Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 294: The world has surrendered, go and write a book

This mansion contains more gold, silver, treasures, antiques, calligraphy and paintings than those in Pudu Temple. Unfortunately, it still failed to save the owner's life.

Li Qingshan put all the things on the back of the big turtle. The big turtle's legs were trembling and it couldn't support it. It simply lay on the ground and looked at Li Qingshan with pleading eyes.

Li Qingshan kicked him: "You bastard, get up, you can't even carry such a small thing, it's really useless!"

Yang Miaozhen couldn't bear it and advised: "Your Majesty, there are plenty of carriages and horses here, so don't force him."

"What do you know? I'm helping him practice. Although I don't know what kind of spiritual beast he is, there is a sense of carrying a burden in his blood and aura. These burdens are the best practice." Li Qingshan turned to the turtle again. He said: "If you don't want to get up, just lie here and wait for death. I don't want the things above."

The big turtle roared, stood up slowly, and moved forward step by step, walking very hard.

Li Qingshan jumped onto the turtle's back again, and the turtle stopped again, unable to bear it anymore, but Li Qingshan's words suddenly rang in his mind.

Li Qingshan taught him some luck techniques in the "Linggui Zhenhai Jue". The monster aura condensed all over the turtle's body, and his steps suddenly became steady, and he nodded gratefully to Li Qingshan.

A team of carriages and horses followed the big turtle, forming a long procession.

Hu Xianer stood motionless, holding a human head in his hand. Hu Ling'er stayed with her silently.

Zhang Xuanfeng whispered: "Your Majesty, aren't you waiting for her?" Of course it would be best to leave this vixen behind.

"Time waits for no one! Don't worry, she will catch up. Don't look at me like that. I am also a heartless person. I don't know who dares to take this good man's head!"

Li Qingshan's laughter was loud and loud, spreading in all directions.

So what if I have to bear all the burdens in the world? It’s hard to bear regrets. As a man, you should bear the burden and move forward!

When Yang Miaozhen and Zhang Xuanfeng listened, they both felt their minds were clear, and their hearts felt indescribably relaxed and bright.

Hu Xianer's delicate body trembled, and she let go of the head in her hand, kicked it away, and landed in the stream with a pop, drifting away with the waves. Pulling Hu Ling'er up to follow the team, he jumped on the turtle's back and threw himself into Li Qingshan's arms.

They went all the way north until they reached the foot of Pegasus City. Everyone in the city knew that the Xia King was back and lined the streets to welcome him.

Others haven’t arrived yet,

What he did has been spread all over the world, and the northern territory has been stabilized.

Arriving at Tianxiahui, Gu Yanying was dressed in white, holding a folding fan, and stood under the door with a smile: "Congratulations, your cultivation has recovered a little. It seems that you have gained a lot. These three are the legendary Tianxia Top ten beauties!

Hu Xian'er couldn't explain it. She felt that she was already the most beautiful woman in the world. Even Yang Miaozhen and Zhang Xuanfeng, two of the top ten beauties, were a bit girly compared to her. But when she saw this legendary leader of the world, she felt that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. But he suddenly felt a sense of shame. It was the difference in grace and charm, the difference between a wild fox and a condor.

"It turns out that she is really the most beautiful woman in the world. He must really like her!"

"Where is your mask?" Li Qingshan asked.

"It's no longer needed."

Gu Yanying said that with the establishment of the Asura army, the power she controls no longer needs to worry about minor problems caused by appearance.

Li Qingshan ordered people to unload the things on the turtle's back. Gu Yanying's eyes lit up: "Okay, I'm short of money!" The construction of the northern border requires investment everywhere.

"Why have you suddenly become obsessed with money? This is not what Kunpeng should have."

Li Qingshan smiled and said that he had been short of money for more than ten years. She probably didn't know what money was from the day she gave birth. It's really funny that she has become so concerned now. It was like a princess of a country suddenly starting to work in the fields.

"You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, and you are happy to be a shopkeeper, but you don't know many things in it. Even a penny can stump a heroic man. That's all. You don't understand even if I tell you."

Gu Yanying waved her hand. She was sharpening her will in her own way. Although Kunpeng's heart was extremely high and far-reaching, if she tried to imitate it reluctantly, she would only be able to put herself on a high pedestal, making it impossible to paint a tiger like a dog. It's better to calm down and do things down-to-earth. And judging from the feedback she received from Kunpeng Zhiyu, her choice was also correct. Before Kun turned into Peng, he also floated and sank in the sea.

After a while, all the leaders of the Tianxiahui were summoned to the meeting hall. Xue Hanfeng, Monk Fuku, Tiexiong and others were among them. Coupled with the original team of Shenjian Villa and the warriors from all over the country who came to serve, it can be said that there are a cloud of masters and a gathering of heroes.

Even if we use traditional methods to evaluate it, Tianxiahui is already the largest gang in the world, far better than any sect and family, and can unify the martial arts world.

Li Qingshan's change surprised everyone, but they all quickly accepted it. After all, they were standing here not because of his appearance, but they paid homage together: "Greetings to the prince!"

