste a portion of rice."

Only then did Li Qingshan remember the elder brother of the prefect, Ye Dachuan. After calculating the time, they should arrive almost today.

"However, since you have entered the Eagle Wolf Guard, you can no longer escape at will."

Li Qingshan said: "Then I can only run away?"

Zhou Wenbin shook his head and said: "The crime of defecting to the Eagle and Wolf Guards is even more serious, and it is enough to issue a sea arrest document. The world is so big, where can you escape to, and you can really escape into the deep mountains and old forests, to meet those Monsters coexist."

Li Qingshan thought, this is not a difficult task.

Zhou Wenbin said, "If you want to avoid Zhuo Zhibo's frame-up, now you only have one place to go."

Li Qingshan said, "Where?"

"Hundred Schools!"

"Where is the Hundred Schools?"

"Naturally it's in Qinghe House."

"Where is the Baijia School?"

"It is a place for ordinary people to practice, and it is also the foundation of the Great Xia Dynasty. As a magistrate, in addition to guarding one side, I also have the responsibility of selecting talents for the country. I can recommend talented qi practitioners to the hundreds of scholastic schools. Learning, even if it is the responsibility of the Eagle and Wolf Guard, you can temporarily take it off. Naturally, you don't have to worry about Zhuo Zhibo. To tell you the truth, I was born in a hundred scholastic academies. Going there is more important to cultivation than you are to be the Eagle and Wolf Guard. helpful. "

Li Qingshan said: "I don't know why adults love you so much?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "Although your talent is mediocre, I like your temperament very much. I can't bear to destroy you in the hands of a traitor. One day, you will always return to the Eagle and Wolf Guard. I don't mind if you come to Jiaping City. We can also Continued cooperation."

Some people hate your temperament, and naturally some people like your temperament, and when they get malicious, they also get kindness, which is fair.

After thinking for a moment, Li Qingshan replied: "Thank you for your kindness, I will definitely go there to see it one day, but not now, I still have some things to do in Jiaping City."

He speculates that the Baijia scholastic institute should be a place like a school, a school for qi cultivators, to cultivate talents for the Great Xia Dynasty, and can suppress those talents of the cultivator sect. But since it is a school, there must be a tuition fee, and there must be a lot of inconvenience in doing things, at least there is no way to go out and kill in a legitimate name.

He now needs flesh and blood to help Xiao An condense his body, and he also needs to obtain more Qi condensing pills to practice during these tasks. These two things complement each other and are very suitable to do in Jiaping City, and the most important thing is that he is not afraid of Zhuo Zhibo, not at all.

Zhou Wenbin frowned and said, "It seems that you don't understand the power of the sixth-level qi refiner."

ps: It's Monday, I strongly call for the recommended tickets in your hands, the recommended tickets do not need money!


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