Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 37 Don't mess with my things

Full text without ads Chapter 37 Don't mess with my stuff

"Xingwei!" Qian Yannian couldn't help but take a step forward when he heard the screams outside the hall. How could Li Qingshan let go of this flaw, the Liaofeng knife cut across Qian Yannian's waist.

The light of the knife was extremely fast and fierce, and Qian Yannian's expression changed. He never expected that a second-level qi cultivator could wield such a fierce knife.

In Qian Yannian's view, Li Qingshan's ability to kill the old man in gray, one of the second elders of the Qian family, was a shameful sneak attack, so he didn't take Li Qingshan in his eyes at all, and only regarded him as a bed bug that could be slapped to death at will.

The reason why he didn't immediately slap it, but he was still hesitating about the consequences of killing the Eagle Wolf Guard, thinking that there was no way to turn around.

But Li Qingshan clearly told Qian Yannian that now I am not asking if you want to kill me, but I want to kill you!

"Boy looking for death!" Qian Yannian shouted sharply, his left hand like a chicken claw, grabbed the blade, and choked the swift knife.

Looking carefully, there is only a small distance between the blade and the palm of the hand. Qian Yannian's infuriating qi and Li Qingshan's infuriating qi clashed fiercely within this small distance.

It was like two armies were fighting on a long front, one of them was an elite soldier, but it was no match for a hundred times as many enemies.

Li Qingshan's whole body was full of blood and veins, and he put all his strength on the knife, but he couldn't let the blade advance an inch.

Qian Yannian was also surprised. With his strength, he couldn't take this knife from Li Qingshan's hands. This kid's strength is simply amazing.

The indestructible Fengfeng Knife made a sour moan.

In the mind of a hundred turns, in fact, it was only a moment, the two reacted almost at the same time, Qian Yannian punched Li Qingshan's chest, Li Qingshan grabbed Qian Yannian's head, completely ignoring the punch, just now Fighting is a life-threatening posture.

Li Qingshan has no confidence in others, but he is full of confidence in his own defense. I have a lot of blood and high defense. It's nothing to be attacked by you with ten or eight strokes. If you hit me, I will die!

Qian Yannian felt that if he gave that claw a firm grip, his head would also be shattered. How could others fight for their lives with Li Qingshan, let go of the Liaofeng Dao, retreated violently, and threw seventeen or eight punches at the same time.

Li Qingshan was about to take the opportunity to gain the upper hand, when he saw seventeen or eight fists condensed from infuriating qi rushing towards his face, dancing the Liaofeng Knife into a sword light.

Protect yourself.

Bang bang bang bang, a series of banging sounds, strong winds overflowing, the huge table table was overturned to the ground, and the lights and candles in the room were extinguished together.

Li Qingshan stepped back, his feet plowed two deep marks on the marble tiles,

With a "click", he stepped through the tall threshold behind him, stabilized his body, and raised his eyebrows to look at Qian Yannian.

"You're a body refiner!" Qian Yannian exclaimed in surprise. If it was an ordinary second-level qi cultivator, his heart would have been shattered by infuriating qi just now, and he would even be torn apart on the spot, unless it was strengthened by body refining techniques. body.

Li Qingshan didn't feel any discomfort all over his body. Instead, he felt a sense of relaxation. He stared at Qian Yannian with bloodthirsty excitement in his eyes.

Qian Yannian looked at Li Qingshan, there was no contempt in his eyes, and he was a little more cautious, but it was only a little bit. He was just too careless just now, so he gave Li Qingshan a chance to swing a knife at him. It is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the fifth-level Qi refiner, this is the common sense that is clear.

"Do you really think you can kill me if you block the old man's tricks? Since you are looking for a dead end, the old man will do it for you, and then kill that bitch Qian Rongzhi."

Outside the hall, Qian Xingwei's screams became more and more shrill, but Qian Yannian had turned a deaf ear. Although he liked this eldest grandson very much, he had many descendants, and it didn't matter if one or two died.

When Qian Yannian was talking, Li Qingshan was not idle. He held the sword in both hands and held it high. The pure and extremely pure True Qi in his body flowed in the Yang Qiao vein and poured into the Liaofeng Sword along his arm, turning it into a sword. With a layer of bright light on his body, along with his waving arm, an extremely sharp wind blade pierced the air and slashed towards Qian Yannian.

Qian Yannian snorted coldly, took a deep breath, a golden light burst out from his nostrils, pierced through the wind blade, and flew towards Li Qingshan, pulling out a thin golden thread in the air.

Feijian? Isn't it only available at the sixth level of Qi refining?

Li Qingshan was a little surprised, but instantly realized that this should not be a flying sword, but some kind of spell, but it was much more powerful than ordinary spells. The information given by Qian Rongzhi, saying that Qian Yannian's strength is only at the fourth level, is simply false.

Qian Yannian, as a fifth-level qi cultivator, of course, it is impossible to practice, he can only cultivate to the third-level "Xiantian Qi Refining Technique", and the stronger practice "Geng Jin Sha Qi Jue".

And this trick is the "Geng Jin Qi Sword" in "Geng Jin Sha Qi Jue". The metal lungs condense the suffocating qi in it, the lungs open in the nose, and the qi sword emerges. The sword light pierced the air, causing a sharp whistle like a whistle. For ordinary people, just hearing this whistle would be a dead end.

