Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 28 The Art of the Imperial Weapon

Li Qingshan certainly understands the power of the sixth level of Qi refining. Opening up the Qi Sea is compared to condensing the demon pill, but he is very aware of how his strength has increased after condensing the demon pill. That is a qualitative change.

But he didn't know too much about the enemy's information. He also wanted to know why human beings competed with demons. A fifth-level Qi cultivator like Zhao Liangqing was simply not enough to read, so he humbly asked for advice. : "Also ask the adults to advise!"

Zhou Wenbin said: "The strength of human beings is not strong in oneself, otherwise, whether it is true qi or physique, it will not be able to compete with ordinary demons, you know this!"

Li Qingshan nodded: "Humans are strong in using tools." He deeply remembered the teacher's words in his previous life politics class. The biggest difference between humans and animals is the invention and use of tools. Even in this world of practice, this has not changed. .

Zhou Wenbin's eyes lit up and said: "That's good, but do you feel the importance of tools now? For example, the wind-dazzling knife around your waist, do you think it has increased your strength?"

Li Qingshan subconsciously mōmō Liaofeng Saber, and then slowly shook his head. Although Liaofeng Saber is a good weapon, it is not indispensable to him, and it has not changed his strength qualitatively.

Zhou Wenbin said: "Because you haven't really learned how to use tools? Now this knife, to you, is just a minion of a beast, and it is only used by instinct. Those people in the arena who dance with knives and swords are actually only slightly stronger. some beasts."

Li Qingshan leaned forward, picked up the teapot and filled a cup of tea for Zhou Wenbin: "Excuse me, what is a real tool?"

"It's like this!" Zhou Wenbin's eyes flashed, and from the wide cuffs, a sword light that was astonishing as a dragon sprang out, swam beside him at a speed like thunder, and suddenly fell low, suddenly flew high, Draw a continuous arc of light.

Under the afternoon sun, the blade reflected the bright light, flickering beside the two of them.

The sword light shot straight into the sky, shuttled between the green willows, and the willow leaves fell one after another, like a rain, but before the "rain" fell, the sword light flashed and nailed hundreds of willow leaves to the tree trunk.

Zhou Wenbin pointed his hand, and the sword light moved again, across the calm water of the pond, like a pair of extremely sharp scissors, cutting the water surface, and then disappeared into the water, the next moment, under the duckweed on the shore Wear it out and return to Zhou Wenbin's sleeve again.

Li Qingshan was dazzled for a while. If he didn't turn into a demon, he would definitely not be able to resist such a sword. He once witnessed a terrifying assassination by a flying sword in the patriarch's hall of the Longmen School, but that flying sword was not manipulated by anyone, only Knowing that his head was stunned, he went straight to the ground, making his flying sword terrifying, and his knowledge was not deep enough.

It is only now that I understand that when I encounter a real flying sword, there is no chance of confrontation, because without the restraint of the human body, the dexterity of the flying sword surpasses the superb swordsmanship of any peerless swordsman.

It is conceivable that if you encounter such a flying sword stabbing and attacking, if you can't hit the lightning-fast flying sword with one move, it can twist into your heart like a snake, and you can't even reach the enemy. There is no chance to even fight with the enemy.

Unless you can resist the sharpness of the flying sword, or be faster than the speed of the flying sword, but this is what a few people can do. This is the real tool to use, and the human being can overcome the demon.

He had seen this way of using tools in the hands of Elder Feilong in the Palace of Hidden Swords. Compared with Elder Feilong's sword, Zhou Wenbin's sword was naturally far worse. But because of the huge gap in strength between them, the sword light was like rain, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and the mountains and the ground were broken.

His mind was filled with that incomparable terrifying power, but he didn't realize the subtlety and terrifying of Feijian, and it was not as shocking and surprising as it is now. The more shocking reason is that he himself can use the tool in this way.

Zhou Wenbin said: "The so-called use of tools is a relatively common term, and a more accurate term is called 'royal tool'. Sword tools are relatively common spiritual tools, and there are thousands of spiritual tools in the world, which may be used for Killing the enemy can be used to defend against the enemy, or it can be used to control the mind. In short, there are thousands of ways to use it. As long as you have strong enough true qi, you don’t have to be bound by your hands and feet. You can use a variety of spiritual tools at the same time. Murder is as easy as finding something."

"And all of this requires you to open up the four yīn yang meridians, balance the path of yīn yang, and then penetrate the belt meridians to open up the yīn yang sea in your body. Only a real qi cultivator has entered the cultivation path. In short, it is extremely easy for a sixth-level qi cultivator to kill a fifth-level qi cultivator."

The implication is that even if you are a first-level qi cultivator, don't even think about it. Even if you have a good body, you will never be Zhuo Zhibo's opponent.

Li Qingshan was sincerely convinced: "That's the case, thank you for your suggestion, but the reason why I chose to stay is not because I don't know the depths of life."

The two looked at each other in silence, one firm and the other suspicious.

