Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 31 Shock 2 Layers

Chapter 31 Impact on the second floor

And when Yan Song heard about what Li Qingshan had done in the past two days, he was even more surprised. Fujiyama or the Qian family can compare, even the iron fist mén is far behind. Church.

The main building of the ** Building is located in the Qinghe Mansion. The master of mén is the most familiar.

Li Qingshan was offended as soon as he came to Jiaping City, no, he destroyed the ** building, which was simply daring.

Li Qingshan said: "I just want to seek justice." He subconsciously pressed the hilt of the Liaofeng Dao around his waist, already knowing where the justice was.


There is no moon tonight, the night is quiet, in a dark building, Li Qingshan is sitting in a tuǐ tuǐ, his eyes slightly closed.

True qi was endlessly surrounding his body. According to the third level of the "Innate Qi Refining Art", he ran Zhou Tian. Even with the help of the Qi Condensation Pill, the growth was very slow.

Xumi's ring was on his finger, and in the darkness, there was no strange appearance at all, but he did not respond to the pure innocence injected by Li Qingshan.

He seems to be guarding a huge treasure house, but the guards who are not allowed to enter it can only wander outside the mén again and again, guessing what is inside.

He can hold back his yòuhuò, which has been collected by Jindan masters for many years. But he couldn't resist. Qingniu said the words he said when he parted: "I left you something inside."

Qingniu casually taught Xiao An such a terrifying magical power as "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao", so what kind of secret treasure could he tell him so solemnly?

The legendary artifact? The unparalleled supernatural power that overturned the river? After taking it, you can soar in the daytime and reach the spiritual magic yào above the nine heavens?

He didn't dare to think too much on weekdays, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his heart was scratching his head, and he sighed in his heart: "Brother Niu, Brother Niu, if you want to give me something, why don't you just give it to me directly? Why bother me like this? , and you have to use the human way to open the ring of Sumeru. (" ".) At first, you want to become a demon, and if you become a demon, you will become a demon."

Although he was so emotional, he also felt that Qingniu's move must have a deep meaning. Qingniu must have expected that he would return to the human world as a human. The reason why he was given such a test was to want him to be a human. , also cultivated achievements?

I don't understand,

Then don't think any more. He needed the identity of a human being. He came to Jiaping for two days and got hundreds of Qi Condensing Pills.

After all, he couldn't transform in front of people. Most of the time, he had to rely on the way of qi refining, and the first layer of qi refining was really too weak.

He suddenly stopped cultivating, and the fourth-level meaning of the "Innate Qi Refinement" slowly slipped through his heart, and every word was very clear.

He is trying to open up the "Yangqiao Meridian" in the eight extraordinary meridians, break through the first level of Qi refining, and reach the second level of Qi training. This is the first meridian he will open. Entering the room can be said to have a completely different meaning from the first three layers of "Innate Qi Refining Technique".

Driven by the will, the zhenqi flows into the left tuǐ like a flowing water, and sinks straight to the ankle.

He no longer sat cross-legged on the bed, and changed into a strange posture, leaning forward and stretching his left tuǐ, like some kind of yoga move.

Xiao An was originally squatting beside the church, gathering to see the pile of Buddhist scriptures that Li Qingshan brought back to him. At this time, he also put down the book in his hand and looked at Li Qingshan with concern.

What Li Qingshan has to do is to knock on the mén!

True Qi rushed towards Shenmai xùe like cháo water, but Mén's door was tightly closed, and he had no intention of opening it to him. Not to mention opening the xùe road, it can't even be shaken at all.

He knew that his accumulation of infuriating qi was still too weak, and the reserve of infuriating qi had not yet reached the peak of a first-level qi refiner. The normal way was to continue accumulating infuriating qi, and slowly figure it out. It only took a few months of effort. , the infuriating energy in his body can converge into a big river, breaking down the dams blocking the road. ("".)

And what he wants to do now is to hit the dam with a small stream, which is not difficult. But "10,000 years is too long, just fight for the day and night", he always had to give it a try and give it a shot before he was willing to give up, and chewed a condensing qi pill to replenish his true qi.

After trying many times, but there was no gain at all, he finally stopped, but not to give up, but to concentrate more and more infuriating, condensing and condensing the infuriating, and condensing the stream into The ice, turned into a spear, was a hundred times smaller in size and a hundred times stronger.

Then when it couldn't be more condensed, the ice spear suddenly stabbed towards the dam with an indomitable momentum.

The soles of his feet suddenly ached, but Li Qingshan ignored them, and instead gave a pleasant surprise. This time, the infuriating qi was not blocked back, but penetrated deeply into the Shen pulse, and under his urging, it was extremely difficult. Yes, in depth bit by bit.

There seemed to be a soft sound in the body, the dam in front of the stream was penetrated by a dòng, and the zhenqi continued to break into the Yang Qiao vein.

In his body, a little light suddenly lit up, like the first twinkling star in the endless universe.

But Li Qingshan didn't have time to be happy, and his infuriating anger slammed into another level, the servant who was also at the ankle.

The infuriating qi smashed into pieces, could not condense, and was squeezed out by the invisible pressure in the yīn veins.

Tongmai failed!

Even the Shen pulse xùe, which was opened up, closed again.

