Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 38 Bliss Purgatory

Chapter 38 Bliss Purgatory

"Ah!" A lot of timid people screamed and almost fell off the stairs. In the main hall at the back, roars were heard endlessly, and the magnificent hall trembled and swayed in the dark, as if it would collapse at any time.

Qian Rongzhi glanced back, and it seemed that Li Qingshan could support her for a while, giving her enough time to do what she wanted to do. She was really grateful to Li Qingshan.

Of course, it would be a big mistake to think that she had changed sex. In her mind, the best outcome of this battle is, of course, that Li Qingshan and Qian Yannian die together.

"Master, master, is that you!" A middle-aged woman heard the identity of the man on the ground from the hoarse scream, and scolded with a crying voice: "Qian Rongzhi, you bitch, crazy What's wrong with my master? You seduce him and kill him?"

"Did I seduce him?" Qian Rongzhi licked the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Did he say that he was going to peel my skin? I asked him if he did that, but he didn't say anything? You know what?" The blood gourd kicked off the platform and rolled down the stairs.

For example, to avoid the plague, the crowd separated on both sides, and when everyone's attention was attracted by the bloody human body, a wind blade penetrated into the crowd, and blood rose into the sky.

The woman who just spoke had a huge and tragic scar cut from her shoulders to her waist. She looked down in disbelief, how dare this little bitch attack her? This was her last thought, and she fell to the ground.

"It seems that you don't know either." Qian Rongzhi murmured.

Dark clouds cover the moon, and the sky is pitch black.

Thousands of Qian's family members gathered around the platform, and more and more, the swaying torches illuminated her blood-stained beautiful face, changing and twisting with the swaying firelight.

A richly dressed young man cried, "Father! Mother!" Then he looked at Qian Rongzhi with an extremely resentful expression: "Everyone join me, kill this crazy woman, and go to help Grandpa Zeng, the Qian family will definitely We will get through this crisis!"

After receiving the order, thousands of people came together to intimidate, and the momentum was enough to scare the guts of ordinary people. Many ants will kill the elephant, and there are times when the Qi refiners run out of infuriating energy, not to mention, there are more than a dozen first-level Qi refiners among them.

Qian Rongzhi fell to his death.

But she didn't have the slightest fear on her face, with a psychedelic smile, she lightly opened her red lips, and casually called a string of names: "Qian Ronghui, Qian Rongcheng..."

The person who was named by her,

There are big and small, male and female, the common point is that they are all Qi cultivators. They were not originally named Qian. They were adopted by the Qian family because they were qualified to practice Qi. Hearing this, he stopped.

"Isn't it enough for you to be oppressed by the Qian family? They see us as pigs and dogs, and are they going to die for them now? The Qian family is doomed, and all the Qian family will be executed by the Eagle Wolf Guards."

Qian Xingwei's son, the luxuriously dressed young man shouted: "Don't listen to her nonsense, Grandpa Zeng will soon settle everything, and all those who betray the Qian family must die!"

People with the blood of the Qian family joined in one after another, and everyone approached again, such as Lin's sword and gun, less than ten paces away from Qian Rongzhi, but afraid of Qian Rongzhi's force, they couldn't help but slow down.

And those who were named by Qian Rongzhi were unknowingly separated by everyone, and even cast vigilant eyes.

Qian Rongzhi said, "The old thief Qian Yannian is in the main hall at the back. If he could come out, he would have come out long ago. Now, if you don't think about yourself, it will be too late."

There was a constant roar in the main hall, obviously in the midst of a fierce battle, but Qian Yannian, the head of the Qian family who had ruled the Ancient Wind City for nearly a hundred years, was clearly facing a strong enemy.

If Qian Yannian was there, all the objections would no longer exist, but when Qian Yannian was not here, many people thought anxiously, is the Qian family really going to die?

Qian Ronghui, who was the first to name Fang, couldn't help but said, "What do you want?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "It's still too late to leave the Qian family, otherwise, under the nest, there will be no finished eggs!"

Qian Ronghui hesitated, and many people hesitated. The young man shouted, "Qian Ronghui, do you dare to betray my Qian family?"

Qian Rongzhi said in a demonic voice, "Did you see it? This is the attitude of the Qian family, or do you want to die under the sword of the Eagle Wolf Guard?"

Qian Ronghui took a last look, the main hall in the dark, and let out an angry roar: "Okay, I will quit the Qian family, and I will have nothing to do with the Qian family from now on." Turning around, he walked down the mountain, not planning to go into this muddy water again. , he didn't have the deep resentment Qian Rongzhi had towards the Qian family. With him in the lead, the others also showed their emotions and prepared to leave.

The Qian family members shouted for a while, many knives and guns were aimed at Qian Ronghui, Qian Ronghui shouted, "Get out of the way!"

"Did I say let you go?" Qian Rongzhi's cold voice made Qian Ronghui stop, and turned around and said angrily, "What else do you want!"

