Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 39 The Death of Qian Yannian

Chapter 39 The Death of Qian Yannian

The talisman turned into a thunderbolt, instantly illuminating the dark lobby, but it couldn't hide the two red lights that suddenly lit up.

The blazing white lightning slapped the black iron-like skin, but left no trace.

Qian Yannian took a step back and looked at the huge monster like an iron tower in front of him, showing a look of panic: "Monster...monster!"

Although he didn't feel the slightest bit of demonic energy, that huge, like a substantial sense of oppression, was still tightly pressing on his chest, making his breathing a little sluggish.

There was chaos in his mind, how could the seemingly weak second-floor qi-refining boy have such a change, completely beyond his imagination.

Li Qingshan stretched his body, the sharp horns on his head almost touched the beam of the house, lowered his head and looked down at Qian Yannian, and said in a voice like gold and iron: "I told you to stop! Why don't you? Obedient? Huh?"

Qian Yannian let out a roar, and the two Gengjin Qi swords turned into two golden lights, stabbing Li Qingshan. The huge body seems to be difficult to dodge such an attack, and Li Qingshan has no intention of dodging at all.

Before the Gengjin Qi Sword could touch Li Qingshan's skin, it slammed into the shield in the form of a tortoise shell, was counterattacked by the demonic energy, and turned into powder, which could no longer be condensed.

Qian Yannian instinctively touched the treasure bag, which contained a life-saving talisman and an elixir that could be used to turn things around. The treasure bag was the second life of a Qi refiner.

An iron-pillar-like index finger popped out a sharp claws like a machete, causing a screeching sound, and stopped in front of Qian Yannian's forehead. He couldn't react.

If Li Qingshan wanted to kill him, the sharp claws had penetrated his head and took his life.

Qian Yannian shuddered and said, "I can give you anything you want, don't kill me!"

Li Qingshan picked up the treasure bag from Qian Yannian's hand, held it between his fingers, and twitched the toy-like little Liaofeng knife.

Qian Yannian's face had a complex expression of flattery, flattery, and fear, and then collapsed like a mask.

Li Qingshan's knife without hesitation pierced through Qian Yannian's chest. This was not a fatal injury to a fifth-level qi cultivator, but it was enough to make him lose most of his combat power, especially for a centenarian. to say.

Qian Yannian's eyes widened,

Open your mouth to say something.

Li Qingshan snapped his index finger, like a siege crossbow, shattering Qian Yannian's chin.

Then Li Qingshan pulled out the Liaofeng Saber, took a few steps back, his body gradually shrank, and finally returned to human form, and said to Qian Yannian, "Now, let's continue! Be careful, I'm going to kill you!"

Having been taken away from the treasure bag, lost two Gengjin Qi swords, and was stabbed in the chest again, Qian Yannian was like a beast whose minions had been pulled out and was seriously injured, with a meaningless roar from his mouth.

As if he knew that it was impossible to escape, Qian Yannian forcibly sealed the wound with infuriating energy, agitated all the infuriating energy in his body, and rushed towards Li Qingshan.

The people were still unknown, but the wind was blowing, and Qian Yannian's body showed a light golden luster.

Li Qingshan slashed with all his strength, Qian Yannian did not dodge or evade, his hands condensed pale golden air blades, and stabbed Li Qingshan under the ribs at the same time.

"Clang" sounded like gold and iron, and the Liaofeng Dao, which contained Li Qingshan's infuriating energy and great strength, would break through Qian Yannian's body-protecting Gengjin infuriating energy, leaving a bloodstain on his shoulder.

Li Qingshan also turned a blind eye, twisted the Liaofeng knife and slashed at Qian Yannian's neck again.

Qian Yannian's hand knife easily penetrated the black wolf suit that can resist the powerful crossbow and Li Qingshan's body protection infuriating, but could not penetrate Li Qingshan's tough skin of the Japanese demon cow hide.

A series of loud noises that were dense like showers, in the narrow space, the two did not retreat a step, did not blink, and attacked the opponent dozens of moves.

The mysterious wolf suit on Li Qingshan's body was already ragged and out of shape. Qian Yannian was also covered in blood, and the wounds on his chest continued to seep blood.

Qian Yannian's eyes were red, and he was like a mad tiger. In the end, regardless of his moves, he hugged Li Qingshan and slammed into the pillar.

Dong dong dong dong, five pillars collapsed in a row, the lobby swayed, and smoke and dust spread everywhere.

Li Qingshan was covered in dust and looked very embarrassed, but his eyes were always as tranquil as water. Of course, such a frantic attack could not hurt him, and such an earth-shattering combat effect was exactly what he wanted.

A five-level qi cultivator who knew he was going to die and was fighting for the beasts, his tenacity was beyond Li Qingshan's imagination, and even when he was seriously injured, he showed his amazing fighting power.

Li Qingshan found that with the strength of the second layer of qi refining alone, even if the body was strong, it was difficult to win.

Li Qingshan had little strength to fight back, and was finally punched in the chest. He did not control his body, and let his body fly a hundred feet away and landed heavily on the platform. , did not forget to say: "It's amazing!"