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief. I don’t know how many words of cultivation genius Yan Song has praised tonight, but now he can’t even connect the first meridian. not simple.

Relatively speaking, on the contrary, the demon cultivator is much more mindless. As long as he devours the spiritual energy of heaven and earth blindly, or eats the spirit grass and elixir, the demon energy is continuously enhanced. After reaching a certain level, it will naturally condense into a demon pill. The practice is also to continue the previous actions, and constantly merge the demon energy into the demon pill. After reaching a certain level, the thunder will fall with a click. If you can pass it, you will become a demon general. If you can’t pass it, it will become coke, simple. clear.

Most of the monsters start from beasts, even from plants, and they practice by instinct. If you need a little wisdom and ideas, there will be no monsters in the world.

But it's simple, it's just time, not to mention plants, an ordinary beast in the wild, if you want to become a demon general, a hundred years is the starting price, and you have to eat spirit grass above the level of spirit ginseng in the mountains. , there is only a little chance, there are many monsters who take shape in three to five hundred years.

And the meridians xùe, not only a gift from God to mankind, but also a shortcut discovered by mankind, but no matter how good a shortcut, it has to be taken step by step.

Like Li Qingshan, he just wanted to open up the meridians within a few days of qi training, but when he failed, he sighed that qi training was not easy. In the eyes of other Qi refiners, it was simply unreasonable.

But Li Qingshan was not discouraged, he first grabbed a handful of Qi Condensation Pills and stuffed them into his mouth, instead of swallowing them, and then started to break through again.

After having the first experience, it became much easier for him to break through the Shenmai xùe, but after breaking through the Shenmai xùe, he didn't dare to be distracted at all, he bit his teeth and shattered a piece of condensed Qi. Pills, while replenishing infuriating energy, gather together to attack the next level.

Two hours later, he ate twenty-five Qi Condensing Pills and hit thirteen times. The highest record was that he passed the three xùe positions on his feet, Shenmai xùe, Pushen xùe, Taryang xùe, really. Qi followed the left tuǐ and went upstream in an inexhaustible flow, but when it reached Juliao xùe on the crotch, it was blocked again.

But once it is resisted, it is like a boat against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. The true qi will be directly squeezed out, and the consecutively passed xùe positions will be closed again. On the Yangjiao xùe, there are a total of twelve xùe paths. If it is ordinary qi refining Sir, you may have to give up.

This is not the case with Li Qingshan. Anyway, the yào power that is too late to digest is cheaper than the demon pill. The demon pill is cold and cold, so you don't need to worry about the làng fee, let alone the scourge of the accumulation of yào power, which makes Li Qingshan's experiment more and more reckless. Success is a good thing, and failure is not a bad thing.

And he felt that as long as the Xùe Dao passed through, even if it was closed again, it would be a little easier to pass through the next time, and in the process, Li Qingshan also accumulated a lot of experience. I have a deeper understanding of the fourth-level mental method of Qi Jue.

Li Qingshan thought about it for a while, and took out a pill, as if at dawn, the clear beads on the huā petals were not condensing pills, but beads exchanged from Diao Fei. This is the spiritual yào that Diao Fei kept to hit the fourth layer of qi refining, and used it to hit the second layer of qi refining.

However, if you can't succeed after eating it, you will spend a good Dan yào.

Without much hesitation, Li Qingshan decided to take a gamble.

When the beads slipped from the throat into the abdomen, Li Qingshan clearly felt its coolness and roundness, but as soon as it entered the abdomen, it turned into a torrent of jīdàng.

The torrent merged into the infuriating energy, and immediately turned the flowing stream into a rushing river. The three gates of Shenmai, Pushen, and Taryang passed through it without forming any obstacles. Juliao xùe came to Yuxùe behind the shoulders, only to encounter a slight obstacle.

But Li Qingshan has gathered all the spirits, how can he be blocked here, and the three positions of the shoulders, the shoulders, and the giant bones have also broken through one by one.

At this time, Zhen Qi began to show a lack of energy, but he was already prepared, chewing the condensed Qi pills one by one and eating them continuously, inspiring Zhen Qi, to the ground warehouse, Ju Liao and Cheng Qi on his face. Weeping and Jingming are four xùe positions.

The infuriating energy is already very close to the brain and needs to be extremely careful. Many qi refiners, if they are not properly controlled for a while, their infuriating qi will become idiots. Of course Li Qingshan does not want to have such an end.

There were no dangers along the way, breaking through these four xùe positions, and eleven o'clock light lit up in his body, like the stars in the dark universe, connected by a faint light track, like a star map.

The last point of the star map he finally saw, the wind pond xùe at the back of his head, as long as this xùe is penetrated, the Yang Qiao meridian will be opened up, opening up a path for the true qi to walk in the body, which is what the world calls practice. Air level two.

However, the infuriating energy was running out, and the yào power provided by the condensing qi pill could not be replenished by such a distance, just like an army that had lost its food and grass and was about to collapse.

He only felt exhausted, as if he had gone through an extremely difficult journey in a moment. He clearly saw the end, but he couldn't go any further. As long as his infuriating qi hit Fengchi xùe, it would be the time when his previous efforts were all forfeited, but he But he couldn't let the infuriating stop moving forward.

Did it fail?

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