Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 34 Capriciousness

Full text without advertisements Chapter 34 Capriciousness

Ancient Wind City is a mountain city, located on the remnants of Cangmang Mountain. The entire city is built on the mountain, and the roads in the city have slopes.

Passing through the deep city gate, there is a thoroughfare in front of you, sloping upwards, and at the end are mansions that look like palaces and cities, occupying the entire ancient wind city, more majestic than the eagle and wolf guards in Jiaping City.

On both sides of the road, all the houses were decorated with lanterns, as if they were welcoming a grand celebration, but there was no joy on the faces of the pedestrians on the road.

The news of Qian Rongzhi's return as the Eagle and Wolf Guard quickly spread to the magnificent mansion, and then it seemed that some kind of mechanism had been triggered. Hundreds of men in strong suits rushed out, killing everyone on the avenue. They were all driven to the alleys on both sides, ten paces, one person, standing on both sides of the road, not looking sideways.

When the three of them rode their horses past, the man gathered up his breath and shouted, "Welcome Missy back to the mansion!" Although the horse's hoofs, the sound passed to the door of the mansion.

Qian Rongzhi held her head high and rode the horse at the forefront. Li Qingshan and Diao Fei were half a horse behind and followed him, just like her sideguards.

This was also negotiated these days. It was necessary to give Qian Rongzhi face to dispel the guards of the Qian family. For the thousand Qi condensing pills, this kind of trivial matter was of course no problem. But Li Qingshan felt that Qian Rongzhi's state at the moment did not seem to be pretending, but there was a bit of complacence and pride in returning home.

The gate of the mansion is several feet high, and there are dozens of steps in front of it, which makes it more and more high-rise and expensive. A pair of stone lions looked down majestically, Li Qingshan always felt a bit vicious.

The vermilion door slammed open, and a skinny old man in Chinese clothes walked out of the door. It was Qian Yannian, the head of the Qian family, who came to greet the three in person.

"Patriarch, Rong Zhi is fortunate to not be humiliated and join the Eagle and Wolf Guard." Qian Rongzhi rolled over and dismounted, and Yingying bowed down. Before I could bow down, a pair of skinny hands grabbed my arms: "Didn't I say so? Just call my grandfather. You are a member of the official family now, how can you bow down to this old man like me."

Li Qingshan and Diao Fei looked at each other. Qian Yannian's flashing movements were astonishingly fast, not as slow as the old man's. Although his words were gentle, he had a pressing aura on his body. This is the natural oppression of the powerful qi cultivators on the weak qi cultivators.

Qian Yannian said, "These two are Zhi'er's colleagues!"

Diao Fei cupped his hands and said, "Exactly, in the name of Lord Zhuo, we accompany Rong Zhi back home to visit relatives, and congratulate Grandpa Qian on his 132nd birthday.


Li Qingshan followed suit, smiled without saying a word, and only looked at the biggest goal of this trip. Qian Yannian had sparse white hair, light age spots on his face, and a soft nose, like rubber that was about to melt, hanging down and thin. His body is supported by Chinese clothes, like an old monkey wearing human clothes, which is a bit funny and a bit disgusting.

If it weren't for those twinkling eyes and the swift action of a rabbit, Li Qingshan would almost doubt whether the dying old man was the biggest enemy in this trip.

A first-class master cultivating internal skills, on the premise that there is no secret injury, Shouyuan is only about a hundred years old. A fifth-level qi cultivator can only have a few more decades. At this age, Qian Yannian has already cultivated. Starting to decline, Qian Rongzhi's message is indeed not fake.

He glanced at the treasure bag on Qian Yannian's waist and wondered if there were hundreds of condensed qi in it, but his eyes went over his shoulders to a group of people behind the gate, to be precise, a group of qi cultivators , there are men and women, old and young, scholars and monks, not from the Qian family, and the people who come to celebrate their birthdays are not so enthusiastic when they look at themselves, and some even look at them with contempt. and indifferent.

Li Qingshan remembered what Zhou Wenbin said, they were very repelled in the entire cultivation world, especially those in the sect. Everyone likes to be free and free from supervision and control, but Yinglangwei is the legalist spokesperson who supervises the world and maintains the law.

Qian Yannian waved his hand: "Please!"


In a secret room, Qian Yannian lost his pride in front of everyone, but looked at Qian Rongzhi with red eyes, "Where's Qian Rongming?"

Qian Rongzhi said sadly: "Rong named him, Rong named him, and was killed."

"What!" Qian Yannian grabbed Qian Rongzhi's shoulder tightly: "Who, who did it? Why are you okay?" Qian Rong's name is not the adopted foreign surname, but the real blood of his Qian family. He wanted to marry wives and take concubines, and among hundreds of descendants, he found qualified descendants.

Qian Rongzhi said: "It's Li Qingshan, the kid who came with me today, and the name of Rong he killed." She actually explained the whole story.

Qian Yannian could only accept this fact, and said viciously, "If he is not the Eagle Wolf Guard, I will cut him into tens of thousands of pieces." Then he stroked Qian Rongzhi's delicate cheeks with his thin hands and said: " But fortunately you are here." Obscene light flashed in his eyes.

Qian Rongzhi said, "Grandpa, you are willing to let them go, but they won't let you go!"

"What did you say?" Qian Yannian was surprised.

