Chapter 35

Gongliang Bai suddenly stood up, widened his eyes, pointed at Li Qingshan, and was speechless for a while, as if he did not expect him to admit it so readily. very literary

Li Qingshan drank calmly, and said lightly: "You are also considered academies, and you are also reading sages' books, but you have cultivated such robbers who kill people and steal goods. You want me to help you clear the door, go back and reflect on it!"

He also didn't expect to meet enemies here. He wanted to come here not too far from Qingyang City, so as soon as he came out of the mountain, he ran into Qian Rongzhi, and the news of Lingshen attracted all the experts nearby. . There are hundreds of miles of Qi cultivators in this area. It's not too much to say. It's just a small circle. It's not surprising that they will appear in Ancient Wind City.

But that kind of thief scholar, if you kill it, you will kill it, so what do you do?

The guests talked a lot, "So there is such a grudge!" "This Eagle and Wolf Guard is so arrogant, killing people, and saying that it is cleaning the door for others." "Yeah, the second level of Qi refining dares to fight against them. You talk like that at the third level of anger!" "Be quiet, don't cause trouble."

Although they didn't understand the whole story at all, most people instinctively stood on the side of Hanfeng Academy. Confucianism and Legalism are logically one of the hundred schools of thought, and they are part of the power of the Great Xia Dynasty, but for most qi cultivators, a scholar is always more pleasing to the eye than a catcher.

As for Qian Rongzhi and Diao Fei, they are a little used to Li Qingshan's attitude. As long as this guy is reasonable, he has such a posture that no one is a bird. Facing Zhao Liangqing and Zhuo Zhibo, this is the case, not to mention. is a scholar.

An invisible infuriating qi burst out of the body, swaying Gongliangbai's robes, and the heavy long table in front of him overturned, and there was a chaotic sound of "ping ping ping pong pong".

"My junior brother, who is only one step away from breaking through the innate, was able to advance to the second level of Qi refining soon, all because of you!"

Li Qingshan was still sitting: "It's fortunate that I shot early. He is just a first-class expert, so he dares to deceive people like this. If he is promoted to Xiantian, that's not bad."

With a flash of white light, Gongliangbai pulled out the long sword from his waist and pointed at Li Qingshan from a distance: "Others are afraid of the harsh punishment of your Eagle Wolf Guard, but my Confucian disciples are not afraid!"

"It's not about whether you're afraid or not, it's about whether you're right or not. If I'm wrong, it's okay to kneel down, but you're still a scholar. You don't follow justice. Yet?"

"The anger is killing me!" Gong Liangbai couldn't argue, he stepped forward and slashed at Li Qingshan with a sword.

Diao Fei changed color and held down the Liaofeng Knife, and his figure changed from kneeling to half kneeling.

Li Qingshan's expression did not change, his body did not move, he lowered his head to taste the wine, and said indifferently: "You hurt me by a hair, see if the world [Zhitian] still has a place for you, can Hanfeng Academy protect you?"

The long sword stopped on top of Li Qingshan's head, trembling slightly, but he couldn't cut it down. Gongliangbai's expression changed as he looked at the swordsman Li Qingshan, this young man did not show the slightest imposing manner from beginning to end, but there was an unpleasant feeling in his actions. Dare to insult the spirit. .

Qian Yannian, the owner, let the situation develop and did not come out to stop it. It was after listening to Qian Rongzhi's words that he wanted to make Li Qingshan suffer a big loss at the hands of others, but he didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end. , I couldn't help but re-examine Li Qingshan, this young man who could kill Qian Rongming was indeed not an easy man.

It would be inappropriate not to show up at this time: "Both of you are my guests, what are you doing? If you have any grievances that cannot be resolved, you should give this old man a face."

Li Qingshan put down the wine glass, raised his head and said, "Do you want to understand? If you want to understand, get out, don't be ashamed here."

The sword of "Shu" slashed and cut off a corner of the case. Gongliangbai looked around, only to feel that everyone was looking at him, as if mocking him for not daring to hurt Li Qingshan, and strode out of the hall. .

Qian Yannian hurriedly ordered someone to chase him out, his eyes rolled, he had a plan in mind, and glanced at Li Qingshan, boy, you won't be arrogant for too long.

The banquet was reopened. The protagonist of this banquet was actually Qian Rongzhi, the eldest lady who won glory for the Qian family. Under her words and laughter, the atmosphere gradually returned to enthusiasm, as if nothing had happened.

Many young qi refiners had their eyes glued to her and their hearts moved.

Qian Rongzhi gave Li Qingshan and Diao Fei a wink by toasting, indicating that the plan went well. Then, when he looked back at Qian Yannian, the meaning in his eyes seemed to change again.

Li Qingshan just smiled slightly, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

On the tip of the moon, Li Qingshan and Diao Fei returned to their residence with the smell of alcohol all over their bodies.

Diao Fei said: "I mean, I'm arrogant enough, your kid is ten times more arrogant than me."

Li Qingshan said: "That's not arrogance, it's telling the truth, what's wrong with telling the truth?"

Diao Fei said: "Yes, yes, the Eagle and Wolf Guards didn't just let them come here." Thinking of the huge wealth he was about to get, his drunkenness seemed to deepen.

Li Qingshan said: "I have something to discuss with you."

Diao Fei suddenly discovered that Li Qingshan's eyes were clearer than the moonlight, and with a faint murderous aura, it seemed to show a red light.

It was said to be a discussion, but after Li Qingshan put his words down, he turned around and went back to his room to rest, leaving Diao Fei standing there dumbfounded.