Zhou Wenbin said: "Since you insist on doing this, then I won't say any more. If you need any help, you can come to the county office to find me, but you are Zhuo Zhibo's subordinate after all, and it is impossible for me. For the sake of you and Zhuo Zhibo, you have to do it yourself."

Li Qingshan smiled and said, "That's natural."

Li Qingshan's relaxed and casual attitude made Zhou Wenbin wonder if he had made a mistake. Could it be that this kid really has a strong background?

"I have one thing right now. I want to ask the adults for help. I don't know where I can learn the art of the imperial artifact." After seeing Zhou Wenbin's demonstration, Li Qingshan was greatly moved, and he suddenly remembered that he was in Zhao Liangqing's Hundred Treasure Bag last night. The hiltless sword that he found in the middle of the game seems to be Zhao Liangqing's preparation for the sixth level of Qi Refining.

Zhou Wenbin gave him a deep look: "Do you really think that the sixth level of Qi refining is so easy to break through?"

Li Qingshan said: "I will try hard." His eyes were full of strong confidence, at least from the point of view of a demon, he has now reached this level.

Zhou Wenbin was noncommittal, just said: "The ordinary imperial artifact is well known in the cultivation world, and it is nothing to teach you in advance."

Li Qingshan asked curiously, "Is there any unusual imperial artifact?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "The Hidden Sword Palace has a special sword-fighting technique. It is not an imperial weapon, but a sword-fighting technique. The Xuanyin sect has the technique of controlling ghosts, which uses ghosts as weapons, and there are some magic ways. As a weapon. No sect's imperial weapon technique will have its own uniqueness, and it is impossible for me to know all about it."

Xuan Yinzong, control ghosts! Li Qingshan's heart moved, and he remembered the page of the book he got from the goddess. Isn't it "Xuanyīn Controlling Ghosts", there must be some connection between the two, if you figure out the origin of the goddess, you may be able to figure it out. Xiao An's origin, he quickly asked: "Where is Xuan Yinzong?"

For practitioners in Qingzhou, this is common sense that they must not know. Zhou Wenbin explained a few words casually, and did not notice the strangeness on Li Qingshan's face.

Li Qingshan wrote down eight words, "The land of the extreme south, the abyss of ten thousand ghosts." For the first time, he learned about the super sect of Qingzhou, but Zhou Wenbin didn't say much, and he didn't ask much.

My own strength is not enough to go that far. Xiao An hasn't thought of so many things, and hasn't recovered his physical body... Under the countless such reasons, there is a hidden thought, he doesn't want Xiao An to leave his side! He didn't want to be alone again!

Although it is ridiculous, he is a tyrannical guy who can become a monster more than 20 feet tall, who can easily pinch people like an ant. Like ordinary people, he hates loneliness.

So, for the first time, when he had the opportunity to spy on Xiao An's life experience, he became less determined than before.

The sunlight was cut into pieces by the willow leaves like knives, and sprinkled thinly all over the boy's body. He was not particularly handsome, but on his angular bronze face, there was a rare trace of confusion on his face, but he immediately became firm. , decided to stick to the agreement and let nature take its course.

Zhou Wenbin eloquently explained the method of imperial artifact art. The principle is not complicated, but there are absolute requirements for the realm of cultivation. After opening up the sea of ​​qi, although the qi refiners still cannot simply communicate the spiritual qi of heaven and earth, they are moving in this direction. Begins to be able to sense all kinds of spiritual things.

Of course, everything has a spirit, and one flower and one grass cannot be excluded, but the higher the aura, the stronger the induction, and it is impossible to manipulate the flowers and plants to hurt the enemy. Qi refiners will choose a kind of spiritual tool, and use their own true energy to refine them day and night until they have a subtle induction and connection with the spiritual tool, and then they can manipulate them in space, like turning themselves into magnets to manipulate iron. .

Li Qingshan expressed his gratitude, the more common sense things are, the more helpful they will be, because it is an indispensable foundation to be recognized as common sense by Qi cultivators. He was born in the grass, without a master, without a teacher, and there is no chance to study systematically.

Zhou Wenbin stroked his beard and smiled: "Is it just empty talk?"

Li Qingshan was stunned, is this guy still planning to accept bribes?

Zhou Wenbin hinted: "You should have gained a lot last night, such as silver or something?" Li Qingshan took the old bustard's treasure bag, of course, it was not enough for his eyes.

Li Qingshan was surprised: "You are the magistrate of the county, a sixth-level Qi refiner, and you rule over hundreds of thousands of people, and you ask me for money from a poor boy?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "Why so loud? I don't want you for nothing? It's because there are too many people and there are many places to spend money. It's useless for you to keep that money, why don't you give it to me, I'll exchange it with Qi Condensation Pills ."

Li Qingshan said in amazement: "Why is this?" Of course he was willing to let him buy Qi Condensation Pills with silver, unless he really planned to buy a girl, silver was really useless to him.

Does Zhou Wenbin, the sixth-level Qi cultivator, need silver instead? ! .

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