Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 32: Refining Qi Level 2

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A volume of "Diamond Sutra" was thrown on the ground, Xiao An jumped behind Li Qingshan, and a bone pointed to the Fengchi point behind his head. Full text without ads

Vaguely, it seemed to hear a bell, ringing in the ear.

True Qi rushed to the final target, the insurmountable dam, and then it penetrated easily, as if it was no longer an indestructible barrier, but a soft sponge.

The last bit of spiritual light lit up and spread out in all directions, like a river returning to the sea, the true qi continuously passed through the Yang Qiao meridian, and there was no longer any obstacle.

Li Qingshan finally opened up the first meridian and reached the second level of Qi Refining.

The Yang Qiao vein is like a thoroughfare, from head to toe, in his body, connecting his whole body, the acupoints will no longer be closed, and the lighting of each acupoint will cause a change in his whole body.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, and the indoor scenery became clearer and fresher, as if a layer of floating dust had been wiped away. The summer insects singing outside the window were loud and layered. He even felt that he could count how many summer insects were singing. Occasionally, a leaf was blown off by the wind and landed on the roof tiles, clearly like a thunderclap.

The sense of smell has improved the least, but I can smell the bloom of a wild flower outside the window, and the smell of grass steamed by the sultry summer night. The sense of taste is much stronger without experimentation.

This is the connection of the four acupuncture points on the face: Dicang, Juliao, Chengxi, and Jingming, which enhances his five senses.

When he got up and got out of bed and stepped on the ground with one step, there seemed to be a layer of air cushion under his feet, and his body became extremely light. He felt that with just a little effort, he could soar up. The changes brought about by the three points of Yang.

He raised his hand at will, and the three acupoints of Yuyu, shoulders, and giant bones lit up, and the true qi naturally poured into the palm along the true qi, broke out of the palm, and hit the wall from the air, leaving a palm print. .

No movement is so natural and smooth. He feels that he is connected to a whole by this meridian from top to bottom, and the movement of infuriating qi is many times faster.

Just like Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty opened the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, connecting the north and the south, allowing people and goods to flow freely, and driving the economic traffic of the whole country. And those acupoints are important transportation hubs.

And all the hubs seem to be less important than Shangfengchi Point.

Because it is connected, not only the breath in the body.

The wind pool is the place where wind evil accumulates, "Su Wen? "Gu Kong Lun" has a cloud, the wind is the longevity of all diseases. Full text without advertisements Wind evils enter the brain, which is a very important acupuncture point for the human body.

When he penetrated the ventilating pool acupoint, a breath seemed to flow out of it, as if a new acupoint was carved out of the mouth and nose, and he could breathe, but the breath was not air, but the breath of heaven and earth.

Of course, this is not a communication of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but for the first time, I felt the existence of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

When he was running the fourth center of gravity method of the "Innate Qi Refining Art", occasionally there would be a "wind" blowing into the body from the back of the head to the soles of the feet.

There is a crossbone behind the beast's head, and only by refining the crossbone can spiritual wisdom be unlocked. There is a wind pond behind the human head, and only when the phoenix pond is opened can the world communicate.

Li Qingshan heaved a sigh of relief, this human-created qi refining technique is really amazing. And he felt that qi refining was also helpful for demon cultivators, just like his demon body, after becoming tall, his physique naturally followed suit.

The two complement each other and benefit each other.

"Could it be that the reason why Brother Niu put the things left for me in the Xumi ring and encouraged me to practice qi is to let me integrate these two completely different cultivation methods to find my own path?" Li Qingshan Guessing like this, but no matter which road he is on, he is a little shrimp just getting started, and he is far from being able to do this.

There is a saying that "the stone of other mountains can attack jade", he now sits on two jade mountains, and what kind of sparks will be produced when they collide with each other?

Li Qingshan suppressed the expectations and joy in his heart, and said to Xiao An, "You helped me just now?" It was definitely no accident that he could open the ventilating pool so easily.

The blood inflammation in Xiao An's eye sockets was a little bleak, and that finger just now cost him a lot of effort.

When Li Qingshan closed his eyes and practiced, he watched closely. Gradually, his eyes penetrated Li Qingshan's skin and body, like a modern medical instrument, dialysis of Li Qingshan's body, but the image obtained by any instrument was better than the image obtained by any instrument. are more clear.

He saw the existence of that meridian, and saw that Li Qingshan's True Qi continued to climb upwards until it reached the highest point, rushing towards the Fengchi Point at the back of his head, but he obviously didn't have the power to penetrate it.

So at this critical moment, he pointed to Fengchi Point.

The so-called human body is essentially composed of bones and flesh and blood. Even the magical meridians and mysterious acupuncture points are based on flesh and blood. And "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Road" is the magic power that manipulates the two.

Xiao An's current cultivation base is still too weak, and he has not even completed the first level of "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao", otherwise, he can smash bones and strip flesh and blood with just a single finger. Although he does not have such strength now, but Being able to help Li Qingshan at a critical time.

