Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 33 1000 Condensation Pills

Chapter 33 One Thousand Qi Condensation Pills

If Zhuo Zhibo had the intention to commit murder and sent Li Qingshan to any dangerous place, he would not be so surprised.

However, the front of the document was clearly written in vermilion, "Ancient Wind City, Qian Family!"

Diao Fei and Li Qingshan looked at Qian Rongzhi at the same time. There was no surprise on Qian Rongzhi's face, and she was still smiling.

Zhuo Zhibo said: "You don't have to read it, Rong Zhi killed his relatives righteously, and reported the Qian family's many misdeeds that violated the laws of the Great Xia, all of which have been written above."

Diao Fei also looked at a dossier in his hand, which stated the various crimes of the Qian family. Several tenants caused trouble because of the high land rent, and were wiped out by the Qian family overnight. Qian Yannian took a fancy to a woman in the street market. Knowing that she was already married, he could not ask for it from the family, so he ordered his subordinates to kill her husband and take her wife, and take her as a concubine. There was even a magistrate who was murdered because he was unwilling to be a puppet. There are dozens of articles, articles and clauses, all of which are full of evil and death crimes.

He comes from a sect, and there are few people. Although there are dark places, they are not so dirty. He couldn't help but ask: "Is this true?"

Li Qingshan doesn't doubt the authenticity of these charges. The Qian family is the dominant family in Ancient Wind City, and they don't even have checks and balances. Absolute power is absolute corruption. to do so.

Wei Wei said: "Righteousness kills relatives?" Could it be that Qian Rongzhi wanted to lead him to the Qian family's territory, and then murder him? This is the most logical conjecture, but in order to harm him, he brought disaster to his own home, what is this Qian Rongzhi drawing? The Qian family was on the list of Eagle and Wolf Guards, could there be any good results?

Li Qingshan continued to look at it. The following are the cultivation bases of various people in the Qian family. The first one is the head of the Qian family, Qian Yannian, who has the fifth level of qi refining, no fourth level of qi refining, and two who have the third level of qi refining. There are five on the second floor of Qi refining, and thirteen on the first floor.

Li Qingshan raised his head: "Commander Zhuo, isn't our first trial mission too difficult?" At least on the surface, the three of them definitely do not have the strength to shake the Qian family.

"Really?" Zhuo Zhibo looked at Li Qingshan and seemed to want to find clues related to Zhao Liangqing's death from his face, but he was disappointed in the end. "I can't listen to partiality, so this mission is not about killing, but investigating. If Rong Zhi's words are correct, then you should report back. I will clean it up myself. In a few days, it will be Qian Yannian. Birthday, you go in the name of congratulations, and there is Rong Zhi as an inner responder, it couldn't be easier."

Li Qingshan said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Zhuo Zhibo still smiled and said: "All the tasks of the Eagle and Wolf Guard,

There are risks, but the greater the risk, the greater the reward, you turn to the second page to see. "

Li Qingshan opened the second page of the dossier, and this was actually a "property analysis table". It was expected that after defeating the Qian family, he might get many benefits, such as medicinal pills, spiritual tools, etc., and even specially noted that after the birthday banquet, the harvest Could be bigger. Unless it is from the Qian family, it is impossible to know such details.

Zhuo Zhibo said in a persuasive manner: "If the investigation is true, of course I hope you can directly settle this matter and save me a lot of trouble. Although Qian Yannian is at the fifth level of Qi refining, he is already very old and does not live up to his name. And according to the rules, All the gains in the mission belong to you, the original trial mission has no merit, but if you really do it, I will give you five hundred merits each."

Li Qingshan said: "It seems that I can't refuse it. Well, I accept it. When will I set off?" Anyway, it is meaningless to refuse. Since Zhuo Zhibo still maintains the surface peace, it is better to maintain it first. No matter how many conspiracies and tricks there are, he will use his strength to break through it head-on to see if there are any traps that can trap his demon.



On the surging Qinghe River, a two-storey sailboat is sailing across the waves. The white sails are painted with eagles spreading their wings. This is a special boat for Yinglangwei. It is exquisite in design and exquisite in craftsmanship. Extraordinary, going upstream is actually much faster than Li Qingshan riding the dragon boat downstream. Wherever it passes, all ships evade, even the dragon ship is no exception.

A young man sat on the side of the boat, as if watching the precipitous scenery on both sides of the strait. From time to time, waves rolled up and wet the hem of his clothes. He was playing with a few spiritual stones in his hands, and he didn't care about it at all.

Li Qingshan is thinking about the plan of this trip, but he is obviously not a wise man, and he has no way to strategize, so he can only adapt accordingly. Only one thing is certain, that is, it is definitely not suitable for turning into a demon again, otherwise, even if you can avoid many eyes and ears, you will become the object of suspicion, but I believe that with your own strength, it is enough to deal with most situations.

"Sir, those two adults invite you to the cabin!" A boatman respectfully stepped forward.

Li Qingshan returned to the cabin, and Diao Fei said politely: "Qingshan, let's discuss the countermeasures!"