Only Xue Bing's eyes were full of resentment. When Li Qingshan looked back, she lowered her head again and quickly reflected on herself: "We have known each other for less than a month, and we have been together for less than a day. At most, it is just a one-time relationship. Why is this? But he said he wanted to gather the top ten beauties in the world, and it turned out he was serious. Then I am one of them, what a hateful man! But this look is really good-looking."

Lei Lie stepped forward and spoke: "Your Majesty broke the martial arts alliance in the middle territory and conquered the Snow Mountain Sect and Pudu Temple. Now no aristocratic sect dares to be an enemy of our Tianxiahui. Why don't we just send our troops south and dominate the world! "

Gu Yanying asked: "What do you think?"

Among the people with the highest cultivation status in the hall, the guardians on the left and right are all obsessed with swordsmanship and have nothing to do with it. Xue Hanfeng was originally worried that the disciples of the Xueshan Sect would become victims of the war in the world, but now it seems that Li Qingshan can do it with one sword. After choosing the remaining three families and five sects, there was nothing to worry about, so I said nothing.

"Amitabha, this poor monk thinks otherwise. Now that the northern territory has not yet stabilized, a rash southward expedition will only cause chaos in the world and cause countless casualties. It is not in line with the chivalry of the prince."

"Bald Donkey, I see that you are in the Tianxia Association, but your heart is with the Wulin Alliance. As the saying goes, long nights and many dreams are troublesome if you raise tigers. If you give the Wulin Alliance a chance to breathe, I don't know what trouble will happen."

Lei Lie said coldly that the death of the Seven Killers was inseparable from Pudu Temple, otherwise the "demon star" would not have sunk into the bitter lake.

"Shut up!" Li Qingshan slapped the table and cursed: "You brat, you are quite good at talking now. This is a place for talking about things. If you want to take personal revenge, just change a place to duel with the Master of Fuku Hall, no matter what they can do. If I can’t help you, I’ll just show off my power here!”

"A duel is a duel, how can I be afraid of him!" Lei Lie's face turned red.

"Private fights are not allowed in the Tianxia Association. Hall Master Lei, if you insult Hall Master Fuku, wait until you get down to receive the stick and punish you fifty times." Gu Yanying said.

"Yes, guild leader." Lei Lie lowered his head and accepted the order, his anger disappearing without a trace. Even a blind man could see his strangeness. Even though he knew it was hopeless, he couldn't resist her order.

Xue Hanfeng had also noticed the strangeness of his daughter a long time ago, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this man and woman are both peerless. Who can escape their charm, and who can resist their power?

"Master Fu Ku Hall's words are reasonable. Even if you can dominate the world with force, it will inevitably lead to mass killings, which will make many people disappointed in the world and even doubt the chivalry of the King of Chivalry. Only by doing something in the north, Only in this way can we break the rumor that 'the demon star will come to the world and the world will be in chaos'. I hereby swear that if the people of the world are unwilling to surrender, the world will never take it by force!"

"The guild leader is wise, and the poor monk admires him! To be honest, the poor monk once believed such rumors. It was not until he saw the prince's chivalry and the guild leader's mind that he realized his own shallowness. I am willing to do my best and give this world a better life. A clear universe will make all living beings equal, and good and evil will be rewarded!"

Monk Fu Ku had a sacred look on his face, and Li Qingshan felt a little strange in his heart. His chivalrous way included both justice and selfishness, but he was not as serious as this monk. I don't know if he is still affected by the spiritual imprint, but it is obvious that Gu Yanying's decision has increased his loyalty.

Li Qingshan also fully agreed with Gu Yanying's words. Domination is always the fastest method, but it is also the most unstable. In this world, this instability will be magnified to the extreme.

Unifying the world is easy, but the key is what happens after unification?

It is conceivable that, driven by God's will, resistance forces will emerge one after another in various places. If suppressed by force, it will only lead to more hatred and hostility, and finally turn into tyranny.

As the saying goes, "To accept the country's filth is to be called the master of the country; to accept the country's misfortune is to be the king of the world!"

A certain big country in the past life was already a paradise-like existence in the eyes of other people, and its citizens were full of complaints.

For them, this world is like a huge bait. Once they swallow it forcefully, it will be hooked into their throats.

Instead of doing this, it is better to keep the Wulin Alliance. It is better to leave the enemy outside than at home. In the end, even if tigers are really infested, even if the enemy steps on dog shit every step of the way, it can still be solved with a knife.

The two of them agreed, and naturally others could not object. When everyone dispersed, Li Qingshan grabbed Xue Bing's hand: "You have indeed practiced the technique I gave you, and it seems that you agreed obediently. Look at me now How does this look?"

"My lord, please respect yourself!" Xue Bing's face turned red and he looked at Xue Hanfeng for help.

Xue Hanfeng smiled bitterly, "Daughter, daughter, if you are determined to resist, my father will draw his sword and fight now. No matter how powerful Li Qingshan is, we will die together at worst, but you look like this, I don't know what to do!"

But he couldn't just stand here and watch, so he also said: "My lord, please respect yourself!" Then he stepped up and left!

Daughter, oh daughter, for the sake of the Snow Mountain Sect, you should suffer some "grievances"!


Gu Yanying scolded: "Li Qingshan, you have been out playing for so long, why don't you go write a book!" r1152

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