Li Qingshan's knees were slightly bent, and he jumped up high, the sword energy brushed from the soles of his feet. Taking advantage of the fact that his sword qi could not be recovered, he leaped towards Qian Yannian and quickly drew closer to Qian Yannian.

Qian Yannian looked at Li Qingshan who was rushing up, and snorted again, his eyes were full of evil.

Suddenly, another qi sword emerged from his nostrils and stabbed at Li Qingshan in mid-air. At the same time, another qi sword turned around and stabbed at Li Qingshan's vest under his trend.

The lungs have two left and right, and the Gengjin Qi Sword also has two strands, one on the left and one on the right.

Li Qingshan hooked the beam with his right foot, a golden hook hung upside down, turned upside down, and avoided the staggered air swords. The next moment, the qi sword went up from the bottom and penetrated the beam, he suddenly leaned back, the qi sword brushed in front of him, and his eyebrows were bright.

Li Qingshan had been prepared for a long time, and the sword in his hand suddenly lit up, like an antelope hanging its horns, without a trace, slashed on the Qi sword.


The swords clashed, and the Liaofeng Sword actually broke out a tiny gap, but it also defeated the Qi Sword, but it was too late to be happy.

Li Qingshan flew upside down, chasing after him with the Qi Sword. In the spacious hall, he kept jumping and turning, avoiding the assassination of the Qi Sword by a tiny margin, as dexterous as a monkey. When there was a time when he couldn't dodge, he used the Liaofeng Knife to slash hard, slashed on the qi sword, and temporarily blocked it.

He found that although the qi sword is close to the flying sword, it is by no means as agile and fast as Zhou Wenbin's flying sword, otherwise it would be impossible to dodge with the physical body. The Qi Sword must be a sharp weapon no less than the Feijian.

Qian Yannian's face turned pale, and he groaned constantly. He manipulated the Gengjin Qi Sword more and more carefully to chase and kill Li Qingshan, but he was extremely cautious and left a Qi Sword around, not only worried about Li Qingshan's gold The assassination was because he was too old, and his mind was also declining. It was a bit reluctant to distract himself with two qi swords, but he believed that only one qi sword would be enough to kill Li Qingshan. Such an attack and a defense are even more invincible, with no flaws.

Li Qingshan was amazed in his heart. It turned out that the fifth-level Qi cultivator was so good. Although he didn't know the title of "Geng Jin Sha Qi Jue", he understood that these two qi swords, the natal spells in the exercises, were able to manipulate Ruyi like this. Comparatively speaking, "Innate Qi Refining Art", just like its name, can only refine Qi, and there is no decent spell.

When he killed Zhao Liangqing, a naked man, he directly crushed him with the absolute difference in strength, and he crushed him with one move, so he didn't realize the power of the fifth-level qi cultivator at all.

And now, although there is no one around, he is not in a hurry to transform. One move is easy for Qian Yannian, but let the whole world know that Zhao Liangqing was killed by him, so he still has to think of a foolproof plan, now When playing with this old man, hone his martial arts by the way, and realize the essence of the second level of qi refining in actual combat.

Qian Yannian thought he had the upper hand, but he never thought that Li Qingshan only regarded him as meat on the chopping block, thinking about how to use the knife properly, and had some entertainment before he slaughtered him.

Seeing that Li Qingshan could not be easily eliminated, he was afraid that Qian Rongzhi would escape, and he was worried that what Qian Rongzhi said was true, that Zhuo Zhibo was really on his way, he had to get out quickly, so he took out an exquisite treasure bag. .

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, and finally saw the biggest purpose of the trip, and then when he saw Qian Yannian took out a magic talisman and wanted to use it.

Li Qingshan shouted: "Stop the old thief!"

Qian Yannian laughed, "Are you finally afraid?"

Li Qingshan said coldly: "The things in your treasure bag, whether it's spiritual pills, spiritual stones or magic talismans, are my property. You'd better not use them indiscriminately, or you will die very quickly!"

Your stuff is mine! You don't mess with it! This is simply arrogant and arrogant to the extreme.

Qian Yannian was also extremely angry, and without hesitation, the magic talisman in his hand burst into a ball of light.


Hundreds of feet in front of the hall, there is a large platform and five stairs leading to all parts of the Qianfu, and there is only one road up the mountain, leading to the hall.

Tonight, because of the birthday banquet, everyone in the Qian family came out, and all their strengths were mobilized. Alarmed by the changes on the mountain, they gathered from all directions. Even many family members of the Qian family who did not know how to practice Qi and martial arts wanted it. Figure out what's going on.

Seeing a figure in the distance, standing in front of the platform, someone with sharp eyes shouted, "That's Qian Rongzhi!" "Kill her!"

Everyone in the Qian family heard what Li Qingshan said just now. Many people gritted their teeth with hatred for this big traitor of the Qian family, but when they got closer, they were all stunned.

Qian Rongzhi was covered in blood, but had a psychedelic happy smile on his face. At her feet, a blood gourd-like person was lying on the ground, still screaming and moaning constantly, while in her hand, she was holding a piece of object, which was drifting with the night wind.

ps: The third update is completed, huh, this is the first outbreak of "The Legend of the Great Sage". There are manuscripts in the front, which is not a problem, but the outbreak is really tiring, but it is very refreshing, and there is a feeling of working hard. , I have worked so hard, can the monthly pass be able to go up a bit? Please give me some support and motivation to make my writing more refreshing, and strive for a few more outbreaks this month.


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