This finger needs to be very careful. The back of the head is the key point of human beings. If you miss it, it is likely to cause death on the spot. If Li Qingshan is not very strong, otherwise Xiao An will not dare to try, and it has exhausted all his energy. A terrifying monster battle is even more tiring.

Xiao An pinched the wolf's hair, and after writing the last stroke, Li Qingshan understood the whole story and couldn't help but stunned: "This "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao" is a bit too powerful, if I had your help, wouldn't it be much easier for me to refine my qi. "

Xiao An shook his head, dipped it in ink, and wrote five words, "The haste is not enough."

Li Qingshan said: "Is that so? I want to hurry up and practice the "Innate Qi Technique", and then practice it with a different set of exercises."

On the paper, Xiao An asked Li Qingshan a few questions about the "Innate Qi Refining Technique".

Li Qingshan couldn't answer, only to realize that he had not fully grasped the "Innate Qi Refining Technique", and then said in surprise: "You have also practiced the "Innate Qi Refining Technique"?"

Xiao An shook his head, nodded again, and wrote quickly.

It turned out that when Yan Song taught Li Qingshan the "Innate Qi Refining Technique", Xiao An listened silently and felt a little familiar. Watching Li Qingshan break through the second level of Qi training tonight, this familiarity became stronger, and he naturally understood the "Cultivation" After comprehending the outline of the many points of the Innate Qi Refining Technique, I felt that Li Qingshan's cultivation method seemed to be a little off, so he couldn't help but ask him a few questions.

Li Qingshan originally didn't think "Xiantian Qi Refining Art" was profound and complicated, but after listening to Xiao An's opinions, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. On the way of qi refining, he was like a primary school student who had just entered the school. He was calculating additions with relish, and suddenly a nine-nine multiplication table fell from the sky.

He touched Xiao An's head and smiled bitterly: "So my understanding is really so poor!"

In fact, it's not that Li Qingshan's comprehension is too poor, but that he has never been guided by anyone in the way of qi refining.

The way of practice, pay attention to the four words "financial partner", "couple" is the second, and most refers to the relationship between master and apprentice. Anyone will need the guidance of their predecessors. Standing on the shoulders of giants is far better than It is much less laborious to find out on your own.

What Xiao An relies on is not her own understanding, but also a lot of knowledge hidden in the depths of her memory.

Xiao An suddenly didn't know how to comfort him, Li Qingshan smiled and said: "I want you to give more advice in the future, but it's too inconvenient to not be able to speak. After you condense your flesh and blood, you'll be fine, don't worry, you won't have to wait too long. ."

Li Qingshan continued to meditate, and following Xiao An's instructions, he re-cultivated the "Innate Qi Refinement Technique" from the first level to the fourth level, gradually stabilizing the current state.

Inevitably, he ate a few more qi condensing pills, and then found that there were less than 30 condensing qi pills left in his hand, and he fell from a well-off life to food and clothing at once. This is the price of taking two paths at the same time. In the next period of time, I am afraid that there will be no income, and the remaining Qi Condensation Pills will have to be carefully calculated.

The sky was bright, and there was a knock on the door. Li Qingshan went downstairs to open the door, only to see Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi standing at the door, asking, "What's the matter?"

Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi were about to speak, but they forgot to say what they wanted to say. They looked at Li Qingshan in astonishment, and said in disbelief, "You...you broke through the second level of Qi Refining?" Last night, he was still amazed at Li Qingshan's practice Speed, and ended up being slapped in the head again today, as if Li Qingshan lamented his poor understanding in the face of Xiao An, and Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi were only jealous.

Li Qingshan nodded casually: "Yeah, if I waste a little effort, if there is nothing wrong, I will continue to go back to practice." He was about to close the door.

"Wait, didn't we agree last night? Trial!"

Li Qingshan suddenly said, "Oh, I almost forgot."

The two of them both said "Congratulations" to Li Qingshan with unwillingness, and then Li Qingshan cleaned up a little, brought Xiao An, and received the task together with the two.

The Xuanlangwei who met along the way couldn't help being surprised when they saw Li Qingshan, and said "Congratulations" to Li Qingshan with different expressions. After all, for practitioners, there is no greater joy than breaking through the realm. No matter what you think in your heart, there will be no shortage of etiquette.

There is also the respect for strength, the cultivation of the second level of Qi refining is at the bottom of the Eagle and Wolf Guards. But Li Qingshan is on the first level of qi refining, and he can easily defeat the second-level qi cultivator, and even the agile figure who can kill the third-level qi cultivator. .

When I came to the main building of the Eagle and Wolf Guard, Zhuo Zhibo was waiting there in person. The first trial mission of the newcomer was always explained by the commander himself. When I saw Li Qingshan, I was stunned and then smiled: "Breakthrough again. As expected, he is young and promising, and his future is limitless.”

Li Qingshan said straight to the point: "It's just a fluke, Commander Zhuo, I don't know what our trial mission is?"

When Zhuo Zhibo waved his hand, a waiter in Tsing Yi came up with a scroll of documents. Li Qingshan opened it and saw that he was calm, but he couldn't help but be stunned.

PS: Can you guess where the trial ground will be? What will the mission be? ^_^


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