Of course, these actions are all purposeful. He wants to kill Qian Yannian in an open and honest manner, but he must not kill him with one move. , to hide his identity as a demon.

It can not only show weakness to potential enemies and paralyze their nerves, but also confuse other potential enemies, so that they will not be in a hurry to shoot at him, and give him more time to grow. This calculation is not a deep one.

But Li Qingshan hadn't had time to be proud of the play he directed, and he was stunned when he saw the surrounding scene clearly.

The thick smell of blood enveloped the entire platform, the wet and greasy blood dried and turned black, and thousands of corpses, men and women, adults and children, piled up the platform and the mountain road. Terrible sight.

There are countless hands and feet, countless twisted faces, and eyes wide open. Li Qingshan and Qian Yannian were doing a "life-and-death fight" in the hall. He had no time to pay attention to the shouting and killing outside the hall. Blood and death also felt a strong shock.

Who is it? What have you done?

The moon moved out of dark clouds, and the moonlight coated everything with a layer of silver frost, and the surroundings were silent as death. There was not a single sing of insects and frogs, as if the creatures in nature were also terrified and did not dare to disturb.

And the initiator of all this, Qian Rongzhi was carrying the water thorn, and sent the lucky survivors who were still moaning and breathing in the pile of corpses into hell one by one.

Qian Ronghui struggled to step back: "No, Rong Zhi, we have no hatred!" He was the first to be involved in the bloody frenzy, but with the strength of the peak of Qi refining, he still survived, but he was really The qi has been exhausted, and there are many injuries all over the body, and there is almost no strength.

Qian Rongzhi said, "On August 15th in the autumn four years ago, you called me a slut!" Fen Shui stabbed Qian Ronghui's head mercilessly.

Qian Yannian chased outside the hall, saw this scene, was immediately stopped, and regained his sanity. The Qian family, is this the end?

Qian Rongzhi turned his head and looked at Qian Yannian. There was no fear on his face, but he said happily, "Haha, grandpa, did you see it? Your grandsons are all dead!"

With a mad howl, Qian Yannian fell into a deeper madness, ignoring Li Qingshan, and pounced on Qian Rongzhi.

Li Qingshan clenched the Liaofeng Saber that was full of gaps, but didn't cut it out. This woman was ruthless, capricious, and repeatedly disadvantaged him. How could he save her again.

Looking at Qian Yannian, Qian Rongzhi took out three fire talismans and turned them into fireballs to hit Qian Yannian.

Bang bang bang, three explosions, the fire rose into the sky, and the air wave lifted the corpse.

But before Qian Rongzhi could be happy, she saw Qian Yannian dashed through the flames, all her sparse hair was roasted, and her body was covered with scorch marks, but she still rushed towards her with fireworks all over her body. .

There was a hint of fear on Qian Rongzhi's face, but she did not escape. She clenched the water thorn in her hand and pierced a blue light, stabbing at Qian Yannian.

Suddenly, a verdant ivy grew from the ground and wrapped around Qian Yannian like a snake. Gengjin qi burst out from his body, tearing off the ivy, but it was also blocked, and the blue light penetrated. On his chest, the wound that had been pierced by Li Qingshan, blood gurgled out and could no longer be stopped.

Qian Yannian took a few steps forward, and more ivy grew under his feet, entangling him around him. He was like a moth caught in a cobweb, struggling more and more weakly.

Diao Fei didn't know when he would come back. He held a spell on his chest with his right hand, and stared at Qian Yannian with all his attention. Those green ivy were the spells he cast.

Li Qingshan knew that what Diao Fei practiced was not "Xiantian Condensing Qi", this was probably the practice of Qingteng Mountain!

Qian Rongzhi didn't seem to have expected that this blow would have any effect, and her face was filled with crazy joy, but instead of rushing to make up the knife, she cautiously took a dozen steps back: "Grandpa, your wives, concubines and children are all Here, see? Right at your feet, oops, you kicked your concubine's head. But it doesn't matter, there are also those traitors who betrayed the Qian family, I also killed you, how about you? , I will repay the kindness of the Qian family!"

Qian Yannian roared, but in the fierce battle with Li Qingshan, he was already close to running out of fuel, and that pounce was his last remaining strength. Rong Zhi, as if to dig a piece of meat from her.

But Qian Rongzhi just said with a smile: "Remember that you promised me before that you would let me be the head of the Qian family. Of course, I know you lied to me. How could you let an outsider or a woman be in charge? Lord, but now, no one else can inherit the position of Patriarch, so I can only come."

She showed a distressed expression again: "But now there is no one in the Qian family, and the head of the family is no good in front of him. I'll give it back to you. The first and last head of the Qian family."

Every word of Qian Rongzhi was like a sword, piercing through Qian Yannian, causing him to tremble all over, but with his broken jaw, he couldn't utter a word. .

ps: I feel so weak today, but it just broke out once. As for it, it’s so weak, I still need to adjust my habits! However, these chapters were written quite happily. As expected, I was still very dark in my bones, and I really liked tragic revenge or something. Once again, I would like to thank everyone for the monthly votes cast yesterday, which made me refreshed and asked in a low voice, is there any wood left today? I assure everyone that after recovering from weakness, we will definitely break out!

.. Court

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