Li Qingshan said: "Let's ask her! Qian Rongzhi, what do you mean? You want to lead me to Gufeng City to kill me? Avenge your unfortunate brother?"

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "Is it so easy for you to kill? You finally admit that Qian Rongming was killed by you! I suspected Diao Fei, but it turned out to be you, but he is not my brother."

Li Qingshan said, "So what if you admit it? He's not your brother, could it be your brother?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "It's nothing, we actually have no blood relationship at all, I was adopted by Qian Yannian because of my aptitude for qi refining, and I was barely counted as a brother and sister, but if he died, he died. I have no plans to take revenge for him, so you don't have to be so defensive about me, the three of us came in the same boat and left in the same boat.

Li Qingshan was stunned: "So you are not brothers and sisters, is this also a family?"

Qian Rongzhi sneered: "What kind of family can bully ordinary people, I heard that the real big family is able to refine medicine pills and make unqualified children become qi refiners, just like the Qian family. This kind of thing can't even maintain the family's blood, but it's not in the mainstream."

Only Li Qingshan knew that there was still such a thing. Listening to her voice, he wondered, "Are you really going to be the enemy of the Qian family this time? Isn't the Qian family a great favor to you?" Let an ordinary person become a qi refiner Shi, it was almost remade by Entong, but Qian Rongzhi's attitude was very strange.

Qian Rongzhi touched her cheek and smiled and said, "Yes, there is a big favor, isn't I just here to repay the favor?"

The gloomy expression on their faces made Li Qingshan and Diao Fei, who were used to seeing life and death, feel a chill in their hearts.

Qian Rongzhi said, "Don't look at me like that. I've played and endured long enough. As long as you help me this time, I'll do whatever you want."

For such a proposal, not only Li Qingshan, but even Diao Fei has no intention of being tempted. As long as his mind is mature enough, it is impossible to be confused by mere beauty, and he will not even care about his life, unless he knows how to seduce like Furong.

Diao Fei said cautiously: "I don't want to be an enemy of a fifth-floor qi refiner. Our task is just to investigate. You are from the Qian family, and you must know where the alchemy room is. We don't need to be an enemy of Qian Yannian."

Qian Rongzhi scolded: "Coward, as soon as the medicinal pills are refined, they will be delivered to Qian Yannian's hands and stored in the treasure bag on his body. Is your head frightened?"

"You..." Diao Fei stood up angrily, Li Qingshan stretched out his arm to stop him, and said to Qian Rongzhi, "I'm not interested in fighting against Qi refiners who are three layers above me, if this is your plan, I will I advise you to save it, we will leave after investigation, forgive that Qian Yannian dares to embarrass the Eagle and Wolf Guard?"

Qian Rongzhi finally said with a serious face: "Do you know why the Qian family doesn't have a fourth-level qi cultivator? Because that old guy is already too old and weak, and he has no confidence in suppressing the fourth-level qi cultivator. He is afraid that someone will take his family master. Therefore, if anyone is about to break through the fourth level of Qi refining, he will cut off the supply of medicine pills."

Li Qingshan and Diao Fei were both shocked. They did not hesitate to damage the development of the family, but also safeguard their corrupt rights. This kind of family owner is simply terrifying.

Qian Rongzhi said: "At that time, I will first take action against him, we will kill him with one blow, and the rest should not be in the eyes of the two of you!"

Li Qingshan and Diao Fei looked at each other, not only Li Qingshan didn't take the third-tier Qi Refiner in his eyes, but even Diao Fei was confident that based on his actual combat experience, he was not raised in the family, and has never experienced life and death. .

In the end, Qian Rongzhi threw a heavy explosive: "In Qian Yannian's treasure bag, there are at least 300 Qi condensing pills, and several other extremely precious elixir, not as good as that pearl dew. Pills difference, although the spiritual tools cannot be compared with the Eagle and Wolf Guards, there are quite a few, and they are worth a few hundred Qi Condensing Pills, plus the things in the hands of other Qi Refiners, the total value is likely to reach a thousand. A condensate pill."

Li Qingshan and Diao Fei were both shocked by this number. The Qian family is indeed a living treasure, just like its name. Although it is an unpopular family, it is still a family. It has existed for hundreds of years, and its accumulation is not trivial. There is a saying that "wealth and silk move people's hearts", the greed of Qi cultivators for medicinal pills and spiritual tools is not as good as ordinary people's greed for real gold and silver, and even more than that.

Qian Rongzhi stretched out his hand, Diao Fei hesitated, put his hand on it, and then Li Qingshan also stretched out his hand. Three hands folded together.

So, for the common goal, the three people who were suspicious of each other, or even hostile to each other, temporarily reached an alliance and moved towards the ancient wind city.

First take a boat, then change horses, all the way day and night, five days later, the three came to the ancient wind city.

Immediately, someone saw Qian Rongzhi and shouted, "Miss is back, go back and report to the head of the family."

Li Qingshan noticed that Qian Rongzhi's expression changed unknowingly, becoming like the first time he saw her, with a bit of restraint in his arrogance, as if he was always proud of his identity and family, and no one was Unexpectedly, she harbored such terrible hatred in her heart.


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