Qian Rongzhi said: "Let's go now, and wait for the world to be hunted down!" Then he said to everyone: "I know all of you, and no one wants to leave like this today. The heads of the Qian family can be exempted from guilt, otherwise it will be a dead end."

She was in deep danger, instead of begging for mercy, she threatened everyone viciously.

Everyone panicked for a while. The real Qian family was directly related to the blood, and there were still a few. Even they did not have the determination to live and die together with the Qian family. They were just tied to the Qian family's chariot and had to stand firm, let alone other people. .

She vaguely felt Li Qingshan's mood, and this feeling was really good.

The atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, and the air was filled with the smell of blood. On this hot summer night, under the firelight, a lot of sweat fell from many foreheads. Distinguish who is not your kin and who is a possible candidate.

In this century-old clan, the interpersonal relationships that are as dense as cobwebs are intertwined with countless resentments and hatreds.

In the darkness, the first knife that fell from nowhere, and the first scream sounded, as if igniting the fuse. The first smear of blood lighted up, as if a little spark fell on the wasteland, which quickly spread into a prairie fire.

Some people shouted, "Kill these traitors!"

His eyes were stained red with blood, and he didn't have time to tell whether he was an enemy or a relative.

A piece of talisman turned into thunder and flames and exploded in the crowd.

The sound of the spear piercing the body and the knife severing the broken bones was intertwined into a rejuvenating song. The Qian family's mansion turned into an Asura purgatory.

In the purgatory center, Qian Rongzhi laughed wildly, and great joy poured into her heart. All the memories were burning. She forgot the potential threat of Qian Yannian, and even forgot the difference between life and death. Heaven, this time is bliss, even if you die immediately, it doesn't matter.

There were also people who wanted to assassinate the traitor of the Qian family in anger, and there were even those who had red eyes and killed her.

But here, who can kill a second-tier qi cultivator, all of them died under Liaofeng Dao, turned into corpses, surrounded by her in a circle, gradually, no one dared to approach, this corpse besieged the city The small circle has become the only peaceful and pure land in this purgatory.

All the people in Ancient Wind City will never forget this night. They looked up in the city and watched the rich and powerful family that had dominated Ancient Wind City for a hundred years, collapsed in the fire, showing a complex expression of fear, amazement, and joy.

And most of those Qi Refiners who came down the mountain didn't leave, they also watched in the dark, watching the tragic scene in the firelight, they were extremely surprised and surprised. No one thought that things would turn out like this.

I thought that Li Qingshan's declaration was a joke of his own strength and his own death. And Qian Yannian will kill the three Eagle and Wolf Guards with thunder, and then flee with the core members of the family.

But the development of things was beyond their surprise. The Qian family is being destroyed! However, Qian Yannian remained in the main hall, and did not come out to stop all this, but seemed to be blocked by someone.

this is impossible! A third-tier qi cultivator and two second-tier qi cultivators, tied together, would not have enough money to kill them with one hand. Unless the Eagle and Wolf Guards still have secret hands, or that Zhuo Zhibo has quietly arrived at Ancient Wind City?

This is the most logical reasoning, and it also explains why Li Qingshan dares to be so arrogant. The Qi Refiners were fortunate that they did not stay on the mountain. In their eyes, the Eagle Wolf Guard was not a reasonable institution. Even more, no one would go up the mountain to rescue the Qian family.

When the flame burns out its fuel, it is time to go out. The fire of robbery uses people as fuel, and when people are almost dead, it gradually goes out.

In a very short period of time, more than 1,000 people were killed and wounded.

In the canopy of the tree that no one noticed, Xiao An's eyes flashed with blood and flames. From the beginning to the end, he had a panoramic view of all the tragic scenes, but he didn't show the color of surprise and fear like ordinary people. Thoughtful, if enlightened.

Tonight, Li Qingshan decided to do something, so he didn't take him with him, lest he would be trapped in the porcelain altar and could move freely. After all, he was not worried about Li Qingshan, no matter how strong Li Qingshan was, he took advantage of the night to come outside the main hall on the mountain, and then saw this scene, and then he couldn't take his eyes away. Li Qingshan's breath is very strong, and he doesn't need to worry at all.

"The Dao of Zhu Yan and Bai Bone" was originally created by the great master of Buddhism, and the essence of it all came from the Buddhist school, so he read many Buddhist scriptures to appreciate the true meaning of it.

But "Zhu Yan Bai Gu Dao" completely reverses the classics and reverses the meaning of the classics. The mystery and mystery in it, even if he is sure to be talented by Qingniu, he often finds it confusing and incomprehensible.

From Li Qingshan's point of view, he can easily devour flesh and blood, and his cultivation will grow rapidly, even without taking medicinal pills. However, only he himself understood the hardships involved. Hiding in the dark porcelain altar, he never felt bored for a moment, or even thought about being bored.

Today, when he saw this scene, he was enlightened.

Suddenly, a figure flew out of the main hall and landed heavily on the platform. His black wolf suit was badly damaged and he looked in a state of embarrassment. It was Li Qingshan.

.. Court

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