"We came this time on a secret mission from the Eagle and Wolf Guards to investigate the Qian family!"

"How is this possible? I treat Gufeng City as an iron bucket, and I will never be stingy with what I need to do. How could the Eagle and Wolf Guard be eyeing me!" The silver light in Qian Yannian's eyes disappeared, and there was more panic. The little family is most afraid of the eagle and wolf guards. Once they are brought into the sight of the eagle dogs, they will be killed by the falcons and the wolves will share their food.

Qian Rongzhi said, "It's still Li Qingshan. He took his brother Rongming's treasure bag. He became greedy and hated me, so he spoke ill of the Qian family to our commander Zhuo."

Qian Yannian said: "You didn't tell the Qian family a few words? What's the use of asking you? Bitch, are you rebelling against the Qian family?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "Why didn't you tell the difference, but Li Qingshan has a background in Qinghe City. He did not compete, so he joined the Eagle and Wolf Guard, and Zhuo Zhibo didn't dare to offend him, so he ordered us to investigate. Without the Qian family, without grandpa, there would be no Rong Zhi now, how could he betray the Qian family?" As he spoke, he was about to cry, as if he wished to die.

Thinking of her past obedience, Qian Yannian's face softened a little: "then what should we do now? Otherwise, give him some bribes, or else, you will sacrifice for the Qian family."

Qian Rongzhi said: "Grandpa, he is a hungry wolf that eats people and doesn't spit out bones. As long as he swallows the Qian family whole, how can he be beaten with a single bone? If you don't believe it, just look at the reactions of the two of them carefully. already."

Qian Yannian said, "What should I do? If I hadn't listened to your words and asked you to be the Eagle and Wolf Guards, how could it have caused such a disaster."

Qian Rongzhi showed a ruthless expression: "You must not let them, especially Li Qingshan, be born out of Ancient Wind City."

Qian Yannian said, "You asked me to murder Eagle Wolf Guard!?"

"If Li Qingshan is not removed, the Qian family will never have peace. I will frame their deaths on other things, grandpa, it's all for the Qian family."

After a long time, Qian Rongzhi walked out of the door of the secret room. The bright sunlight seemed to dispel the darkness in her heart. She walked out of the courtyard, and a middle-aged man stood in front of her.

"Big Brother!" Qian Rongzhi respectfully saluted.

The middle-aged man touched her cheek, Qian Rongzhi tilted her head to avoid it, "Brother, don't do this!"

This old man was Qian Yannian's eldest grandson, Qian Xingwei. Although he did not have the qualifications to practice Qi, he had also developed internal skills and was the chief steward of the entire Qian family.

Qian Xingwei was very angry and pinched Qian Rongzhi's chin: "Don't pretend to me, don't think that being an eagle and wolf guard can lift your tail into the sky, as long as you are still from the Qian family, you have to listen to me, don't Forget the great kindness of the Qian family to you."

Qian Rongzhi said, "It's eldest brother, Rongzhi dare not." Suddenly a few servants came from a distance, and Qian Xingwei let go of her and ordered, "Come to my room at night." Watching Qian Rong Zhi Yuan went away and took a sip: "What about Qi Refiners!"

He couldn't see the gloomy smile on Qian Rongzhi's face.

All have to pay.


The night fell, and the lights came on.

In the hall, there are many important guests who came to celebrate the birthday. Although tomorrow is the birthday banquet, in order to show respect, the Metropolitan City came a day earlier. Among them, the most honorable are of course the dozen or so qi refiners. Li Qingshan and Diao Fei sat on the top seat as Eagle Wolf Guards.

Qian Yannian introduced everyone one by one. When he introduced Li Qingshan, he said, "This is the young hero of the Eagle and Wolf Guard, Li Qingshan, Master Li!"

No matter what everyone thought in their hearts, they all said things like "long admiration" and "admiration".

"Your name is Li Qingshan?" A sharp voice sounded, Li Qingshan looked for the voice, and saw a scholar sitting on a scorpion, with loose hair and a wild attitude. He was also a third-level Qi cultivator, looking over with bad eyes.

Li Qingshan said: "Exactly, who is your Excellency?"

"This is Gongliangbai, who is called 'Crazy Sheng' by Jianghu people, and comes from Hanfeng Academy." Qian Yannian first introduced the two of them, and then Gongliangbai said, "Why, do you recognize Master Li."

In this world where magistrates are all powerful qi cultivators, places like academies are not only used for reading books. Like Buddhism and Taoism, practicing martial arts and cultivating qi is the meaning of the title.

Gongliangbai didn't even look at Qian Yannian, he just stared at Li Qingshan and said, "Do you recognize Wei Dandong?"

Li Qingshan said: "I don't know."

Gongliang said: "He knows you, if I guess right, you are from Qingyang City, right? My junior brother, I went there a few months ago. Treated once, but never came back."

Li Qingshan suddenly remembered that when he was in Qingyang City, the sick scholar who came to capture the spirit ginseng was the first first-class master who died in his hands in front of the Fengxueshan Temple. The other first-class masters were all middle-aged, only he was the second I'm in my teens, so I'm more impressed.

"Looks like I've seen each other a few times!"

Gongliangbai straightened up subconsciously: "Then what?"

Li Qingshan said: "Killed."


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