This is not as planned!

Some people are breaking plans, and some people are concocting new ones.

"I have persuaded that Gong Liangbai to let him stay for a few more days and introduce you to him. Now there are so many people, so after the birthday banquet, we will do it, and then make the illusion that they will perish together, as long as we do this You have made great contributions to the Qian family." Qian Yannian said to Qian Rongzhi.

Qian Rongzhi said, "Rongzhi is willing to go through fire and water for the Qian family."


In the dead of night, Xiao An fiddled with a few qi pills in Li Qingshan's palm, raised his head, and seemed to say, "Is there so much left?"

Li Qingshan touched Xiao An's head: "Yeah, this is still for saving! But don't worry, there will be many soon, as many as a thousand!" He threw another Qi condensing pill into his mouth and began to practice. , he needs some time to stabilize his current cultivation.

The bright moon disappeared, rose again, and fell on the mountain city. The Qian House was full of lanterns, red and bright, as if a mountain fire had burned.

Guests gathered, and people of all colors came to celebrate the birthday. The seats were placed from inside the hall to the outside of the hall, from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and the voices of the people were filled to the sky, like a roaring river of fire flowing.

The entire Ancient Wind City was shocked!

In the main hall of the Qian Mansion, there are only a dozen tables, which are specially used to receive distinguished guests. The eldest grandson, Qian Xingwei, took the gift list and greeted the guests in person outside the door. A pair of spar."

"Hanfeng Academy Gong Liangbai, gave ten jade fragrant fruits."

Most of them were rare treasures that Li Qingshan had never heard of. When he and Diao Fei stood in front of Qian Xingwei, after thinking about it, they took out the last qi pill and put it in his palm.

Qian Xingwei was stunned, and only gave one Qi condensing pill?

Li Qingshan said: "Report!"

"Eagle Wolf Guard, Li Qingshan and Diao Fei, two adults, send... a congratulatory gift of condensing qi pill."

The guests were surprised to see who was so stingy, but they saw that Li Qingshan was looking forward to it, while Diao Fei lowered his head deeply. Others thought he was ashamed, but they didn't notice the complicated expression on his face. Cha's voice muttered.

"Send goose feathers for thousands of miles, and the gift is light!" An old man in gray with gray hair smiled and came up to smooth the field, exuding aura, which is the third layer of Qi refining.

Li Qingshan said, "Your Excellency is one of the two elders of the Qian family, what are you talking about? I've been looking forward to it for a long time!" Yannian's adopted son, welcomes the distinguished guests for Qian Yannian.

The grey clothed old man's eyes twitched, and he pressed down angrily: "Yes, sir, please!" Last night, Qian Yannian urgently summoned the core members of the Qian family to discuss a plan to deal with Li Qingshan. He had already learned about Qian Yannian's plan. After tonight, Li Qingshan is a dead person, of course, there is no need to be angry with the dead person.

Li Qingshan said: "I don't know where that old man is?" Then he saw another old man along the line of sight of the gray clothed old man, and said lightly to Diao Fei: "Brother Diao, why don't you go and get close?"

The gray-clothed old man felt a little strange, Li Qingshan could actually instruct a third-level Qi-refining Eagle Wolf Guard, and why would he want to get close? But he didn't have time to think about it, Li Qingshan took his hand, walked towards the mat, and asked, "Is it there?"

Leaving Diao Fei standing in the crowd of people, he looked around blankly, like a child who was at a loss. He glanced at Li Qingshan again, and finally moved his footsteps to another old man.

The voice in his mouth became louder, and a maid walked by his side, and strangely heard, the adult from the Eagle and Wolf Guard said: "It's too fucking arrogant!"

Qian Rongzhi stood beside Qian Yannian, feeling that something was wrong, and suddenly seemed to realize something, and her face suddenly changed color.

The gray-clothed old man sent Li Qingshan to his place, and found that Li Qingshan suddenly stopped talking, looked at him with a pair of dark and deep eyes, and said, "Are you trying to harm me?"

"You're really joking!" The gray-clothed old man smiled, but he couldn't laugh soon enough. He felt that Li Qingshan's hand holding his wrist became like iron tongs, and it was gradually tightening, and his face suddenly changed.

boom! boom! boom!

Three explosions resounded throughout the hall and Qianfu.

The air rushes in all directions, and the crowd splits in panic. In the open space, a dark man pointed at Diao Fei with difficulty, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, and his whole body exuded a scorched feeling. fragrance.

Qian Yannian said angrily, "What did you do?!"

Diao Fei just took advantage of the opportunity to chat, and stuck the three red fire talismans on the other of the "Second Elders of the Qian Family", and then he didn't look at anyone, not even the angry Qian Yannian, and crossed the crowd and looked not far Li Qingshan.

At the beginning, Diao Fei thought that within ten steps of Li Qingshan, even he would be in danger.

And how far is the distance between the old man in gray and Li Qingshan? half step?

At the beginning, Li Qingshan was only a first-level qi refiner, but now, he is a second-level.

Amidst the screams, Li Qingshan grabbed the neck of the gray-clothed old man with one hand and raised it high, with a murderous and arrogant smile on his face.

With a bang, Li Qingshan broke the neck of the gray-clothed old man and threw it to Qian Yannian.

"Two corpses are given away, the ceremony is light and affectionate, and I hope to accept it with a smile!"

ps: Li Qingshan will disintegrate all conspiracies and tricks in his own way, and he will not say anything. Today's third watch is just for everyone to watch happily. Where is the monthly pass!


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